CHRISTUS Spohn Foundation 2018 Annual Report

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Our Path Forward 2018 Annual Report

Our Mission Why we exist To extend the healing ministry of Jesus Christ.

Our Core Values What we believe in Dignity: Respect for the worth of every person, recognition and commitment to the value of diverse individuals and perspectives, and special concern for the poor and underserved. Integrity: Honesty, justice, and consistency in all relationships. Excellence: High standards of service and performance. Compassion: Service in a spirit of empathy, love, and concern. Stewardship: Wise and just use of talents and resources in a collaborative manner.

Our Vision What we are striving to do CHRISTUS Health, a Catholic health ministry, will be a leader, a partner and an advocate in the creation of innovative health and wellness solutions that improve the lives of individuals and communities so that all my experience God’s healing presence and love.

Chairman’s Letter As it does every year, our 2018 Annual Report gives us the opportunity to reflect on the ways we are fulfilling our mission of extending the healing ministry of Jesus Christ. I continue to be humbled by the support and commitment of the donors and volunteers who make up the CHRISTUS Spohn Health System Foundation family. You, our donors, see the opportunity to make a difference and then act on it. With your gifts, you are choosing to make a difference in the lives of others. By investing in our hospital, you are collectively moving health care forward for South Texas in a very impactful way. Every dollar given to the CHRISTUS Spohn Foundation goes directly to the project you support and comes with a promise like no other...the promise to continue to provide excellent health care for generations to come. On the pages of this report you will see the names of individuals, businesses and foundations that helped support CHRISTUS Spohn’s healing ministry in 2018. Their renewed support, and yours, demonstrates trust in CHRISTUS Spohn’s commitment to our patients and to our vision to transform the community hospital experience. I am grateful for your ongoing partnership with us as we continue to ensure access to high-quality care for all residents of South Texas. This year’s successes would not have been possible without you. On behalf of CHRISTUS Spohn Health System Foundation’s Board of Directors and the Foundation Team, thank you.

Leslie McClanahan Chairperson, CHRISTUS Spohn Health System Foundation Board


From The Foundation More than a century ago Dr. Arthur E. Spohn committed to creating a hospital for South Texas. The Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word of San Antonio worked with him and created and administered Spohn Sanitarium. Their vision was made possible through the financial support of the King, Kleberg and Kenedy families, as well as others the Sisters asked to financially support the hospital. Today many of those family members still directly or through their family foundations continue to be committed supporters of CHRISTUS Spohn Health System, which now serves Kingsville, Alice, and Beeville as well as Nueces and other surrounding counties. They are joined by thousands of you each year who make it possible for CHRISTUS Spohn to continue its mission to extend the healing ministry of Jesus Christ. You, our donors, make possible the needed programs, advanced technology, exceptional facilities and passionately dedicated and expertly trained physicians, clinicians and Associates. As you read through our 2018 Annual Report please note that each person named—and this means you

also—has made 2018 another remarkable year for transforming health care delivery in the communities we serve. All of you make it possible for CHRISTUS Spohn to fulfill its mission. The Foundation board members agreed to conduct the Our PATH Forward Campaign (People and Actions Transforming Healthcare) because they saw an immediate need in our community. The facilities were old and expensive to operate and could not be upgraded to what is needed now for advanced technology and the most efficient services. The Board also wanted to ensure patients could get the best health care possible close to home while remaining aligned to our Catholic values; so they committed to raising funds to provide this gift to the Coastal Bend. Thanks to the Foundation Board and all of you, our generous donors, both the Dr. Hector P. Garcia Memorial Family Health Center and the new Shoreline Tower are open and serving South Texans. This campaign is the Foundation Board’s legacy to our community. It is also your legacy. Thank you for blessing the CHRISTUS Spohn region with your gifts and your prayers, Karen Bonner Vice President of Philanthropy


Dr. and Mrs. Hugh A . Kennedy Foundation

A Commitment to Helping Others Dr. and Mrs. Hugh A. Kennedy were dedicated community members involved with CHRISTUS Spohn throughout most of their lives. In 1946, Dr. Kennedy established his private general practice in Corpus Christi where he delivered babies, set broken bones, performed surgeries, and treated general illnesses. Seven years later, he served as Chief of Staff at Memorial Medical Center, known today as CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital Corpus Christi – Memorial. He then served as President of the Nueces County Medical Society in 1954. At Dr. Kennedy’s death in 2000, he left a will establishing a foundation named after him and his wife. “Dr. Kennedy was a man who was truly committed to the Catholic faith, to medical care, and to CHRISTUS Spohn,” said Martin C. Davis, President of the Dr. and Mrs. Hugh A. Kennedy Foundation. “His focus was to improve health care in the Nueces County area and Spohn has been a primary contributor to that. When it came time to recommend his Foundation’s recipients, it was no surprise Dr. Kennedy suggested that Spohn be the primary recipient of his foundation.” Mr. Davis recalls, “Dr. Kennedy loved medicine, he loved treating people, and he loved the Catholic faith and education. Accordingly, we have tried to do everything we can to honor his legacy.” Dr. Kennedy’s legacy will continue at Spohn with the Kennedy Foundation’s one million dollar gift toward the Clinical Simulation Education Center at CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital Corpus Christi – Shoreline. Clinicians and residents all benefit from the simulation laboratory where they are given the opportunity to observe advanced procedures and practice performing them

in a robotic simulation lab. “When Dr. Kennedy was here, Spohn was the leading health care provider in Nueces County and he wanted Spohn to continue to be an excellent health care choice long after he was gone. Because Spohn has attracted so many high-quality physicians, has developed an incredibly good Family Medicine Residency program, and the fact that Dr. Kennedy was a family practitioner, the Foundation’s decision of designating its gift to the simulation laboratory was easy. I think he would be extremely excited about the quality of the young physicians who have been in Spohn’s residency programs and who have stayed in the Corpus Christi area. That is a huge factor that has improved the health care in this region.” “If Dr. Kennedy were here today, he would be very happy with everything that Spohn has done to provide for the community. Spohn’s actions in attracting highly-qualified residents and physicians and expanding the Emergency Medicine and Family Practice Residency programs would blow both Dr. and Mrs. Kennedy away.” All of us at CHRISTUS Spohn are grateful for the support of the Dr. and Mrs. Hugh A. Kennedy Foundation and the members of their board of directors. Pictured above are Craig Ansel, Martin C. Davis, Patty Williams and Barbara Little (board member Karen Bonner is not pictured). The Clinical Simulation Education Center will help ensure that our residents, nurses and Allied Health Associates improve their skills and competencies raising our institution and its services to new levels of excellence for the benefit of all our patients.


CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital Corpus Christi- Shoreline New North Tower

Now Open

On June 3, 2019, the new North Patient Tower at CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital Corpus Christi - Shoreline opened to serve patients in the Coastal Bend area. The new North Tower features the latest in ultramodern health care technology and a vastly expanded home for the region’s only Level II Trauma Center, which serves a 12 county area and that allows for an excellent patient and family experience, along with the best care delivery. From the waiting area to the patient rooms, every detail was dedicated to the comfort and care of the patients and their families. “The construction was integral, but it was input from all the doctors and nurses and staff that guided the team to the construction of what you see now. We wanted this building to feel like nothing that they have ever experienced. The North Tower’s bright and open atmosphere is welcoming and puts people at ease,” said Andrew Gilbert, CBRE Project Manager. Before the opening of the North Tower, the Foundation hosted a Grand Opening for Foundation Board Members and donors, complete with staff guided tours.


“We were proud to showcase this new state-ofthe-art facility,” said Karen Bonner, Vice President for Philanthropy. “Foundation donors are important to the success of the health care system, and they appreciated seeing the new tower up close before it opened.” Karen Urban, Foundation Board Member, said, “I think that this new medical center is absolutely one of the best things that’s happened to Corpus Christi in a very long time. Our new medical center is going to make us the premier hospital providing quality care to every single patient who comes through our doors.”

they will have a complete care experience, whether it be physical, mental, spiritual or otherwise. So that when they leave here, they not only had their ailment taken care of, but they walk out in a better condition.” The new tower houses a new state of the art Emergency Department and Level II Trauma Center that holds 55 new emergency department beds, a large gym and physical therapy area, a new dining experience that includes a new H-E-B Café and a “Grab and Go” service, and a large and beautiful chapel. The new chapel includes the stainedglass windows, stations of the cross, altar and holy water fountain from the Welder Chapel, which served the older facility for the past 70 years. Ernie Sadau, President & CEO CHRISTUS Health, said, “For me most importantly to see the chapel as a focal point is a real presentation of who we are and what we stand for. We want every community member and every patient’s family who comes through here to know that each of our caregivers and Associates are responsible for extending the healing ministry of Jesus Christ.”

Our Path Forward Donor Wall

Dr. Osbert Blow, President and Chief Medical Officer for CHRISTUS Spohn Health System, believes the new tower represents a major upgrade for patients and caregivers. “This state-of-the-art facility truly elevates the level of care available to all South Texans and makes the Coastal Bend home to the region’s most advanced medical facility,” said Dr. Blow. “I want someone to come here and feel that 7

Dr. John Hornung

Community Health Champion

Oleander blooms, palm trees and the bay were what first attracted Dr. John Hornung to Corpus Christi and CHRISTUS Spohn. He was on his way to meet a doctor in Kingsville when he decided Corpus Christi was where he wanted to reside and practice medicine. “Once I spoke with Dr. Giles and other doctors who worked at Spohn, I knew this was the place I was going to stay and work. It was a perfect match. I was born and raised Catholic and was well trained, therefore it was a no brainer for me. This opportunity made it possible for me to not only work in the nicest hospital but also to meet the best doctors who helped me build my practice, both of which ultimately brought me my success.” “I had been thinking about making a gift to Spohn for a while when my own need for a surgical procedure arose. My doctor, Dr. Jason Fisher, told me Spohn did not have the necessary equipment for me to have my procedure performed there. It was perfect timing really. I was ready to give back, the hospital was being built, and there was this tool that, not only I needed, but I knew others in the community would benefit from as well, so I decided that now was the best time to donate and get this machine for Spohn”. Dr. Hornung decided to give his donation through a Legacy gift. “I was able to find a way to give back that


is meaningful and productive. There are ways that you can make a gift that provide benefits to both you and to CHRISTUS Spohn. Once you are 70 ½ or older, a painless way to give back to the community is to make a charitable contribution through your IRA’s Required Minimum Distribution. It is a gift to a charitable organization and it gives you control of where your money goes,” said Dr. Hornung. “Spohn’s mission is a motivating force for someone such as myself who wants to give back. Taking care of the citizens of Corpus Christi, is in my opinion, the most important work that CHRISTUS Spohn does. They have the latest and greatest technology and instruments, as well as techniques and treatments, added and enhanced programs for heart and stroke, and a new building and Cancer Center. It’s an enjoyable pleasure for me to be associated with Spohn especially during this crucial time.” Supporters like Dr. Hornung – and you – make extraordinary care possible at Spohn. To learn more about how your gift is making a difference or how to make a gift through Legacy Giving, contact Linda Arnold, Director of Philanthropy, at linda.arnold@ or 361-881-3940.

