May 2017

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141 Main Street Loyal, Wisconsin Judy Morrow Catholic Chari es Beyond Shelter Program Coordinator House of Mercy

HoM Advisory Board Members: Fr. Steve Brice Bob Barth Alan Billings Ken Smith Steve Frankiewicz Pamela Kernan Gary Veltus Jennifer Petke Peter Schultz Roberto Partarrieu Catholic Chari es Execu ve Director

Karen Becker Catholic Chari es Director of Marke ng

It All Started with, “I Have an Idea” It is hard to believe that over one year has passed since an idea expressed from one person to another sparked a change. One person who had seen the homeless, the hungry, and the poor had an idea. Another person listened with an open heart and open mind to the importance of providing service. A call was made in February 2016 inviting Catholic Charities to join with them to serve those in need across Clark County. Others joined in and through the support of so many area businesses, individuals and churches, the building at 141 Main Street in Loyal was purchased in June 2016. One person’s idea had become the mission of a community. Over the last year so many wonderful things have happened. Businesses, churches, organizations, and individuals have come together and continue to support the House of Mercy. A house coordinator, Judy Morrow, was hired by Catholic Charities and volunteers have joined her in an effort to serve. Over the summer, local community churches joined the effort and renovated the three apartments making them a place for families to call home. In August, a diverse group of Clark county citizens created a House of Mercy Advisory Board. On November 1, our first family moved in. Currently all three apartments are filled. Judy works with the residents to assist in setting a household budget. She connects them with other Clark County resources and collaborates with other organizations within the county to offer each resident access to the services they need. Judy and her volunteers work to meet and accept each client who comes through our doors offering a helping hand and a loving heart. In the last four months, over 54 individuals have come to our door requesting shelter, but currently we only have the three apartments. One person’s idea has shown a real community need. So we start this next year with a new goal. The apartments are open, but we still have space for an emergency shelter for women and children. This short-term shelter will offer a safe place for women and children to stay. It will have a shared kitchen, laundry, and common space, but each family would have their own room. One idea, two people, and a community of support have changed lives in the last year. Think of the possibilities for this next year. Join our efforts. See how you can make a difference!

To learn more, donate or volunteer at House of Mercy visit or call 888-212-HELP (4357)

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HoM Financial Report January 1 through March 31, 2017

July 22, 2017 Sowing Seeds of Mercy: Hope for the Homeless Event. 10 am - Music 10:30 - Celebra on 12 Noon - lunch Allan and Connie Walter’s Farm Mark your calendar! Tell your neighbor! All kinds of Family fun!

Revenue Gi s/Dona ons Calendar Support In-Kind Dona ons Rental Income Founda on/Grants Total

Current Year-to-Date $850 $6,623 $500 $60 $1,000 $9,033

Budget Year-to-Date $10,213 $0 $0 $0 $0 $10,213

Expense Salaries/Benefits U li es/Program Fees Total

Current Year-to-Date $6,163 $2,986 $9,149

Budget Year-to-Date $6,429 $2,360 $8,789

Net Income (Loss)

Current Year-to-Date ($116)

Budget Year-to-Date $1,424

Thank you to the many community members and volunteers who regularly visit the HoM with dona ons of furniture, personal items, and food. Twelve furniture dona ons and sixteen household items have been received since January. Staff and volunteers have been able to support and set-up families who have recently benn evicted and found themselves homeless without any belongings. Thanks to all of the organiza ons that have requested to learn more about the work being done. Tours were provided to CST, Benjamin House in Rice Lake, and Tractors for Au sm. Judy, HoM Coordinator, has also presented to four different church congrega ons, six area organiza ons, one grade school class, and one Sunday school class. If you would like to learn more please contact Judy at the HoM - (715) 503-1005. If you get the answering machine, be sure to leave a message, she will get back to you! Thanks to all who organized and a ended the Lamplight Concert! The Lamplight Concert was held on May 13th at the Clark Cultural Art Center in Neillsville, Wisconsin to raise money for the House of Mercy. The Lamplight

Concert is designed with the idea of helping congrega ons to raise money for the homeless. The songs in the concert have been all selected with the theme of the love and comforts of home, both to entertain and inspire the audience. The Lamplight Concert is performed by Kate Jennings, vocal and Judith Permann, piano. The concert blends voice, piano, musical styles, and the love of home. While enjoying the performance, the audience hopefully thought gratefully of their own homes and gave generously to those who don’t have a home of their own. It worked, we raised $1200 for the House of Mercy. The concert was sponsored by Neillsville United Church of Christ. Thrivent Financial donated seed money to cover adver sing, gas s pend for the musicians and tuning of the piano.

