Carnaby Essential Guide 2012

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d e s i g n e d b y S i s t e r – s i s t e r i s .c o m

carnaby essential guide 2012


Carnaby Street 4 B e a k S t r e e t 22 Carnaby Food

N e w b u r g h Q ua r t e r 1 0

G r e at M a r l b o r o u g h S t r e e t 2 3 and

Drink 26

W h e r e T o S tay 3 5

K i n g ly C o u r t 1 6

Broadwick Street 24 Carnaby Insiders 36

Foubert's Place 20

L e x i n gto n S t r e e t 2 4 H i st o r y 3 7

K i n g ly S t r e e t 2 5

Index 38

Maps 40

carnaby essential guide 2012

Introduction: c a r n a b y.c o. u k


w h at d o p e o p l e c o m e t o


f o r m o st ?


s h o p p i n g , t h e b a r s , t h e r e sta u r a n ts ,

the night life and the buzz, yes indeed, the buzz. m u c h o n o ff e r a n d s o m u c h t o d o .


thrill of a big city with so

‘ W e l c o m e to C a r n a b y S t r e e t ’ a r c h y o u w i l l f i n d a l l i n a b u n d a n c e – n o t j u st o n C a r n a b y S t r e e t i ts e l f , b u t a n i n t r i g u i n g m i x o f st r e e ts w h e r e y o u c a n f i n d i n d e p e n d e n t b o u t i q u e s , h e r i ta g e b r a n d s , f l a g s h i p s h o p s , n e w d e s i g n e r n a m e s o n t h e b l o c k , a va st c h o i c e o f e at e r i e s , q u a l i t y r e sta u r a n ts , b a r s , c a f é s a n d o f c o u r s e , g r e at E n g l i s h p u b s w i t h r e a l a l e a n d r e a l h i st o r y . W e l i k e t o c a l l i t ‘ C a r n a b y V i l l a g e ’ a n d w e h o p e y o u enjoy it as much as we do!


o u t m o r e a b o u t t h e l at e st

c o l l e ct i o n s , e v e n ts , n e w st o r e s , r e sta u r a n ts a n d p o p - u p s h o p s at www . c a r n a b y . c o . u k


o n c e y o u st e p u n d e r t h e i c o n i c

* Carnaby Village incorporates Carnaby Street, Newburgh Street, Marshall Street, Ganton Street, Kingly Street, Foubert’s Place, Beak Street, Marlborough Court, Lowndes Court, Great Marlborough Street, Lexington Street and open air courtyard Kingly Court. Carnaby is located a few minutes walk from Oxford Circus and Piccadilly Circus in the centre of London’s West End.

c a r n a b y st r e e t S h o ppi n g a n d L if e st y l e

food and dr ink

Carnaby Stree t The

w o r l d f a m o u s st r e e t


s h o wc a s i n g f a s h i o n a n d st y l e f r o m f l a g s h i p st o r e s ,

g l o b a l b r a n d s a n d o n e o ff c o n c e p ts . Amer ican Apparel Carnaby Street

A m e r i c a n A p pa r e l On trend fashion essentials from jeans and tees to accessories and dresses. 020 7734 4477, 3-4 Carnaby Street

Ben Sherman Iconic, original mod brand that first launched on Carnaby Street in 1967. The flagship store is inspired by their own modernist heritage and plays homage to icons of British design in addition to stocking their premium line - The Plectrum collection. 020 7437 2031, 50 Carnaby Street

B o o ts For beauty products and essentials, including in store pharmacy. 020 7734 6217, 5-7 Carnaby Street


c a r n a b y st r e e t

c a r n a b y.c o. u k food and dr ink

S h o ppi n g a n d L if e st y l e

B o ss O r a n g e

Diesel Female

Directional men’s diffusion line from designer Hugo Boss.

One off concept store for Diesel’s women’s collections showcasing new designs and campaigns.

020 7851 9370, 9 Carnaby Street

020 7434 3113, 23-24 Carnaby Street Cheap Monday

C h e a p M o n d ay

Ben Sherman

Inspired by Swedish street style with attitude, discover their first UK store showcasing the iconic jeans, fashion essentials, shoes, accessories and on trend kidswear. 020 7734 6550, 39 Carnaby Street

Converse Located above Size, the UK’s only standalone store from this cult brand housing limited edition designs. 020 7287 4016, 34 Carnaby Street

D av i d


G o l i at h

Tees and accessories for men, women and kids. 020 7434 9804, 15 Carnaby Street

Diesel Male Find the latest campaign concepts alongside new collections and just launched styles at Diesel’s concept store for men. 020 7734 3052, 25 Carnaby Street

Diesel Female

c a r n a b y st r e e t S h o ppi n g a n d L if e st y l e

c a r n a b y.c o. u k


food and dr ink


G o l a C l a ss i cs

Women’s fashion label that has style with attitude.

British heritage sports shoe and accessory brand.

020 7734 9720, 30 Carnaby Street

020 7287 6577, 40 Carnaby Street

E a st pa k

G - S ta r R a w

Accessories, luggage collections and exclusive collaborations, alongside in-store art gallery.

Select collection of G-Star designs, denim couture, shoes and accessories.

020 7734 0300, 1 Carnaby Street

020 7494 4418, 11-12 Carnaby Street


G -S t a r R a w

British heritage lifestyle and sailing brand including the contemporary HL Jeans collection. 020 7287 7810, 48 Carnaby Street

Hilfiger Denim El Ganso

Denim inspired diffusion collection by designer Tommy Hilfiger. 020 7734 2986, 46 Carnaby Street

El Ganso

Irregular Choice

First UK store for this Spanish fashion brand with chic, preppy styles for men and women.

Discover eclectic shoes and apparel in the magical world of Irregular Choice.

020 7734 4176, 42 Carnaby Street

020 7494 4811, 35 Carnaby Street


c a r n a b y st r e e t

c a r n a b y.c o. u k food and dr ink

L a m b r e tta

Lee Jeans

Fashion collections inspired by the original Italian scooter.

