Christel House South Africa Annual Report 2012

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the power of partnership 2012 ANNUAL REPORT

Contents Chairperson’s Report


Audit & Risk Committee


Board of Directors


Remuneration Comittee



The Christel House Model


Financial Report


Fundraising & Development


Work Study Report


Social Services Report


Principals’ Report

COO/CFO Report



Christel House helps South African children break the cycle of poverty, realize their hopes and dreams, and become self-sufficient contributing members of society.

Mission: Christel House transforms lives by providing impoverished children with an independent education, nutrition, health care and a nurturing environment, and by empowering their families and communities through outreach services.

Values: Respect, Responsibility, Independence and Integrity are organisational values that guide the work of Christel House. By embracing these values, our children will become responsible citizens and productive members of society.

Pledge: Christel House children realise their fullest potential by working hard in their studies, pledging to be good citizens and giving back to their communities.

NPO Number: 017-044 NPO Christel House South Africa is a registered Non-Profit Organisation in terms of Section 18A of the SA Income Tax Act 58 of 1962.


Embracing the day...

Our transport providers are key partners in our model and take a keen interest in our learners, seeing them first thing in the morning and last thing in the afternoon. They inform the teachers when something seems wrong or when a child confides in them. Drivers contribute by providing free transportation for learners to attend special events. Page 1

Chairperson’s Report I am delighted to report, that once again Christel House South Africa (CHSA) performed well in the 2012 matric examinations and continues to exceed the national averages. This is testament to the model of education that the school provides and the dedication of the leadership team, educators and support staff. The CHSA model has developed and grown along with our learners. Initially the focus was on primary education, health and social services. In 2011 the focus expanded to the employability of our learners and active citizenship through our Work Study model that continues to evolve and in 2012 the focus was on sustainability. Sustainability is based on a simple premise – the interconnectedness of all things. A sustainable society is one which creates conditions that allow all its citizens to flourish. Integral to South Africa’s sustainability is access to quality education for all. Unlocking the potential of South Africa’s children will determine the future of this country. The National Planning Commission report released at the end of 2011 confirmed that education in South Africa is in serious trouble: “Our kids are not getting the future they deserve. South Africa is failing our young and holding back their potential”. Christel House provides a model of education that can impact on the systemic change we so badly need in this country.


Investec is a social investor in CHSA. It supports our science and maths programme, heeding the call from our public and private sectors to develop skills that will help South Africa be competitive in the 21st century.

In order to accelerate the roll out of the Christel House model, the goal is for CHSA to increase support from South African funders so as to ensure the sustainability of our Cape Town educational activities from South African sources. The result would allow funding received from Christel House International to be directed toward expansion activities elsewhere in South Africa. The average increase of 15% in revenue achieved by the fundraising and development team for 2012 attests to the commitment of the management team to build the profile of the school, sustain existing donor relationships and develop new funding sources in a period where the global economy is struggling. This will be my final report as Chairperson of CHSA. My term of office came to an end in December 2012. In November 2012 the board announced the appointment of my successor, Stephen Ross, with effect from 1st January 2013. Stephen joined the CHSA board in April 2012. He has had a distinguished business career in South Africa and brings significant local experience to the Chairperson role. It has been a privilege to chair the CHSA board for the past five years, and I look forward to continuing to serve on the board under Stephen’s leadership. I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank everyone who has contributed to the success of Christel House South Africa in 2012. A special thank you to Christel DeHaan, the Founder, for her unwavering support of the school, her inspiration and continued dedication to breaking the cycle of poverty through education and holistic human development. Elspeth Donovan March 2013

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Science and Maths: Developing skills South Africa needs. Page 3

Board of Directors Wayne Grews

Melvin King

Ron Haylock (UK)

Experience: Education, Social Development

Experience: Business, Finance, Infrastructure Development, Marketing & Public Relations

Experience: Business, Fundraising, Infrastructure Development, Marketing & Public Relations

Education Committee

Audit Committee

Board meetings attended: 2 of 3

Board meetings attended: 2 of 3

Nominations Committee Board meetings attended: 3 of 3


2009 Shaun Lamont Experience: Business, Finance, Infrastructure Development, Marketing & Public Relations

Christel DeHaan (USA)

