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Collective Content Analysis of Photovoice Narratives

Professors and students park in the same areas but the prices are vastly different ($70.00 v. $189)

Outside authority controls parking prices


Rent, food, tuition, bills - $6,000

Calculate how many days a student spends on campus and factor this is for a daily parking permit

Sacrifice clubs because parking permits are cost prohibitive

Class by stadium: parking pass does not cover this area of campus

Mental health affected by parking permits

Sacrifice school experience because of parking costs

One student never received their parking permit and was forced to buy a new one (even though they had all of the documentation to show they already paid for one)

During COVID-19, MPC offered free parking to students because they wanted the students to take care of their health and not stress out over parking costs

Follow the MPC model of parking and move away from capitalist model

We have the means to provide free textbooks and parking to students (COVID-19 showed us that)

Instead of spending $10,000 on a mascot, provide free parking for students

Create reliable shuttle service: University of San Diego provides shuttle service to all areas of the campus every fifteen minutes

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