Super News - February 2019

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Chagrin Falls Schools

February 2019



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Message from Our Superintendent March has arrived and we begin to think about what warmer weather will bring. This is an exciting time as we begin to enter the final months of the 2018-19 school year. Winter benchmarking data (iReady, MAP) was recently compiled and our District leadership team met to review these results which indicate significant growth of our students. This progress is a result of hard work and dedication from students and staff. This information informs critical curriculum, instruction and intervention services for the remainder of the spring. These reports have been sent home and serve as an excellent tool in having a conversation with our children about progress and goals for the remainder of the year.

Chagrin Falls Schools is pleased to announce that we are accepting nominations for the 4th Difference Maker Award. The entire community is encouraged to nominate a student, teacher, staff or community member that positively influences our school or community. The objective of the Difference Maker Award is to thank those that impact others in a positive manner in hopes of spreading their positive work and message. Each honoree will be invited to an awards ceremony breakfast on May 20 recognizing them as a Difference Maker in our community. The deadline for this nomination is April 26 and can be made here: Chagrin Falls Difference Makers The last full week of March will provide an opportunity for a much needed break. We hope you have the time to enjoy this with family and friends. Robert W. Hunt Superintendent Chagrin Falls Exempted Village Schools 440-247-4363 @Hunt_Edleader

This time of year also brings additional attention to school safety as the anniversary of many of the horrific incidents that have occurred in schools across the nation are acknowledged in the media. The District safety committee strives for continuous improvement in this area. Recently, this committee reviewed the results of a comprehensive security audit that was paid for through state grant funds. Members provided feedback on the content and prioritization of the recommendations. This information will be shared at the Board of Education meeting on March 6. Annually, we send a notice to parents to provide them with guidance in the event of a crisis. This information is Stop by and talk lls Schools’ linked here. with Chagrin Fa Bob Hunt Superintendent 9-10 a.m. March 15, 2019 April 26, 2019

Heinen’s Cafe ge Villa in Chagrin Falls

In the event of a cancellation or rescheduling of date, please check the district website under the Superintendent’s page or the district Facebook page.

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Café Time

with the Superintendent

A Review of the Board of Education Meetings - “Board Briefs” Highlights from February Board of Education meetings included a progress update on the collaborative effort among administration and staff as they strive for continuous improvement and work to achieve the 2018-19 District Goals. The work being done includes curriculum mapping, identification and evaluation of grading best practices, establishing a system to support use of data to inform instruction and intervention and development of school based mental health support. The Board also heard an update on instructional coaching from Mrs. Quinn and District’s the two fulltime Instructional Coaches, Mrs. Kevern (Technology) and Mrs. Cymanski (Math). The Instructional Coaches offer their educational experience and pedagogical expertise to support teachers through improved classroom instruction which ultimately improves student achievement. Some of the work they do includes designing and modeling lessons for teachers, observing instruction and providing feedback, facilitating professional development activities, providing support with lesson preparation and researching, and vetting and sharing resources. The administration has interest in adding an English Language Arts Coach position, which the Board will consider in April when presented with a 2019-20 comprehensive staffing proposal and budget. The Treasurer’s search is progressing well and the Board is optimistic about the candidate pool that is already developing. Applications are due March 15 and on March 20 the Board will screen and select candidates. First round interviews will be conducted April 2 and 3, finalist interviews will be conducted April 13 and the Board anticipates taking action to hire a new Treasurer on April 17. Linked here is additional information regarding the Treasurer’s search.

This month, the Board voted to form a new Board Committee: The Board Finance & Budget Committee. The committee will be chaired by Phil Rankin and will include Board members Garvey and O’Toole, as well as the District Treasurer, Superintendent and several appointed community members with expertise in finance, accounting and/or business. The committee’s purpose is to support the Board in providing the desired level of governance over the financial administration of the District and in monitoring the District’s financial planning and controls. The Committee will review matters potentially having a significant impact on District finances before the Board takes action, which may include: Budget Planning, Forecast Assumptions, Levy Planning, Legislative/Regulatory Developments, and HighPerforming District Benchmark Data, among other topics. The first committee meeting will be in April and meetings will be held at least quarterly thereafter. For more information on Board committee updates, District goals, instructional coaching and other work of the Board please check out the new Board Meeting Recordings on the Board of Education page of the District website linked here. Sharon Broz Board Member, Chagrin Falls Exempted Village Schools Board of Education

Chagrin Falls Exempted Village Schools Board of Education President: Kathryn Garvey (216) 401-7735 Vice President: Phil Rankin (216) 280-9092

Sharon Broz (440) 715-0326 Greg Kanzinger (216) 346-8272 Mary Kay O’Toole (440) 338-8636

Super News | 3

Chagrin Falls Exempted Village Schools “Treasurer’s Corner”

Table 1 compares actual monthly receipts to the monthly estimates and to prior fiscal year actual receipts. General fund revenues spike in the 1st and 3rd quarter as a result of real estate tax collections.