Elspeth Donovan

Experience: Business, Education, Fundraising, Marketing & Public Relations

Experience: Education, Social Development

Nominations Committee

Board meetings attended: 2 of 3

Audit Committee Board meetings attended: 2 of 3

Education Committee, Remuneration Committee Board meetings attended: 2 of 3


2001 2010

Stewart Van Graan Experience: Business, Information, Communication and Technology, Marketing & Public Relations

“Our purpose is

Brian Stocks Experience: Business, Finance, Infrastructure Development Audit Committee

Marketing Committee Board meetings attended: 2 of 3

Board meetings attended: 3 of 3

Charles Abrahams Experience: Business, Governance and Law

to ensure as many children as possible across South Africa have the Christel House chance at life. As the board, we are committed to ensuring professional, compassionate, results-based performance with integrity paramount.� Stephen Ross

Succedent Chairperson

In pursuit of these objectives, the Board of Chistel House South Africa strives to adhere to the principles of good corporate governance as stipulated in the Code of Corporate Practices and Conduct as recommended by the King III Committee. All members of the board are non-executive directors.


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Stephen Ross (USA) Experience: Business, Marketing & Public Relations

Audit Committee Remuneration Committee

Marketing Committee

Board meetings attended: 2 of 3

Board meetings attended: 2 of 2

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Grade 6 Financial Awareness Class: Creating young entrepreneurs

Principals’ Report What makes the difference? Although the dire circumstances confronting Christel House children present enormous challenges and learners arrive with significant initial deficits, the entire teaching staff is dedicated to closing these gaps and helping each child achieve success. Christel House creates a platform upon which to build a life of confidence, dignity and self-sufficiency. The school’s medium of instruction is English, despite the fact most learners are non-English speaking when they arrive. We spend up to 30% more instructional time on Maths and Language than the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) requires. Our model helps bring balance and equilibrium to learners’ lives to support consistent results. Neglect, domestic violence, sexual abuse, parental substance abuse, bereavement and overcrowding are common problems confronting our learners.

These problems cannot be addressed in isolation. Comprehensive intervention strategies require highly skilled and enthusiastic teachers and support staff. They become role models from whom students learn self-discipline, commitment, diligence and integrity. An intrinsic part of our educators’ function at CHSA is to teach our learners values, to build their character, to teach them to make good choices and to foster in them hopes and dreams. We strive for continuous improvement in our programme delivery to ensure that in facing such poverty we build a culture of independence, responsibility and accountability that produces Active Citizens for South Africa.


Academic performance is benchmarked against the Systemic Test Results. The WCED Systemic exams are set, invigilated and marked by an outside agency for the WCED. During 2012, Christel House learners outperformed the Western Cape pass rate in Literacy and Numeracy as follows:

Numeracy... Grade 3: +24.3 points Literacy....... Grade 3: +35.3 points

Grade 6: +26.1 points Grade 6: +39.4 points

Grade 9: +37.9 points Grade 9: +37.5 points

Student life is also an important focus. In fencing, our learners continue to place among the medals at the provincial and national levels in various age groups. In athletics, we compete in the highest league at the provincial level. One of our learners also represented the province in debating and our band and choir are frequently invited to play at functions and competitions.


partnership Peter and Pirjo Carr mentor learners who are interested in Business Studies. Peter spends 6 months every year in SA and visits Christel House at least once a month to interact and share his business experience and love of sport with the children. They also sponsor the education costs for six of our learners. Page 6

CHSA gratefully acknowledges the incredible work of our teaching staff, who willingly commit to teaching more hours daily, and more days annually than the SA norm. They also commit to continuous professional development outside the 200 normal school days per annum, to constantly enhance their instructional skills. Our educators successfully completed an NQF level 6 qualification at the University of the Western Cape during 2012. This has enabled them to introduce new applications and methods, such as digital media, into their classroom practice and they have access to ICT resources to support new curriculum delivery. This professional development opportunity was funded by DELL, our valued partner in ICT.

