Capital Key Volume 63 Issue l
Delaware – Maryland – Virginia - Washington D.C.
Table of Content Meet your Executive Board………………...... Pg. 3-4 International Trustee Message .................... Pg. 5 Key Club of the Month…………………….……..…..Pg.6 Service Spotlight…………………………………….…..Pg.7 Key Leader……………….………………………...………Pg.8 District Convention Recap..….……….….……Pg.9-12 Major Emphasis/KCI Service Partners…..Pg.13-14 Key Club Co-Sponsors/Vision Partners….Pg.15-16 Governor’s Project……………………….…………..Pg.17 International Convention…………………………………….…….....Pg.18 Fall Rally…………………………………………………..Pg.19 District Convention…………………………………..Pg.20 Summer of Service……………………………………Pg.21 Editor’s Note/Contact Info………………....……Pg.22
Meet Your New Executive Board Hi Capital District! MEET THE NEW EXECUTIVE BOARD
Hey Key Clubbers!
My name is Christopher Bratcher, and I am excited to be your 2018-2019 Capital District Governor. For the past three years, I have attended Hampton Roads Academy in Division 13, and I will be entering my senior year in the fall Myname topher Bratcher, amexcited to be yourme 2018-2019 Capital of 2018. WhenisIChris am not involved in and KeyIClub, you can find practicing for Dis trict Governor. thepas rs,I haveSpanish, attendedor Haserving mpton Roa demyin varsity football orFor track andt three field,yea learning on ds theAca Mayor's Youth forentering the citymy ofsNewport I hope that I canI connect Divis ionCommission 13,andI will be enior year News. inthefall of 2018. When amnot involved inKey youcanmy f ndterm mepra for varson ityfootball or track and f eld, with many ofClub, you during ascticing we embark a new year of service. Feel free to email me at learningSpanish,or servingontheMayor'sYouthCommisionfor thecityof Newport if you have any my News .I hopethat I canconnect withmany of you during questions! termasweembark onanewyear of service.Feel freeto email
meat chrisbratcherkeyclub@gmail.comif youhaveany Yours ques tionsin! Service, Christopher Bratcher
YoursinService, Christopher Bratcher
Hello, Capital District!
My name is Anna Boland, and I have the pleasure of serving as your 20182019 Secretary-Treasurer! of pleas my duties minutes at My name isAnnaBoland,andISome havethe ureof sinclude ervingasrecording your 2018-2019 board meetings and creating a district directory. I am a rising senior at Secretary-Treasurer! Someof mydutiesincluderecordingminutesat boardmeetings and Dulaney High School in Division 6B, where I am drum major of our marching creatingadistrict directory.I amarisingsenior at DulaneyHighSchool inDivision6B, band and play on the varsity tennis team. At any given time you’ll probably
whereI amdrummajor of our marchingbandandplayonthevarsitytennisteam.At any find me Panera, about Harryranting Potter,about or given timeeating you’ll proba blyfranting ndmeea tingPanera, playing clarinet. Please feel free to contact me on HarryPotter,or playingclarinet.Pleasefeel freeto contact me Facebook or at! onFacebook or! Yours in Service,
YoursinService, Yours in Service, Jordan Taliaferro Jordan Taliaferro
Hi Everyone! Hi Everyone!
Hello,Capital District!
Yours in Service, Anna Boland Y ours in Service, Anna Boland
My name isHiJordan CapitalTaliaferro, District! and I am a current junior in the STEM program at North County High School. I have been in Key Club for the past 3 years, and this year I had the wonderful opportunity asferro, theand Lieutenant Governor forSTEM Division 4A. a When am Mynameof isJserving ordan Talia I amacurrent junior inthe program t NorthI County not performing my Key Club duties, I am either playing a sport, participating in another HighSchool.I havebeeninKeyClubfor thepast 3years,andthisyear I hadthewonderful opportuclub, or watching Netflix. nityof serving astheLieutenant Governor for Division4A.WhenI amnot performingmyKeyClub Some random fun facts include: duties ,I am eitherabout playingme asport, participatinginanother club,or watchingNetf ix. • I am a pescatarian (the only meat I eat is seafood) Somerandomfunfactsabout meinclude: • I am apes tarian(the meat I eaHigh t isseaEnough” food) • My favorite song isca “Ain’t No only Mountain • My fa vorite s ong is “Ain’ t No Mountain High Enough” • I named my car Timothée (based on the actor Timothée Chalamet) • I named mycar Timothée(based on theactor TimothéeChalamet) forwa to getting to knoweveryone II look getting to everyone look forward forward to toI look getting tordknow know everyone and and s erving as your new Ca pital Dis trict Editor and serving as your new Capital District Editor serving as your new Capital District Editor for for theKey 2018-2019 KeyClubyear! the 2018 -2019 Club year!