Table 2 compares actual monthly expenditures to monthly estimates and to prior fiscal year actual expenditures. Expenses are typically fairly consistent throughout the fiscal year.

Table 3 compares estimated and actual monthly ending cash balances demonstrating compliance with Board of Education cash balance policies.

Table 4 is a cash flow summary comparing revenues to expenditures each month.

Click here to read the 2016-17 Popular Annual Financial Report 4 | FEBRUARY 2019

Click here to read the 2017-18 Quality Profile

Difference Makers Chagrin Falls Schools Recognizing Those in Our Community Going Over and Beyond to Make a Difference

Nominate a student, teacher or community member for the 2019 Difference Maker Award The Chagrin Falls Exempted Village Schools and its support organizations are pleased to announce they are accepting nominations for the 4th Difference Maker Award. The entire community is encouraged to nominate a student, teacher, staff or community member that positively influences our school or community. Deadline for nominations is April 26, 2019.

The objective of the Difference Maker Award is to thank those that impact others in a positive manner in hopes of spreading their positive work and message. Each honoree will be invited to an awards ceremony breakfast on May 20 recognizing them as a Difference Maker in our community.

NOMINATE YOUR DIFFERENCE MAKER HERE: THANK YOU TO THE FOLLOWING SPONSORS OF THE 2019 DIFFERENCE MAKER AWARDS: Chagrin Falls Booster Club • Chagrin Falls Dads’ Club • Chagrin Falls Educational Foundation • Chagrin Falls Historical Society • Chagrin Music Lovers • Chagrin Falls PTO • Chagrin Valley Chamber of Commerce • Safe Routes Chagrin • Tiger Prep Super News | 5

Chagrin Falls Intermediate School Construction Update Photos

6 | FEBRUARY 2019

Thank you DroneOhio for the tremendous drone photographs. More photos can be viewed at http://www. ongoingupdate.aspx.

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Chagrin Falls Intermediate School Technology, Virtual Reality and Gaming in Construction by William Bazzone and Brett Rodusky, Juniors, Chagrin Falls High School On February 22, students from Chagrin Falls Intermediate School attended a presentation regarding virtual reality and its effect on the construction of the new Intermediate School building. The presentation was given by Devon Rutkowski, an art and design major working for the Gilbane Building Company in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. In addition to opening the eyes of these students to the importance of technology and its effect on construction, Rutkowski also introduced them to the capabilities that virtual reality can have. Rutkowski has worked at Gilbane for five years and designed two of the 3D models of the Intermediate School through the use of virtual reality. During her presentation, Rutkowski explained how many people confuse virtual reality with a 360-degree video. “There is a common misconception between 360 degree video and virtual reality,” said Rutkowski. “Virtual reality helps visualize what the building would look like in 3D.” Additionally, she explained how Gilbane is able to help clients understand their complex design project more simply. “One of our main jobs at Gilbane is to translate ideas from construction workers into something our clients can easily understand.” said Rutkowski. The complex process of making these models requires these models to first be drawn and then traced. After that, they are scanned into Gilbane’s gaming engine to create 3D models. Rutkowski presented virtual reality video prototypes from certain areas such as the office of a pharmaceutical lab, a suburban sports stadium, and the view of a city street. The students and staff were able to visualize the large sense of perspective the models had in real time. In addition to seeing these models, two students were given the chance to use Oculus Rift systems and view the renovated models of the new Intermediate School. Many students were fascinated by what they saw, and were eager to ask questions about what the new school will include. 8 | FEBRUARY 2019

With the construction of the new school in progress, students can look forward to being in the new building on the first day of the 2019-20 school year in August. Intermediate School Principal Sarah Read said that the presentation gave the students the opportunity to learn more about the possibilities of virtual reality in their lives. Though she spoke about the importance of technology in construction, Rutkowski’s main purpose was to encourage the students to use their passions for fueling their job interests. She shared that she had a love for design, started in her earlier years, and it didn’t feel so much as a planned education path. She was more driven by her interests and passions, especially in video games, and this drove her to this ultimate career at Gilbane Building Company. “I used my passions of art and design and was able to find a job that uses those skills,” said Rutkowski.