Keleigh Sasser

A Family’s Legacy of Giving

Grateful to live in a community with a state-of-the-art health care facility, Keleigh Hughes Sasser and her family have provided CHRISTUS Spohn with multiple generous gifts. She and her family recognize the importance of giving back to the local hospital and see the gifts as an investment in the future of health care in South Texas. She states, “We know it’s important for everyone in the community to have a hospital with the right equipment. Not all patients have the ability to travel to other cities to receive health care, and they shouldn’t have to; we should all be able to get the best quality care possible right here at home. We know our gifts help provide Spohn staff with the latest equipment and advanced technologies needed to diagnose and treat patients enabling them to return home as soon as possible.” With that in mind, Keleigh has promoted excellence throughout CHRISTUS Spohn while contributing to specific causes that support patients in need. She and her husband, Stuart, have been generous donors to the CHRISTUS Spohn Foundation for many years. Keleigh and Stuart, along with her father and late brother, Hilton, donated substantial funds towards the creation of a neuro-interventional hybrid suite named the Dan A. Hughes Family Hybrid Suite. The Dan A. Hughes Family Hybrid Suite is the first one in South Texas with specialized neurological and cardiac (TAVR) capabilities. The hybrid suite, equipped with the most advanced imaging and surgical technology, allows doctors to perform complex brain, heart and vascular procedures with extreme precision. The hybrid suite

also allows for delivering surgical care without having to move a patient from room to room, and is an invaluable tool in treating patients with complicated cardiac and neurological disorders. “I have enjoyed learning more about CHRISTUS Spohn, spending time working to improve health care in our community and seeing how we can make a difference in the lives of the patients,” Keleigh said. For Keleigh, financial contributions are only part of the story; she has devoted her time and her talent as a leader of the Spohn Foundation. She served as chair of the Foundation Board of Directors and committee member of the Our PATH Forward Capital Campaign Committee– both during times of transition that required substantial guidance. Keleigh also supports the Corpus Christi Ambassadors program to help foster communication and understanding of the services and health care provided by the CHRISTUS Spohn Health System and to advise the CHRISTUS Spohn Health System Foundation on community issues and concerns. Keleigh believes the CHRISTUS Spohn Health System Foundation is an important contributor to making the Coastal Bend a healthier place. She is pleased about capital projects the Foundation has supported, the Foundation’s partnerships, and community awareness cultivated through fundraising events. “I have always thought of CHRISTUS Spohn as my hospital and I just want it to be the best it can be,” Keleigh said.


Gregg Robertson

Firm Belief in Giving Back Gregg Robertson has always been supportive of the organizations in his hometown. Gregg has proudly given back to his community by supporting multiple organizations including CHRISTUS Spohn Health System. He explains his commitment to advancing health care in the community like this:

“CHRISTUS Spohn Health System is an icon and an integral part of the community, and has been for many generations. If you can make a difference, you should. I believe that living here, we need to be involved in the community; and that means helping to make health care in Corpus Christi and South Texas better.”

“I feel a duty as a citizen of Corpus Christi to support its institutions, especially CHRISTUS Spohn. CHRISTUS Spohn has been THE community hospital here since its inception, which is close to the inception of the city. This hospital has provided the highest level of medical care to this community and it is definitely what it has done best. I have watched CHRISTUS Spohn grow and evolve and still stay true to its mission of taking care of all people regardless of their ability to pay.”

Gregg also shows his gratitude by giving back his time and talent. He currently serves on the CHRISTUS Spohn Foundation Board of Directors and is a cabinet member of the Our PATH Forward Capital Campaign Committee. His leadership has played an important role in Our PATH Forward. “When I think about the transformation of these campuses, the first emotion that comes to my mind is the great legacy that has been left to us by our founders and all those donors who have gone before us. It is imperative that all of us join in and help this great endeavor.”

Gregg’s passion for health care and the medical needs of others is exemplified by his long-time commitment to Spohn and his many years of sponsorships supporting fundraising events such as the Richard King III Grand Classic Golf Tournament and the CHRISTUS Spohn Lyceum. He even extends his giving spirit to nurses and medical technicians and demonstrates his appreciation by contributing funds for staff to attend these events as well.


Thank you Gregg, for all that you do to support the CHRISTUS Spohn Health System Foundation. Your dedication is key to the success of the Foundation’s efforts and instrumental in Spohn’s ability to continue the quality care and services provided to our community.

2018 DONOR RECOGNITION SOCIETIES Legacy Giving DR. ARTHUR E. SPOHN SOCIETY Shirley Ann and Urban H.* Anslinger Margie and James E.* Brooke Dr. Richard Davis and Kay Davis Elizabeth and Hoyte* Gentry Helen Jeannette Holloway* Dr. John R. Hornung L.D. and R.J. Hunter Families Dr. Joseph H. Jackson, Jr.* Patty Puig Mueller Mabel* and Charles D. Pate* Dorothy L. Rivers Merle K. Schillo Mary Kay and Alan J. Stoner Alice and Gerald D.* Sutherland Aneda R. Zablocki*

Cumulative Giving BISHOP DUBUIS SOCIETY $1,000,000 and Up American Bank CHRISTUS Health CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital Corpus Christi - Shoreline Volunteers CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital Corpus Christi - South Volunteers H-E-B John G. Kenedy, Jr. Charitable Trust

The John G. and Marie Stella Kenedy Memorial Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Hugh A. Kennedy Foundation Robert J. Kleberg, Jr. and Helen C. Kleberg Foundation The J. E. and L.E. Mabee Foundation, Inc. Riviera Telephone Company, Inc. A.R. “Tony” and Maria J. Sanchez Family Foundation South Texas Charity Weekend, Inc. n

Newell W. Atkinson, III and Claire Atkinson Wonders Judy and Bill Colston, Jr. Dr. John R. Hornung † Dr. Patrick Moran and Nancy Moran Mabel* and Charles D. Pate* Kathy and Billy Saul Karen and Larry Urban PATRON SAINTS $500,000 TO $999,999 American Electric Power Foundation CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital Corpus Christi - Memorial Volunteers Coastal Bend Community Foundation † Estill Foundation Spohn Kleberg Health Care Foundation Ranchers Making a Difference † n

Ida Larkin Clement* Helen Jeannette Holloway* Dan A. Hughes, Sr.* Algie Janszen* Aneda R. Zablocki* SAINTS

ESTATE AND LEGACY GIFTS Gifts made by bequest in a will may qualify for an estate tax deduction. Other options include the various charitable trust instruments. These options can be set up to provide income now or deferred income, income tax deductions, and estate tax deductions. All estate and legacy gifts donors are invited to become members of the Dr. Arthur E. Spohn Society. If you have provided for CHRISTUS Spohn Health System in your estate plan, please tell us about it. If you would like to join, please call Karen Bonner at 361-881-3533 or Linda Arnold at 361-881-3940.

$100,000 TO $499,999 AEP Texas American Express Director’s Charitable Award Program † Andrews Distributing Company, Inc. Barcom Construction, Inc. B.E. Beecroft Co., Inc. Vishal Raju Bhagat Foundation † Fannie Bluntzer Nason Testamentary Trust The Brown Foundation, Inc. Carlisle Insurance CHRISTUS Spohn Health System CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital Alice Volunteers CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital Beeville Volunteers CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital Kleberg Volunteers Corpus Christi Caller-Times * Deceased † New Member to Cumulative Giving Society


Louise and John O.* Chapman Anne S. Colston* Sallee and Dan J. Craine Dr. Richard Davis and Kay Davis Ann and David P. Engel † Maxine E. Flournoy Elizabeth and Hoyte* Gentry Ed H. Harte* Anonymous Mary Grace* and Frank P. Horlock, Jr.* Jacqueline and William Hilton* Hughes Janet and Al Jones Richard King, III* Lou Adele and Bob May Jane and Hugh McColl, Jr. Paul Guilfoyle, Gulf Coast Growth Venture Executive presents ExxonMobil Maureen and William B.* Miller Foundation gift to Bert Ramos, Director of Clinical Operations for the Patty and Joseph* Mueller Dr. Hector P. Garcia Memorial Family Health Center. Carolyn and Dan Pedrotti Marsha and Gregg Robertson Corpus Christi Produce Company, Inc. Keleigh and Stuart Sasser Flint Hills Resources Edwin Singer* Fulton Coastcon Construction Corp. General Contractors Mary Kay and Alan J. Stoner Gulf Marine Fabricators Employee Foundation Celika Storm Gulf Shore Anesthesia Associates, P.A. Victor J. Tantalo* Diana and Harry W. Hamilton Foundation Frances and Felix C. Tapp, II Herndon Plant Oakley Ltd.† Ina* and Joseph J. Uri* Ed Hicks Family of Dealerships Daphne and Ben F. Vaughan, III The King Ranch Family Trust Dr. Chuck Volk and Lorraine Volk King Ranch, Inc. Patsy and Charles C.* Winn Kleberg Bank The Morris L. Lichtenstein, Jr. Medical Research Foundation The Larry and Pat McNeil Foundation Annual Giving Amy Shelton McNutt Charitable Trust SERAPHIM Pathology Associates of Corpus Christi, L.L.P. Ed Rachal Foundation $500,000 TO $999,999 Radiology & Imaging of South Texas John G. Kenedy, Jr. Charitable Trust Reguladores LEMC Corpus Christi Chapter Earl C. Sams Foundation, Inc. CHERUBIM Shell Land Management Company, Inc. $100,000 TO $499,999 Yvonne H. Simard Foundation American Electric Power Foundation South Texas Charitable Foundation American Express Director’s Charitable Award Program Sunrise Vending Company /Pepsi-Cola Corpus Christi H-E-B Susser Family Foundation The John G. and Marie Stella Kenedy Memorial Foundation Valero Energy Foundation / Valero Bill Greehey Refineries Dr. and Mrs. Hugh A. Kennedy Foundation ValueBank Texas A.R. “Tony” and Maria J. Sanchez Family Foundation William T. Vogt & Lorine E. Vogt Charitable Foundation Valero Energy Foundation / Valero Bill Greehey Refineries Whataburger Restaurants Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program n