Ronald Fortune

Secondary School Principal

Midge Hilton-Green Primary School Principal

Page 7

ABRIDGED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS For the year ended 31 December 2012


Christel House South Africa once again achieved an unqualified audit report. The complete set of audited financial statements is available on our website:

R Accumulated Surplus


2012 R

2011 R


Current Assets Cash and cash equivalents Temporarily restricted funds Trade and other receivables


Total Assets

35 552 271

36 257 142

18 842 548 754 766 707 472 20 304 786

22 471 845 737 210 649 574 23 858 629

55 857 057

60 125 771

EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity Accumulated surplus Liabilities Current Liabilities Deferred income Temporarily restricted funds held Trade and other payables

Total Equity and Liabilities

34 727 999

36 772 214

38 746 860

Balance at 1 January 2012

(1 974 646) 36 772 214

(1 974 646) 36 772 214

(2 044 215)

(2 044 215)

34 727 999

34 727 999

Changes in equity (Deficit) for the year


Cash flows from operating activities Cash receipts from donors Cash paid to suppliers & employees


Cash generated from operations Interest Income


18 167 260 754 776 2 207 032 21 129 058

20 859 709 737 210 1 756 638 23 353 557

55 857 057

60 125 771

2012 R

2011 R

30 074 903 (31 977 392)

49 867 185 (26 943 009)

(1 902 489)

22 924 176

877 491

306 585

(1 024 998)

23 230 761

Cash flows from investing activities Purchase of property, plant, equipment

(2 604 299)

(1 337 573)

Total cash movement for the year Cash at the beginning of the year

(3 629 297) 22 471 845

21 893 188 578 657

18 842 548

22 471 845

Net cash from operating activities


Page 8

38 746 860

Balance at 31 December 2012

Non-Current Assets Property, plant and equipment

Total Equity

Balance at 1 January 2011 Changes in equity (Defecit) for the year



Total cash at the end of the year


Note to Cash Flow and Deferred Income: *Due to fluctuations and uncertainty in the exchange rate of the US Dollar, US Donors made available funds for 2012 and 2013 operations in 2011 when the Rand dropped to its lowest level since 2009.

2012 R

2011 R

Revenue Operating Expenses Operating Surplus Depreciation Investment revenue

32 858 837 (32 461 373) 397 464 (3 319 170) 877 491

29 050 445 (27 781 180) 1 269 265 (3 550 496) 306 585

The audited financial statements were compiled in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards for Small to Medium Sized Entities and in the manner required by the Companies Act of South Africa 2008.

Deficit for the year

(2 044 215)

(1 974 646)

The auditors were Henri Grove & Partners Registered Auditors, Bellville.

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Audit & Risk Committee Report

REVENUE what we raised & support we were given for 2012 The partnerships between CHSA and donors have remained strong in difficult economic times. Total revenues increased 15% over the prior year, due primarily to an increase in SA contributions, which rose from 33% to 37% of total revenues. South African Funding

Local Contributions

R 11 748 114

Investment Income


International Funding

R 21 110 723


_ _ _ _ _ R 5m _ _ _ _ _

877 491

R 33 736 328



International Funding

Christel House International Operating fund US Contributions and Grants UK Contributions

Cash Special Events In-kind Contributions Competitive Grants


Investment Income

The Audit and Risk Committee carried out its duties as required by the South African Companies Act No 71 of 2008, the King Report, and the committee’s terms of reference in accordance with its annual plan. The committee is satisfied that it has considered and discharged its responsibilities in accordance with its mandate and terms of reference during the year under review. We are satisfied with the improving trend in the results of the management’s assessment of its individual control and risk environments as confirmed by the combined assurance model implemented at CHSA. The committee formed the opinion that at the date of this report there were no material breakdowns in internal control, including financial control that would result in any material loss to CHSA. The committee reviewed and recommended the approval of the annual financial statements to the board. Brian Stocks Chairperson - Audit & Risk Committee

Remuneration Committee Report

R 10m


INCREASE in SA Funding: 2011 to 2012 6%h



SA Contributions

186%h SA Government Grant

Investment Income

The SA Donor is often fatigued by the extent of need in South Africa. That we have seen a 37% increase in SA private sector donations is the result of rigorous relationship building, measurable outcomes and the strong governance principles implemented at CHSA.