Authentic, edgy and definitive denim styles alongside exclusive designer collaborations.

S h o ppi n g a n d L if e st y l e


020 7434 0732, 13-14 Carnaby Street

020 7437 7078, 29 Carnaby Street Lee Jeans

Levi’s Bespoke fitting services, exclusive collection launches and twists on classic styles can be found in this concept store. 020 7287 0629, 51 Carnaby Street

M a k e U p S to r e Discover the in-store beauty school, extensive make up collections and this season’s beauty looks. 020 7287 4769, 32 Carnaby Street

Merc Iconic British Mod brand that first launched in Carnaby in 1967. The shop hosts regular in-store gigs. 020 7439 7750, 10 Carnaby Street



Younger, quirkier sister brand of Cheap Monday, has just launched its first UK store. Discover their magical kingdom and fun, fashion forward style.

The lifestyle store with iconic minimalistic style in homeware, stationary and apparel.

020 7287 0620, 37 Carnaby Street

020 7287 7323, 41 Carnaby Street

c a r n a b y st r e e t S h o ppi n g a n d L if e st y l e

c a r n a b y.c o. u k


food and dr ink

P r e tt y G r e e n

“F u l l

Flagship store for clothing label founded and designed by Liam Gallagher. Contemporary mod style.

of hip independent boutiques,

f l ag s h i p s to r e s a n d c o n c e p t o u t l e t s , t h i s a r e a h a s b e e n fa m o u s f o r i n n ovat i v e style since the swinging

020 7287 3122, 57 Carnaby Street


60 s .”

Graz ia Magaz ine

Find exclusive collaborations and limited edition collections in Puma’s lifestyle flagship store.

Pret t y Green

020 7439 0221, 52 Carnaby Street

R e p l ay


Italian denim and fashion label, with diffusion lines We Are Replay and Replay & Sons.

Fun, kitsch and original products and accessories.

020 7287 8192, 44 Carnaby Street

020 7287 9164, 28 Carnaby Street Pepe Jeans London

O ff i c e


Shoe heaven where you can find all of the latest fashion footwear trends.

Iconic sports shoe boutique where you can always find new styles and designs by Adidas, Nike and Converse first.

020 7434 2530, 16 Carnaby Street

020 7287 4016, 33 Carnaby Street

Pepe Jeans London British denim brand with an edgy and on trend signature style. 020 7439 0523, 26 Carnaby Street

S l a m C i t y S k at e s Skateboard and streetwear collective found in the basement of WeSC. 020 7287 9548, 43 Carnaby Street


c a r n a b y st r e e t

c a r n a b y.c o. u k food and dr ink

S h o ppi n g a n d L if e st y l e

S o cc e r sc e n e & R u g b y sc e n e


Find the largest range of football and rugby strips and kits.

Skate inspired apparel and the iconic WeSC retro style headphones.

020 7439 0778, 56 Carnaby Street

020 7287 9548, 43 Carnaby Street

S to r m We SC

Distinctive and design led watches for men and women.

The Kooples

020 7437 1882, 21 Carnaby Street

The Kooples Vans

French fashion label with edgy and tailored pieces for him and her. 020 7734 8020, 22 Carnaby Street

The North Face Concept store offering extensive collection of performance apparel. 020 7734 9223, 8 Carnaby Street

Vans The original action sports footwear company with the iconic waffle trainer. 020 7287 9235, 47 Carnaby Street

n e w b u r g h q u a r t e r - n e w b u r g h st S h o ppi n g a n d L if e st y l e

food and dr ink

Newburgh Q uart er A

s i d e - st e p a way f r o m

Carnaby Street,


N e w b u r g h Q ua r t e r

is a village within

a village.

I n d e p e n d e n t b o u t i q u e s , r e sta u r a n ts ‘ a b i t d i ff e r e n t ’ a r e n o w t h e o r d e r

a n d ic o n ic b r a n d s l o o k i n g to d o s o m e t h i n g o f t h e d ay , w i t h t h e a r e a ’ s st r o n g m e n sw e a r

h e r i ta g e st i l l v e r y m u c h i n e v i d e n c e .

N e w b u r g h Q ua r t e r c o m p r is e s o f N e w b u r g h S t r e e t , M a r s h a l l S t r e e t , F o u b e r t ’ s P l ac e , G a n to n S t r e e t , L o w n d e s C o u r t a n d M a r l b o r o u g h C o u r t .

Newburgh Stree t B l aq ua

F ly i n g H o r s e J e a n s

Sartorial menswear tailoring with statement prints on shirts, jackets and suits. A favourite of Paul Weller.

New denim lifestyle brand with a difference.

020 7434 3007, 9 Newburgh Street

8 Newburgh Street Newburgh Street


n e w b u r g h q u a r t e r - n e w b u r g h st

c a r n a b y.c o. u k food and dr ink

L a u r e l W r e at h

st o r e b y

Fred Perry

S h o ppi n g a n d L if e st y l e

L e v i ’ s V i n ta g e C l o t h i n g S t o r e

Concept store featuring new design collaborations and limited edition collections by this heritage brand.

The only place to find the complete Levi’s Vintage Clothing collection – Levi’s premium range. 020 7287 4941, 5 Newburgh Street

020 7734 4494, 12 Newburgh Street

L o mo g r a p h y G a l l e r y S to r e Destination store for iconic analogue cameras and accessories, which hosts creative workshops.

