Kilimanjaro NZ Expedition Photo Book

Page 86

DAY 05

‘The best thing for me was after I thought it was game over, when I just about fainted. I got in at the front of the line, behind Samson and I managed to get in his rhythm and all I thought about, was just ‘boom, boom’ one foot in front of another – I wasn’t thinking about how my stomach wanted to explode, how my fingers and feet were numb and when will this end. We got the sunrise at 6 am. My acclimatization was sore stomach & I didn’t really get a headache but I’m getting one now from dehydration and over exhaustion. I was on cloud 9 on the summit... I was floating.’ - Chris Flack

“Honestly I’ve got no energy in me at all, I can’t even open my eyes.” Paul Dance

“Urhuru peak, we’ve made it to the summit of Kilimanjaro. It’s been epic, I’m not going to lie it’s a tiresome one, literally I was just having to force my legs to walk, it’s that bad... worth it in the end. To all those people in Christchurch. I hope what we have done here, you appreciate and I hope all the money we raised benefits you and it’s just a great moment hard to describe in words. To conclude climbing a massive mountain with Absolute Africa plus raising money for Christchurch equals by-winning.” - Matt Orton

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