Catalog Carrefour Unirii 27.10.2011

Page 3


Pui grill Carrefour, per kg legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit

Entry1:Entry1 Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4


Pulpe de pui cu spate, per kg LEI


Cubulețe de vită Gastro, perEntry2kg ryyy22::Entry ry2 :Ent E 2 Entry

lege leg legen legend ege egend eg gen ggend eennd end ppr: Price_zl ice zl, , Pr Price_gr Price_gr ce_gr ce_gr ce grr Nam Name, Name: Nam ame ame, am me, ,,Inf me me, ,Info IInfo nfo foo, , Pe PPerUnit erUnit rUni U Entry1 Entr Entry1 try1 t y1::Entry :Ent :Entr :En EEntryy11

EEnnntry3 Entry3 Entry Ent y :En :Entry ryy3 Entry4:Entry Entry4 Ent Entr :Entry44

1995 LEI

Macrou afumat Negro, perEntry2 kg Entry En ry2 y22:E :E y2 :Entry :Entr :En :Ent

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

Entry Ent Entry3 try3 y3:Entr :Entry Entryy3 En Entry Entry4:Entry44

1699 LEI

Pulpe de pui dezosate per kg

1489 LEI

File de porc per kg Entry Entry Entry2 ttry2 ry2 rry yy22::Entry :En :Entr :E EEn Entry Ent ntry n y2

leg lege le egggend egend egen eege geeend ennd nd prr:r: Pr ppr: Price ice_zl ice_zl ic ce_zl ce zl, , Pr PPririce_gr ice_gr ice ce gr g Naaame: NName Name: am me: Name, Name ,Info , Info nff , , PerUnit PerUnit Unit nit Entry1:Entry Entry1 t :Entry Entry tryy1

Enntry3 Ent Entr Entry3 ry :Entry Entry Entr Entry3 Entry t y3 Entrry4 Entry4 yy4:Entry4 :Entry :En :Entr En 4

1795 LEI

Creveți roz 40/60, perEnEnntry2 kg ttry2 ry22:Entry :EEEn Entry nntry trry ttry ry2 y2

legen leg legend eegend gend gen ennndd pr: Price_zl pr: Price_z ice ice_zl ce_zl _zl zzll, , Pr Priiiccce ce_gr e__gr e_gr e_ gr gr Nam Name Name: ame am me: Nam m Name, Name ame ame, am me,ee, ,,In me m ,Inff Info In Inf Info nffo, , Pe PeerUni rUnit rUn Unitiitt Entry1:E Entry Entry1 :Entry :En Entry EEntr ntry n 1 ntr

Entry EEntr En nnt ntrttry trry3 ryy33:En ry :Entr ::E Enntry Entry EEntr Ent nntrtry ttrrryy3 Enntry4 Entry4 En nttry4 trt y4:E :Entry ::Ent EEntry ntry ttry ryy4

3999 LEI


Piept de curcan dezosat, per kg LEI legen legend lege egend egen ndd ppr:r:: Pr Price_zl iice ice_z cee_zl ce_zl zl, , Pr PPririce_gr iice ce ce_gr gr g Name: Name, Name Name , Info In , , PPerUnit Unit E :Entry Entry1 Ent n y1

Entry Entr Ent Entry2 EEn ntry nnt t :Entry try2 Entry try22 Ent Entry3 ntry3:Entr ntry3 :Entry :Ent E y3 Entry4:Entry Entry4:Entry Entry Entry4 En Entry44


Șnițel de porc x 5 buc. per kg Entry2:Entry2

legend pr: Price Price_zl, Pr i zll , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

1575 LEI

Păstrăv proaspăt per kg Entry2 Entry2:Ent :Entry22 :Ent

legen legend egend g pr:r: PPrice ppr Prrice_zl ice zl ice z , , Pr PPririce_gr Name Name: ame: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Unitt Entry :Entry Entry1 :Entry1 Entry1

Entry :Entry Entry3 Entry nt 3 Entry4 ntry4:Entry :Entry44 :Entry

1699 LEI


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