“This was a great opportunity for our students to learn about the cutting-edge technology that is being used by our partners at Gilbane Building Company. Seeing the virtual simulation of our new intermediate school was exciting, and we cannot wait to see it completed.” - Sarah Read, Principal, Intermediate School

Super News | 9

- NO athletic practices or games held!

- NO homework assigned!



- NO club meetings or activities hosted!

- NO studying for tests!

Monday, march 4, 2019 Students and staff will leave school at the dismissal bell and are encouraged to only focus on connecting with their families. Local businesses offering discounts/specials to our Chagrin Falls Schools’ families on March 4 include . . . Bainbridge Library Families are welcome to stop in and pick up one of their themed Book Bundles to read as a family. Book Bundles are a group of 4-5 books on a theme, such as dogs, spring and friendship that families can read in an evening. Chagrin Yoga - $5 drop-in rate for kids 18 and under. Burntwood Tavern Kids eat free all day. M Italian Kids eat free all day.

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Duck Donuts in Pinecrest Buy One 1/2 Dozen, Get One 1/2 Dozen Free Fairmount Art Center Come in anytime between 6-8 p.m. and participate in some art-making together. The art room will be open with materials for creation and exploration. Free and open to Chagrin Falls Schools students/families. Please RSVP by 4 p.m. Monday to 440-338-3171 or Valley Art Center Open house from 5:30–7 p.m. Classes will be going on. Gallery and shop will be open. Summer Camp listings available, as registration for both spring and summer sessions open 3/7.

Dazzle Boutique Family Fun Paint Night 4-5:15 p.m. or 5:30-6:45 p.m. $25 a person for a 12X16 canvas. Ages 6 & up. All materials included. * $10 off for family of 4 or more Chagrin Falls Popcorn Shop With every ice cream cone purchased, receive a complimentary treat! The extra treat can either be a small grab bag with an assortment of bitesize old fashioned candy or a fresh, open top, munchkin bag of warm popcorn!

In partnership with Community Education and Chagrin Valley Chamber of Commerce

Chagrin Falls Schools The Heart of an SRO By School Resource Officer Mike Baldwin The heart of a School Resource Officer (SRO) is one that beats for the safety and well being of each and every individual that enters any building within the Chagrin Falls Schools. This heartbeat fuels the stream of responsibilities ranging from thinking, preparing, and being in a state of readiness to engage a violent critical incident down to assisting with traffic control. It also involves encouraging others to invest in and take ownership of improving their own safety and security with the knowledge and confidence that I am in the midst to provide intervention when necessary. It has taken a little bit of time, but I am beginning to get a good pulse on the culture of excellence and learning opportunities that exist within the District. Nearly every day I am amazed at the time, effort, and dedication put forth by administrators, teachers, and staff for the students. I appreciate their commitment to helping build hopeful futures for the young people of this community. Therefore, I am pleased to do my part in contributing to their initiatives and desires to provide a healthy, safe, and secure learning environment. A police officer in the role of SRO is an entirely different endeavor from “routine”policing and it requires a great deal of flexibility. It is a dynamic position that often demands walking a challenging path which lies between law enforcement and education. This involves using my skill set to increase safety awareness among teachers and students and empower them to make security and safety a priority at school, and in their lives. On a personal note, I am a parent of school-aged children. Therefore, I understand the burden and desire of parents, administrators and faculty members to keep these young students, along with the hopes and dreams for their bright futures, as free from harm as possible. Of course, my presence should serve as a deterrent to any would be attackers, but there is so much more wrapped up in this role. Connection with students, administrators, teachers, and staff is crucial. This allows me as the SRO to work alongside the

educators to intricately and collaboratively improve the culture of safety within the District. Although this is no easy task when it comes to about 1,800 students in four different buildings, it is imperative. I take the time to get to know many students and teachers. For all of those who share aspects of their lives with me, I genuinely care for them, their interests, and how things are going in their world. In the case of the students, I cannot help but in a way view them as I do my own children. Considering this, it often weighs heavily upon me as I am reminded of the difficulties this world presents with every tragic event that occurs. This is all the more weighty when it is connected with a school. Lastly, I firmly believe that connection and a sense of belonging is important for everyone that walks the face of this earth. Moreover, it is this connection that is the best safeguard to prevent threats against student safety. If someone needs help, we need to find them the resources so that their expression of life’s difficulties does not find its outlet in acts of school violence. A character from a less widely known television show coined the mantra, “connect, respect, and protect.” That is and will continue to be the rhythmic beat of the heart of this SRO.