EXPENDITURE how our model channelled funding in 2012 Overall costs increased by 14%, primarily due to inflationary pressures on fuel and food prices coupled with above-inflation salary increases for educators in order to remain competitive in the marketplace. Investments in technology, remediation, guidance counselling and Work Study also impacted this increase. The Work Study programme numbers grew from 48 to 72 (by 50%) and the related costs in this regard by 57%. Costs not related to the core function of the school (learning & Work Study) are kept at 10% or lower.

Operating Costs School Program

R 28 502 923

WorkStudy Program


588 356

Fundraising Costs


2 082 135

Management Costs


1 287 959



3 319 170


R 35 780 543

Louraine Rossouw CA(SA)


School Program Costs Staff/Outside Services Books/Supplies/Uniforms Student Transport/Food Facilities/Medical Services Equipment

9% Depreciation 2% Work Study Programme Costs 6% Fundraising Staff/Outside services Travel/Facilities Phone/Equipment

Costs 3% Management Staff/Outside services Facilities Telephone/Equipment

The committee carried out its duties as required by the King Report and the committee’s terms of reference to submit this report in respect of the 2012 financial year to the stakeholders of CHSA. The committee reviewed the company’s general remuneration policy and specific packages for executive and senior management, educators and support staff.

The committee also reviewed and endorsed the company’s policy not to remunerate non-executive directors. The remuneration strategy for management and the workforce at CHSA is designed to: 1. Attract and retain those people with the ability, experience and skill to fulfill the mission of the organisation. 2. Incentivise employees to deliver sustained performance and appropriate risk management, and to reward success in this. 3. Be market-related and competitive. 4. Encourage behaviour consistent with CHSA values The committee submits that it has considered and discharged its responsibilities in accordance with its mandate and terms of reference during the year under review.

Distribution of Remuneration Semi- Unskilled Top Academically skilled Management Qualified/Junior 4% 3 Management/ % 17% Supervisors 10%


Workforce Profile African, Coloured or Indian men

6% White women


1% White men African, Coloured or Indian women

Professionally Qualified & Experienced Staff

Elspeth Donovan Chairperson – Remuneration Committee

61% CHSA has 68 employees. Our educator corps have between 5 and 30 years practical experience.

COO/CFO – Christel House South Africa

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When Bernadette Thomlinson visited Christel House in 2009, she wanted to help. After exploring various options she and her family decided to provide funding for a half-day staff nurse to assist with the medical needs of our children. Our registered nurse, Avril Hermanus, welcomed the extra help, which gave her the opportunity to attend to more children every day. This relationship grew over time and, after a recent visit, the Thomlinson family committed to funding this position for a further 3 years.

The Christel House Model: “Christel House works. The achievements of our students and graduates are evidence of the effectiveness of the Christel House model.� Christel DeHaan Founder



Check-up at the school clinic: Ensuring optimal health for optimal results Page 12

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Cape Town

706 Students... in all of these locations... twice a day.

Manenberg and Hanover Park


Ongoing gang warfare in these areas (which has prompted the Western Cape Premiere to request military intervention) is a constant challenge to our efforts to keep learner attandance figures of 98% or higher.

Christel House

Some days it is simply too dangerous for our students to leave home.


Communities served prior to and including 2012

Delft Some learners were re-located to Delft after fires destroyed their homes in Langa. To ensure transport efficiency, we have now recuited learners from informal settlements like Phola Park that lie along this route.

New communities served since 2012, in line with our new focus on the most deprived children in the Cape Metropole.

SAMPLE COMMUNITY PROFILES: Phumlani Informal Settlement

Egoli & Jim se Bos Informal Settlements

Strandfontein Informal Settlement

Population: 1500 people

Population: 3500 households

Unemployment: 60%

Unemployment: 90%

Comprises: Masincedane, City Mission, Oppermans Oord, 7 de Laan and Campground Informal Settlements

Problems: Pervasive gangsterism, crime, overcrowding, shootings and other violent crime, illegal property occupation, addiction & substance abuse, chronic poverty.

