SHE MEANS BUSINESS- A primer on the status of women's empowerment in Indian businesses 2014

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this metric in India, or assess what differences exist in

Principle 5. Several companies had developed

their functioning' methods in India and other

products and services that related either directly or

countries where their business operates

indirectly to women. In this, the IT sector was once again at the forefront in developing several digital


In respect to Principle 5 -- enterprise development,

solutions to address problems such as illiteracy,

supply chain and marketing practices -- limited

reproductive and child health.

information was available regarding supplier diversity and marketing practices. While supplier compliance



In relation to Principle 6 -- community leadership and

was included in company codes of conduct, labour and

engagement -- detailed information pertaining to CSR

human rights policies, gender equality was not an

programmes of companies has been provided. In terms

important area of coverage. Quantitative information

of CSR spending, most of the companies that reported

pertaining to number of women owned suppliers,

details provided information on their annual CSR

number of contracts awarded to men and women

budgets. However, very few of them provided a break

suppliers was generally not available.

up of their budgets.

Information was available regarding business

Our analysis makes clear that business do support the

solutions to address various issues of concern to

cause of women and girls. These interventions are not

women. These have been discussed in the chapter on

however direct. They benefit women and girls through CSR programmes in education.


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