June12th 2013

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Pathways impasse drags on By Neil Walker PATTERSON River access pathways have fallen into a state of disrepair and residents are no closer to discovering who should pay for their long-term upkeep despite a 20-year search for answers. The pathways, located to the south side of the Patterson River from Valetta, Tennyson, Westley, Dahmen Streets and True and Riversdale Avenues, are housed on Melbourne Water land that is managed by Parks Victoria. Several attempts over the years to determine exactly who is officially responsible for major maintenance work and costs have proved fruitless. Residents fear it is only a matter of time before someone is seriously injured while using the pathways. Access problems: (l to r) Sherine Tasker with Aiden in pusher and Hailey receive a helping hand from Don Reed as “The tracks are made of gravel Patterson-Lakes-Carrum Village Committee members Patrick King, Irma Shelton, Robyn McRae, Sue O’Brien and Andrew and timber and when it is wet, it is Paddy look on. Picture: Yanni slippy and quite dangerous,” Patterson Lakes-Carrum Village Com- access paths due to constraints on sponsible for the upgrade and mainte- nance has been done since the pathmittee spokesperson Irma Shelton budgets.” nance of these ‘goat tracks’, following ways were built. said. A Parks Victoria spokesperson Carrum MP Donna Bauer, formerly confusion about which authority is reThe Village Committee advised a Kingston councillor, raised the mat- sponsible, and that he provide advice advised Parks Victoria undertakes Kingston Council has been unable ter in state parliament in June last year. about possible upgrades to improve regular maintenance of the main path to help since the pathways are not network but “a number of informal Ms Bauer noted the pathways are safety.” located on council land. Melbourne Water responded last access tracks leading to the bike path often referred to by locals as “goat Committee members believed tracks” and “in wet weather these month, advising “the pathways in at Patterson River have been installed they were making some headway in tracks become muddy and water runs that location, being for recreational over the years without any approvtheir efforts to have the pathways from the levee, covering the footpaths use, are not part of Melbourne Wa- als”. maintained when Parks Victoria ac- below with slippery, muddy water. ter’s responsibility but we appreciate Irma Shelton said residents are knowledged “the condition of the This is a danger to those using the concerns of local residents about their “not asking for the pathways to be reexisting pedestrian access paths” in footpath, especially mothers with condition and we commonly under- placed, just maintained to a standard.” November 2011. children, the elderly and people with take minor maintenance of the paths However, in email correspond- a disability.” to maintain a basic level of health and Do you know who originally built ence seen by The News, Parks Victhe Patterson River access pathThe MP asked Victorian Minister safety.” toria also advised they are “not in for Water Peter Walsh “to conduct an The Patterson Lakes-Carrum Vil- ways? Email team@mpnews.com. a position to upgrade any of the... investigation into which body is re- lage Committee claims no mainte- au or call 03 5979 8564.


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the Bauer Brief June 2013 Parkdale Secondary College will receive $2 million in funding from the Victorian Government’s 2013/14 Budget. Half of students enrolled at the school reside in the Carrum electorate, so local families will be thrilled with this announcement. The funding will be used to build a new VCE centre to benefit senior students and modernise classrooms. The funding will also provide for the demolition of old buildings to allow construction of the community hub, funded by the City of Kingston. Current and future students of Parkdale Secondary College will have a new and creative environment that will lift educational outcomes. A $131,000 Public Safety Infrastructure Fund Grant has been provided to the Kingston City Council, to redevelop Bicentennial Skate Park in Chelsea. Work will include landscaping, fencing and lighting to improve natural surveillance and address graffiti, vandalism and antisocial behaviour. Bicentennial Park is a popular venue enjoyed by locals of all ages and the skate park is one of only six skate parks in the City of Kingston. Skate parks are growing in popularity and I am delighted to be able to assist with the redevelopment, improving the appearance of the park and safety for locals. I was pleased to visit Mordialloc College to engage with students and see classes in action. Mordialloc College will receive a $5,000 grant as part of the Victorian Government’s Bully Stoppers grants program. Grants have an immediate and lasting impact with many schools developing programs where students will lead the change, promote positive social behaviours, and encourage everyone to take a stand and lend a hand against bullying. The college will use the grant for a whole school approach to address the issue of homophobic bullying. Negative experiences from bullying can have lifelong effects on children, so I’m pleased Mordialloc College will implement this initiative. I’m looking forward to walking the Kokoda Track in support of two worthy local charities - Matt’s Place and Pantry 5000. Matt’s Place in Chelsea serves up to 200 hot home cooked lunches to the community every Tuesday. Pantry 5000 in Carrum provides groceries each week to people in need. I’m here to help. Please contact my office on 9772 4544 or email me at donna.bauer@parliament.vic.gov.au. You can also follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or visit my website at www.donnabauer.com.au.

Donna Bauer MLA Member for Carrum

Authorised by Donna Bauer MP 374 Nepean Hwy, Chelsea 3196 Chelsea – Mordialloc News 12 June 2013


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