Chaldean News May 2017

Page 8

in my VIEW

Bannon ultimately cannot survive in Trump Administration


he anti-globalist, central reason why: many America First American Jews are deeply Steve Bannon suspicious of Bannon— joined the Trump Adfor good reason. Kushner ministration in January is an Orthodox Jew. This and was quickly projuxtaposition will ultinounced the President’s mately doom Bannon and alter ego, the most powit will be sometime soon. erful man in the White Bannon is viewed in MICHAEL G. House and the protector many circles as anti-SeSARAFA of Trump voters. He had mitic, which makes him SPECIAL TO THE joined the campaign from an arch enemy of KushCHALDEAN NEWS the “alt-right” news mener even though no one dium, Breitbart News. But by midhas yet made the connection pubApril, his star was rapidly falling licly. The last arch enemy of Kushas his signature immigrant ban was ner, that was summarily deposed, muddling its way through Federal was Governor Chris Christie. This Courts. He opposed the launching happened in the Trump transition of missiles into Syria, which Trump where not only Christie got pushed did anyway, and he was locked in a aside, but so did all his allies on the feud with Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Transition team. This had everyKushner. thing to do with Christie’s prosMuch was made of the sparring ecution of Kushner’s father, when between Kushner and Bannon. But Christie was an U.S Attorney. the main stream media missed the Kushner apparently has no qualms



MAY 2017

about settling old or new scores on his own terms. His father-in-law seems just fine with it. The Breitbart News website, under Bannon, ran an article referring to conservative commentator Bill Kristol as a “renegade Jew” and Washington Post columnist Anne Applebaum as “a Polish, Jewish, American elitist scorned.” In a very

is extremely unhappy with Bannon’s presence in the White House. While none of this is direct evidence of Bannon being an antiSemite, there is plenty of circumstantial evidence that suggest he is of that frame of mind. It does fit neatly with his nationalistic, virulently pro-Christian, anti-globalist world view. Kushner is right to be

Kushner permanently suspicious of Bannon’s anti-Jewish sentiment ugly personal divorce, Bannon’s ex-wife testified in court that Bannon has “said he doesn’t like Jews” and didn’t want his children to go to school with Jews. Reports suggest that the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)—the powerful pro-Israel lobbying group—

wary. Trump does not need him in the White House for these and other reasons. The country will be better off if Bannon is not in a position to influence public policy and current events. Bannon should leave government and he should do so soon.

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