Joseph A. Abbey* Peggy and Avinash Ahuja Lana and Barry Andrews Anonymous Shirley Ann and Urban H.* Anslinger Linda and Burt Bull Charles C. Butt Tom L. Carlisle 12


Anonymous Dr. John R. Hornung Kathy and Billy Saul Karen and Larry Urban

* Deceased † New Member to Cumulative Giving Society



$50,000 TO $99,999 American Bank CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital Corpus Christi Shoreline Volunteers CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital Corpus Christi - South Volunteers The Larry and Pat McNeil Foundation The John M. O’Quinn Foundation Yvonne H. Simard Foundation

$2,500 TO $9,999 AEP Texas Allegiance Mobile Health Aztec Chevrolet, LLC Barcom Construction, Inc. Bay Ltd.-A Berry Company Behmann Brothers Foundation The Brandt Companies, LLC Camacho Recycling & Demolition CHRISTUS Foundation for HealthCare CHRISTUS Spohn Emergency Medicine Residency Program CLK Architects Coastal Cardiology, PLLC Corpus Christi Athletic Club Corpus Christi Rehabilitation Hospital Crothall Healthcare Dugan Eye Institute Entrust Inc. Exencial Wealth Advisors File Pro Corpus Christi The First National Bank of Beeville Firetrol Protection Systems, Inc. HALO-Flight, Inc. Diana and Harry W. Hamilton Foundation Herndon Plant Oakley Ltd. HHS Environmental Services, LLC KOS Employee Foundation L & F Distributors Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP Merrill Lynch - The McCracken Salazar Group Morrill & Morrill, PLLC NavyArmy Community Credit Union Niner Investments Nueces Electric Charities, Inc. Obstetrical and Gynecological Associates of Corpus Christi Perkins + Will Professional Controllers, Inc. / Jana and Kirkby Townsend Prosperity Bank Radiology & Imaging of South Texas Snyder + Associates South Lake Ranch Apartments Stewart Title Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi Texas Department of Criminal Justice - McConnell Unit Triple Puck Sports, LLC Whataburger Restaurants Kathleen M. White, CPA Patricia Lewis Zoch Children’s Foundation

GUARDIAN ANGELS $10,000 TO $49,999 Affiliated Bank Andrews Distributing Company Anonymous B.E. Beecroft Co., Inc. Vishal Raju Bhagat Foundation C.C. Firefighters C.A.R.E., Inc. Randy Charba Classic Fishing Committee CHRISTUS Health CHRISTUS Spohn Health System CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital Corpus Christi Memorial Volunteers Coastal Bend Community Foundation Corpus Christi Produce Company, Inc. ExxonMobil Gulf Coast Growth Ventures Flint Hills Resources George and Mary Josephine Hamman Foundation Houston Endowment, Inc. L. K. Jordan & Associates Kleberg Bank May Ranch McCarthy Building Companies, Inc. Radiology Associates, L.L.P. Reguladores LEMC Corpus Christi Chapter Riviera Telephone Company, Inc. SABIC and the Gulf Coast Growth Ventures Earl C. Sams Foundation, Inc. SpawGlass Susser Family Foundation William T. Vogt & Lorine E. Vogt Charitable Foundation n

Tom L. Carlisle Becky and Marty Davis Martha and Charles DeCou Samantha and Dos Gates Daphne and Paul Laudadio Leslie and Chris McClanahan Terri and David Mendez Meredith K. Morrill Sylvia Salazar Keleigh and Stuart Sasser Jen and Will Vogt


Anonymous Melissa and Sam Beecroft Rosie and Ruben Bonilla * Deceased † New Member to Cumulative Giving Society


Karen and Richard S. Bonner Yolanda and Tony Canales Estela and Luis Chapa Louise Chapman Dr. Mance A. Cutbirth and Amanda Cutbirth Diane DeCou and Jeff Stone Elinor* and Ben Donnell Justin Doss Ann and David Engel The Eshleman Family Cheryl Gordon Lulana Cain-Green and Steve Green Isabel Hernandez Tennison T. Keeler Robin and John Kennedy Lynne Lassig Judy and Fred E. Long Lou Adele and Bob May Patty Puig Mueller Shawn and James Pettus Frances and Felix C. Tapp, II Michele Mora-Trevino and Mike Trevino Mrs. Patsy H. Winn SHEPHERDS $1,000 TO $2,499 The Ruth and Edward Austin Foundation BBVA Compass Blue Ribbon Country Store, LLC Brush Country Services, Inc. Change Healthcare CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital Beeville Volunteers Coastal Bend College Foundation ConocoPhillips Corpus Christi Hooks R.W. Dirks Petroleum Engineer, Inc. E. A. and Kaye Durham Foundation Dr. Hector P. Garcia Memorial Foundation Hacienda Oaks Nursing & Rehab Hartline Dacus Barger Dreyer, LLP KSI Specialties, LLC Merrill Lynch Wealth Management Morgan Stanley Neessen Automotive Network Cabling Services Network For Good Pathology Associates of Corpus Christi Schwab Charitable South Texas Energy & Economic Roundtable Florette E. Spires, P.C. Superior HealthPlan Valero Three Rivers Refinery ValueBank Walker and Associates Wicker Basket 14


Gloria Alvarado Jordan and Austin Anderson Anonymous Linda and Keith Arnold Martha and Jim Avery Morgan and Henry Blackmon Patsy and Garnett Brooks Patricia A. Cano Teri and Luis Cardenas Marissa Carrillo Drs. Meridith and Tim Carter Mary Ann Charba Mary and James Clark Dr. Wilbur Cleaves and Peggy Cleaves Ashley and Will Cocke, Jr. Chrissy and Philip Dorman Syble Elliott The Garcia Blow Family Laura G. Garcia Lynn and Giles Giddings Sally and James Gill Cherry and Hix Green Barbara and Hayden Head Thurma Hilton Debbie and John Jackson Michelle and Mike Kaiman Dr. Paul A. Kennedy, Jr. and Susan Kennedy Steve King Carol and Sammy Kins Carol and Alex Kirkland Amy and Kenny Koch Diane and John LaRue Debbie and Matt Layton Drs. Ben Leeson and Kimberly Leeson Emily Lopez Candace and James Moloney Bhakti and Govind B. Nadkarni Dr. Robert Naismith and Sherry Naismith Laurie and Phillip Plant Kelly and Marc Puig Becky Rios Gina M. Rivera Barbara and Chester Rose Cathy and Jack Scholl Karen Siemssen Ford Smith, Sr. Celika Storm Susan and Donald M. Taft, III Dr. William J. Tinnell and Suzelle Tinnell Claire and George C. Vaughan Shanna Williams * Deceased †New Member to Cumulative Giving Society Society levels reflect contributions from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018.

Learning and sharing information about health care and CHRISTUS Spohn with the community.

CHRISTUS Spohn Corpus Christi Ambassadors (2017-2018) Sandy Adamson Janet Allen Jordan Anderson Linda R. Arnold Jenna Barnes Tiffany Batchelor Nancy L. Beauchamp Janie Bell Karen Bonner Rebecca Bradford Kristen Brozo Mary Jane Carlisle Mariannella Carlisle, Co-chair Mary Clark Bonnie Cohen Becky Crow Amanda Cutbirth Becky Davis Pat Denniston Marie Dickson Debbie Emerson Ann Engel Nancy Eshleman Samantha Gates Jordan Gilbert Sally Gill Claire Goodrich-Boren Cherry Green Sammie H. Grunwald Ticia Hanisch Janet Herbst Shelly Jacobson Linda K. Jordan, Chair Karen Kane Lisa Kennedy Allen Martha Kiel

Carol Kins Amy Koch Jennifer LaMantia Debbie Layton Jennifer Lee Tiffany LeMonte Sue Madry Lisa Matl Leslie McClanahan Kathy McCord Bridget McKeever Carol McLaughlin Heide Moore Meredith Morrill Patty Nuss Sofia Pacurar Laureen Pedrotti Laurie Plant Courtney Rangel Carol Reding Phyllis Roseman Kathy Rumbaugh Maricela Sanchez Rodriguez Keleigh Sasser Kim Stockseth Elizabeth Susser Larken Sutherland Ashleigh Taylor Carol Thaxton Karen Urban Katie Urban Elizabeth Vanexan Emily Veazey Tricia Vela Jen Vogt Kathleen White

CHRISTUS Spohn Kleberg Ambassadors (2017-2018) Judy Anthony Linda R. Arnold Karen Bonner Katharine Boyd Linda Bull Mary Chiuminatto Judy Colston Barbara Colston Ricki W. Cunningham Angela Flores-Ruhnke Dolores Guerrero George Henkel, Chair Janet Hornblower Goldia Hubert Adriana Lambert Laci Lasater Dianne Leubert Juli Lowry Julie McKinney Alice Mendoza Teri Morales Becky Nordeen Joan Nuesch Ann Retherford Kathy Saul Amy Schultz Karen Tallant Jean Claire Turcotte Dr. Maria E. Velez Patricia Walker Jaquelyn Westbrook Ann Wilkinson Sylvia Woelfel Debby Womack Connie Womack Lynn Yaklin


