February 16, 2014

Page 6

God Cleanses Us Prayer of Confession Make confession to God the Lord, and let everyone acknowledge with me their sins against God and their neighbor. Father in heaven, in your word you tell us our sins are forgiven, you are now our Father, we are strong in you, and we have overcome the evil one. Forgive us for the times when we have lived as if our sins were not forgiven, you were not our Father, we had no resources in you, and we had not overcome the evil one. Transform us into a congregation that walks, faithfully, and confidently in your love.

O Lord of Light

Silent Confession q = 90

Hymn of Praise

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1. O 2. In 3. To

O Lord of Light

Lord of light, who made the stars low - li - ness you came on earth God the Fa - ther and the Son


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Christ redeemer won - drous love that geth - er with the




of us all healed our wounds spir - it be

œ œ œ

O Dawn by whom we see the To res - cue us from Sa- tan's For a of e - ter - nal ges



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Make haste to By tak - ing All glo - ry,

œ œ œ œ

listen as we up our mor - tal hon - or, might and


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way snares days

O O To -

pray cares praise

Words: Folliott S. Pierpoint Music: Conrad Kocher


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