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PETER RICE humanist - analyst - engineer Many engineers are seen as straight-forward people, who analyze and calculate. But sometimes there are exceptions. One was Ove Arup, but Peter Rice is an exceptional runner-up on that list. His approach to engineering had a great similarity to Arup’s as seen in his goal for everything being in the benefit for human kind. Peter Rice was a senior partner of Arup, Piano & Rice Associates and Rice Francis Ritchie (RFR). But under his coworkers and collaborating architects namely remember him for his humanistic approach to engineering.

TEXT: ILKE BROERS Peter Rice (1935) was born in Dundalk, Ireland

competition with a design the French initially

Arup declined the assignment for La Villette,

and spent his entire childhood there. After he

did not want. The three did have the support of

after which RFR picked it up. For the project,

began studying aeronautical engineering, which

president, Georges Pompidou, to build their idea

the engineers and designers were faced with

he found uninteresting, he switched to civil en-

of a ‘human machine’. The engineering solutions

the problem of the support system for the glass

gineering at Queen’s University in Belfast. After

for the architectural issues were also not the

façade. Francis, with his design background,

he received his engineering degree, he spent

most common, but they fitted the concept. For

mentioned that engineers do not understand

another year at the Imperial College in London

instance the articulated joints; the span of the

that glass is a flexible material. This gave Rice

before joining Arup in 1956.

beams was 50 meters, but this would cause a

a eureka moment; if that was the case, they

momentum that was too big. Rice did not talk

did not need a supporting structure, they could

His first project was immediately a big one:

the architects out of the idea of this huge span.

use cables. These days, this cable glass support

The Sydney Opera House. At Arup he worked

He went along and designed the articulated

system is a standard in the engineering world.

for three years with a small team on the Utzon

joints. Although being of great significance, it

shells, before moving to Sydney with his family.

was not until much later that this was recog-

Multiple architects and engineers who worked

He was supposed to work as assistant engi-

nized. Martin Francis, Rice’s partner in his later

with Rice, described him as a rare creature. He

neer to Ian MacKenzie, until after one month

firm RFR, mentioned that Rice once said: “No-

had a drive for exploration and doing new or

MacKenzie fell ill and was hospitalized. This left

body will realize what you have done until many

different things, and had a degree of the philo-

Peter Rice in charge as on-site engineer, at the

years afterwards.” Francis felt this was also the

sophical side Ove Arup also had, which showed

age of 28.

case with Rice himself.

in his goal for everything being in the benefit of mankind. He wanted to know how people re-

The next big project, for which he is most

The Museum of Science & Industry at Parc de la

spond to his structural buildings when they were

widely known, was the Centre Pompidou. In

Villette was one of the initial reasons for Rice to

completed. Next to that, he always took time

1971, the French Government announced a

start his firm RFR in 1977, with Martin Francis

to talk about art, life and feelings, before going

competition for an art complex in the center of

and Ian Ritchie. Rice was also partner at Arup,

into the nitty-gritty of the structural design.

Paris. In this highly conservative France, Richard

but was given the freedom to start his own

Rogers, Renzo Piano and Peter Rice won the

company, which put him in this unusual position.

In 1991, Rice found out he had an aggressive brain tumor and not much longer to live. In his last year, next to writing his book ‘Peter Rice: An Engineer Imagines’, he was also awarded the Royal Gold Medal for Architecture. He was the second engineer ever to receive this award, the first being Ove Arup. The architects who loved to work with him, put his name forward for the award, which they did to recognize his contribution to the advancement of architecture. Rice found this to be a great honor. He eventually past away at the young age of 57 in 1992.



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