Part 2: Sibelius 6 Reference Manual

Page 55 Page 455 Monday, August 31, 2009 2:47 PM

5.17 Properties

Lines panel The Lines panel allows you to change the properties of the selected line. End controls the horizontal (X) and vertical (Y) offset of the right-hand end of the selected line. Slur left curve, Slur right curve, Slur thickness and Avoid collisions under arc apply only to slurs –  2.28 Slurs. Hairpin end apertures and Hairpin continuation apertures apply only to hairpins –  2.17 Hairpins.

Bars panel To change the properties of a bar, select the bar so that it is surrounded by a light blue box (or, for some options, the barline at the end of the bar), and then change the options on the Bars panel, which are as follows:  Brackets/Initial barline/Clefs/Key signatures determines whether

Notes panel The Notes panel allows you to change the notehead of the selected note(s), alter the horizontal position of accidentals, and adjust the position and shape of ties. To adjust an accidental or tie from this panel, you should select its note (not the accidental/tie itself). The options are as follows:  The drop-down menu at the top of the panel shows the selected notehead;

to change the notehead, choose it from the drop-down menu. To change noteheads using the keyboard, hold down Shift+Alt or  and type the notehead number on the main keyboard –  2.25 Noteheads.  Accidental: X controls the horizontal offset of the accidental attached to the selected note. Positive values move the accidental right, negative values move it left. You can also move accidentals by selecting them and typing Alt+/ or /.


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these are drawn at the start of the bar when the bar is at the start of a system or occurs after the gap in a “divided” system such as a coda or prefatory staff (or incipit). Split multirest forces this barline to break a multirest –  2.24 Multirests for more details Section end marks the barline as the end of a section for the purposes of the instrument name formats chosen in the House Style  Engraving Rules dialog (shortcut Ctrl+Shift+E or E). You should also create a system or page break at the same point. The drop-down menu shows you which breaks (if any) occur at the barline – so you can add or remove a system or page break at the selected barline. This can also be done from the Layout  Breaks submenu (or using shortcuts). Ignore Middle of system/page, which are used by Lock Format, Keep Bars Together and Make Into System/Page. Gap before bar alters the indent before the selected bar when it is at the start of a system, or the size of the gap just before the bar in a split system such as a coda.

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