Sydney Chinese New Year Festival 2018

Page 16

Famous Dogs of Sydney

City Dining Reviews 美味推荐


Time Out’s critics recommend these Asian restaurants as great places to dine over the Lunar New Year – and anytime

In the Year of the Dog, why not get acquainted with some of Sydney’s most conspicuous canines?

Time Out推荐这些亚洲餐厅,感受农历新年气氛,随时前往品尝地道美食

Islay 艾莱 Outside the southern end of the Queen Victoria Building are two bronze statues, one of the royal lady and the other of her beloved Skye terrier, Islay. The dog statue was modelled on an 1842 sketch by the Queen herself. QVB南门外女王铜像身侧是她的爱犬艾莱, 艾莱雕像按女王1842年手绘的形象设计。 Queen Victoria Building, 455 George St, Sydney 2000. Bailey 贝利 Bailey Haggarty is a three-year-old border collie who lives and works at the Maritime Museum. Bailey came to the museum as a rescue; now his main job is to chase the seagulls away. 贝利是3岁的边境牧羊犬,现任海事博物 馆海鸥助理主任,主要工作是驱赶鸟儿。 Australian National Maritime Museum, 2 Murray St, Sydney 2000.


City Dining Reviews 美味推荐 #cnysyd



Guardian Dogs 看护犬雕塑 The Guardian Dogs are a trio of statues perched on poster bollards at Newtown Square, St Peters Station and Enmore Road, created by local artist Richard Byrnes in 2005. 分别位于新镇广场,圣彼特火车站和恩 摩尔路上的三只看护犬雕像为一组,由 本地艺术家理查德.拜恩于2005年创造。 Penelope 佩内洛普 An award-winning 1935 portrait of Suzanne Crookston by Arthur Murch hangs in the AGNSW’s permanent collection. The work shows her sitting with her Manchester terrier, Penelope, about whom there is scandalously little written. 在新州画廊永久收藏的获奖画Suzanne Crookston由阿瑟.莫奇绘于1935年。画 中女孩倚着她的爱犬佩内洛普。 Art Gallery of NSW, 1 Art Gallery Rd, The Domain 2000.

Chefs carve up suckling pig

BBQ King

BBQ King 得记烧腊 Order the signature Peking duck, which costs a lucky $88 for two courses. The restaurant rings out with the sound of cleavers hitting wooden boards as chefs carve up suckling pig, char siu pork and soy sauce chicken. 来得记烧腊必点88澳元两道菜的北京烤鸭。店内响彻厨 师在烧案切着乳猪、烧肉和酱油鸡的声响,热闹喜气扑面 而来。 76-78 Liverpool St, Sydney 2000. 02 9267 2433.



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