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Chagrin Falls High School Chagrin Valley Rotary Student of the Month - February Chagrin Falls High School (CFHS) senior Sean Cusack has been selected as the February Chagrin Valley Rotary Student of the Month. Cusack was chosen based on his leadership and service qualities he has displayed in his community. Cusack has been the recipient of several awards during his high school career. These include Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership (HOBY) Ohio North Delegate, Bob Scott Leadership Award, and High Honor Roll. In his time at CFHS, Cusack has been involved with several clubs and sports. He has been a member

of Basketball and Track & Field for two years and Football for four years. Additionally, he is a Link Crew member. Outside of school, Cusack volunteers as a Youth Challenge Participant, Little Tiger Football Camp Counselor, and at the Cleveland Food Bank. Further, Cusack has been an Altar Server at St. Joan of Arc for six years and participated at the Positive Coaching Alliance in 2018. He also works at Chagrin Athletic Association (CAA) as a Basketball Referee and runs his own lawn care business. His accelerated classes include AP Calculus, AP Statistics, AP Environmental Science, AP Economics, AP Government, and College Credit Plus English. After high school, Cusack plans to attend The Ohio State University where he will pursue a major in business.

Chagrin Falls Middle School Student Excels on American Math Competition Chagrin Falls Middle School seventh grader Christina Bencin was recently recognized for her hard work and achievement in math. Bencin scored gold on the American Math Competition (AMC) this year as well as scoring first for the District. In addition, she received AMC Honor Roll for scoring within the top 5% nationally. “Chagrin Falls Middle School is proud of Christina’s determination and passion for math as well as her success,” said Principal Laila Discenza, Chagrin Falls Middle School.

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Chagrin Falls Middle School Students of the Month - January 2019 The Student of the Month award at Chagrin Falls Middle School acknowledges students for their outstanding performance and rewards them for their efforts. The students were chosen by seventh and eighth-grade teams to be a “Tiger of the Month.” These students exemplify the Tiger Techniques of: Think, Integrity, Grit, Effort, and Responsibility. January’s Tigers of the Month were Sofia Maas, Sid Austin, Kendall Guddy, and Nathan Hill. Seventh grader Sofia Maas is kind, positive and supportive. As a talented member of the seventh-grade choir, she stands out as a leader of the alto section. She is always willing to lend a hand or encourage her fellow classmates with uplifting words. Her hard work and positive behavior make her an example for her peers. Sid Austin is a seventh grader who is skilled in both understanding material and being able to critically analyze the information. He is kind, positive and a great friend to his classmates. He is always working to improve himself as a member of the band and helps the whole section with set up. He quietly leads by example but is beginning to speak out and develop into a true leader.

Kendall Guddy is a talented violinist in the eighthgrade orchestra and is always prepared for rehearsals with a positive attitude. She puts forth her best effort and has made great progress because of this attitude. She is determined in her schoolwork and makes time to grasp concepts even outside of class. Her interest and passion for learning make her an exceptional student. Her drive and other superior qualities make her an excellent person as well as student. Eighth grader Nathan Hill is enthusiastic and does an excellent job balancing school and extra-curricular interests. His positive energy is contagious, and he is always willing to help his classmates. He stays on task and has a desire to always be learning new things. He is kind, respectful and creative. He refuses to back down from a challenge and has a “carpe diem” mindset in everything he does. Students received personalized tiger water bottles from the PTO.

