Central Coast Kind Issue 7

Page 17

There is a link between generous behavior and civility. It often seems like civility is a lost art in society. This is due, at least in part, to the absence of kindness and generosity. Increasingly, we witness one group of people making offensive comments to another. It seems selfish behavior all too often crowds out altruistic behavior. Some people seek to use others for their own gain rather than to improve the lives of others. Learning how to be kind and generous by sharing with others all that we can give is the key to a more thoughtful, civil, and ethical society. Being generous brings significant benefits including an outlet to channel our own emotions in the service of others. By giving to others we can reduce stress in our own lives. The good feeling of having improved the lives of others creates

a pathway to happiness and greater meaning in life. We feel better about ourselves. Others hold us in high esteem. We can become a better person by doing good deeds for others. The warm feelings we get improve our self-image and make our lives more meaningful. By behaving in a way we wish others would behave we can spread the message of kindness and generosity and improve society for all. Even the simplest type of action can generate positive feelings and improve the lives of others. Think about the following acts and how you can incorporate them into your everyday life.

• Cook a meal for a neighbor whose spouse is in the hospital.

• Ask a new employee out to lunch on their first day. • Let someone behind you in a line at the bank go first. • Pay for the groceries of the person behind you in a supermarket. These are random acts of kindness that can improve the lives of others even if in the smallest of ways. We don’t have to donate a lot of money or time to be a generous person. It only takes a small act to make a difference. Practicing random acts of kindness and generosity are the essence of our humanity. It illustrates the message of a moral society, which is being good by doing good. 

• Offer to watch your neighbor’s dogs so they don’t have to go to a kennel.



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