SPECIAL THANKS TO 2018 DONORS BEEVILLE LADIES NIGHT OUT A Box of Chocolate Aztec Chevrolet, LLC Beeville Angel Care Ambulance Service, Inc. Beeville Diner Beeville Rotary Club Bentley’s Boutique Bethune & Son Blue Ribbon Country Store, LLC Bonilla and Chapa, P.C. Claycomb Associates, Architects Coastal Bend College Foundation Concord Medical Group, PLLC ConocoPhillips eSBE Designs / Janna Townsend Exclusive Home Health & Hospice, Inc. First Fruits Medical Clinic PLLC The First National Bank of Beeville Floerke Veterinary Clinic PLLC Florette E. Spires, P.C. Galloway & Sons Funeral Home Hacienda Oaks Nursing & Rehab H-E-B Hellas Construction Hogue’s Jewelry, Inc. Hi-Chem, Inc. j. forks DESIGNS L&F Distributors, L.L.C. La Amistad Adult Care & Activity Center Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP Mary Kay Cosmetics / Michelle Holliday Matthew Riggle Huie Farms May Ranch / Lou Adele and Bob May Miss Margo Bags / Jennifer Blount Morrill & Morrill, PLLC NavyArmy Community Credit Union Plunder Jewelry / Color Street / Lacy Cook Professional Controllers, Inc. / Janna and Kirkby Townsend Prosperity Bank R.W. Dirks Petroleum Engineer, Inc. Sears Hometown Store Southern with a Twist / Kelli Fuentes Subway 16

Beeville Ladies Night Out Committee members present a check to Genifer Rucker, President of CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital Beeville.

Texas Department of Criminal Justice McConnell Unit Texas Farm Bureau Insurance/ Jennifer Daniels The Alchemy Factory / Lisa Fuller Valero Three Rivers Refinery TLC Pharmacy - Susan Moron, County Clerk Wicker Basket Woman On A Whim Wreaths by Becky Sherman n

Rachell and Juan Aguirre Tammy and Louie Alaniz Linda and Keith Arnold Terry and Andrew Arthur Donald Barnett Kenneth N. Bethune Michele and John O. Bond Karen and Richard S. Bonner Benjamin Brako Gwenyth and Bill Burris Patricia Cano Irene and Porfirio Cantu, Sr. Roxane M. Casas Anonymous Lola and Gilbert Castro Jerald Cisneros Dennis Clark Brenda and Anthony Delarosa Dominic (Dom) Dominguez

Jane Dykes Rita Gallegos Debbie and Art Gamez Belinda Garza Vicki and Joe Henry Hanus Diane and F. A. Hause, II Evie and Dwight Head Eric Holland Jeff C. Johnson Michelle and Mike Kaiman Perry Lee Langbein Day and Carroll Lohse Judy and Fred Long Madeline M. Madden Candace Moore Margie Moreman Stephanie and Brandon Moreno Helen and Donnie Morris Leticia and Mario Munoz Morgan and Beau O’Brien Tonnie and James O’Brien Cherry Pargmann Kelly and Marc Puig Robin and Joel Quiros Gracie Rangel Alvaro E. Rolong Richard Schmidt Denise Scott James Scotten Anna Marie and Michael Silvas

Sarah Jayne Steffey Gina and Jim Sugarek Jerica and Wes Thoms Ludie and Michael Tyran Cheryl and Bill Whitworth Jessica Yzaguirre

Dr. Charles J. Schechter Dr. Brent Pennington Merle K. Schillo

CHRISTUS HOSPICE CARE Anthony Family Partnership, Ltd.

CHRISTUS SPOHN LYCEUM AEP Texas Affiliated Bank Allegiance Mobile Health American Bank Andrews Distributing Company Aztec Chevrolet, LLC B.E. Beecroft Co., Inc. Barcom Construction, Inc. Bay Ltd., a Berry Company CHRISTUS Health CHRISTUS Spohn Emergency Medicine Residency CHRISTUS Spohn Health System Coastal Cardiology, PLLC Coastal Drilling Land Company, LLC Corpus Christi Athletic Club Corpus Christi Produce Co., Inc. Dugan Eye Institute Entrust Health Planned Flint Hills Resources Dr. Hector P. Garcia Memorial Foundation Dianna and Harry Hamilton Foundation Herndon Plant Oakley, Ltd. Kleberg Bank L & F Distributors, LLC L. K. Jordan & Associates Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP May Ranch

CHRISTUS SPOHN CANCER CENTER Triple Puck Sports, LLC Kathy and Robert S. Black, III Ted Gawlik IN MEMORY OF Son-Ae Vasquez Village Park Townhome Owners Association CHRISTUS SPOHN CAREVAN Nueces Electric Charities, Inc. CHRISTUS SPOHN FOUNDATION Coastal Bend Community Foundation IBC Bank Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Becky and Marty Davis Nancy and Benjamin Eshleman Laurie and Phillip Plant IN MEMORY OF Florence L. Jankowski Kay and Bogner Stubbs CHRISTUS SPOHN HEALING HEROES RECOGNIZED BY GRATEFUL PATIENTS IN HONOR OF Joy Borja, RN Chad Lawson Tara Christian, RN Erika Y. Cortez, RN Dr. David E. Pearce Dr. Hernan Reyes Dr. Dimple T. Tharian Tanya M. Valdez, RN Carol Marie Mays Michelle L. Brandt, RN The Family of Angelita Salazar Perez

Dr. Srikanth Damaraju Elizabeth and Jerry Susser

McCarthy Building Companies, Inc. The Larry and Pat McNeil Foundation Morrill & Morrill, PLLC Obstretical & Gynecological Associates of Corpus Christi Pathology Associates of Corpus Christi, LLP Perkins + Will Professional Controllers, Inc Radiology & Imaging of South Texas Riviera Telephone Co., Inc. Snyder + Associates South Lake Ranch SpawGlass Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi Valero Energy Foundation Vishal Raju Bhagat Foundation Walker and Associates Whataburger Restaurants Kathleen M. White, CPA n

Jordan and Austin Anderson Nelwyn B. Anderson Linda and Keith Arnold Martha and Jim Avery Melissa and Sam Beecroft Rosie and Ruben Bonilla Karen and Richard S. Bonner Yolanda and Tony Canales Tom Carlisle Kit Carson Louise Chapman Dr. Ted and Peggy Cleaves Roxanne and Robert Cuevas Elinor* and Ben Donnell Ann and David Engel Cornelia H. Freeman Samantha and Dos Gates Lynn and Giles Giddings

GRATEFUL PATIENT GIVING Patients and family members are invited to express their appreciation for special caregivers in the hospital by making a donation to the Foundation in their honor. The honorees, called “Healing Heroes,” receive a special Healing Hero certificate, a card announcing the tribute and special recognition in newsletters and in their departments. To honor a Healing Hero visit:


Janet and Duane Herbst Debbie and John Jackson Stephen Kazanjian Tennison T. Keeler Robin and John Kennedy Carol and Sammy Kins Carol and Alex Kirkland Barbara Little Judy and Fred E. Long Dr. John B. Mason Carroll Patton Matthews Leslie and Chris McClanahan Meredith K. Morrill Sharon and Robert Naismith, MD Shawn and James Pettus Rabbi Ken and Phyllis Roseman Alice H. Sallee Cathy and Jack Scholl Ford Smith, Sr. Celika Storm Jack and Marlene Super Susan and Donald M. Taft, III Frances and Felix C. Tapp, II Dr. William J. Tinnell and Suzelle Tinnell Karen and Larry Urban Jen and Will Vogt Shanna and Marshall Williams Patsy H. Winn IN MEMORY OF Elvis Barker Chapman* Carol and Thomas M. Reding CHRISTUS SPOHN NURSING EXCELLENCE FUND IN HONOR OF Joy Borja Chad Lawson DR. EDWIN “BEN” GRONER NURSING EXCELLENCE FUND IN HONOR OF Debbie Carter Patricia Lawson IN MEMORY OF Charlotte M. Groner* Linda and Keith Arnold Karen and Richard S. Bonner Susan and Wells Stewart


Dr. Nelly Garcia Blow, Shawn O’Connor, Karen Urban, Pam O’Connor and Dr. Osbert Blow.

Margaret P. Kennedy* Lorraine Karp* Joe P. Nelson* Anna Laura Wright* Dr. Martin and Ticia Hanisch

OUR PATH FORWARD CAPITAL CAMPAIGN American Electric Power Foundation American Express Director’s Charitable Award Program The Ruth and Edward Austin Foundation Behmann Brothers Foundation BP Exploration and Oil Inc. Brush Country Services, Inc. Randy Charba Classic Fishing Committee CHRISTUS Foundation for HealthCare CHRISTUS Health CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital Beeville Volunteers CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital Corpus Christi - Memorial Volunteers CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital Corpus Christi - Shoreline Volunteers CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital Corpus Christi - South Volunteers Coastal Bend Community Foundation ConocoPhillips Company ExxonMobil Foundation ExxonMobil Gulf Coast Growth Ventures Anonymous Diana and Harry W. Hamilton Foundation

George and Mary Josephine Hamman Foundation H-E-B Herndon Plant Oakley Ltd. Houston Endowment, Inc. IBC Bank The John G. and Marie Stella Kenedy Memorial Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Hugh A. Kennedy Foundation Kleberg Bank The Larry and Pat McNeil Foundation Merrill Lynch - The McCracken Salazar Group Merrill Lynch Wealth Management The John M. O’Quinn Foundation SABIC Gulf Coast Growth Ventures Earl C. Sams Foundation, Inc. A.R. “Tony” and Maria J. Sanchez Family Foundation Schwab Charitable Yvonne H. Simard Foundation Susser Family Foundation Valero Bill Greehey Refineries Valero Energy Foundation Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program William T. Vogt & Lorine E. Vogt Charitable Foundation n

Debra Basaldua Morgan and Henry Blackmon Roland K. Blair The Garcia Blow Family Patsy and Garnett Brooks Teri Cardenas