Super News | 13

Chagrin Falls Schools Alumni Reflections By William Bazzone, Junior, Chagrin Falls High School Chagrin Falls High School (CFHS) graduate David Boardman, Class of 1975, is currently the Dean of Communications at Temple University’s Klein College of Media and Communication. After his graduation, he studied at the highlyacclaimed Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University. Though Boardman was only at Chagrin for his senior year, he remembers the kindness of students when he began school here. “People were much more welcoming than in places I had lived before,” he said. “Chagrin was definitely much smaller and easier to adjust to.” Boardman developed a strong friendship with students at Chagrin and still remains lifelong friends with some of them. CFHS administrative assistant to the assistant principal, Sherrie Wooden, was classmates with Boardman and fondly remembers his friendliness. “Dave’s personality warranted him to quickly make friends,” she said. In addition, she mentioned that his induction into Chagrin Falls High School Alumni Association’s Achievement Hall of Fame in 2002 was very welldeserved. “His nomination for success in the world of journalism and reporting is of no surprise,” she said. Boardman became involved in many activities in the community. He also played center for the football team. He recalls that Friday night football games were the moments he remembers best from Chagrin. “Harris Stadium is amazing, and it was so crazy to have a full stadium every Friday night,” he said. “Bursting through the paper in the end zone for the first time was a cinematic dream come true.”

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During his senior year, Boardman was also a freelance writer for the Chagrin Valley Times. Through this experience, he discovered a passion for journalism. “My combination of enjoying writing and wanting to have an impact on the world made me want to become a journalist,” he said. Boardman began his journalism career at a smaller weekly paper in the San Juan Islands, then transferred to a daily paper in Tacoma. He eventually settled in Seattle and received his Master’s degree from the University of Washington in Journalism. Boardman joined the Seattle Times in 1983 and worked there for three decades. He rose from a reporter position, became the company’s executive editor, then later the senior vice president. Boardman’s specialty was investigative journalism, and he served as an editor or a lead writer for pieces that changed laws and saved lives. In 1992, Boardman was the lead writer on a story that investigated sexual harassment allegations against Washington senator Brock Adams. The story won a Pulitzer Prize, and Senator Adams retired after the article was published. “This was before the Me Too movement, and it was definitely not an easy story to tell, but we knew we had to tell it and it resulted in significant change,” he said. Under his leadership, the Times won four Pulitzer Prizes and produced another 10 finalists. Though journalism is still prevalent today, it is changing rapidly due to different advancements in the field. Boardman explains that the generation of tomorrow must lead the way for how journalism will be published. “The young adults of today are the ones who are inventing tomorrow, so I firmly believe they must find ways to make journalism happen for future generations,” he said.

Chagrin Falls Middle School Preparing Military Care Packages The Chagrin Falls Middle School eighth-grade class is preparing to send care packages to military troops who are deployed overseas. We are asking for your help to share the names and addresses of any family members, friends or neighbors who have a connection to the Chagrin community or Cleveland area. Care packages are the best way to stay connected and allows us to send a little piece of our community and the Cleveland area to our deployed service members. We are accepting any donation that can be included in our care packages to make receiving them that much more exciting. We plan to include food items, personal hygiene items, small scale sporting goods, ball caps/hats and new clothing such as Chagrin, Indians, Cavs and Cleveland items/clothing.

Please share the contact names/addresses of deployed service men and women and any donation inquiry to the enrichment adviser, Tammy Mrofchak, at tamara. or 440-893-7695, ext 4336.

Chagrin Falls High School Cross Country Coach Earns NEOIAAA Award A Chagrin Falls High School alumnus and cross country coach and assistant track and field coach, Clay Burnett, has brought a proud accomplishment to his alma mater. Burnett, who owns a business called Final Forms, has won the Northeast Ohio Interscholastic Athletic Administration Association (NEOIAAA) Ralph Quisenberry Service Award. Burnett is being recognized because of his company’s contributions to interscholastic athletics. “I can say as one of the first schools to use Final Forms it was great when he first created the company, and each year it keeps on getting better,” said Athletic Director Charlie Barch, Chagrin Falls High School. “Final Forms has saved so many hours for the athletic department and every student-athlete and parent,” said Barch. “Previously all parents/studentathletes had to fill out over 12 pages of paperwork before each season in which they competed. Then each team had to make copies of the paperwork and give them to each coach. Now everything is electronic and prepopulated for each student-athlete and family so filling out information is very quick and easy. Physicals are easily tracked and communicated when they expire. Final Forms has also helped with

communication to parents and student-athletes as well. There are new features being added every month.” The Quisenberry Service Award recognizes special contributions, leadership and service to interscholastic athletics on the local and state level. It is presented to an individual from outside the profession of athletic administration who has made powerful improvements and offered quality service to interscholastic athletes. Clay Burnett is a member of the Chagrin Falls High School Class of 2000. He has previously earned the News Herald Cross Country Coach of the Year in 2018. He is invited to attend the annual NEOIAAA Annual Awards Banquet to accept the honor on Sunday April 7. The banquet takes place at the Sheraton Suites Hotel in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. NEOIAAA works to foster high standards of sportsmanship, ethics and integrity; provide opportunities for professional growth; recognize outstanding contributions to athletics; and encourage unity and fellowship to promote stronger relationships. Super News | 15