My name is PaulMy Vann. at at Riverbend HighI was School, which is a Dis parttrict of Division nameI am isPaauljunior Vann,and DCON 2018 elected to beyour 2F. I have been a part ofthe Key Club since freshman ofathigh school, andSchool, after Iwhichis Webmas ter for 2018-2019 Keymy Club year. I amyear ajunior Riverbend High moved schools sophomore year, I became the founder and president of the Key atand apart of Division 2F. I havebeen apart of KeyClubsincemyfreshman year of highClub school, my high school! In my sfree time, I love working in the security af er I moved chools sophomore year,I became thecyber founder and presindustry, ident of thehaving KeyClubat founded my own cyber security company, and I am a member of myhighschool! In myfreetimeI loveworkingin thecyber securityindustry,havingfounded my my local Boy well asand a player on my of high ownScout cyber stroop, ecurityas company, I amamember myschool’s local BoyScout troopaswell asaplayer varsity tennis team. But importantly I love going out and serving on myhighschool’svarsitytennisteam.But most importantlyI love my community! I really look forward to meeting working with goingout and servingmycommunity! I reallylook forward to you all as the year goes on, and I look forward to making this meetingand workingwithyouall astheyear goeson,and I look year a great one!
forward to makingthisyear agreat one!
Yours in Service, Paul VannYoursin Service,
Paul Vann
International Trustee Update Hello, Capital District!
Key Club of the Month
The end of the school year is upon us. Congratulations to all of the graduates! I encourage you to continue within the Kiwanis Family through Circle K or Kiwanis next year. Service does not have to end with high school! Even though school may be over, that does not mean Key Club is! Continue with summer service projects and recruiting new members at your high school’s freshman orientation. Share your experiences and love for Key Club with the freshman! Showing your community year-round all about Key Club is a great way to grow and strengthen your club. Furthermore, International Convention is this summer! I hope to see you all there to celebrate with us another phenomenal year of service within Key Club International. From workshops, motivational speakers, entertainment, contests, dances and more, ICON 2018 is sure to be an event not to miss. Unfortunately, my service as your International Trustee is coming to an end as I will retire in July at ICON. I would like to thank each and every member of the Capital District for your dedication, passion, and enthusiasm for service and Key Club. It is members like you that are truly vital to the success of Key Club. It has been an honor serving as your trustee this past year and I could not have asked for a better district. Please know that I am always here for you. Do not hesitate to contact me at I wish you the best of luck and, for the last time‌ HAPPY SERVING! Forever Yours in Service,
Lindsey Banks Key Club International Trustee
The Key Club of the month is Western Albemarle High School in Division 9A. The club performed 251 service hours this month, 3.22 hours per member, in a variety of service activities, including holding a blood drive (helping sign people up, walking donors back to class, and bringing baked goods to the event), volunteering at the Kiwanis pancake breakfast, hosted by their sponsoring Kiwanis club, volunteering at the local race Relay for Life, and providing volunteers at the Clark Fun Fair (a local elementary school). Western Albemarle has been very active throughout this month, thank you for being an exemplary example of a Key Club, keep up the good work!
