JUNE 15, 1935 VOL 01, N0 24

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^nse, I may >n. Father P E T E R C H O N G & CO., oonal. Per(THE CATHOLIC STORE) . that he has . Singapore, Malacca, K u a l a Lumpur, Ipoh, Penang, etc. xiiand of the Holy .... , o XIII, and 'thrown into . nie riierarcny. It the conflict all the energy of his is myself. mind and all the strength of his M O O I C H I N "Question number four: Does endurance.' He is distinguished, en, Father Coughlin represent the CaI believe, in this. His work is means R E S T A U R A N T individual, distinctly individual, for .at the Church tholic Church? "Answer: In the sense that the he has gone far into the social and jrything to which ,— ^nflawir is given is a catch Head of the Church has singled economic fields. He has 'charged For European and Chinese question something similar to the him out as the only teacher of eco- the rich of this world not to be Foods, Day and Night, under nomic and social science in its high minded, nor to trust in unquestion, Tlave you stopped beatexperienced Management, enrelationship to moral law—why of livcertainty of riches, but in the ing your wife yet?' If I answer suring excellent cuisine, 'Yes/ I am stating an untruth. If course not. Every priest in the ing God (who giveth us abundantly prompt service and moderate world has his identical instructions all things to enjoy.' ( Tim. 11 ;17; I answer *no/ the inference is charges, opened (recently at forced that neither I nor the through his Bishop from the Holy 18). No. 420, North Bridge Road, See. Church agrees with Father Cough"His interpretations of Papal (Corner of Purvis Street) "In the sense that he is an fin. The truth is the 'imprimatur' documents are his own. He has Singapore. authorized priest of the Catholic is the right to print, the sanction prepared himself for this work by to print. It so happens in the case Church, yes, Father Coughlin does amassing facts, facts of our workof Father Coughlin's addresses represent the Catholic Church. a-day world, facts on poverty, that I not only find in them noth- He was ordained to preach the facts on wealth, facts on the malHoly Father Quoted. ing against faith and morals, but Word of God and its interpretation distribution of wealth. as found in the Pope's letters. "This is the language of ScripI. do most heartily approve their "He has taken, however, the content. It is a content based on Father Coughlin offends many be- Encyclicals of the Pooes, written ture. On the same subject the the very truths, the moral truths, cause he is a representative of the in language clear as the noon-day Supreme Pontiff, PiusXI, writes " 'Not alone is wealth accumufound in the Old Testament; the Catholic Church and like Paul of sun, written for the average priest truths taught by Christ, taught old has received the right hand of to read and immediately under- lated, but immense power and down through the centuries, and fellowship' with the injunction stand; written, not to obscure despotic economic domination are recently incorporated in the Ency- that he 'be mindful of the poor metaphor or parable, but as he concentrated in the hands of the clicals qt the Popes which I have which he is always careful to do.' who runs may read; written to be few, and that those few are fre"As a representative of the directed"'him to preach. quently not the owners, but only Church, he speaks in the name of privately interpreted in each na- the trustees and directors of in; "It wilF.be understood that the tion of the world by the faithful ^imprimatur' is given in the the Church. He knows one of the of that nation. For example, vested funds, who administer them diocese ^ i f i which the writings signs of Christ's mission, namely, when the Holy Father states that at their good pleasure. o r i g i n a l " It will be further un- 'the poor have the gospel preached wealth is concentrated into the derstood that once yiven, the to them.' " 'This power becomes particu"I know this question comes hands of the few, does private larly irresistable when exercised Imprimatur* permits the circulaopinion vary this fact? tion of Sle printed w ord freely from timid souls who fear Father "Let me develop this point for by those who, because they hold the throughout the Catholic w^orld. I Ccughlin's identity with a moment. Let me take one spe- and control money, are able also grant taP^Pather Coughlin the Church. cific example, the example of the to govern credit and determine its "Let no Catholic worthy of the ^Imprimatur* on the written word concentration of wealth into the allotment, for that reason supply«f • his addresses. Thus, they are name seek to dissociate Father hands of the few and the evils ing, so to speak, the lifeblood to permitted •« to circulate f r e e l y C o u g h l i n from the Catholic which grow from this concentra- the entire economic body, and throughout the world. It is grant- Church. If persecution come, it tion. May I quote for you St. grasping, as it were, in their ed here because Father Coughlin is will come from atheistic commu- James, who. in speaking on this hands, the very soul of production nism or from unbridled individuasubject to mry jurisdiction. subject, indicts the rich in the so that no one dare breathe against HIH respect to the spoken word, lism, or from immoral capitalism, following words: their will.' m respect to his addresses deliver- not from social justice. It is this "Your riches are corrupted and justice that Father Coughlin reed over the radio, I give my ap" By the way, credit as you unycur garments are moth eaten, proval here in this diocese for him presents. your gold and silver is cankered; derstand, constitutes about 95 per "Question number five: Is not to speak. Through the wonders and the rust of them shall be for cent of all modern money. This * f radio, his voice is disseminated Father Coughlin's work personal? a testimony against you,— 95 per cent of all our money is alAre not his opinions and interprethroughout many dioceses. His most totally controlled by a little " 'You stored up to yourself handful of private individual citidiscourses have my approval, an tations of Papal documents his own? wrath against the last day: Episcopal approval, at the point of zens. When they please they can Individual Opinions. " 'Behold the hire of the labour- demand of a sudden that all debOTigrin. "Answer: Once more such ers who have reaped down your tors pay their bills. By recalling Law of Printed Word. ouestions are tricky, unsympathe- fields, which by fraud has been credit they bring on a depression "Such approval follows naturally and logically the only law yet laid tic, or openly hostile by their very kept back by you, crieth; and the and destroy the prices of farm:. of Father Coughlin's cry of them hath entered into the down which is the law of the writ- implications. (Continued on page 11. * ten wonTHHaving the right to work, in a sense, is personal. The ears of the Lord of Sabaoth.' T

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