John F. Dedek
A Blueprint for a Curriculum
A new model of theological education is intToduced at St. Mm¡y of the Lake.
These pages carry a mode! of a new curriculum of seminary studies which will become real this fall at St. Mary of the Lake Seminary in Mundelein. It is a detailed description of the basic pastoral program leading to the Master of Divinity degree. No description is given of the program for candidates for the S. T.B. and S. T.L. degrees, which of necessity is somewhat different. Our faculty together with student representatives developed this program th1¡ough most of the past academie year. It is gratifying to see that it is in accord with the principles outlined by the Bishops Committee on Priestly Formation in its report of April, 1969. But the description given here is not of principles but of the elements in which principles are made concrete and come to live. lt is one way of specifying the principles and may be of some use to other seminary faculties as they undertake the arduous task of curriculum renewal. GENERAL STRUCTURE 217