ENGAGING DIGITAL NATIVE AGENTS, CUSTOMERS AND EMPLOYEES Make no mistake, meeting new expectations is critical to your firm’s success by Abhijeet Jhaveri
BOUT THE AUTHOR: Abhijeet Jhaveri is Chief Marketing Officer at ValueMomentum and leads ValueMomentum’s softwareas-a-service business targeted at the MGA, Program Administrator and Coverholder markets. Abhijeet and his team works with MGAs, Program Administrators and Coverholders to deploy ValueMomentum’s iFoundry rating software with support for ISO, NCCI, AAIS and proprietary rate plans and extend these to agents, customers and employees with ValueMomentum’s BizDynamics Digital Experience Solution and App2Data ACORD forms processing Solution.
Let’s consider what you need to know, why it matters and how to respond successfully. Here’s what digital natives want Of the various characteristics of digital natives, six traits stand out.
t’s no secret that workforce demographics are changing as Always Connected. Tethered to Baby Boomers retire by the tens their mobile devices, digital natives of thousands every year and are expect to be reached anytime, replace by Millennials. Also, with anywhere, by their colleagues or by the oldest Millennials reaching their agent. their mid-30’s, age The next Always Networked. and maturity bring new responsibilities generation Beyond connectivity, – making this natives of digital natives digital consumer cohort are perpetual a growth segment has arrived, with networkers, meaning for the insurance profound impacts they’re more likely industry. to be influenced on insurance through their peers distribution Add into the mix – the manifestations channels.” the seismic shift to of which range from ubiquitous mobility job board reviews and there’s one thing few dispute: to social media postings about The next generation of digital interacting with your firm. natives has arrived, with profound impacts on insurance distribution Multi-Taskers. As consummate channels. parallel-processors and multitaskers, digital natives expect Although Millennial digital nativism workplace and purchasing is already well documented, what’s applications to provide simplified less well understood is how the traits ways to act – from preferring visuals and expectations of such digital to ubiquitous hyperlinks. natives impact their decisions to work for your company, agency or See Millennial Expectations Pg 22 purchase products from your firm. TABLE OF CONTENTS