City of Pontiac's North Spur Trail Development Plan

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The construction of a recreational trail in the city of Pontiac would provide a number of benefits to the area, including an environmentally friendly transportation route, a space for outdoor physical activity/exercise, as well as an amenity unique to Pontiac that would potentially draw in visitors. Although the future trail right-of-way has not been officially endorsed or engineered, this report will provide a reference for future deliberation and planning. It is hoped that the background information on the Clinton River Trail, the data from the socioeconomic profile, the trends regarding user information for Michigan trails and the Clinton River Trail, as well as the right-of-way’s current conditions, the recommendation and funding information, and the contemporary practices will serve as good resources for future stakeholder involvement leading to the eventual realization of the trail. It is believed by this team that the future North Spur Trail has the potential to be a major revitalizing force in the city of Pontiac one day.


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