Chagrin Falls Middle School Students Participate in First “Power of the Pen” Chagrin Falls Middle School students entered their first “Power of the Pen” competition at University School. The Power of the Pen was designed for writers at the seventh and eighth grade levels to participate in interscholastic tournament competitions for young Ohio writers. Power of the Pen also assist teachers in the task of promoting better student writing by using the proper tools to identify excellence in the field. Teachers can also create an educational network to share ideas and instructional materials with other educators. The overarching goal of the program is to inspire students and teachers to embrace the art of creative expression by developing writing as a life skill.

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The CFMS students competed with 15 other schools from Eastern Cuyahoga, Lake, Portage, and Geauga Counties. There were a total of 155 writers who participated. The team members were coached by teacher Larry Richmond and made headway in the competition with some impressive honors. Lyndsey Neilson and Mila Gresh contributed high scores to the team’s overall point total. The seventh graders Sofia Clark, James Wilkinson, Anna Baker, and Duncan Scott all earned first place in one round of writing. Eighth graders Ella Snyder, Kate Stephenson, Marie Kanzinger, Christina Bencin, Olivia Wirbel and Tina Logan all had combined scores which earned them a first-place finish for the tournament. Olivia had an overall finish of 11th place, Christina took 10th place, and Marie ranked 8th overall.

Chagrin Falls Intermediate School Art Class Fun A favorite day in the art room at Chagrin Falls Intermediate School is practicing contour line drawing with some silly techniques: blind and continuous line. A continuous line drawing is unbroken from the beginning to the end. Blind contour drawing is a drawing exercise where an artist draws the contour of a subject without looking at the paper.

Super News | 17

Chagrin Falls Schools Promotes the Arts with Literary Publication This year marked the 60th anniversary of the Chagrin Falls High School (CFHS) literary publication, “PRISM.” First published in 1959, PRISM displays students’ creative work including written pieces and visual arts. It is designed by CFHS students and is distributed once a year, free-of-charge to all high school students and staff at the end of the school year. The National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) created “REALM” or the Recognizing Excellence in Art and Literary Magazines Award. This publicly recognizes excellent student-produced literary magazines and encourages schools to develop magazines that celebrate the art and craft of writing. The 2018 edition of CFHS’s “PRISM” was just rated “Excellent” and recognized with this award. REALM submissions are judged by state and national judges based on a point system. Those that are scored with points between the 93 and 100 range will go on to be judged by the REALM Advisory Committee at the NCTE Annual Convention. The schools whose magazines are deemed to be REALM First Class, receive a certificate noting the award and the names of student editors, literary advisor, and school appear on the NCTE website. The staff adviser, Jean Kanzinger, is in her second year overseeing the publication but has been in the literary magazine business for many years. She previously advised a literary magazine at St. Peter Chanel and has been a judge for NCTE’s literary magazine program, REALM, since 2013. She continues to be a judge, but now only for out-of-state submissions. “The combination of budgetary support and a strong art department makes our book visually spectacular,” said Kanzinger. Though she believes the rating is worth celebrating, Kanzinger wants to continue to grow the CFHS publication to include more genres of creative writing.

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The top-rated publications for REALM have at least five genres, while currently, CFHS has mostly poetry. Kanzinger is a creative writing teacher at the high school, but even with the course, she feels there is little writing happening outside of that classroom. “Our art department is great about promoting submission, but we also need more writers,” said Kanzinger. Any student can submit to “PRISM,” and the editors make sure that everyone who submits has at least one of their pieces in the book. No anonymous works are accepted, the student must attach their name to the piece. Submissions can be emailed to prism@ PRISM editors this year are Jeremy Cavanagh, Gus Jansen, and Nova Klein, plus one layout-specific editor, Molly Miller. Kanzinger noticed that the majority of submitters were juniors and seniors. She realized that there is no culture of submitting creative work at the middle school level, so she decided to make a literary magazine for Chagrin Falls Middle School students as well. This year will be the first year for the middle school magazine called, “HORIZONS.” This will be a simple comb-bound publication of only creative writing as the art students have their work featured at the school art show. Kanzinger and her six middle school editors have designed a poster to encourage submissions and they are posted around the English classrooms and in the hallways.

