Scott, joan género e historia(1)

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Virginia Woolf, Un cuarto propio, Colof6n, Mexico, 2004. Traducci6n de Jorge Luis

Borges. 2

Las revistas academicas estadunidenses son Signs, Feminist Studies, The Womens

Studies Quarterly y Women and History. En Francia Penelope publicaba trabajos uni­ versitarios sobre Ia historia de las mujeres hasta 1 983. En Gran Bretafta los estudios hist6ricos se publicaron en Ia Feminist Review y Ia History Workshop es ahora una revista de historias feministas y socialistas. RDFIDRF (Resources for Feminist Research! Documentation sur [a recherche {eministe) es Ia revista canadiense. 3 La mas importante de elias es Ia Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, cuyo septimo encuentro tuvo Iugar en junio de 1 987. 4

Se presenta una vision general de estos trabajos en Alice Amsden (comp.), The

Economics of Women and Work, Penguin Books, Londres, 1 980. Para otras interpreta­ ciones especificas acerca de Ia relaci6n entre el desarrollo econ6mico y el trabajo de las mujeres, vease Patricia Branca, Women in Europe Since 1 750, Croom Helm, Lon­ dres, 1 978; Joan W. Scott y Louise A. Tilly, Women, Work and Family, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Nueva York, 1 978; Methuen, 1 987; Eric Richards, "Women in the Bristish Economy since about 1 700: An interpretation", History ( 1 974) , num. 59, pp. 337-357; Nel Mckendrick, "Home Demand and Economic Growth: A New Vieu of the Role of Women and Children in the Industrial Revolution", en Neil Mckendrick (comp.), Historical Perspectives, Studies in English Thought and Society in Honour ofJ. H. Plumb, Europa, Londres, 1 974; Ann Oakley, Womens Work: The Housewife Past and Present, Pantheon, Nueva York, 1 974. Sobre las mujeres trabajadoras en America, vease Gerda Lerner, "The Lady and the Mill Girl: Changes in the Status of Women in the Age of Jackson", en el libro de Ia misma autora The Majority Finds Its Past, Oxford University Press, Nueva York, 1 979; Barbara Mayer Wertheimer, We Were There: The Story of Working Women in America , Pantheon, Nueva York, 1 977; Alice Kessler­ Harris, Out to Work: A History of Wage-Earning Women in the United States, Oxford University Press, Nueva York, 1 882; los ensayos recopilados en Milton Cantor y Bruce Laurie (comps.), Class, Sex and the Women Worker, Greenwood Press, Westport, Conn., 1 977; y Ruth Milkman, Gender at Work University of Illinois Press, Urbana, 1 987. Sobre las primeras fabricas textiles en los Estados Unidos, vease Thomas Dublin, Women at Work: The Transformation of Work and Community in Lowell, Massachussets, 1826-1860, Columbia University Press, Nueva York, 1 979. Acerca del servicio domestico, vease David Katzman, Seven Days a Week: Women and Domes­ tic Service in industrializing America, Oxford University Press, Nueva York, 1 978;

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