L aurel Wreath Store by Fred Per r y

020 7434 1466, 3 Newburgh Street Lomography Galler y Store

L acoste L!VE

Joy Everley Fine Jewellers Beautiful jewellery designs in silver and precious stones. Also offering a bespoke design service. 020 7287 2792, 7 Newburgh Street

L a c o st e L ! VE European flagship for this special diffusion line – a contemporary reinterpretation of the classic Lacoste style. 020 7734 3012, 13 Newburgh Street

n e w b u r g h q u a r t e r - n e w b u r g h st, m a r s h a ll st S h o ppi n g a n d L if e st y l e

No 6



c a r n a b y.c o. u k

food and dr ink

Marshall Stree t


One-off sports shoe gallery showcasing exclusive collaborations and limited edition designs by Adidas.

Bob Soho

020 7734 9976, 6 Newburgh Street

Boutique hair salon with top hair stylists and luxury hair treatments.

O n i ts u k a T i g e r

020 7734 2444, 36 Marshall Street

Flagship store for the Japanese heritage sport brand, including exclusive apparel collection.


020 7734 5157, 15 Newburgh Street No 6 by Adidas

Peckham Rye

020 7494 4566, 33 Marshall Street

Independent British designers of men’s scarves and ties for that classic London look.


020 7734 5181, 11 Newburgh Street

Savage London

Classic English style shoes with a contemporary twist, set in a Victoriana styled shop of curiosities.

Independent womenswear label with vintage inspired wardrobe classics with contemporary basement art gallery. 020 7434 4322, 10 Newburgh Street

S ava g e L o n d o n Iconic tees, tops and accessories for men and women. 020 7439 1163, 14 Newburgh Street

F -Tr o u p e


n e w b u r g h q u a r t e r - m a r s h a ll st

c a r n a b y.c o. u k food and dr ink

“T h e N e w b u r g h Q ua rt e r

S h o ppi n g a n d L if e st y l e

i s fa m o u s f o r

i t s u n i q u e b o u t i q u e s w i t h r a r e f i n d s yo u can’t find anywhere else in the


C o n d é N a s t Tr a v e l l e r

Lamuète Independent boutique where you can find exclusive and chic French fashion labels. 020 7287 0221, 37 Marshall Street

L a s h P e r f e ct L a s h B a r Offering semi-permanent lash extensions and luxurious treatments for eyes in a boudoir setting. 020 7434 4554, 35 Marshall Street

Marshall Street Leisure Centre Beautiful Grade II listed leisure centre with state of the art gym, workout studios and original 1930s marble lined pool with glass roof. Pyrus

020 7871 7222, 15 Marshall Street


n e w b u r g h q u a r t e r , f o u b e r t ' s pl a c e S h o ppi n g a n d L if e st y l e

food and dr ink

Foubert's Pl ace Barbour Iconic British brand showcases heritage collections inspired by their rich archives. 020 7434 3209, 29 Foubert’s Place

C h o cc y w o cc y d o o d a h A unique, eccentric chocolate shop with a decadent chocolate café upstairs. Delicious chocolate, baroque cakes and edible sculptures are all designed and created by their team of artists and designers in Brighton. A private chocolate boudoir is available to book for self indulgent parties.


C o ws h e d

020 7734 9713, 30-32 Foubert’s Place Mor

Luxury skincare from the spa at the Soho House Group, offering indulgent manicures and relaxing treatment rooms. 020 7534 0870, 31 Foubert’s Place

M .A . C . P r o S t o r e

Chocc ywocc ydoodah

Find expert advice from make-up artists, the latest collaborations and exclusive pro range make-up products. 087 0192 5555, 28 Foubert’s Place


n e w b u r g h q u a r t e r - m a r l b o r o u g h c r t, g a n t o n st

c a r n a b y.c o. u k

food and dr ink

Marlborough Court

Ganton Stree t

The Face


Stockists of original 1960s clothing and mod brands including John Smedley and Fred Perry.

Handcrafted jewellery using organic materials, creating unique and distinctive pieces.

020 7439 4706, 1 Marlborough Court

020 7287 7537, 12 Ganton Street

Peekaboo Vintage

S h o ppi n g a n d L if e st y l e

P e e k a b o o V i n ta g e Flagship boutique showcasing on trend designer vintage pieces and jewellery. 020 7328 9191, 2 Ganton Street

T h e G r e at F r o g Get the rock star look at this renowned jewellers with signature gothic style pieces. 020 7439 9357, 10 Ganton Street

T h e L i n g e r i e C o l l e ct i v e First boutique for this collective of independent lingerie designers with a passion for exquisite design. 020 7437 1063, 8 Ganton Street

The Linger ie Collec t ive

k i n g ly c o u r t S h o ppi n g a n d L if e st y l e

food and dr ink

K i n g ly C o u r t A st u n n i n g o p e n a i r c o u r t ya r d , a cc e ss e d f r o m C a r n a b y S t r e e t , B e a k S t r e e t K i n g ly S t r e e t , h o u s i n g i n d e p e n d e n t f a s h i o n a n d l i f e st y l e b o u t i q u e s a s w e l l d i st i n ct i v e c a f ĂŠ s , r e sta u r a n ts , b a r s a n d a t e a h o u s e .

and as

Kingly Cour t

Atelier Milliner y

All The Fun Of The Fair Quirky haberdashery offering a diverse range of unique wools and fun sewing accessories in addition to knitting, crochet and pom pom making classes in-store. 079 0507 5017, 2.8 Kingly Court

Atelier Millinery Spectacular hats and accessories for all occasions or make your own at their creative workshops. 020 7734 3848, 1.7 Kingly Court


k i n g ly c o u r t

c a r n a b y.c o. u k food and dr ink

S h o ppi n g a n d L if e st y l e

Bexy Lady

D a r i m e ya

Unique fashion by emerging and independent fashion designers.

Eclectic prints and embellished detailing is the signature style of this indie fashion label.

