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背景| Background 降雨的城市是美麗的,但有時候突如其來的壞天氣將對 路上的行人造成大麻煩,我們整理了雨天時會讓人覺得 不方便的情境,諸如忘記帶雨傘出門或由於手上已經持 有東西而不方便拿雨傘,我們甚至觀察到有人邊騎腳踏 車邊撐傘,對他們的安全造成威脅。

A rainy city is beautiful, but sometimes an unexpected bad weather will be a big trouble for people on the road. We found some inconvenient situations on rainy days, such as forgetting to bring an umbrella or being unable to hold an umbrella while you had held something i n your hands. We could even see people holding umbrellas while riding bikes, which put themselves in danger.

概念| Concept 四軸飛行器具有重量輕、體積小與高便利性的優點,我 們將其結構與雨傘結合,並命名為「Raxi」。你可以使 用手機App來預約它,它則會透過「GPS」來追蹤位置並 前往你身邊,雨天時,「Raxi」會在你頭頂跟你一同前 進,保護你免於淋濕的困擾。 1 突然下雨了。 When it rains suddenly.

A quadcopter has advantages of small weight, small size, and convenience. We combined its structure with an umbrella, and then renamed it as Raxi. You can book it on an app, and it comes through tracking your location by GPS. Raxi follows wherever you go on rainy days and keeps you from getting wet .

2 你卻忘了帶雨傘出門。 You forget to bring your umbrella.

3 此時你可以拿出手機,使用「Raxi」 這個App租用飛行雨傘來幫你遮雨。 You can take out your cellphone, and use the app "Raxi" to help you.


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