Anonymous Estela and Luis Chapa Margie and Joe Chavez Ashley and Will Cocke, Jr. Henry Corkill Joyce Davidson Becky and Marty Davis Martha and Charles DeCou Diane DeCou and Jeff Stone Elinor* and Ben Donnell Chrissy and Philip Dorman Justin Doss The Eshleman Family Sally and James Gill Cherry and Hix Green Jennifer Gurevitz Laura and Baldemar Gutierrez Henry R. Hamman Danny Hardman Thurma Hilton Debbie and John Jackson Amy Bridges Jacobs Lisa Ann Jasek Susan and Stephen Karp Dr. Paul A. Kennedy, Jr. and Susan Kennedy Steve King Diane and John LaRue Daphne & Paul Laudadio Lynne L. Lassig Debbie and Matt Layton Jennifer A. Lee Drs. Ben Leeson and Kimberly Leeson Irene Martinez Dr. Barry McBurnett and Sandra McBurnett Leslie and Chris McClanahan Jackie McFatridge Terri and David L. Mendez Candace and Jim Moloney Ann K. Moore Meredith K. Morrill Jessica and George P. (Trace) Morrill, III Patty P. Mueller Bhakti and Govind Nadkarni Laurie and Phillip Plant Jeff Potter Judy and William (Butch) Pressley Brandi and Walter Priestly Barbara and Chester Rose Stuart and Keleigh Sasser Kathy and Billy Saul Julie Stark Mary Kay and Alan J. Stoner Susan and Donald M. Taft, III

Claire and George C. Vaughan Catherine Votral Sherry Wachtel Joyce Wagner Patsy H. Winn Sylvia and Stanley Woelfel Lynne Yaklin

Lou Adele and Robert A. May Lucy and Marion Williams


Dr. Morgan S. Campbell, Jr. Janet and Joel Allen Las Donas de la Corte Mary Ann and John McGregor Kay and Ron Potts Alice H. Sallee Terry and Richard Skinner

Karen and Richard S. Bonner Phyllis and Ken Roseman Marcia A. Marks Olivia McClanahan Elizabeth Susser Linda and Keith Arnold Melinda Gonzalez Patricia A. Cano Karen Urban Tom Carlisle Patricia A. Cano Cheryl and LaFreddy Coleman Network for Good Richard S. Bonner Barbara and Joe Dove Network for Good Jennifer Gurevitz Jeannie Frey Hewit Bonner Anne and Larry Gariepy Karen Bonner Georgia and Dick Marshall Meredith K. Morrill Shelia B. Rollins

IN MEMORY OF Anne L. Armstrong American Express Director’s Charitable Award Program

Peshori L. Ahuja Thomas W. Cunningham William E. (Bill) Findley Dr. Ray G. Hooper William Hilton Hughes Peter B. Holt Joseph R. Swantner Linda and Keith Arnold Elinor D. Donnell Linda and Keith Arnold Karen and Richard S. Bonner Elizabeth and Jerry Susser George L. Myers Karen and Richard S. Bonner Wanette West Joseph D. Rokohl Mary Ann Charba Edith (Edie) D. Sapp Linda and Keith Arnold Mary and Jimmy Clark E. A. and Kaye Durham Foundation James Stoner Elizabeth and Jerry Susser

Kenneth D. Roseman Phyllis Roseman Avery K. Cohen Leslie E. Fagan Danielle R. Ostos Sophie R. Susser Roselyn E. Valls Morgan V. Weeks Frances M. Williamson Karen and Larry Urban 19

DOCTORS’ DAY Doctors’ Day provides the opportunity to show appreciation to special physicians. When a donation is made to the Foundation in honor of a physician for Doctors’ Day, the gift is directed to the Advanced Medicine Physician Fund and the physician receives a special Doctors’ Day card announcing the tribute.

DOCTORS’ DAY DONORS CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital Corpus Christi - Shoreline Volunteers Staff at Regional Woundcare & Hyperbarics n

August S. Alvarez Brenda B. Baker Amber Bass Molly Bates Lynne Blackler Ruben Bonilla Karen and Richard S. Bonner Margie Brooke Dora Byington Teri Cardenas Margie and Joe Chavez Mary Ann and Tom Colin Joyce Davidson Juan G. Dominguez, Jr. Syble Elliott Neva and Myron B. Fenner Lu Forsyth* Juan A. Garza Sandra and Robert Gilkerson Stella N. Gonzales Martha S. Gonzalez Martha Goodwill Susan and Carl Harper Jackie Hein Opal Hill Isla M. Jones Genoveva Labeaga Lee Lanphier 20

Ed Ledwig Mary J. Lemma Gracie M. Luis Velma and Jerry Martinez Sandra and Joseph D. McCauley, Jr. Alice and William McIntyre Samantha Medrano Michele Mora-Trevino Matt Oden Rozelle Oden Barbara Paterson Mack Ray LaRae S. Riddick* Becky Rios Margot Rios Alma M. Saenz Dr. Manuel Salinas, Jr. Merle K. Schillo Gary and Susan Sharpe Lynn and Don Shaw Linda S. Snyder Mardell and Herman A. Solle Priscilla Stange Judy and Otto Stedronsky Elizabeth and Jerry Susser Alice Sutherland Martha Syrett Charles Timmons Alicia G. Tobar Jane Warren Erma and Elmer Wilson Susan Castor Wilson and Gary Wilson Patsy H. Winn Marie H. Wright Peggy Zamora DOCTORS’ DAY TRIBUTES Dr. Francisco A. Acebo Dr. Raymond B. Acebo Dr. Jessica Acevedo-Garcia Dr. Cesar A. Albarracin Dr. Thomas Alexander Dr. Shamim Badruddin-Mawji Dr. George Benavidez Dr. Rafael L. Berio-Muniz Dr. Osbert Blow Dr. Art Boss Dr. Gerard W. Boynton Dr. Norbert C. Brehm Dr. David C. Browning Dr. Charles H. Campbell Dr. Mario T. Cancemi Dr. Richard P. Chepey Dr. Kevin C. Ching Dr. Isaac Chitrit

Dr. Charles S. Clark Dr. Jacqueline E. Cohn Bill C. Colston, Jr. Dr. John R. Cone Dr. Jack L. Cortese Dr. Baldemar Covarrubias Dr. Norman T. Crabb Dr. Nathan A. Davis Dr. Thomas R. Dietze Dr. Roxanna V. Doucet Dr. Catherine E. Dulak Dr. Marco A. Elizondo Dr. Eisen J. Espina Melissa Evans, RN Dr. Wayne A. Fagan Dr. Paul E. Farek Dr. Matthew J. Ficenec Dr. Jason D. Fisher Dr. Burcham C. Fuqua Dr. Nelly Garcia Blow Dr. Crystal R. Garza Dr. Bruce A. Gibson Dr. Raymond H. Graf Dr. Charles Gregory Dr. Gregory M. Guthrie Dr. John Hartman Dr. Paul W. Heath Dr. Anthony N. Hein Dr. Jerome K. Hemmert Dr. Vernon M. Hermsen Dr. Scott W. Howell Dr. Jerry D. Hunsaker Dr. Mary Joy S. Hyde Dr. Shah F. Islam Dr. Suresh Kulkarni Dr. Joseph A. Larakers Dr. Allyson C. Larkin Dr. Joe A. Lewis Dr. Christopher P. Majka Dr. Yvonne S. Manalo Dr. Frank S. Martin Dr. Jonathan E. Martin Dr. Mario A. Martinez Jennifer McLaughlin, NP Dr. Claude A. McLelland Dr. Robert Morales Dr. Patrick Moran Dr. Amanda V. Morrice-McBride Anne E. Mosiman, NP-C Dr. Rajeev Narang Dr. James Michael Neff Dr. William C. Newberry Dr. Jimie D. Owsley Dr. John R. Pettigrove Dr. Ester B. Pollard

Dr. Nestor H. Praderio Dr. Mark D. Rasmusson Dr. Billy Rios Dr. O. J. Rodriguez Dr. Zakaria Saleem Dr. Cynthia G. Salloum Dr. Emile C. Salloum Dr. Julian A. Sanchez Dr. Bridget M. Sanders Dr. Charles J. Schechter Dr. Sara Schmickrath Dr. John E. Schulze Dr. Laura L. Shelton Dr. Frederick R. Sherron Dr. Raghujit Singh Dr. Gilberto Sosa Dr. Kimberly D. Stewart Dr. David B. Strong Dr. Raj Subnani Dr. David F. Sutter Dr. Sergio Tavares Dr. Travis P. Taylor Dr. Heriberto A. Tejeda Dr. Hugo R. Tolentino Dr. Kent E. Tompkins Dr. Pedro P. Torres Dr. Robert M. Tschauner Dr. Aileen M. Vidal Dr. Alfonso V. Villamil Dr. Charles (Chuck) Volk Dr. Robert A. Webster Dr. Jed M. Wells Dr. Michael G. Winnie Dr. Ronald C. Woodson Dr. Randall S. Zane Dr. Maocheng Zhan FIRST FRIDAY American Bank Catholic Charities CC Blissbox C.C. Firefighters C.A.R.E., Inc. CC Handball Court Coastal Bend Community Foundation KOS Employee Foundation John Paul II High School Prosperity Bank Radiology Associates, L.L.P. Reguladores LEMC Corpus Christi Chapter Triple Puck Sports, LLC n

J. Suzanne Bonds Deborah Ann Buchanan Anonymous

Mary Ann Charba Hope Clayton Elizabeth Cook Stephanie Dewaters Jacqueline Duenez Marlive and Michael Fitzpatrick Carol Haley Kellie and Lane Jarvis Denise Kostoch Nancy Y. Lechner Catherine Lutz Lori Anne Nisimblat Ed Pfeil Rebecca Y. Prescott Nelva Gonzales Ramos Christie Roberts Manette M. Scanio Ellen Scott Jennifer L. Smith Terri Sweeney Christina Menchaca Trevino Melinda G. Trevino Darlene Vanecek IN HONOR OF Kay Huser Mary E. Meyer Erin Hazlewood IN MEMORY OF Mildred K. McFarren Canyon Lake Republican Women Kathy Janicek Sarah Merritt David G. Adams Gilbert G. Graves Cathy Hervey Janice K. Burrows Maria O. deKepfer Teresa Martin Betty Lou Swearengin Vickie B. Willis Erin Hazlewood Charlotte M. Groner Erin Hazlewood Margaret and Patrick Roach Horacio G. Alaniz Rosie and Harvey Swan

GIVING FROM WITHIN Anthony’s Aveda Salon & Day Spa Archer Soapworks & Apothecary CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital Corpus Christi - Shoreline Security CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital Corpus Christi - Shoreline Volunteers CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital Kleberg Dietary Department Cookies By Design Funtrackers Family Fun Center Grunwald Printing Co. Inc. Kendra Scott - La Palmera Mall The Texas State Aquarium n

Jessica Acosta Kathy Acuna Victoria Acuna Noreen Adame Sylvia Adame Ninfa G. Adams Kristina Ainsworth Melissa Alaniz Monica Alaniz-Valdez Fe Albarracin Danny Alemania Steven Alford Reyaan Ali Amy Allen Deborah Allen Gloria Alvarado Lina Amador Andrea Anderson Selina Anguiano Robin Appleby Dana L. Aranda Linda Arausa Abigail Ares Margarita Arevalo

FIRST FRIDAY Dedicated to the early detection of breast cancer, FIRST FRIDAY raises funds to provide free screening mammograms for women who could not otherwise afford them.


