stop counting fish
performance task
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We ask our students, quite simply, to count fish.
john austin “creating an academy of learners.�
the need for a different assessment
institutions are equipped to improve 21st century skills when they connect teaching, learning, and assessment through authentic, performance-based practices
performance task
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performance task
3 of 3
Rewards factual recall Fails to gauge transferability
(a) William Shakespeare (b) John Updike (c) Ernest Hemingway (d) None of the above
General Knowledge Content Skills
Content Knowledge
General Skills
General Knowledge Content Skills
Content Knowledge
General Skills
General Knowledge Content Skills
Content Knowledge
General Skills
General Knowledge Content Skills
Content Knowledge
General Skills
so what?
The provision of transferrable skills is as important as the provision of content so what?
The top ten in-demand jobs in 2010 did not exist in 2004. We are currently preparing students for jobs that don’t yet exist using technologies that have not yet been invented in order to solve problems that we don’t even know are problems yet. so what?
Did You Know? |
Proportion of employers who say MORE emphasis should be paid to specific selected learning outcomes so what?
73% the ability to effectively communicate orally and in writing
73% critical thinking and analytic reasoning skills
73% application of knowledge and skills to real world settings
64% the ability to analyze and solve complex problems
What happens when a town is confronted by an increase in drug use (during an election season)
small sample
quantitative reasoning
appropriate comparison group
correlation vs. causation
Incorrect (improper?) use of data
ability to filter
what is all of this measuring?
contributions of sub-traits
comparison to other institutions
comparison to peer groups
but to what purpose?
admissions criteria
subverting accountability
exit exam
by grade level
targeting areas for improvement
by characteristic
targeting areas for improvement
by characteristic
targeting areas for improvement
by characteristic
targeting areas for improvement
by subscore
targeting areas for improvement
one-on-one guidance
targeting areas for improvement
starting spring 2013
8th graders
aligning collaboration
aligning faculty development
None of the top ten jobs that will exist in 2010 exist today. Rather than focusing on specific technologies or specific problems, we need to equip students with those concepts that are common to all problems, all technologies, all skills The Jobs Revolution: Changing How America Works. 2004
performance task
The provision of transferrable skills is as important as the provision of content
January: Performance Task Academy in New York
opportunities to participate
March: Performance Task Academy in Chicago
opportunities to participate
Spring 2012: January 28-April 15 cwra April 1-May 31 cwra+ $22 per student opportunities to participate
chris jackson 212.217.0845