Atopic Skin Disease - A Manual For Practitioners

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LIVE WITHOUT ECZEMA The Handbook for Adults and Older Children* Part 1 Introduction This approach to the treatment of atopic skin disease is complementary rather than alternative to conventional treatment. Existing treatment principles are added to, creating a programme that is very effec足 tive. An important aspect of the programme is behaviour modification to eliminate the damage caused to skin by scratching. Also emphasised is the relevance of attitude and circumstance. Chronic eczema causes months and years of misery. Let's replace all that with only the days of inconvenience needed for the effective treatment of acute relapses.

Atopy Having 'atopy' means being born prone to develop eczema, hay fever and asthma. Hay fever and asthma are allergic conditions, like the rhinitis that is caused in summer by a high pollen count. Eczema is much more to do with dry skin. *Not for photocopying. Further copies of this handbook can be obtained from the Publisher.


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