Problems: Chronic poverty and food insecurity, substance abuse, violence, unsafe housing, poor sanitation, disease.

Problems: Chronic poverty, poor quality & unsafe housing, high exposure to extreme weather, frequent flooding, substance abuse, crime, food insecurity.

Page 14

False Bay

Access to quality education is a major challenge for children in marginalized communities. Christel House attempts to reach as many of these diverse communities across the Cape Metropole as possible. The provision of transport is a key factor in addressing this challenge and providing opportunity to participate in a wide variety of activities such as service learning, sports and debate. Page 15






South Africa strives to advance the social and economic transformation and participation of black South Africans in the economy. To ensure sustainable access to the economy, CHSA contibutes on two levels: imparting transferable skills and facilitating access to the workplace.

Early Childhood DEVELOPMENT Life Skills English Language Development Creative Play Numeracy Development Gross & Fine Motor Skills Development

We provide



Higher Education Life Skills (making good choices) Values & Character Building Public Speaking

Early Leadership

Career Guidance Service Learning: “Giving Back” Learner support and remediation

Sport & Music

Transport Food Uniforms

Leadership Programme Peer Counselling

Time-on-task: longer school days

Counselling & support

Education Value-based curriculum Love & nurture Student Life: sports, music, arts, culture

Page 16

Food, uniforms, transport, health care & social services

Service Learning: Giving Back

Vocational Training Bursary Applications

Sex & Gender Education

Interview Training

Career Guidance


Success Planning

Job Placement

Service Learning: “Giving Back”

Service Learning: “Giving Back”

Counselling Cultural Activities Learning Materials

Holistic Education Clear goals: success planning and career guidance



Medical Services






Support & Mentoring

Social Services

Community Outreach

Holistic Management Policy Real Accountability


Organisation Data


Performance Measurement Transparency and Ethics


Performance management is a core focus area. We have clearly defined norms and standards which set high expectations. There are clear measures for educators, learners and parents that are aligned with our annual business plan, with time frames that we report on monthly. Our continuous monitoring allows us to identify problems, so we can intervene and implement appropriate corrective measures in a timely manner. Page 17

Our Results 100% matric pass rate over the last 4 years 98%

pupil attendance rate


staff attendance rate

100% of students fed 2 full meals and a snack every 100% of students get transport to and from school 99%

of our students return every year

100% of students are from disadvantaged communities 94%

of graduates participate in the Work Study Programme

Cost per Learner

Average Cost per Learner = R50 680 pa R4 086

R 1 551 Management & Fundraising costs Health Care and Social Services

R 475 Outreach and Service Learning R 834 Career Guidance & Work Study

R 4 085

Learning Material, Uniforms and Learner Support Services

R3 820 Nutrition

R5 064 Transportation R4 701 Depreciation Page 18

Christel House is highly efficient in the delivery of its educational programming. The additional programs and services we provide include transportation, meals, uniforms, extramural activities, course materials and health care. School fees at independent schools in Cape Town range from R 20 000 and R80,000 for education only.


Lunch: 706 students, partnership 2 meals and a snack every day


FEDICS and Christel House joined hands to develop a sustainable meals programme balancing

R26 064 Education

the health of our learners and the conservation of resources. FEDICS aims to fuel students with the right food and inspire them to eat it, to help them develop healthy eating habits, and to provide the nutrients they need to maintain health, growth, and energy and to help their minds operate at their very best. Â The Smart Choices educational programme also teaches responsibility to conserve electricity, water and to reduce waste. Page 19

Fundraising and Development Fundraising is central to the sustainability of Christel House South Africa. Each year we set out to meet and surpass new targets, knowing that decreased reliance on US sourced funding will free up funds to capitalise our next school in South Africa. Donor relationships are diverse in size and nature, but each has great value. Investment opportunities can be tailored for any individual or corporation.

Despite the current economic climate, our local funding increased by 30% in 2012. This is attributable to the vision of extraordinary companies and individuals, and to our school’s quantifiable results.