GIVING FROM WITHIN The best and most generous people anywhere work at CHRISTUS Spohn. They are dedicated to the patients we are privileged to serve and many selflessly give back to CHRISTUS Spohn through the GIVING FROM WITHIN Associate campaign, raising almost a million dollars. Associates can choose an area to support that is meaningful to them such as The Sister Margaret Mannion Helping Hands Fund, Cancer Care or projects on their hospital campus.

Jose Arispe Irene Armendariz Linda Arnold Veronica Arreola Melissa Asevedo Norma Atwood Susan Auldridge Juanita Ayala Kathryn A. Babiak Antonietta Baguio-Yost Tina Baker Margaret Baldeschwiler Jamira Baniqued Maria Banuelos Kellie T. Barnett Rosa L. Barrera Amy Barrios Dorris Barry Edward Barton Crystal Bazan Dolores Becho David Bell Gloria Benavides Loraine Bernal Micaela Bernard Bev Betnar Vandana Bhakta Ammie Bishop Chaplain Lynne Blackler Ramiro Blanco Val Blanco Christopher Bode Hollie Boehmer Karen Bonner Trevor Bonser Kimberly Boone Jennifer Boren Wray Borland 22

Sonia Bornstein George Bost Cheryl Braun David Bray Rosa Brodhead Cyrus Bryant Steve Buck Gino Bunuan Timothy Burgin Catherine Burleigh Steven Butler Gail L. Cage Debbie P. Camarillo Nora Campbell Oscar Canales, Jr. Robin Canchola Maria Cannon Patricia Cano Valerie T. Cano Imelda Cantu Rosa Ana Cantu Ruby Cantu Selina Cantu Jane Capistran Eileen Carbajal Teri Cardenas Deana Carey Verial Carrasco Joann Carreon Marissa Carrillo Connie Carrion Mary Ann Carrion Susan Carroll Sherry Carr-Smith Mark Casanova Anonymous Gloria Castaneda Linda Castaneda

Delma Castillo Michelle Castro Flora Mae Catapang Eliza Cavazos Martha Cavazos Carla Cavazos-Sanchez Wayne M. Cermak Michelle Cervantes Joshua Chapa Estela and Luis Chapa Mary Chapa Sasha Chapa John Charo Danielle Chavez Maria Chavez Margie and Joe Chavez Patricia Clark Matthew Click Angela Collier Angelita Collins Sofia Conley Angel Contreras Humberto Contreras Sonia Contreras Maria Cooper Henry Corkill Jose Corona Selena Cortez De Alejandro April Cortinas Lisa Cox Jannet Coy Dawn Cramer Donald R. Crocker, Jr. Monika Crooke Nina Cruse Fred Cruz Monica Cruz Betty Cuellar Mari Cuellar Natalie Cuellar Arnulfo Curiel Christine Custer Ricardo Dalagan Leta Dannelley Paul D. Davis Deborah De Alejandro Gloria De La Cruz Elisa De La Garza Eva De La Paz Karen Dearsan Jade DeLeon Mary Helen Deleon Yolanda Deleon Christopher Dematt Fe Demecillo

Armando Diaz Melinda Diaz Pat Diaz Samantha S. Dillaha Justin Doss Amanda Duarte Maria Duenes Jerry Dugan Maxine Duis Jane Dykes Anthony R. Elizalde Delilah Elizondo Melanie Elledge Melissa Elliott Syble Elliott Maria D. Enriquez Elsa Escobar Norma Escobar Liza Esparza Monica A. Esparza Juanita Espindola Ernesto Espino, Jr. Esmeralda Espinoza Jennifer Espinoza Clarissa Esquivel Russell V. Estabillo Delma Estrada Bethany Everett Jay Fabie Linda Faith Melissa Falcon Rhonda Ferguson Megan Fernandez Elda Flores Yvonne Flores Norma Franco  Tammie Franklin Joyce Freeman Margie Fuentes Rosa Fuentes Rita Gallegos Veronica Galvan Jennifer Galysh Javier Gamboa Adelia Garcia Annette Garcia Belinda A. Garcia Bonnie Garcia Cesar Garcia Tina Garcia Gloria Garcia Hector Garcia Hermelinda Garcia Jaime Garcia Katrina Garcia

Laura Garcia Linda Garcia Linda Ann Garcia Marisol A. Garcia Marlene Garcia Monica Garcia Monica T. Garcia Omar Garcia Pamela Garcia Raul J. Garcia Roy Garcia Sandy Garcia Veronica A. Garcia Virginia Garcia Sandra Garcia Lopez Brandy Garrett Belinda Garza Clementina Garza Debra Garza Greschina Garza Heather Garza Mark Garza Melinda G. Garza Nina Garza Olivia Garza Ovilio Garza Ronald Garza Ma Nelly Gavin Diane Gawlik Belia Gaza Tammy Gerberding Sheila May Ghent Audrey Gibson Carmen Gidrey

Alfred P. Gomez Concepcion Gomez Corina Gomez Cynthia Gomez Jessica Gomez Sylvia Gomez Tandi K. Gonce Belinda Gonzales Marta Gonzales Angelica Gonzalez Byrdi Gonzalez Graciela Gonzalez Jennifer Gonzalez Kimberly D. Gonzalez Melissa Gonzalez Nora Gonzalez Paula Goodman Cheryl Gordon Jamie M. Goyer Kaitlin Grace Ken Grachanen Laurie Graham Michelle Green Rose Green Corina Guajardo Yvonne Guerra Barbara D. Guerrero Esther Guerrero Irma Guerrero Andrea Gutierrez Robert Gutierrez Stephanie Gutierrez Lisa Hanley Danny Hardman

CHRISTUS Spohn Alice Executive Team and Security Team stand next to new golf car purchased using Giving From Within funds.


Amber Harrell Christine Hawkins Beverly Henderson Judy L. Hendrix Dan Henry Amy Hernandez Isabel Hernandez Odie Hernandez Pete Hernandez Rachel Hernandez Sam Hernandez Brenda Hernandez-Lopez Julianne Herrera Lilia Herrera Lynda Herrera Sylvia Herrera Barbara Herro Elizabeth Hester Renee Hill Richard Hill Charlotte Hillin Ninfa Hinojosa Ralph Hoffman Wendy Holbach Jo Dee Horton Michael Howard Dustie Huebotter Esperanza Huerta Steve Humada Jerry Hurtado Emmylou Ignacio Tamara Ina Reysan Jamotuya Lisa Jarvis Bianca Jimenez Lilah Jimenez Maria Jimenez Janette Johns Carol E. Johnson* Yvette Johnson Sheri Johnston Leonora Jones Lorraine Jones Stephen Kazanjian John Kight Dana Kincaid Ensign Steve King Sheri Kinney Velma Kirbo Bill Kirk Katy Kiser Crystal Kohanke Amanda Kurtz Julie K. Lamkin Rose Berry Lapore 24

Isla Lara Miriam Lara Trudie L. LaRance Laci Lasater-Hernandez Mimi Lazo Mark Leach Ismael Leal Vilma Legada Linda LeRoy Steven Lettman Elaine Letzkus Dalia Licea Matthew Lipsey Scott Lofland Debra Lomas Elsa Long Velma R. Longoria April Lopez Emily Lopez Gracie Lopez Leticia Lopez Michelle Lopez Tracie Lopez Virginia Lopez Jennifer Lovel Ninfa Lozano Carlos Lugo Cindy Luke Maria J. Luna Esmeralda Madrid Gina Magnaos Crystal Maldonado Laura Maldonado James Maloney Helen Manibusan Wanda Marshall Alma Martinez Candace Martinez Daniel Martinez, Jr. Debbie Ann Martinez Esmeralda Martinez

George Martinez Grace Martinez Irene Martinez Jessica Martinez Laura Martinez Norma Martinez Sylvia Martinez Terry A. Martinez Maricela Martinez-Kimbrell Andrew Martini Lyle Mathews Fr. Arularasu Mathias Leah Mathisen Nikki Maupin Keely Maxey Steven A. McAliley Kimberly McCarty Carolyn McCreery Timothy McMahan Tyrone McNeil Nancy McQuarrie Jessica Medina Johanna Medina Maria Medina Irashema Medrano Oneida Medrano Yvette Mendiola Brenda Mendoza Elizabeth Mendoza Jessica Mercer Karena Mercer Penny Merriman Debra Merritt Nancy Meru Debra Middleton Sandra Milam Emily Miller Gloria Miller Michelle Miller Kelly Minnick Denise Mireles

GIFT OF SECURITIES Gifts of appreciated securities offer substantial tax advantages, including forgiveness of the tax on capital gains and an income tax deduction for the fair market value of the securities.