Gurney Elementary School Coding Club Programs Dash Robots Gurney Elementary School kindergarten teacher Kelly Purcell, along with Tech Integration and Instructional Coach Nancy Kevern and Chagrin Falls High School Computer Science teacher Carolyn Petite organized an after-school free coding club for third-grade students as well as high school programming students. The February Coding Club meeting allowed third graders to work with their high school buddy to program Dash robots to draw with a marker. Dash Robot, a product of Wonder Workshop, allows students to create anything they can imagine. Dash is a real robot that responds to voice commands or any of the five free downloadable apps to sing, draw and move around. Students started off drawing a heart for Valentine's Day but quickly moved on to drawing more complicated things like stars and letters.

“The students were so incredibly engaged in this that they moved on to drawing on paper instead of whiteboards so they could take their creations home with them.� - Kelly Purcell kindergarten teacher Gurney Elementary School

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Gurney Elementary School A Lesson in Static Electricity Gurney Elementary School second graders in Jillian Langer's class enjoyed their recent lesson on static electricity. The lesson was part of their forces and motion unit in science. "We learned about contact and non-contact forces, so static electricity was one of the non-contact forces," said Langer. "In this lesson, we first rubbed a balloon on the carpet or a sweater, then picked up bits of tissue paper–like confetti– with the balloon without touching the balloon to the tissue paper. We also made a soda can roll across the table without touching it to the balloon. The class was really motivated to use the 'force' and even did 'soda can races!'" With the experiments, the students now understand how some forces such as static electricity, gravity, and magnetism act on an object without physically coming in contact with it.

20 | FEBRUARY 2019

Chagrin Falls High School Students Climbing Their Way to the App Store By Peyton Lewis, Senior, Chagrin Falls High School The Honors Advanced Data Structures class at Chagrin Falls High School recently published their new app, “Climb it: Tiger Edition,” to the Apple App Store. The now-published app is a game featuring 24 levels and passed the tedious process of publication including adjustment for 16 different devices, beta testing, a creation of app record, and finally a review by Apple for quality and adherence to its standards. “We really just set out to make a fun game that people would play on their phone, and I really think that we did that. It’s so cool to see all of our hard work pay off,” said programmer senior Drew Beckwith. Programming the app proved no simple task for the 24 students in the HADS class. However, their persistence and teamwork allowed them to publish a complete and entertaining app before the end of the semester. “This app represents over 1000 hours of work by the class and me. It contains hundreds of lines of code written by 24 different people, merged into a working product. This app is the result of intense collaboration by the class, and the amount of creativity in the app is a testament to the amazing intellectual talent present in the HADS class,” said HADS teacher, Carolyn Petite. The student coders also attest to Petite’s comments, as they speak to hard work and collaboration as the reason for overcoming obstacles and producing a great app. “There were definitely some roadblocks that we faced when programming the app, but everyone was always willing to help each other out which really helped us produce a great app. Our collaboration not only allowed for a great app but also great creativity to allow the app to reach full potential,” said HADS student senior Daniel Newell. Despite some roadblocks, the app proved very successful through help from the tech department, creativity, and perseverance. “This year Apple put

a few new requirements in the publication process which caused some headaches, but with the help of our amazing tech director and the support of the administration and the board of education we were able to overcome those hurdles. [Students] also dealt with major design issues as we brought the game to life. Each student created a level in the game, and they created the art and music themselves,” said Petite. Although the largest project for the HADS class is a collaborative app, which each class has been doing since 2016, the class also teaches students advanced skills computer science abilities while fine-tuning other real-world skills. “The class helps students who are planning on studying computer science in college get a lot of experience with some of the challenging material they will need to learn in order to master a coding interview. It also helps students who may not major in computer science learn how to think and problem solve on a very high level,” said Petite. The prospect of having something in the App Store for all to download proved motivational for many students in the HADS class, and now with their work completed they can bask in the glory of their publishing. “It just feels great to be able to go on the app store and see something that I helped make, it’s a really rewarding experience that I can put on my resume and have for the rest of my life,” said Newell. Overall, the app is gaining popularity among students, and the class is thrilled with the triumph of the app. “I am proud of the fact that every student in the HADS class has code that has been published in the App Store for worldwide distribution,” said Petite.