Individuals volunteer their time as music teachers, sports coaches, occupational therapists and opticians.

The practice of social investment is changing. Performance and value must be as much a part of our offering as any stock on the JSE, and we must deliver real “development dividends” if we are to satisfy our investors. Today’s funders want more - and better - information about the impact of the work they support. The social investment policies of corporate donors are increasingly scrutinised by public officials, shareholders and other stakeholders.

Some companies sponsor school uniforms or meals - R15 a day. Others fund transport for learners R20 a day.

To meet these more stringent expectations, Christel House must present clearly defined investment opportunities, measurable impact and compelling results. Our transparency, accountability, good governance and outstanding results attract action-oriented companies and individuals. These partnerships enable us to progress from educating a single child to empowering whole families and up-lifting entire communities. We embrace these shifts in social investment behavior, recognizing that they will drive improvements in performance, costeffectiveness and accountability within the NGO sector. Every rand contributed to Christel House by our SA donors is used for children’s programming, not for administrative or overhead expenses.

In-kind donations of library books, sports uniforms and equipment, office supplies and technology are always needed.

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“The challenge is to

ensure that corporate social investment is realising optimal returns. This means that companies need to look at where they can have the greatest impact.” Cyril Ramaphosa Deputy President


Dell - a long-time partner to Christel House - not only funds our teachers’ ongoing ICT development, but also provides computers for all educators and staff. Dell also sponsors all ICT infrastructure for the school and its 3 laboratories. Because our student body has very limited access to technology in their communities, Dell’s support of Christel House significantly bridges this digital divide.

Sharon Williams Marketing and Development

DELL also invests in our food programme, with an understanding that healthy bodies are essential if learners are to make the most of the sizeable ICT investment DELL has made in the school.

Annual Report I Page 21 Page 21

The Work Study Programme Unique to Christel House and key to our pledge to create Active Citizens, the Work Study programme guides learners in the last leg of their journey from graduation to employment. After they pass Grade 12, learners are supported and mentored through continued education and/or apprenticeships until they are firmly established in the work force. Amanda Nodada Pursuing Bachelor of Commerce degree at the University of the Western Cape (full bursary).

Kyle Daniels


Pursuing Bachelor of Music degree at the University of Cape Town (partial bursary).

Electrical engineering student, False Bay College Georgevine’s mother, Hermina, recalls the challenges she faced as a single mother without an education... mostly trying to find work and keep a roof over their heads. Sometimes, they were homeless. But after getting Georgevine into Christel House in Grade 4, they finally had some support. In Grade 11, during another lean time for Hermina, one of our teachers invited Georgevine to stay with his family for a while. Again, in her matric year, a Christel House teacher took her in for the months leading up to her final exams - exams she passed and which set her on the road to becoming an electrical engineer. Page 22

• Assistance in securing bursaries and educational funding • Help in completing university and employment applications • Counseling in career selection • Job placement • Goal setting and life planning

Of the 105 matriculants from 2009 to 2012:

24 are at university 20 in learnerships 39 employed 13 at college 2 in the navy

Preparing for the Workplace Georgevine de Koker:

The Work Study Programme started in 2010, and grew to 105 participants with the 2012 graduates. Hallmarks of the programme include:

7 are still to be placed Raphael Meyer is in his first year of a 3 year apprenticeship in tool-making at GUD filters. Supervisor Reginald Wahl oversees his progress.

The Power of Partnership Page 23





Student life



Extra lessons:

Hairdressing class:

Afternoon rest and play:

Learning teamwork:

Our Stars Programme, sponsored by Cindy Sowder, provides additional support for struggling

Sponsored by Intercoiffure, this project was established by Rolf Losken, Ezra Isaacs and Jean Witte in the belief that a skill can always provide an income. Their passion, integrating practical entrepreneurship and business skills with hairdressing, makes this programme very popular.

Zuseka Mashiya is a graduate of Christel House and now volunteers as a class assistant at the school. She cares for our youngest learners with the same devotion she received growing up here.