020 7287 8565, 1.13 Kingly Court

020 7287 9362, 1.8 Kingly Court Bexy Lady

F u r C o at N o K n i c k e r s Vintage wedding dress boutique offering bespoke service alongside stunning vintage jewellery and accessories. 078 1400 2295, 2.15 Kingly Court

Fur Coat No Knickers

Camellia's Tea House Wide range of hand blended teas from around the world and home baked goods to enjoy in their quaint tea rooms or take away. 020 7734 9939, 2.12-2.13 Kingly Court

Carry Me Home Colourful babywear, childrenswear and accessories alongside handmade original toys with an in-store personalisation service. 020 7434 1840, 2.9 Kingly Court

Carr y Me Home

k i n g ly c o u r t S h o ppi n g a n d L if e st y l e

c a r n a b y.c o. u k


food and dr ink

Hi Panda Fun men’s, women’s and children’s fashion and accessories featuring the iconic panda figure. 020 7734 3825, 1.3 Kingly Court

Hi Panda

It 's Something Hell s

It’s Something Hells Quirky hair salon for the coolest and chicest retro hair styles by Mr Ducktails and Miss Betty. Things Br it ish

07896 153491, 2.16 Kingly Court

K at ya k at ya S h e h u r i n a Independent Latvian designer showcasing flowing, feminine couture and ready to wear collections. 077 8872 2296, 2.10 Kingly Court

R e v i va l Specialists in vintage style reproduction clothing for men and women. 077 2581 8842, 2.11 Kingly Court


The Beauty Lounge

Unique and one-off fashion collections, interior accessories and gifts in this feminine boudoir.

Boudoir beauty salon offering luxurious treatments.

020 7494 9086, 1.12 Kingly Court

020 7734 6161, 1 Kingly Court


k i n g ly c o u r t

c a r n a b y.c o. u k food and dr ink

S h o ppi n g a n d L if e st y l e

Style Showroom


The place to discover London’s up and coming independent designers in fashion and accessories.

Specialist yoga studios offering tailored classes and treatments.

020 7734 9800, 1.5 Kingly Court

020 7483 3344, 2.4 Kingly Court

Walk In Back Rub

Things British

Just walk in and relax with a 10 minute massage.

Supporting the best in British hand crafted talent in accessories, lifestyle and homeware.

020 7436 9875, 2.7 Kingly Court

020 7437 1402, 1.11 Kingly Court

St yle Showroom Tr a f f i c P e o p l e

Rev ival

T r a ff i c P e o p l e London fashion label loved by fashionistas for on trend womenswear and accessories. 020 7494 3903, G2 Kingly Court

“K i n g ly C o u rt

is a stunning three-

s to r e y c o u rt ya r d l o c at e d b e h i n d

Street. Shop

C a r n a by

f o r o n e o ff c r e at i o n s a n d

u n i q u e p r o d u c t s .”


William And George Ready to wear shirts and handmade ties alongside an in house tailoring service. 020 7734 8816, G12 Kingly Street

foubert 's Pl ace S h o ppi n g a n d L if e st y l e

c a r n a b y.c o. u k


food and dr ink

Foubert's Pl ace

Camper Innovative Barcelona inspired footwear with original designs.

L i n k i n g C a r n a by S t r e e t a n d R e g e n t S t r e e t . O n F o u b e r t ' s P l ac e yo u c a n

020 7287 5988, 5-7 Foubert’s Place

d isc o v e r i n d e p e n d e n t fa s h io n a n d d e s ig n

Lazy Oaf

b o u t iq u e s t h at yo u w o n ’ t f i n d a n y w h e r e else. Fouber t's Place

Aqua Womens

A q ua W o m e n s Fashion forward, directional and on trend collections can be found at this independent boutique. 020 7734 1300, 12 Foubert’s Place

Benefit Beauty junky heaven. Kitsch and luxurious products in addition to quick fix treatments. 020 7287 8645, 9-11 Foubert’s Place

foubert 's Pl ace food and dr ink

S h o ppi n g a n d L if e st y l e

Johnny Cupcakes First store outside of the USA for this cult illustrative tee brand with iconic cupcake and crossbones logo. Home to their exclusive London collection. 020 7734 3347, 10 Foubert’s Place

J o n e s B o o tm a k e r Classic and contemporary style footwear. 084 5602 8125, 13-15 Foubert’s Place

Lazy Oaf Cool independent boutique with bright pop graphics on fashion essentials, accessories and art by illustrator Gemma Shiel. Johnny Cupcakes

Dahlia Independent British label with vintage inspired pieces and accessories. 020 7287 7117, 8 Foubert’s Place


020 7287 2060, 19 Foubert’s Place


Luke 1977

Iconic and award winning beauty products. Indulge with a make-up masterclass in-store.

British menswear label with design led casual separates.

020 7287 7211, 22 Foubert’s Place

21 Foubert’s Place

Jack Wills

Ollie & Nic

Super Superficial

Styled on British heritage, this one off concept store includes a games basement and DJ in-store.

Boutique lounge store showcasing their signature handbags, purses and accessories.

Tees, each with limited edition illustrations and designs by artists from across the world.

020 7434 2048, 6 Foubert’s Place

020 7494 4214, 20 Foubert’s Place

020 7287 7447, 17 Foubert’s Place

b e a k st r e e t S h o ppi n g a n d L if e st y l e

c a r n a b y.c o. u k


food and dr ink

Beak Stree t

I l l a m a sq u a

j u st o ff r e g e n t st r e e t , b e a k st r e e t

First standalone store for the cult British beauty brand with in-store School of Make Up Art offering a range of workshops.

o ff e r s a g r e at m i x o f f a s h i o n , f o o d

020 3432 3274, 20 Beak Street

a n d s p e c i a l i st st o r e s .

