namaskar April 2012

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what to expect on arrival. By working with transformation and acceptance, when negative emotions arise we have the opportunity to teach our unborn children to be able to take painful and inferior mindsets and shift them into superior ones. Learning to trust ourselves and our innate body knowledge is another precious lesson worth sharing. However, the vast array of prenatal tests imposed upon us does not deepen this trust. It is important to take the time to research which of the standard procedures (ultrasounds, glucose screenings, cervical checks, etc) are relevant, which are not, and which are potentially harmful. We gain empowerment simply in the act of questioning and in doing so we come back to listening to our own intuitive wisdom. STEP 3: BIRTHING When we let our bodies unleash their magic, birth can be an ecstatic experience. The hormones that move through us when we give birth are the same as the hormones that are released when we orgasm or reach peak experiences of meditation. Our bodies intelligently deliver us natural opiates (pain killers) and endorphins, namely beta-endorphin and oxytocin. However this is unable to occur when we disturb the process by employing outside interventions such as inductions or epidurals. Our bodies are no longer able to support us as they were designed to, therefore outside assistance is required resulting in one intervention leading into the next. This understanding helps us to see how we have reached the current statistic of one in three babies born by cesarean. In addition to diverting us from experiencing our journey to the fullest, interventions typically diminish the connection between our bodies and our babies, which can provoke feelings of abandonment in the baby as it is now working somewhat alone.

Rosie (left), an Agama Yoga student, is a doula, regularly holds birth and pregnancy information nights, assists women who have had trouble conceiving, and is a yoga teacher with an emphasis on fertility and prenatal/postnatal care. Justine(right), is a senior Agama Yoga teacher and a doula. She is also an adept in the science of tantric sexuality, and she and her partner regularly present tantra workshops.

There are numerous ways we can support ourselves in maintaining our alignment with the flow of natural birth. Finding out where we feel safest to birth, and why, is essential to our journey. At present there are three main options: home births, birthing centers, and hospitals. [Editor’s note: home births are not legal in some countries] It is only by taking the time to deeply investigate each of these options that we are truly able to determine our preference. Whichever we choose, it is vital that we have the liberty to move our bodies to our own instinctive rhythm. This is particularly crucial in a hospital environment where we might have to request minimal fetal monitoring or decline the common policy of “nil by mouth,� instead opting to eat and drink as we feel, creating no need to receive fluids through IV. In doing this, we preserve physical freedom and remain in tune with ourselves, relying on our bodies to inform us of our needs. Unrestricted movement also allows us to be active in our poses and to work with gravity to find the most accommodating positions for labor and birth, such as squats or being on our hands and knees. When we are not limited by monitoring cords we are less likely to end up working against gravity by lying on our backs, which generally is the most uncomfortable birth position and unfortunately, the most common. Many of us fear the pain of childbirth so we quickly turn to medicine to numb it; however, there are natural methods to help manage the pain. In addition to movement, gravity and leaving room for our own hormonal dispense system; we can use breath, sound, massage, warm water, and loving encouragement from our birth team. These gentle aids support us effectively while allowing us to stay present with our bodies, babies, and experiences. Doulas are another valuable instrument. They offer knowledge, experience, comfort and strength. Most importantly, when we find the right ones, they provide unwavering and contagious trust in our own abilities to birth beautifully. By working with these tools we create the best possible circumstances for nature to guide us towards ecstatic birth. We gain strength in ourselves, and pass on the legacy of empowered birth. With this understanding we can approach birth fully prepared, from a place of knowing and surrender to the lessons birth offers to us on this sacred path to the divine.

hormones that move through us when we give birth are the same as when we orgasm 17

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