For much of his schooling, Dean Leo had no stable home life, moving 13 times over the years, sleeping on floors and living in caravans. Today he’s a professional soccer player with Glendene United... and as a Christel House graduate he gives back to our learners as a volunteer soccer coach, on a pitch sponsored by the National Lottery

Catching up to get ahead. learners. The value of extended learning time for students who live in impoverished communities cannot be overstated, and is reflected in our 100% pass rate. It also gives them more time each day in a positive environment.

Page 24

Fun while learning a skill.

Empathy taught and passed on.

The Brendalyn Stempel Foundation and Kerry Oelz sponsored the Jungle Gym.

On and off the field.

Development Trust Fund. Page 25

Learners often have to share a single bed with many siblings, and study under candlelight because there is no electricity.

Social Services and Health Report The Social Services Department provides professional assistance and support to learners and families facing a range of socio-economic challenges. The Challenges: Neglect, domestic violence, emotional, physical and sexual abuse, parental substance abuse, gang violence, bereavement and overcrowding are common problems confronting our students. We visit families at home to learn the environment within which our children live to better understand its impact on their academic performance, emotional maturity and physical development.

Our Services: The Social Services Department works hand-in-hand with parents and is a voice for many learners who experience family dysfunction and other problems. Interventions include individual and group counselling, parent conferences and home visitation. Learners deemed at risk in their own homes are assisted with alternative accommodations with the help of state child welfare organisations. Learners receive annual physicals and necessary immunisations. Sex education, personal health and hygiene are also addressed by this department. Parents are also empowered through programs that focus on parenting skills, confronting domestic violence and substance abuse, learning self-reliance and learning skills that will increase employment opportunities. Christel House parents have gained employment in the health, hospitality and retail sectors, and become involved in their own communities developing vegetable gardens, self-help projects and other community-based initiatives.

8:13PM Page 26

Homework: Committed to a brighter future

Children are in a safe and nurturing environment at Christel House. We cannot prevent or heal all wounds, but we are there for them each day - to listen, to comfort, to love and to accept them unconditionally. By so doing we are helping them to acquire life skills necessary to cope with future challenges.

Claudia Carew: Head of Social Services and Health.

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Service Learning

Community Outreach

A Future Reimagined We must realise that no one will deliver to us the future that we seek. We need to build it ourselves. We all need to be leaders, in our own personal development, in our families, in our communities, and in broader society. That is what the National Development Plan (NDP) means when it speaks about an active citizenry. It is a citizenry that is integrally involved in bringing about change, not only through its interaction with the state, but also through initiatives within communities. An active citizenry requires inspirational leadership at all levels of society. According to the NDP, the qualities that we must look for in such leaders include: • The ability to lead by example and to follow rules that apply to everyone, • Honesty, integrity and trustworthiness, • The capacity to innovate and manage change, • The ability to listen, • The ability to promote meaningful inclusion, • A commitment to empower the otherwise powerless. This means that every person has within them the potential for leadership.

Giving Back: Creating Active Citizens In keeping with our pledge, Christel House learners give back to their communities in a number of ways. Whether they are making soup for the hungry, painting community buildings, picking up litter or making blankets for the homeless, Christel House students reach out to the most vulnerable in their communities. Christel House graduates also give back to their Alma Mater, each volunteering at least 10 hours annually in various capacities, and often committing to semi-permanent volunteer roles.

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Parent Workshop: Leveraging parent support to keep students on track

Extract from a speech by Cyril Ramaphosa “Education must arm youth with skills and leadership”

CHSA recognizes the need for parents to be involved by supporting their children emotionally and reinforcing the importance of education. Parents are expected to attend Christel House workshops that equip them to become better caregivers and provide them with important information to help them access social services. Additionally, parents give back to CHSA by volunteering to help with maintenance and upkeep at the school.

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In support of Christel House

What does success look like?

Christel House South Africa has achieved a 100% matric pass rate, four years running. With your help, we can make it five.

Christel House South Africa Phone: +27 21 704 9406 / 7 / 8 Email: Website: Banking Details:



We would like to thank the members of the Club Leisure Group for their ongoing support of Christel House South Africa.

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