2018 Vaughan Momentum Report

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77% of residents are satisfied with financial services

Fiscal Responsibility and Respect for Taxpayers’ Hard-earned Dollars The Facts ☐☐ Since 2015, the City of Vaughan has achieved approximately $30 million in savings ☐☐ For the last eight years, Vaughan has passed budgets that kept the property tax rate increase below three per cent per year ☐☐ Vaughan has one of the lowest property tax rates in the Greater Toronto Area ☐☐ Vaughan continues to do its part with a special dedicated, accountable and temporary levy of $80 million to construct the Mackenzie Vaughan Hospital

☐☐ The City of Vaughan has received the 2018 Annual Achievement of Excellence in Procurement award (AEP) from the National Procurement Institute. Vaughan is one of only six agencies in Ontario and one of 65 cities in North America to receive this award ☐☐ For 10 consecutive years, the City of Vaughan has received the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award, an international award of excellence in budgeting, from the Government Finance Officers Association

Vaughan has a long-standing dedication to financial management through progressive best practices. We use fiscal performance indicators, multi-year budgets and a series of proven policies designed to guarantee financial sustainability and credibility."


C E L E B R AT E VAU G H A N · 2 0 1 9

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