Liverpool Waters - Heritage impact assessment

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Principal features are the docks and water spaces themselves, which are built with granite with iron, steel and timber fixtures and furniture

As well as the docks themselves, the most significant elements are Albert Dock, which preserves a complete dock landscape with its complete group of warehouses, offices and ancillary buildings and is a major landmark on the waterfront

Large expanse of docks and large development parcels result in a series of buildings sat within space rather than a continuous street frontage

Building heights generally between 4-7 storeys

Albert Dock complex adds significantly to the character and OUV of the WHS

Urban quality to open spaces

Key Issues The key issues defined in the WHS SPD Evidential Report are: 

Significant barrier created by The Strand/ Wapping Street

Need to protect the docks from further infilling

Need to improve the southern gateway to the zone

Need to ensure high quality development that does not detract from the character of the WHS

Large parcels of land need to be broken down in Kings Dock/ Queens Dock into a more permeable street pattern to aid ease of movement for pedestrians

Character of dockside paving and street furniture, which is distinctive should be replicated and extended consistently across the conservation area

Need to protect long distance views of Anglican and Metropolitan Cathedrals

Need for Conservation Management Plan for Albert Dock

Need for masterplan for the re-use of water spaces and redundant quaysides

Opportunity to further improve pedestrian permeability around quaysides, especially along west quay of Canning Dock

Vision for the Area The City Council’s vision for the area as set out in the WHS SPD is that it will remain a major tourism, retail and cultural destination, benefitting from links with Liverpool One and the Kings Dock waterfront.

Liverpool Waters Heritage Impact Assessment

Page 305

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