Jamie Mitchell Leslie Mitchell Polly Mock Emily Moench Susie Monsevais Ramsey Montalvo Christine Montano Alva Montelongo Patricia Montelongo Mary A. Moore Cynthia Moralez Michele Mora-Trevino Blanca Moreno Esperanza P. Moreno Irene Moreno Sandra Moreno Tiffany Moreno Venessa Moreno Rick Morin Stephanie Morin Ineatta Mosley Melissa Moya Robert Muiruri Maurine Mungia Diana Munoz Jacob Murphy Dixie Navarro Lorraine A. Neil Tani Nelson Jennifer Nunez Selena Obregon Cynthia Ocana Delia Olivarez Jessica Olivarez Maria D. Olmeda Christy O’Neill Florence Onwiler Heather Orr Ray Ortega Silvana Ortega Dalia Ortiz Rebeca Ortiz Roxana Ortiz Ada Pabon Dariela Palomo Eileen Parr Felma Pastoriza Vania E. Patterson Karen Peck Annette Pena Olga Pena Yvonne Pena Anita Perez Anna Perez Corina Perez

CHRISTUS Spohn Alice Giving From Within Donors Norma Escobar and Jennifer Gonzalez.

Gilbert Perez Lillian Perez Michael Perez Michelle Perez Neida Perez Yolanda Perez Zhanita Perez Yvonne Perez-Solar Amanda Perkins Laura Perkins Betty Sue Perry Michael Perry Annette Petru Debby Ploof Valerie Ponce Grace A. Posey-Davila Bala Niklesh Reddy Pothireddy Kathleen Prater Gloria Prezas-Padron Josephine Puentes Suri Puli Vicky Quinones Gracie Quintanilla Desarae Ramirez Kacy Ramirez Maria Ramirez Pauline Ramirez Joe Ramon, Jr. Valerie Ramon Bert Ramos Leticia Ramos Yadira Ramos Stephanie Rangel Fr. Tomy Raphel

Norma Real Melisa Reyna Tricia Rhoads Alyson Rhodes Carrie Rickman Becky Rios Margot Rios Maricela Rios Erica Rios-Garza Edna Rivera Gina Rivera Maggie Rivera Rachel Rivera Linda Roberts Joan Robinson Norma Jean Robles Belinda and Ricardo Rocha Kourtney Rodrigue Adelaida Rodriguez Angelica Rodriguez Eliza Rodriguez Hilda Rodriguez Irma Rodriguez Jennifer Rodriguez Jesus Rodriguez Lisa Rodriguez Michelle Rodriguez Priscilla Rodriguez Sylvia A. Rodriguez Roxana Rojas Cynthia Roosevelt Estella Rubio Genifer Rucker Janie B. Ruiz 25

TRIBUTE GIFTS Gifts may be made in memory or in honor of a loved one, family member or friend. Tribute gifts can be made to thank caregivers or in recognition of a special occasion, such as a birthday, anniversary, birth of a child or holiday. These gifts may be designated for a specific project or program. Announcement cards are mailed to honorees or their families to notify them of each tribute gift (without specifying gift amount).

Juan Ruiz Maria Ruiz Terry Ruiz Yvette Ruiz Hardie Rutab Bianca Ruvalcaba Jacqueline Saenz Lenee Saenz Guadalupe Salazar Sylvia Salazar Dolores Saldana Cherokee Saldiva Deborah Saldivar Connie Salinas Genevieve Salinas Gracie Salinas Jennifer M. Salinas Erika Salinas Lyman San Juanita Samora Angelica Samudio Heide San Miguel Erica Sanchez Michelle Sanchez Altagracia Sandate Roel Santos Dalia Sarmiento Marta Satsky Jennifer Saulter Eric Schwartz Carmelita Sendejo Irma Serna Joanna Sevigny Bonnie Sexton Melissa Shadle Susan Sharpe Valorie Shaw Buelah Shodipo 26

Dr. E. Stanton Shoemaker Karen Siemssen Dr. Randall Simonsen Anna Smith Brandi F. Smith Christine Smith Debbie Smith Shari Smith Marisol Solis Rebecca Solis Tonia Solis Mindy Soliz Beth Spore Julie Stark Corinne Stegenga Sandra Stommel Scott Stover Elizabeth Suarez Donna Suver Lori Swagerty Robbin Swann Amanda Sweidan Judith Tavares Sherry Taylor Ashlee Thomas Sandra Tijerina Nancy Tobar Cornejo Cesareo Tolentino Irelyn Tolentino Patty Toney Cynthia Torres Dona P. Torres Jeanette Torres Keara Torres Lydia Torres Rene Torres Teresa C. Torres

Teresa F. Torres Connie J. Towery Beatrice Trevino Cindy Valdez Erica Valdez Yvette Valerio Natalie Valle-Garcia Shawn M. Vandygriff Cynthia Vargas Nadia Vargas Melinda Vasquez Rhonda Vasquez Brenda Vela Denise Vela Gracie Vela Trina Velasquez Maria Teresita Velez Eliamar Venne Rachel Ventura Armando Villanueva Veronica L. Villanueva Lydia Villarreal Melissa Villarreal Nelda Villarreal Alma Villegas Doris Voris Heather Wade Phyllis Walker Matthew Ward Kelly Warren Amanda Webb Olin E. Welch, III Veronica Wenzel Michelle Weston Kenneth Westra Eddie A. Wheeler Amanda Whitney Judy M. Williams Paula Williams Shanna Williams Yolanda E. Wilson Atina Wise Christy Wood Barbara Ybanez Cindy Ybanez Kristina Yeater Mary Kate Young Tiffany Zapata Catherine Zelinski Janet Zepeda Kayla Zertuche Ercilda Zuniga Grace Zuniga Julie D. Zuniga

Associates who make a difference by donating one hour of pay or more per pay period to the Associate Giving From Within campaign are members of the Giving Hour Society.

Special Thanks to the 2018 members listed here. Victoria Acuna Kristina Ainsworth Amy Allen Gloria Alvarado Veronica Arreola Dorris Barry Crystal Bazan Loraine Bernal Chaplain Lynne Blackler Karen Bonner Robin Canchola Maria Cannon Patricia Cano Deana M. Carey Marissa Carrillo Delma Castillo Carla Cavazos-Sanchez Sasha Chapa Patricia Clark

CHRISTUS SPOHN HOSPITAL ALICE IN HONOR OF Michelle L. Brandt, RN The Family of Angelita Salazar Perez CHRISTUS SPOHN HOSPITAL BEEVILLE Beverly Mills CHRISTUS SPOHN HOSPITAL CORPUS CHRISTI - SHORELINE CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital Corpus Christi - Memorial Volunteers Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Dr. John R. Hornung

Leta Dannelley Karen Dearsan Samantha S. Dillaha Jane Dykes Syble Elliott Maria Enriquez Elsa Escobar Ernesto Espino, Jr. Rita Gallegos Katrina Garcia Laura G. Garcia Pamela Garcia Olivia Garza Tammy Gerberding Sylvia R. Gomez Cheryl Gordon Andrea M. Gutierrez Stephanie Gutierrez Isabel Hernandez

Richard A. Hill Janette Johns Amanda Kurtz Mimi A. Lazo Emily Lopez Virginia Lopez Cynthia Luke Esmeralda Madrid Laura Martinez Sylvia C. Martinez Kimberly McCarty Jessica Mercer Leslie Mitchell Susie Monsevais Michele Mora-Trevino Blanca Moreno Yvonne Perez-Solar Vicky Quinones Becky Rios


Gina Rivera Roxana Rojas Genifer Rucker Juan J. Ruiz Sylvia Salazar Deborah J. Saldivar Dalia Sarmiento Susan Sharpe Karen Siemssen Julie Stark Donna Suver Nancy Tobar Cornejo Brenda Vela Trina Velasquez Heather Wade Matthew Ward Amanda Webb Olin E. Welch, III Atina L. Wise Barbara Ybanez

CORPUS CHRISTI - SOUTH NICU AND WOMEN’S SERVICES Drs. Meridith and Tim Carter Dr. Mance and Amanda Cutbirth Samantha and Dos Gates Meredith K. Morrill IN HONOR OF Chris Adler Jordan Anderson Hewit Bonner Phyllis Roseman Linda and Keith Arnold CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital - South NICU Department Eddie Jauregui Jason Reade, Inc. 27

IN MEMORY OF James M. Bright Gippie D. Hawn William Hilton Hughes Lorraine Karp Herbert G. Morrison Karen and Richard S. Bonner The McComb Family - Laura, Leighton and Andrew Amy and Brent Holt Dr. Steven and Tricia Vela The Charba Family - Michelle, Randy and Will Amy and Kenny Koch CHRISTUS SPOHN HOSPITAL KLEBERG Coldwell Banker Homestead Properties, Inc. Exencial Wealth Advisors Kleberg Bank Kleberg-Kenedy County Junior Livestock Show Association, Inc. NavyArmy Community Credit Union Neessen Automotive Solid Fitness, LLC South Texas Energy & Economic Roundtable Patricia Lewis Zoch Children’s Foundation n

Susana Alcala Anonymous Jackie R. Castro Claudia E. Culp Tiffany and David LeMonte Teresa Marie Allen May Jeri S. Morey J. Shipman Mindy Soliz Kay Stiles Ostine E. Watts Tiffany Zelaya


Sunil and Parveen Ahuja Argelia Alegria Tracie Arnold Shelly Arredondo Maria L. Ayala Natalie Barrera Debra Basaldua Karen and Richard S. Bonner Patricia Cano Teri Cardenas Marissa Carrillo Mari Carrillo

Anonymous Cheryl and LaFreddie Coleman Susan Corbett Kristan Cox Roxanne and Robert Cuevas Nancy Cunningham Jeffery DeGregorio Syble Elliott Anonymous Joyce R. Freeman Theresa Garcia Nelda Garcia Tina Garcia Monica Gatica Isabel Gonzalez Lulana Cain-Green and Steve Green Juan Guajardo Velinda Gutierrez Susan and Carl Harper Dr. Anthony and Jacqueline Hein Crystal Hoelscher Pamela Hulme Janette Johns Brian Kostoch Linda Lemmons Elaine Letzkus Cindy Luke Rosalinda L. Maldonado Irashema Medrano Sandra Milam Sylvia Mitchell Polly Mock Amy Moore Teresa L. Moreno Irene Ochoa Christie Lee Perez Sandra Perez Gina Rivera Irma Serna

CHRISTUS Spohn Associates donate to the Helping Hands fund to help fellow Associates during times of unexpected financial need or emergencies.