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Chagrin Falls Schools Happy Faces on Educators Who are Recertified Level 1 Goog

22 | FEBRUARY 2019

More educators will be recer

gle Educators

rtified this summer and fall!

Super News | 23

CHAGRIN FALLS SCHOOLS 2019-2020 15 Teacher Work Day 16 Teacher Work Day 19 PD Day/No Students Student 1st Day 20

2 Labor Day - No School

9 Yom Kippur-No School 10 PD Day/No Students 11 NEOEA DAY - NO school 18 End of 1st Quarter

5 PD Day/No Students 8 1st Trimester Ends 11 No School K-6 11 K-6 Teacher Records Day 27

No School Conference comp day

28 Thanksgiving Break 29 Thanksgiving Break

20 1st Semester Ends Dec. 23-31 Winter Break

Jan. 1-3 Winter Break

6 No School 7-12 Students 6 7-12 Teacher Records Day 17 PD Day/No Students 20 Martin Luther King Day

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August-19 T W Th 1 6 7 8 13 14 15 20 21 22 27 28 29

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September-19 M T W Th F 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 30

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3 10 17 24

November-19 M T W Th F 1 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 29

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December-19 M T W Th F 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 30 31

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January-20 M T W Th 1 2 6 7 8 9 13 14 15 16 20 21 22 23 27 28 29 30

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Board approved: December 12, 2018


February-20 M T W Th F

2 9 16 23

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March-20 T W Th 3 4 5 10 11 12 17 18 19 24 25 26 31

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April-20 T W Th 1 2 7 8 9 14 15 16 21 22 23 28 29 30

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May-20 M T W Th F 1 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 29

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M 1 8 15 22 29

5 12 19 26

June-20 T W Th 2 3 4 9 10 11 16 17 18 23 24 25 30

July-20 M T W Th 1 2 6 7 8 9 13 14 15 16 20 21 22 23 27 28 29 30

F 5 12 19 26

S 6 13 20 27

F 3 10 17 24 31

S 4 11 18 25

14 PD Day/No Students 17 President's Day-No School 21 2nd Trimester Ends 24 K-6 Teacher Record Day 24 No School - K-6

13 End of 3rd Quarter 23 -27 Spring Break

10 Good Friday-No School 13 PD Day/No Students

22 25

No School PreK-6 Memorial Day-No School

1 Last Student Day Teacher Work Day 2

3 Independence Day Observance

Follow Us on Social Media and On-Line Facebook • Twitter • Website • Constant Contact The Chagrin Falls Exempted Village Schools intends to use a variety of avenues to communicate to the district stakeholders. The list below outlines the various methods to connect with the district through social media. District Website Facebook Twitter Join the conversation on Twitter. Use #CFEVS. You can also follow the school district administrators: #CFCONSTRUCT - To follow our construction project updates and photos Robert Hunt Superintendent @Hunt_EdLeader

Monica Asher High School Principal @MonicaJAsherED

Sarah Read Intermediate School Principal @read_chagrin

Christopher Woofter Director of Operations and Strategic Initiatives @ChrisWoofter

Amanda Rassi High School Asst. Principal @cf_rassi

Rachel Jones Gurney Elementary Principal @DrJ_cfprincipal

CFHS Counselors @cfcounselors

Charlie Barch District Athletic Director @ChagrinAD

Mike Daugherty Director of Technology @MoreThanATech Becky Quinn Director of Curriculum @becky_quinn1

Laila Discenza Middle School Principal @CFMSdiscenzaPal Curtis Howell Assistant Principal (Gurney & Intermediate School) @Howell_cfevs

District All Calls Our district uses an automated calling system to send out important messages such as school closings, school delays, or other valuable information when necessary. This service is only for the parents of district students. Parents will be eligible to receive these calls when they enroll their students. If you are a parent in the district and you are not receiving the automated calls, or if you need to change the number that these calls go to, please contact Pupil Services at (440) 247-4564. Stay Connected Would you like to be notified via email of what’s happening in the Chagrin Falls Exempted Village School District? Register to receive emails through Constant Contact. Go to the homepage, In the upper right hand corner, click the “Stay Connected” icon to sign up. Click here to be directed to a letter to the community offering support and requesting information identifying students in need of special educaiton services. Super News | 25

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