Division 7B “This month,3Manchester Valley High School participated in Relay for Life, an all-night event lasting for twelve consecutive hours, which involved continuous walking to raise money in order to help find a cure for cancer. When not walking around the track, participants visited team campsites to participate in games, activities, and entertainment, while learning how to be a better advocate of the American Cancer Society.” ~Natalie Davenport
Division 7A “Linganore High School found a great opportunity to collaborate with their local Kiwanis Family. They helped clean up Twin Ridge Elementary in partner with the Mt. Airy Kiwanis Club. They planted new plants, mulched, and weeded to help clean up the school.” ~Katie Atheny “In order to help the charity, March of Dimes, improve the health of mothers and ~ babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality, Patuxent’s Key Club ran around the school collecting donations and rewarding donors with candy. They successfully raised just short of $200. They also joined a crowd of over 100 people and marched 3 miles to support the cause” ~Grady Fort 7
Division 3D
Key Leader is Kiwanis’ values-centered, weekend leadership education program for high school students. Key Leader events are open to any 9th-12th grade students (in or out of Key Club). Key Leader focuses on the concept of service leadership and five principles: integrity, growth, respect, community and excellence. The weekend is casual and includes hands-on exercises; writing and reflection activities; cooperative, team activities; physical challenges and more. Pamela Barret, LTG of Division 2E describes her experience by saying, “Recently, in April, I attended Key Leader. Key Leader is where you go to a campsite and spend the weekend learning about servant leadership. Our weekend leader, Mr. Hiscock, did a wonderful job teaching us the core values of being a servant leader. We talked about Community, Excellence, Integrity, Respect, and Personal Growth. These are all components of what it means to be a "Key Leader". What I took from the lessons at Key Leader is that we can implement these values into our everyday lives, and service. When I left, I knew that I was going to take what I learned and incorporate these components into my service! Try and fit these values into your service and see where it takes you.”
Our next Key Leader event is November 9-11 in Haymarket, Virginia! Registration Opens in Early September!
Here Key Clubs from all around the Capital District came together to celebrate another year of service. It was a three-day convention starting on Friday and ending on Sunday. On Friday, we had an opening session followed by meet-and-greets and karaoke. On Saturday, we listened to all the candidates who ran for district office. After they were done with their speeches, we had 4 blocks of workshops to attend and a service fair where clubs can gather and share service project ideas. On Saturday night we had an awards banquet followed by a dance. Finally, on Sunday there was a House of Delegates session where we voted for district office candidates and attended a closing session where individual awards were announced. If you haven’t attended District Convention before, I highly suggest that you do so because it is an eye-opening experience. For more information, please contact your Lieutenant Governor.
Preferred Charities Children- Their future, our focus (Click on the logo for more information about each charity)
Children’s Miracle Network
The Thirst Project Thirst Project hopes to educate the next generation by arming students with information about how they can be a part of social change, make a difference and encourage others to join in the effort.
Members work together by sponsoring fundraising events and conducting service projects at their local children's hospitals. Contact your local CMN hospital and invite a representative to a club meeting to share ideas and create a partnership. This year Children’s Miracle Network is also the Capital District Project. Your school can partake in helping this organization by doing things such as visiting a nearby hospital, making socks or blankets, or donating money
UNICEF UNICEF is the only organization of the United Nations dedicated exclusively to children. Working with other United Nations bodies, governments and nongovernmental organizations, UNICEF helps to provide for children’s needs in more than 150 developing countries through community-based services in primary health care, basic education and safe water and sanitation.
March of Dimes Since the 1940s, Key Clubs have worked with March of Dimes to make a positive impact in the lives of babies everywhere. Today, Kiwanis members continue that culture of service by supporting the March of Dimes all year long by hosting service projects, raising funds and educating communities about the crisis of preterm birth.
Landscape Structures (LSI) has joined Kiwanis International as a vision partner to bring play to communities across the globe. LSI is proud to provide high-quality commercial playground equipment and planning consultation services that reflect the high degree of integrity that Kiwanis clubs expect.
Nickelodeon Nickelodeon currently presents two major campaigns each year that encourage action in kids globally. Worldwide Day of Play reinforces Nickelodeon’s mission to make the world a more playful place by leading active, playful events across the country. Nickelodeon’s Get Dirty campaign seeks to educate kids, families and teachers about what they can do to help protect the planet in fun, mindful ways.
Happiness Project Project Happiness inspires and empowers club members to create greater happiness within themselves and their communities addressing the bullying issue at its core. The Key Club Guide to Project Happiness shares exercises, discussions, games and tools based on Neuroscience, Positive Psychology and Mindfulness to re-wire the brain for happiness. Why does happiness matter? Happier people enjoy life!