New Frames Diverse selection of unique cards for every occasion and bespoke picture framing service. 020 7437 8881, 25 Beak Street Illamasqua

Aqua Mens

A q ua M e n s Discover directional tailoring with statement twists mixed with soft jersey wardrobe essentials from the independent label. Albam

Albam ‘Modern crafted clothing’, the independent British label that has grown to become the destination for menswear. 020 3157 7000, 23 Beak Street

020 7287 1200, 35 Beak Street

F G F S to r e Utility and style are fused in these design brands for men and women. 020 7287 7734, 46 Beak Street

g r e at m a r l b o r o u g h st r e e t food and dr ink

S h o ppi n g a n d L if e st y l e

Great Marlborough Stree t

Year Zero Using iconic cartoon images to create hip, statement designs on tees, hoodies and vests. 020 7734 7727, 37 Beak Street Energie

The grand entrance Carnaby Street and

l e a d i n g o n to ho m e to

London’s Liberty.

m o st i c o n i c d e pa r tm e n t st o r e , Playlounge

P l ay l o u n g e


Unique concept store challenging the traditional notion that toys are just for kids.

From the Miss Sixty design house, a street inspired denim collection for men.

020 7287 7073, 19 Beak Street

020 7434 3060, 30 Great Marlborough Street



Independent specialist boutique stocking the highest spec men’s sport apparel and accessories.

Iconic London department store known for showcasing emerging designers in fashion, homeware and accessories.

020 7434 4354, 47 Beak Street

020 7734 1234, Great Marlborough Street

S w e at y B e tt y

M i ss S i x t y

Combining style and performance in sportswear for image conscious ladies, while offering in-store yoga and running classes.

Bold prints and statement designs can be found at this denim design house.

020 7287 5128, 21 Beak Street

020 7434 3060, 30 Great Marlborough Street

B r o a d wi c k st , l e x i n g t o n st , g a n t o n st S h o ppi n g a n d L if e st y l e

c a r n a b y.c o. u k

Broadw ick Stree t

Bolongaro Trevor

Ganton Stree t

C o n n e ct i n g S o h o

Cutting edge fashion and directional designs can be found at this first store for the British fashion label.


st r e e t i s h o m e t o t h e

m u r a l , a n a r tw o r k t h at f e at u r e s

020 7287 1843, 61 Broadwick Street


Carnaby, this Spirit of Soho

everything and everyone throughout



food and dr ink

d i v e r s e h e r i ta g e .

020 7734 5868, 24 Ganton Street

Lex ington Stree t Aesop Extensive range of luxurious skincare, haircare and bodycare. 020 7148 0237, 41 Lexington Street

Lucy In Disguise Hire or buy beautiful vintage clothing, along with Lucy In Disguise’s own brand collection and the Hair and Make Up Dept studio in the basement. Created by sisters Lily Allen and Sarah Owen. B o l o n g a r o Tr e v o r

020 7434 4086, 48 Lexington Street

H ava i a n a s

V i va

The iconic shoe brand, famous for bright flip flops that you can personalise.

One of the hottest independent hair salons in London with an experienced team of creative stylists.

020 7734 0349, 69 Broadwick Street

This cult mod clothing store was established in 1979 and is still popular with musicians today.

020 7287 8708, 47 Lexington Street

Luc y In Disguise

k i n g ly st, m a r s h a ll st

c a r n a b y.c o. u k


food and dr ink

K i n g ly S t r e e t

U p p e r P l ay g r o u n d


Fusing fashion, art and design. Discover innovative apparel lines and street art.

p e d e st r i a n i s e d st r e e t i s h o m e t o

o n e o ff c o n c e p t st o r e s a n d i n d e p e n d e n t

Drop Dead Clothing

020 7734 8705, 32 Kingly Street

r e sta u r a n ts w i t h a l f r e sc o d i n i n g .

Marshall Stree t b

st o r e

Conceptual space and flagship store with eponymous clothing, shoe and accessory collections. 020 7734 6846, 21 Kingly Street

C r e at i v e B e a d c r a ft Wide selection of beads and jewellery making materials. 020 7734 1982, 1 Marshall Street

Mark Powell Barber's Point Men’s boutique hair salon where you can relax in the friendly atmosphere. 020 7734 2429, 7 Kingly Street

D r o p D e a d C l ot h i n g C o New flagship boutique offers tees, tops and jackets with signature illustrations. 020 7734 6961, 8 Kingly Street

Iconic London tailor showcasing men's ready to wear suits, coats, shirts and jackets and offering a bespoke service. 020 7287 5498, 2 Marshall Street b Store

S h o ppi n g a n d L if e st y l e

G a n t o n st r e e t S h o ppi n g a n d L if e st y l e

c a r n a b y.c o. u k food and dr ink

Carnaby Food And Drink

Ganton Stree t

There’s everything from fine English fare, fragrant and spicy Thai, Chinese a n d M a l ay s i a n , S pa n i s h , F r e n c h , I ta l i a n a n d g o o d o l d f a s h i o n e d b u r g e r j o i n ts t o o . S o m e t h i n g t o m a k e

Cha Cha Moon

y o u r m o u t h wat e r i n e v e r y c o r n e r o f

Carnaby, and plenty of traditional p u b s , w i n e a n d c o c k ta i l b a r s a n d c l u b s to l e t yo u r h a i r d o w n .

Take a culinary trip around China, Malaysia and Singapore at this fast serving noodle bar. 020 7297 9800, 15-20 Ganton Street

Cirque Du Soir Expect circus performances, live music and burlesque shows at this seductive club venue. 020 7734 6766, 15 Ganton Street

Dehesa Chic tapas bar serving Spanish and Italian inspired dishes, with in-house charcuterie. 020 7494 4170, 25 Ganton Street

M a n g o st e e n Home cooked and authentic Thai cuisine at an affordable price. 020 7434 9911, 23 Ganton Street



g a n t o n st r e e t

c a r n a b y.c o. u k food and dr ink

S h o ppi n g a n d L if e st y l e

M ot h e r M a s h Ultimate British comfort food. Diverse menu of pies, sausages, mash and gravy in any mouthwatering combination you prefer. 020 7494 9644, 26 Ganton Street

Cha Cha Moon

The Diner A taste of retro Americana with hot dogs, burgers, milkshakes, cocktails and juke box at this hip hang out. Sacred

