I Messenger

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Faithful Utterances

Quit Playin’

With Love From Marva

Each new year, I would write Resolutions. I would create things to accomplish like losing weight, exercising, or spending more time reading my Bible. In the last few years, I stopped writing resolutions. It’s not that I don’t write out my goals, I just do this throughout the year with periodic check-ins.

2020 started before it even started. Months before its arrival, personal and corporate plans were laid out like a Sunday suit on Saturday night. We were just itching for church service to begin. Every passage of scripture with the word vision was surveyed.

On “From Marva with Love,” the managing partner of Annie Earl’s Art Gallery, Harold Banks’, discussed the art gallery is named after his beloved mother who passed away from ovarian cancer in 1985 at the age of 45. She was the matriarch of the family; a very strong, single parent who raised five boys and one girl.






January 8, 2021

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