The Youth Opportunities Fund (YOF) is an endowed fund for Key Club International held within the Kiwanis International Children’s Fund. This fund uses earned interest to help Key Clubs and Key Club members serve the world by providing grants for service opportunities and scholarships for members. For more information click on the following link:
Deadline: October 15, 2018
YOUTH Opportunities
Leave a Legacy
Leave a Legacy
Description This year's Governor's project, Leave a The only guideline for this project Legacy, is about changing how we is that you must give, contribute, think about service. make, or fund for something physical that can be used by or M ain Idea: W e can all permanently will improve the image or standing impact the communities that we serve of the community, group, or area through giving them tangible that you will help. contributions. I want more people to focus on I hope that my project will allow clubs permanently improving the to be creative in finding their own communities that we as Key ways to leave their legacy in their Clubbers go to and to leave them homes, schools, cities, and communities. in a better condition than what we found them in.
W ho Can W e Serve?
The following links tell you more about ICON and the District Tour -‐ h=ps:// -‐ h=ps://
Any group or area that you all choose. To give you some ideas, but to not be CO N TACT limited to, schools, retirement homes, local GO V ERN O R CHRISTO PHER BRATCHER businesses, neighborhoods, parks, and CHRISBRATCHERKEYCLUB@GM AIL.CO M museums. Project ideas are on the second page of this flyer.
District Convention What is it? At DCON, you can meet hundreds of Key Clubbers from around the district, attend engaging workshops, explore Baltimore, watch a talent show, vote on the next year's district officers, get recognition for all the service your home school has been doing and awards for competitions such as scrapbooking, videos, oratory, essay, single service achievement, and outstanding officers. When? March 15– 17, 2019 Where? Baltimore Hyatt Regency – 300 Light St, Baltimore, MD 21202 Cost? Approximate: $200 (differs for cost of transportation) “My first time at District Conference was one to remember! I met tons of new people and got to know kids from my home club even better. Walking around National Harbor, even though it was extremely windy, was so exciting. I was able to go to the top of the Baltimore's World Trade Center.” Eden Barooody (2F LTG)
Summer of Service Summer has just begun and many of us are going to be busy doing things such as going on trips or working, but don’t forget that Key Club doesn’t end in the summer. Remember that there are still many opportunities for you to do service for others and stay active with Key Club during summer vacation. Below is a list of summer service projects. You can do with your Key Club to form a better connection, or you can do them individually. Summer Service Projects ideas: -Search your closet to find items in good condition that you’ve outgrown or don’t use anymore. Take them to your local Goodwill or shelter. -Pick up some nonperishables to donate to your local food bank. -Send a package or cards to deployed troops, veterans, wounded soldiers or firstresponders through organizations such as Operation Gratitude. -Collect children’s books and other reading materials for shelters, libraries, and schools. -Do you sing or play a musical instrument? Volunteer to give music lessons to people in your community or perform at local shelters or senior organizations. -Ask at your library to see if volunteers are needed for after-school clubs or children’s book groups. -Have a garage sale or lemonade stand for your favorite cause. -Clean up a local park or beach - Hand out water at a walk or marathon - Tutor kids at your local Boys and Girls Club -Put on gloves and pick up litter at your local park. Start planning recruitment ideas, large- scale projects, fundraisers, and any other events/projects you have in mind during the summer, so you are ready to go when school begins again in August/ September Remember to stay in contact with your Lieutenant Governors - Mark any upcoming Division Council meetings or projects -Turn in monthly reports - Follow Key Club on Social Media for updates 21
Final Remar k s Reminders
Editor’s Note District Governor Christopher Bratcher District Secretary- Treasurer Anna Boland District Editor Jordan Taliaferro District Webmaster Paul Vann
Hello, Capital District, my name is Jordan Taliaferro and I will be serving as your 2018 – 2019 Capital District Editor. Throughout the year, I will be publishing 4 editions of the Capital Key. One of my main responsibilities is to help keep the Capital District informed on upcoming Key Club events that occur on the divisional, district and international level. I look forward to working with you guys for the next year! If you have any questions, suggestions, or KeySocial Club stories that you would like to Media share please don’t hesitate to contact me at District Website: Thank you! (Check out the Contact Page: Click Here)
District Administrator Joe Stankus Capital District Key Club
Instagram @kccrabs Twitter @kccrabs Capital District of Key Club International Capital District
Snapchat @kccrabs
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