PLACE YOUR COMPANY LOGO HERE! BECOME AN EVENT CORPORATE SPONSOR Builders of Mercy $5,000 + All Cultivators of Mercy Benefits plus... • One full month on the HoM Calendar • Company Logo in all 2017 - 2018 HoM Newsletters • Shelter room naming. • Opportunity to announce gift at event as part of the Builders of Mercy Processional Cultivators of Mercy $2,500 — $4,999 All Sowers of Mercy benefits plus... • Two weeks on the HoM Calendar • Prominent signage at the event • Opportunity to announce gift at event as part of the Cultivators of Mercy Processional Sowers of Mercy $1,000 — $2,499 All Seeds of Mercy benefits plus... • One week on the HoM Calendar • Company Logo in the next 2017 Quarterly HoM Newsletter • Reserved seating at event • Signage at event • Opportunity to announce gift at event as part of the Sowers of Mercy Processional Seeds of Mercy $150 — $999 • One day Sponsorship on the House of Mercy Calendar • Opportunity to announce gift at event as part of the Builders of Mercy Processional

Upcoming Event! Everyone’s Invited! Sowing Seeds of Mercy: Hope for the Homeless Homelessness is not just a struggle for those in big ci es; even here in Clark County we have neighbors who carry that cross. For those neighbors, we have established the House of Mercy in Loyal. The House of Mercy is home to Clark County families of women and children who would otherwise be homeless, and it relies on con nued generosity from Clark County to con nue its mission of allevia ng poverty and strengthening families. Today the house is home to three families, but our goal is to add more rooms for emergency housing when ci zens of Clark County need a place to stay for a short period of me before ge ng back out on their feet. Help us give the familiarity of home to those in need — a welcoming bed, a place to prepare and eat a meal, take a shower, clean laundry, a space to laugh with friends, and a home to love one’s family. In order to make the greatest impact, we need the support of everyone who cares for their neighbor. You many be asking, ”What can I do?” 1) Join us for the celebra on on Saturday, July 22. Whether you can only come for an hour or stay for the whole day, we appreciate your support and prayers. 2) Become a calendar day sponsor. See the back page of this newsle er for more informa on or contact Judy at the HoM. 3) One way that you, your business, organiza on, or parish can engage in this mission at the House of Mercy is to join us as a Sponsor for Sowing Seeds of Mercy: Hope for the Homeless — a celebra on to support the House of Mercy. If you are interested in learning more, contact Grant at 888-212-4357 x1218.

We have already received a matching gi of $5,000, so make your gi count for even more! We will be collec ng a goodwill offering for lunch, but we will also be coun ng on the generous hearts of all, especially our sponsors, to make this event a success! Thanks to Allan and Connie Walter who have volunteered the use of their farm for this wonderful event! Thanks to all of the Seeds of Mercy Event commi ee members who are giving of their me and resources to plan this celebra on! Please plan on joining us!

SAVE THE DATE! Sowing Seeds of Mercy: Hope for the Homeless Saturday, July 22, 2017 Walter Family Farm W4077 Heintown Rd Loyal, WI 54446 10:00 am — Music 10:30 am — Celebration 12:00 pm — Lunch

House of Mercy Calendar Current Donors Become “ambassadors of mercy” to the poor and homeless in Clark County. Here is an opportunity for you to give a gi of love and mercy. Please consider sponsoring a day at the House of Mercy.

To sponsor a day, send your dona on to House of Mercy, 141 Main St., Loyal, WI 54446. Be sure to specify if you want your name listed or if you wish to remain anonymous. Also make note if this gi is “In honor of” or “In memory of”. You can request a specific date, however, un l the dona on is received, we cannot confirm the date. A full calendar can be viewed online and at the HoM. If you would like to reserve your calendar date or have ques ons, be sure to give Judy or Catholic Chari es a call. Thank you so much for your support!

For $150 a day or $1,000 a week you can provide: •

Rental and U lity assistance for three families at the House of Mercy

Emergent Housing for up to three women per night

Part- me staff to assist families with area resources

Outreach staff to work with residents on budge ng and financial educa on skills

Con nuous care to help individuals and families obtain permanent housing

Please partner with us in helping those in Clark County and keep those we serve in your daily prayers. Thank you!

Donna Handke

Trinity Lutheran Sunday School Loyal

Trinity Lutheran Luther League Loyal

St. Ann’s Group Greenwood

Tom O’Deen

Tom O’Deen

Tom O’Deen

St. Louis PCCW Dorchester

St. Mary’s Parish Greenwood

St. Mary’s Parish Greenwood

Memory of Mary & Enoch Brice

Memory of Mary & Enoch Brice

St. Louis PCCW Dorchester

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Robert & Coni Meyer

Toni & Cindy Gosar

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