City of Eudora Comprehensive Plan 2020

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4 | Service Element  Neighborhood Park – Neighborhood Parks can range in size from 1 to 15 acres and serve up to a ½ mile service area. Neighborhood Parks are where recreational activities such as baseball and soccer can take plan and are typically located near public schools or other public facilities. Neighborhood Parks can be created through the dedication of open space through a master planned development. Neighborhood Park locations are not illustrated in Figure 4-1.

Future Trail Facilities In the Lawrence-Douglas County MPO Transportation 2040 Plan recommendations were provided for pedestrian and bicycle network connections in Eudora. Many of the recommended routes align with Eudora’s 2012 Parks and Recreation Master Plan. The MPO plan provided guidance on the specific facility type that could be constructed to provide bicycle accommodation. The recommendations from both plans have been merged into one network as displayed in Figure 4-1. In total, there are three facility types that could be used to complete the planned trail network, including multi-use paths, bike lanes, and sharrow facilities. The descriptions of each trail facility type are provided below. Figure 3-2 in the Mobility Chapter illustrates the different facility types and the level of protection each facility type provides to bicyclists.  Multi-Use Path – A multi-use path is an off-street bicycle and pedestrian facility that is physically separated from motor vehicle traffic. Minimum width of multi-use paths are 8 feet wide, with preferential width of 10 feet. Typically, these paths are in an independent right-of-way such as in a park, stream valley greenway, along a utility corridor, or an abandoned railroad corridor. A multi-use path located adjacent to a street is recognized as a side path.  Bike Lane – A bike lane is a pavement marking that designates a portion of a street for the preferential or exclusive use of bicycles, noted with pavement markings and may also be marked with signage. Bike lanes can be buffered, protected, and/or colored.  Sharrow / Share the Road – Shared lane markings (sharrows) are used on streets where bicyclists and vehicles share the travel lanes. The sharrow helps position bicyclists and provides a visual cue to motorists.

The implementation of the trail facilities should be closely coordinated with the Mobility Element of the Comprehensive Plan Update. Depending on the type and location of the trail facility the implementation of projects may be completed by the Parks and Recreation Department or by the Public Works Department. Coordination between the two departments will be essential in implementing a successful trail system.



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