Wild Blueberries for ME

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Blueberries for


This Book written especially for the

“Read ME Agriculture� Volunteer Reading Project As a special gift to participating Pre-Kindergarten to Fourth grade Classrooms From Maine Agriculture in the Classroom www.MaineAgintheClassroom.org

and the

Wild Blueberry Growers & Processors of Maine


Wild Blueberries for ME

Wild Blueberries for ME Made possible by the USDA Agriculture in the Classroom Excellence Grant Funding from The Wild Blueberry Public Education Committee And Our Maine Agriculture Specialty License Plate

THANK YOU TO EVERY MAINE DRIVER THAT PROUDLY DISPLAYS THIS PLATE! Special thank you to The Wild Blueberry Growers who contributed to this book project, Teachers and Educators who piloted this book, and Maine Agriculture in the Classroom Committee Members Photos and Graphics supplied by Wild Blueberry Growers and Businesses across the State. Editor – Willie Sawyer Grenier –MAITC Executive Director Photo Editor – Elaine Stedman Wild Blueberries for you!


Maine has 60,000 acres of wild blueberries growing naturally.



NOVA SCOTIA Wild Blueberry Growing Areas 4

Wild Blueberries for ME

In Maine, the first state in the United States of America to see the sun each morning, wild blueberries grow. This is their story through history and in today’s world as an important piece of our culture. Wild Blueberries for you!


Glaciers a mile thick covered Maine during the Ice Age thousands of years ago. When they melted they left behind areas of poor, rocky soil and the first wild blueberries began to grow. 6

Wild Blueberries for ME

Native Americans picked wild blueberries long before the settlers arrived from Europe for eating fresh or dried, as a flavoring for meats and soups, or for making medicines, dyes and teas. Wild Blueberries for you!


When settlers arrived in the “New World� they had never seen blueberries. Samuel de Champlain, who discovered Mount Desert Island and explored the Maine coast, talks about this new sweet, little fruit in his diary.


Wild Blueberries for ME

During the Civil War, the first wild blueberries were canned to send to the Union soldiers. At harvest time whole families might camp out in the “wild blueberry barrens� to pick berries by hand into boxes and baskets. Wild Blueberries for you!


In the 1800’s the first hand rakes were developed. Some looked like a large comb attached to a dustpan. After a swipe through the wild blueberry bushes, berries were tipped into baskets.


Wild Blueberries for ME

Baskets filled with wild blueberries were carried to a winnower, a machine that blew out leaves and twigs. Winnowed berries were transported in wooden boxes by horse-drawn wagons. Wild Blueberries for you!


It takes wild blueberry growers two years to produce a crop


Pruning Year – Spring

Pruning Year – Summer

Harvest Year – Spring

Harvest Year – Summer

Wild Blueberries for ME

After harvest the wild blueberry plants are pruned to the ground by burning or mowing.

Tractor pulled oil burner

Mowing machine Wild Blueberries for you!



Winter Seasons of the Wild Blueberry Harvest Year 14

Wild Blueberries for ME

Spring - Blossoms

Summer - Berries Wild Blueberries for you!


Rocks left by the glacier are removed and fields are smoothed to prepare them for machine harvesting. If there is not enough rain in the summer, some growers irrigate their fields.


Wild Blueberries for ME

Wild blueberries spread by growing underground stems called rhizomes. One plant can be the size of a book, a desk, a room, or a football field. One field can have hundreds of different plants with slightly different colored leaves, blossoms and berries.

Wild Blueberries for you!


The growers go to special classes to learn how to manage wild blueberries in a way that takes good care of the earth. They use nets to look for insects that hurt the plants.


Wild Blueberries for ME

Billions of bees pollinate the Maine wild blueberry crop each spring. 75,000 honey bee hives are transported to the fields to help the bumblebees and other native pollinators.

Wild Blueberries for you!


Harvest starts in late July and lasts about six weeks. Many growers use large machine harvesters.


Wild Blueberries for ME

Other growers use small machine harvesters. Some fields are still raked by hand.

Wild Blueberries for you!


After harvest, the berries are trucked to a freezing facility in colorful boxes like these. Some wild blueberries are sold fresh at local markets and farm stands.


Wild Blueberries for ME

Most wild blueberries are flash frozen after harvest, later they may be dried or canned. Wild Blueberries for you!


Wild Blueberries are eaten in Maine and shipped all over the world! Maine produces more wild blueberries than anywhere else on earth!


Wild Blueberries for ME

Wild blueberries from Maine can be found in many products and in the frozen fruit section of your grocery store all year long. Have you tried any of these delicious foods? Wild Blueberries for you!


Wild blueberries taste great and are good for you! They contain Vitamin C, fiber, antioxidants, and other natural plant nutrients to help your body fight disease. 26

Wild Blueberries for ME

Now you know how wild blueberries from Maine get to you and how good they are for you!

Use the recipes on the next page to share them with your friends and family.

Wild Blueberries for you!


Wild Blueberry Wild Blueberry Crisp Ingredients 5 cups Wild Blueberries ¼ cup sugar ½ teaspoon grated lemon peel ½ cup light brown sugar 1 cup (2 medium) diced peeled apples 2 teaspoons cinnamon 1 teaspoon nutmeg

Wild Blueberry Smoothie Ingredients 6 oz. Wild Blueberries, fresh or frozen 6 oz. vanilla, blueberry or plain yogurt 1 tablespoon honey (if plain yogurt is used) ½ cup ice (3 ice cubes) Preparation: Place ingredients in blender, cover and blend well at high speed. Serve immediately. Serves 2

½ cup white flour ½ cup rolled oats ½ cup chopped pecans (optional) 3 tablespoons butter or soft margarine 1

/8 teaspoon salt (optional)

Preparation: Preheat oven to 325°F. In a small bowl, combine the Wild Blueberries, sugar, lemon rind and apples. Mix well and place in a well-buttered 8×8×2 inch pan. In a medium bowl combine brown sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, flour, pecans, oats and salt. Rub the butter in with your fingers until it resembles coarse crumbs. Spread evenly over the Wild Blueberry filling. Bake 45 minutes or until the crust is brown. Serves 6.

Treats for you!

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