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The context of the independent research project and relevance to climate change and sustainable development • Specific research question and objectives • Proposed methodology • Expected results • Obstacles encountered so far or those the students anticipate in the future, and possible ways to overcome them Given the brevity of these discussions, groups should limit their presentations to 5-7 slides. The following day the students should deliver an updated version of the work plan according to the suggestions provided by their peers and supervisors. Formal Presentation The formal presentations will be given in front of project supervisors, other CATHALAC staff, invitees and peers. Each presentation should last 20 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions and should include the following: • The context of the independent research project: students’ backgrounds and relevancy to CATHALAC, climate change and sustainable development • Objectives • Brief methods • Results • Interpretation of results (discussion and conclusions) • Lessons learned, both academic and professional Depending on level of Spanish proficiency, it is encouraged—but not required—that Powerpoint slides be prepared in Spanish. Students may present in either English or Spanish. Previous to formal presentations, students should deliver a draft report to CATHALAC. Both the draft and the final report should include an Executive Summary of approximately 300 words. The Executive Summary describes the essence of the project and should include title, student and organization names, general context, specific objectives, brief methods, results, and conclusions/recommendations. This should be prepared in both English and Spanish and turned in with the Draft and the Final reports. Final Report The Final Report will be one of the products delivered to the Director of CATHALAC and project supervisors. It will be due two days before departure and will include: • Title page with students’ names, university(ies) logo(s) and CATHALAC logo • Table of Contents including graphs, tables and figures • Contact information for CATHALAC and students’ universities • Introduction (general context, literature review) • Problem statement / research question • Methods • Results • Discussion • Conclusions • References, Appendices and other information o Includes Chronogram of Activities / amount of time dedicated to the Project

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