Stories of courageous vulnerability

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raised their hands. I did four or five of these demonstrations and they were in rapt attention the entire time. Something about watching the heart rhythm on a giant screen made people very quiet and then I realized that the heart rhythm has some enthralling power. They were all in a trance. I did a few more demonstrations and after each one I told the young people that they could go back and sit in their seats in the audience. But strangely none of them wanted to move. Each of them chose to stay sitting beside the computer and after awhile I had a whole group of kids sitting right next to it and not wanting to leave. I wondered what was going on for them that made them chose to stay close to the computer. It reminded me of the way a baby monkey clings to the mother monkey. It was like somehow using this heart program had generated caring feelings in them that were still associated with the computer. It was very amazing. When we got near the end of the day, there was one more kid in the back of the room who hadn’t tried it yet. He was also the one student in the group who had not really had a shift the whole year. This boy, Ronnie, had really stayed angry and defiant while every other kid had a major life transformation from the program. But Ronnie didn’t open up at all. He just remained really angry and closed. Something in me got up the courage to ask him if he wanted to do a demo. Part of me really didn’t want to ask him because he was so difficult, but much to my surprise he said yes and came up to the computer. When he sat down next to it I whispered in his ear “Focus on


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