Sacred Coffee is the obsession here, with speciality coffees served alongside the house roast and loose leaf teas. Enjoy a selection of cakes, desserts and healthy food, served up stylishly in traditional New Zealand hospitality. 020 7734 1415, 13 Ganton Street

020 7287 8962, 18-20 Ganton Street

Zebrano DJ’s spin the tunes while chefs cook up delicious European dishes and mixologists make your drink from the extensive cocktail menu. 020 7287 5267, 14-16 Ganton Street

The Diner

k i n g ly c o u r t S h o ppi n g a n d L if e st y l e

c a r n a b y.c o. u k


food and dr ink

K i n g ly C o u r t E at

a l f r e sc o a l l y e a r r o u n d i n t h e

Cha Cha Moon

o p e n a i r c o u r t ya r d f o u n d j u st o ff

With a large outdoor dining area in the courtyard, enjoy Chinese, Malaysian or Singaporean noodle dishes and unique cocktails.

c a r n a b y st r e e t .

020 7297 9800, Kingly Court The Kingly Club

Shampers Bureau

C a m e l l i a ' s Te a H o u s e

Boutique style private members club with a retro vibe.

Popular wine bar and restaurant serving classic English and French cuisine, a West End institution. 020 7437 1692, Kingly Court

020 7494 4386, 13 Kingly Court

Camellia's Tea House Wide range of hand blended teas and home baked goods to enjoy in the gorgeous tea rooms or take away. 020 7734 9939, 2.12 Kingly Court

C ’ e st I c i

Sacred Take away or sit in Coffee Bar with outdoor seating garden area, serving a selection of sweet and savoury food along with hot and cold drinks. 020 7734 1415, Kingly Court

T h e K i n g ly C l u b

Relaxed brasserie serving European cuisine. Don’t miss the eye catching Candy Cakes.

Exclusive and luxurious private members club with a great vibe.

020 7439 119, Kingly Court

020 7287 9100, 4 Kingly Court


g r e at m a r l b o r o u g h st, b r o a d wi c k st

c a r n a b y.c o. u k

food and dr ink

S h o ppi n g a n d L if e st y l e

Broadw ick Stree t Two Floors

Joe And The Juice

Shabby chic styled bar, perfect for drinks after work and catching up with friends. Discover Handy Joe’s Tiki bar in the basement for great cocktails.

Fresh juices are blended in front of you, great for breakfast, lunch and snacks.

020 7439 1007, Kingly court

R e f e ct o r y

65-67 Broadwick Street

W r ig h t B r ot h e r s


Characteristic Oyster house featuring the popular Raw Bar, open plan kitchen, extensive wine list and alfresco dining in the courtyard. 020 7434 3611, G7-G8 Kingly Court Wr ight Brothers

Serving a wide range of coffee roasts, alongside freshly made sandwiches and ciabattas. 020 7434 2276, 74 Broadwick Street

Great Marlborough Stree t

T a pa s B r i n d i s a

F l at p l a n e t

Relaxed dining and traditional Spanish fare with open kitchen and authentic tapas dishes.

Serving wheat free flatbreads with variety of internationally inspired toppings, with regular events and gigs in the basement. 020 7734 3133, 39 Great Marlborough Street

Leon Food is naturally full of flavour, full of goodness and cooked with seasonal ingredients for breakfast, lunch and dinner. 020 7437 5280, 36 Great Marlborough Street

020 7534 1690, 46 Broadwick Street Ta p a s B r i n d i s a

k i n g ly st r e e t

c a r n a b y.c o. u k

S h o ppi n g a n d L if e st y l e


food and dr ink

K i n g ly S t r e e t N o w a t o p d i n i n g d e st i n at i o n i n L o n d o n , K i n g ly S t r e e t h a s i t a l l w i t h the mix of traditional British pubs, f i n e d i n i n g I n d i a n , K o r e a n , I ta l i a n , v e g e ta r i a n a n d e v e n a B l u e s B a r . M a k e t h e m o st o f t h e f i n e w e at h e r

CafÉ Pomodoro Tasty snacks and sandwiches to eat in or take away. 020 7734 3525, 2 Kingly Street

Cinnamon Soho

w i t h o n st r e e t d i n i n g o r e n j o y a

Cinnamon Soho

t i p p l e o f c h o i c e .. c o c k ta i l s , f i n e

A i n ’ t N ot h i n ’ B u t T h e B l u e s

wine, or a good pint.

"C a r n a by

i s t h e p e r f e c t l o c at i o n f o r

r e l a x e d d i n i n g a n d e n j oy i n g d r i n k s . u n i q u e u r ba n r e t r e at i n



London’s West

w h e r e yo u c a n f i n d a w i d e r a n g e

o f fa n ta s t i c i n d e p e n d e n t r e s tau r a n t s ."

Quirkier sister restaurant to Vivek Singh's Cinnamon Kitchen serving breakfast, á la carte and one dish menus, combining modern Indian fare with a nod to British favourites. BanglaScotch egg anyone?

London’s original and legendary blues bar hosting live music 7 days a week.

020 7222 2555, 5 Kingly Street

020 7287 0514, 20 Kingly Street

F o r n ata

B l u e P o sts

All day Italian dining with authentic dishes from a wood fired oven, served with classic Italian cocktails and antipasti.

Popular London pub serving delicious organic roast dinners on a Sunday. 020 7734 1170, 18 Kingly Street




020 8181 8887, 15 Kingly Street

Myung Ga

Pioneering high tech and interactive bar and club with state of the art lighting and atmospherics.

Traditional Korean cuisine with food barbecued in front of you at your table.

020 7494 9835, 24 Kingly Street

020 7287 9768, 1 Kingly Street


k i n g ly st, l e x i n g t o n st

c a r n a b y.c o. u k food and dr ink

S h o ppi n g a n d L if e st y l e

Lex ington Stree t Red Lion

Andrew Edmunds

Welcoming, traditional British pub, popular with the media locals.