Elizabeth and Jerry Susser Connie J. Towery Brenda Trevino Rhonda Vasquez Lisa Brown Vicente Catherine Votral Kathleen White Clare Atkinson Wonders Aris Ynfante Catherine Zelinski Julie D. Zuniga IN HONOR OF Jane Dykes Linda and Keith Arnold Noe Ortiz Marcos Ortiz IN MEMORY OF Cassie L. Cunningham Dr. Miguel and Traci DeLeon Geneva Kieschnick Kim Perez CAPITAL CAMPAIGN CAREY, CHARBA AND MCCOMB FAMILIES MEMORIAL Brush Country Services, Inc. Randy Charba Classic Fishing Committee George and Mary Josephine Hamman Foundation The Larry and Pat McNeil Foundation Morgan Stanley The John M. O’Quinn Foundation SpawGlass n

Morgan and Henry Blackmon Karen and Richard S. Bonner Patsy and Garnett Brooks Teri Cardenas Ashley and Will Cocke, Jr. Joyce Davidson Chrissy and Philip Dorman Cherry and Hix Green Laura and Baldemar Gutierrez Hayden and Barbara Head Debbie and John Jackson Amy Bridges Jacobs Lisa Ann Jasek Susan and Stephen Karp Dr. Paul A. Kennedy, Jr. and Susan Kennedy

Diane and John LaRue Debbie and Matt Layton Jennifer A. Lee Drs. Ben and Kimberly Leeson Jackie McFatridge Ann K. Moore Meredith K. Morrill Laurie and Phillip Plant Brandi and Walter Priestly Keleigh and Stuart Sasser Mary Kay and Alan J. Stoner Claire and George C. Vaughan Patsy H. Winn IN HONOR OF Jesus Christ Karen and Richard S. Bonner Anonymous (2) Olivia McClanahan Linda and Keith Arnold Hewit Bonner Anne and Larry Gariepy Karen Bonner Georgia and Dick Marshall Meredith K. Morrill Shelia B. Rollins IN MEMORY OF Elinor Donnell Karen and Richard S. Bonner Joseph D. Rokohl Mary Ann Charba RANCHERS MAKING A DIFFERENCE The Ruth and Edward Austin Foundation George and Mary Josephine Hamman Foundation William T. Vogt & Lorine E. Vogt Charitable Foundation n

Samantha and Dos Gates Henry R. Hamman Leslie and Chris McClanahan Terri and David L. Mendez Shawn and James Pettus Ford Smith, Sr. Frances and Felix C. Tapp, II Jen and Will Vogt

RICHARD KING III GRAND CLASSIC AEP Texas Affiliated Bank Allegiance Mobile Health American Bank Andrews Distributing Company B.E. Beecroft Co., Inc. Barcom Construction, Inc. BBVA Compass Change Healthcare CHRISTUS Health CLK Architects Corpus Christi Athletic Club Corpus Christi Hooks Corpus Christi Produce Co., Inc. Corpus Christi Rehabilitation Hospital Crothall Healthcare File Pro Corpus Christi Firetrol Protection Systems, Inc. HALO-Flight, Inc. Hartline Dacus Barger Dreyer, LLP H-E-B HHS KIII-TV Channel 3 Kleberg Bank KSI Specialties, LLC McCarthy Building Companies, Inc. Network Cabling Services Niner Investments Perkins+Will Radiology & Imaging of South Texas Stewart Title Superior HealthPlan The Brandt Companies, LLC ValueBank Texas SISTER MARGARET MANNION HELPING HANDS FUND Bay Area Garden Guild CHRISTUS Spohn Volunteers n

Ted Gawlik Mary E. Meyer IN HONOR OF Robert D. Dunn Mary Ann Charba


YOUR GUIDE TO GIVING Why is Your Support Important From its humble beginnings in 1905 as Spohn Sanitarium on Corpus Christi’s North Beach, CHRISTUS Spohn Health System has emerged as the healthcare leader in South Texas. Today, our physicians, nurses, and specialists continue the legacy established by the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word and Dr. Arthur E. Spohn by providing the most advanced, compassionate care for our entire community. While healthcare has changed during our more than a century of serving the Coastal Bend, our commitment to extending the healing ministry of Jesus Christ remains resolute to the heart of our mission in our 12-county service area. The CHRISTUS Spohn Foundation relies upon the support of our generous benefactors to help us continue to meet the expectations of individuals who look to us for the best in medical care for themselves and their families. The Foundation raises funds that provides equipment, education, improved and new facilities and new programs in our South Texas area of care. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. All gifts are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.


WAYS TO GIVE Donating to our health care ministry is easier than ever and the CHRISTUS Spohn Foundation has multiple convenient gift-giving options. One-Time Gift By check, made payable to: CHRISTUS Spohn Foundation and mailed to: CHRISTUS Spohn Foundation 600 Elizabeth Street Corpus Christi, TX 78404 Monthly Giving Monthly Giving is one of the best ways to support CHRISTUS Spohn, helping us to increase our efficiency and reduce fundraising expenses. Simply send us a voided check from your checking account and tell us the amount of your monthly gift. We’ll debit your checking account on whichever date best fits your giving needs. You can change the amount or cancel at any time. Pledge Over Time Donors may pledge a gift over time (up to five years). Payments may be made quarterly, semi-annually or annually. Whichever method you choose, your tax deductible gift will be acknowledged and designated to the area of your choice. GIVING OPTIONS | CURRENT GIVING Unrestricted Funds Unrestricted gifts are used at the discretion of the CHRISTUS Spohn Foundation whenever and wherever the needs of the health system are greatest. •CHRISTUS Spohn Foundation Annual Fund Restricted Funds Restricted gifts are used only for areas designated by the donor. Options include: •Our PATH Forward Capital Campaign •CHRISTUS Spohn Foundation Endowment •CHRISTUS Spohn Cancer Center •Dr. Edwin “Ben” Groner Nursing Excellence Fund •Sister Margaret Mannion Helping Hands •CHRISTUS Spohn CareVan •Kieschnick Guest House •Hospice Care •Area of Greatest Need

Tribute Gifts Gifts may be made in honor or in memory of an individual or group and designated to any of the funds listed above. Options include, but are not limited to: •Remembering loved ones and friends who have passed •Recognizing an important person for a special occasion (birthday, anniversary, health care milestone) •Recognizing a doctor, nurse, staff member or volunteer who made a difference in your care. Simply provide us with the name of the individual you wish to recognize. An acknowledgment of your gift will be mailed to the family of those you have recognized. The amount of your gift will remain confidential. In-Kind Gifts Donations of equipment, artwork, jewelry and more are accepted based upon current needs and are at the discretion of the Foundation. Special Events Support an event through participation, sponsorship, cash donation or in-kind donation. Legacy Giving A legacy gift allows you to make a more meaningful contribution than you may have thought possible. Your gift today will provide a lasting legacy of health care for future generations of South Texans while helping you achieve your personal, financial and estate planning goals. Options include: •Bequests •Gifts of stock and appreciated assets •Memorial gifts •Endowment gifts •Gifts of land •Insurance policy gifts •Annuities •Charitable Remainder Trusts

CHRISTUS Spohn Health System Foundation 2018 Board of Directors Leslie McClanahan, Chair Nancy Beauchamp, Past Chair Carol McLaughlin, Secretary James M. Pettus, Treasurer Judy K. Long, At-Large Elizabeth Susser, At-Large Jordan Anderson Dr. Osbert Blow, MD, PhD, FACS Mary Jane Carlisle Bill Colston, Jr. Robert T. Cuevas Becky Davis John T. (Jack) Dugan, II, M.D. Regina Garcia Thomas “Dos� Gates, Jr. Joe Henkel John P. Jackson Al Jones Linda K. Jordan Jessica Morrill Meredith K. Morrill Robert A. Naismith, M.D. Gregg Robertson Rick Rogers Keleigh Sasser Felix C. Tapp, II Richard P. Thomas Hector Villarreal Allison J. Webster Kathleen White

Justin Doss President Ex-Officio Karen Bonner, CFRE Vice President for Philanthropy Ex-Officio

Emeritus Directors Frank Armstrong Bettye Baria* Nancy Beauchamp Tom Carlisle Fielding B Cochran* Elinor Donnell* Bruce S. Hawn Frank P. Horlock, Jr.* Richard King, III* Joe Lewis, M.D. Lou Adele May Maureen Miller Elizabeth Nisbet Daniel A. Pedrotti Phillip M. Plant Rabbi Kenneth D. Roseman Alice H. Sallee Alan J. Stoner Celika Storm Kirkby E. Townsend Karen Urban * Deceased

Foundation Staff Karen Bonner, CFRE, Vice President for Philanthropy Linda Arnold, Director of Development Patricia Cano, Director of Development Marissa Carrillo, Director of Volunteer Services Connie Towery, Program Director of Development Jane Dykes, Coordinator of Kieschnick Guest House Irashema Medrano, Development Specialist Pat Simmons, Office Coordinator

600 Elizabeth Street Corpus Christi, Texas 78404 361-881-3505

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Our Mission CHRISTUS Spohn Health System is a Catholic faith-based, not-for-profit health care ministry whose mission is to extend the healing ministry of Jesus Christi. CHRISTUS Spohn serves South Texans in 12 counties with three hospital campuses in Corpus Christi (Memorial, Shoreline and South); hospitals in Alice, Beeville and Kingsville; a network of family health centers; a CareVan; the Cancer Center and wellness services.

Foundation’s Purpose The CHRISTUS Spohn Foundation exists solely to support the mission of CHRISTUS Spohn Health System by raising funds that provide equipment and technology, education, improved and new facilities and new programs.

Making a Difference Throughout the pages of this report you will see some of the remarkable accomplishments of 2018 along with descriptions of the various ways you can help strengthen CHRISTUS Spohn’s healing ministry with a gift to the CHRISTUS Spohn Foundation.

In Gratitude These pages are filled with the names of the individuals, companies and foundations that make our mission possible with their gifts of time, talent and treasure. They partner with us to help make our community a healthier place to live, work and thrive.

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