Getting Started

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GETTING STARTED Create your Company.* >Tools/Setup/Company

Company, Addresses and Contact Info, Fine Print Sections To start, enter your Company name, along with your Billing and Shipping Addresses, Phone Numbers, Email Addresses, and Web Site Addresses in the available fields. The Fine Print section allows you to enter the fine print that prints at the bottom of Quotes, SROs, Invoices, Orders, Purchase Orders, Supplier Invoices, and AR statements. Logo LightSpeed can store a 192 x 192 pixel JPEG logo for your Company. Drag a JPEG file to the Logo section, and the image will be scaled and saved to the database. This logo will show up on all your printed sales documents. To remove the logo, click the ‘X’ button. Preferences General The bottom of the Company panel is dedicated to preferences for various functions of LightSpeed. The Enable Inventory Reservations feature should be pre-defined as enabled, allowing you to reserve inventory on Orders. This is also where you set your Date Format and Time Format as they will appear in the software and on printed documents.


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