Burgh Island Hotel (2017)

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TIDES Know this: the tide is not a creature of habit, nor does she keep regular hours. Instead the tide ‘meets’ and ‘parts’ at the whims of the moon, the convergent currents, the height of the beach, albeit on an approximate sixhour cycle. When booking, you will be told the times when you can arrive for guaranteed access by 4x4. Remember, it’s not just you; we have brought everything in the hotel over the beach.

1970 Speedo is the first company to produce swimwear made of nylon/elastane

1970 With the end of the swinging ’60s, George Goss gave up on mystery and adventure and sold the island to Tom and Sue Waugh. The Waughs capitalized on the self-catering angle and the island became a family-friendly mini-Pontins.

1978 ‘The Black and White Minstrel Show’ is pulled from the BBC 1981 ‘Brideshead Revisited’ is screened on ITV

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