Popular bistro serving European cuisine in an intimate atmosphere. Great alfresco street dining in buzzing Lexington Street.

020 7734 4985, 14 Kingly Street

012 3456 7890, 46 Lexington Street


Aurora Serving modern European cuisine in a relaxed atmosphere with alfresco dining in the beautiful courtyard garden. 020 7494 0514, 49 Lexington Street The Clachan Aurora

Red Onion Feel transported to the Mediterranean in this tranquil restaurant serving dishes from Spain, Turkey, Italy and France. 020 7287 6646, 26 Kingly Street

The Clachan Known for its real ales, guest ciders and delicious gastro pub food. 020 7494 0834, 34 Kingly Street

c a r n a b y st, f o u be r t ' s pl ac e , n e w b u r g h q ua r t e r S h o ppi n g a n d L if e st y l e


c a r n a b y.c o. u k

food and dr ink

Carnaby Stree t

Garden Café



Local café serving fresh snacks and lunches.

Shakespeare’s Head

020 7494 0044, 4 Newburgh Street

Traditional pub that has been on Carnaby Street since 1735. Look for Shakespeare peeking out of the window.

K ua ' a i n a Serving handmade burgers and chargrilled sandwiches alongside hearty salads and organic cakes, based on the original Hawaiian concept.

020 7734 2911, 29 Carnaby Street

020 7287 7474, 26 Foubert’s Place

Foubert's Pl ace

K u a 'A i n a

Carnaby Burger Co Authentic homemade burgers, pasta and salads in vibrant atmosphere with on street dining. 020 7287 6983, 14-18 Foubert’s Place

Newburgh Q uart er


C h o cc y w o cc y d o o d a h

Relaxed wine bar serving French classics with an English twist alongside a biodynamic wine list from the South of France.

A unique, eccentric chocolate shop with a decadent chocolate café upstairs. Delicious chocolate, baroque cakes and edible sculptures are all designed and created by their team of artists and designers in Brighton. A private chocolate boudoir is available to book for self indulgent parties.

020 7287 8488, 12a Newburgh Street

020 7734 9713, 30-32 Foubert’s Place

A n t i d ot e


ne wburgh quarter

c a r n a b y.c o. u k food and dr ink

S h o ppi n g a n d L if e st y l e

P at i ss e r i e V a l e r i e Exquisite handmade cakes, Belgian pastries and continental breakfasts. 020 7734 9903, 7 Marshall Street

P i tt C u e C o Purveyors of BBQ, Bourbon & Beer. Enjoy authentic and rustic American BBQ food washed down with their famous Pickleback shot. Takeaway option also available. 1 Newburgh Street

S p e a k e a s y E s p r e ss o


Brew Bar

Roasting and brewing some of the best coffee in London, alongside homemade and seasonal food. Learn how to brew the perfect Espresso at the Coffee School held every week. 3 Lowndes Court The White Horse

Pitt Cue Co

Masala Zone

T h e S h a st o n A r ms

The White Horse

Presenting the real flavours of India with innovative, casual and fun dining.

Traditional pub with guest ales from local breweries, great place for after work drinks.

Guest ales, ciders and wines served alongside a classic and extensive English gastro pub menu.

020 7287 9966, 9 Marshall Street

020 7287 2631, 4 Ganton Street

020 7494 9748, 16 Newburgh Street

b e a k st r e e t S h o ppi n g a n d L if e st y l e

c a r n a b y.c o. u k


food and dr ink

Beak Stree t



Critically acclaimed Venetian style bacaro, serving simple, authentic small plate dishes. Discover the Campari bar with original cocktails in the basement.

Enjoy drinks from around the world, cocktails and delicious platters to share in this chilled out venue.

020 7734 4479, 41 Beak Street

020 7439 2190, 61-63 Beak Street

Pure California Taste the sunshine in this fresh juice and health food bar.

Benja Bangkok Table

020 7287 3708, 39 Beak Street

Discover authentic Thai street food in this stylish and contemporary setting.

Soho Pizzeria

020 7287 0555, 17 Beak Street

Live jazz is a great side dish to the pizzas and salads served in this legendary venue.

C a n a l e tt o

020 7434 2480, 16-18 Beak Street

Delicious and fresh pasta, salads and sandwiches. 020 7437 8597, 34-36 Beak Street

D i d Yo u K n o w. . . There

O l d C o ff e e H o u s e Traditional pub, popular with the locals. Check out the historic memorabilia covering the walls. 020 7437 2197, 49 Beak Street

15 d i ff e r e n t C a r n a by f r o m m o r e 35 i n d e p e n d e n t c a f ĂŠ s , r e s tau r a n t s a n d ba r s . are more than

c u i s i n e s ava i l a b l e i n than Polpo


w h e r e t o stay

c a r n a b y.c o. u k

W h e r e To Stay J u st a f e w st e p s Street, you will

a way f r o m

Sanc tum Soho Hotel


f i n d l u x u r io us hot e l s ,

e a c h w i t h t h e i r o w n c h a r a ct e r a n d h e r i ta g e .

Courthouse Doubletree


H i lt o n

Situated in an old listed Magistrates Court, this luxury hotel is located at the north end of Carnaby Street. Enjoy dinner in the Silk Restaurant, once the original courtroom. Cour thouse Doubletree by Hilton

S a n ct u m S o h o H o t e l New luxury boutique hotel with rooftop terrace, fantastic restaurant, and 30 individually designed rooms. Situated just off Beak Street. 020 7292 6100, 20 Warwick Street

020 7297 5555, 19–21 Great Marlborough Street

g e t i n t h e k n o w. . .

