Cinesprint Magazine November 2018

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Star Gazing ARIES During the first week the new moon will trigger the sector for finances and partnerships. New moon indicates new beginnings, so you will have new financial commitments. You may get financial aid from someone or you may try to help someone. There will be a focus on partnerships from the personal and professional domain. You have to be careful in these relationships.

TAURUS During the 1st week, there will be a powerful new moon rising in the sector for personal and professional relationships. This is a good time for new relationships. New moon indicates new relationships, so you may find new opportunities to create new relationships from the personal and professional domain. There can be new developments in the existing relationships as well. On 16th, Venus, the planet of love, money, and luxury will be turning direct after 41 days of retrogression.

GEMINI You are getting into a very active month. The sector for work, colleagues, liabilities, and health is already triggered and this month will add more spice to these matters. New events at work may come up. It can happen as a new colleague, a new project or a new workplace. You may have serious discussions regarding existing as well future projects. Your colleagues may have new ideas. You may try to improve your health. 146


CANCER During this month, you may be very much focused on the sector for creativity, children and speculative ventures. You may try to start new projects. Creative projects can also come up. This is a very crucial time for those who work with own ventures and skills. You may take up a new hobby. This is a time to spend more with children and their nourishment. You may try to renew your romance as well. According to western astrology, Jupiter will be moving into the sector for work, health, colleagues, and liabilities.

LEO There will be a lot of changes in the family and home sector. There may be new beginnings. It can be like moving to a new house. Getting a new member at home. You may have family functions. Problem-solving session at home also can come up. This is a good time to renovate your house. You may try to add more comfort to your living space. This may be a new phase for your family life as well.

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