The Carnaby Insiders We

r e v e a l r e c o mm e n dat io n s f o r s ho p p i n g , e at i n g a n d d r i n k i n g i n

C a r n a by

f r o m t h e p e o p l e i n t h e k no w ...

c a r n a b y.c o. u k

Lee Lapthorne

Susie Lau

Vivek Singh

D i r e ct o r o f d o l l & O n |O ff , a n d m e m b e r of the Cool Brand's expert council


Executive Chef

'No 6 by Adidas, pure temptation for shoe lovers like me - I cannot resist.'

‘I love Cowshed for a really luxurious manicure and pedicure.’

No 6 by Adidas, 6 Newburgh Street

Cowshed, 31 Foubert’s Place

e x p l o r e r a n d e d i to r o f


Cinnamon Soho

st y l e b u b b l e . c o . u k

'I love the history and heritage. It has so much style! When I'm not at Cinnamon Soho, it's always nice to have a breath of fresh air by taking a muchneeded tea break at Camellia's Tea House. They've got so many different varieties, and I can't resist a late-afternoon scone!' Camellia’s Tea House, 2.12–2.13 Kingly Court



I t ’ s t r u e to say t h at f r o m t h e e a r ly 19 t h C e n t u r y t h e c r e at i v e s a n d b o h e m i a n s e m b r ac e d C a r n a by V i l l ag e w i t h a pa ss io n . B u t i t wa s i n t h e 1960 s w h e n i t b e c a m e t h e e p ic e n t r e o f w h at is fa mo us ly k no w n

‘S w i n g i n g L o n d o n ’. A n yo n e w ho wa s ‘ h i p ’ c a m e to C a r n a by to h a n g o u t ,


a n d g e t k i tt e d o u t i n a va st a r r ay o f b r i l l i a n t b o u t iq u e s , s u c h a s

Lord John, L a dy J a n e , I wa s L o r d K i tc h e n e r ’ s V a l e t and John Stephen. F ind

out more in the carnaby


book available to buy from carnaby . co . uk

© T op F oto

carnaby essential guide 2012

c a r n a b y.c o. u k






Carry Me Home 17 C’est Ici 28 Cinnamon Soho 30 Cha Cha Moon 26/28 Cheap Monday 5 Choccywoccydoodah 14/32 Cirque De Soir 26 Converse 5 Courthouse Doubletree 35 Cowshed 14 Creative Beadcraft 25

Aesop 24 Ain’t Nothin But the Blues 30 Albam 22 All The Fun of The Fair 16 Alphabet 34 American Apparel 4 Andrew Edmunds 31 Antidote 32 Aqua Womens 20 Aqua Mens 22 Atelier Millinery 16 Aurora 31 b Store 25 Barbour 14 Barber’s Point 25 Benefit 20 Benja Bangkok Table 34 Ben Sherman 4 Bexy Lady 17 Blaqua 10 Blue Posts 30 Bob Soho 12 Boots 4 Bolongaro Trevor 24 bond at Twentyfour: London 30 Boss Orange 5 Bureau 28 Camellia's Tea House 17/28 Camper 20 Café Pomodoro 30 Canaletto 34 Carnaby Burger Co 32


Dahlia Darimeya David and Goliath Dehesa Diesel Female Diesel Male Drop Dead Clothing Co

21 17 5 26 5 5 25


Eastpak El Ganso Energie

6 6 23


FGF Store 22 Flatplanet 29 Flying Horse Jeans 10 Fornarina 6 Fornata 30 F-Troupe 12 Fur Coat No Knickers 17


Garden Café and Bar Gola Classics G-Star Raw


Havaianas 24 Henri-Lloyd 6 Hi Panda 18 Hilfiger Denim 6 Illamasqua 22 Irregular Choice 6 It’s Something Hells 18

i J

k l

32 6 6

Jack Wills 21 Joe and The Juice 29 Johnny Cupcakes 21 Jones Bootmaker 21 Joy Everley Fine Jewellers 11 Katyakatya Shehurina Kua 'Aina

18 32

Lacoste L!VE 11 Lambretta 7 Lamuète 13 Lash Perfect Lash Bar 13 Laurel Wreath store by Fred Perry 11 Lazy Oaf 21 Lee Jeans 7 Leon 29


c a r n a b y.c o. u k

c a r n a b y.c o. u k

Peckham Rye 12 Pepe Jeans London 8 Pitt Cue Co 33 Pixi 21 Playlounge 23 Polpo 34 Pretty Green 8 Puma 8 Pure California 34 Pylones 8 Pyrus 12

Levi’s 7 Levi's Vintage Store 11 Liberty 23 Lomography Gallery Store 11 Lucy in Disguise 24 Luke 1977 21


M.A.C Pro Store 14 Make Up Store 7 Mangosteen 26 Mark Powell 25 Marshall Street Leisure Centre 13 Masala Zone 33 Merc 7 Miss Sixty 23 Mnini 18 Monki 7 Mor 15 Mother Mash 27 Muji 7 Myung Ga 30


New Frames No 6 by Adidas

22 12


Office Old Coffee House Ollie & Nic Onitsuka Tiger

8 34 21 12

Patisserie Valerie Peekaboo Vintage

33 15



Red Lion 31 Red Onion 31 Refectory 29 Replay 8 Revival 18


Sacred 27/28 Sanctum Soho Hotel 35 Savage London 12 Shakespeare’s Head 32 Shampers 28 Sherry’s 24 Size? 8 Slam City Skates 8 Soccerscene & Rugbyscene 9 Soho Pizzeria 34 Speakeasy 33 Storm 9 Style Showroom 19 Suka 23 Super Superficial 21 Sweaty Betty 23


Tapas Brindisa The Beauty Lounge The Clachan The Diner The Face The Great Frog The Kingly Club The Kooples The Lingerie Collective The North Face The Shaston Arms The White Horse Things British Traffic People Triyoga Two Floors

29 18 31 27 15 15 28 9 15 9 33 33 19 19 19 29


Upper Playground



Vans 9 Viva 24


Walk In Back Rub WeSC Wright Brothers William and George

19 9 29 19


Year Zero



Zebrano 27




























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