Civil Air Patrol Magazine, Alaska Wing, May 2021

Page 20

Recruitment and Retention

The Great Alaskan Aviation Gathering

by Capt Richard Dennis, PAO

Wow, The 24th annual Great Alaskan Aviation Gathering is back after being canceled last year. And Great it was. Aviators enjoyed the opportunity to network with friends and vendors of all sorts. Hundreds of adults, teens, and children came to the Palmer Fairgrounds on Saturday and Sunday, 8-9 May, 2021. (Previously, it occurred at the Fed Ex Hanger at the Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport.) The Alaska Wing, Civil Air Patrol tries to have a presence at every Gathering. The larger location enabled the organizers (Alaska Airman’s Association) to expand the event which then allowed the Alaska Wing to enlarge its presence, too. The Wing was allocated the Alaska Wing Booth, an area to offer Aerospace Education Activities, plus a spot at

the Palmer Airport for the airport. CAP Trailered Flight SimBack at the State Fair ulator. complex, SM Mary StelThe majority of the venla saw the fruits of her dors were in Raven Hall, planning at the CAP which housed nearly 150 Youth Activity tables. aviation businesses. The There, she provided sevlargest building at the eral Aerospace EducaPalmer Fairgrounds is tional Activities for kids. the Craig Taylor PavilThey had the opportuion. This building housed nity to cut, fit and fold a both the CAP Youth Avi- space craft or aircraft for ation Activity and the themselves and to view a Alaska Wing Booth. Edsolar system display. ucational seminars were offered in a nearby third building. And out on the walkways? I almost felt like I was at the State Fair. Food vendors seemed to be everywhere! The nearby Alaska Wing The CAP Trailered Flight Booth was designed to Simulator was located promote Civil Air Patrol at the Palmer Airport in it missions of advancamong a forest of airing Emergency Services, craft. Attendees were Youth, and Aerospace able to walk among airEducation. The majority craft and helicopters, of people expressed infrom DC-3s to a PA-18. terest in the Cadet proLt Clint Justus noted that gram). Rack cards from at times there was a line CAP National and a speof people waiting to try cially designed tri-fold out flight on the Alaslisted all of the Squadka Wing Flight Simularons in the Alaska Wing tor. Visitors to the Trade so parents could find Show had the opportuconvenient locations. nity of taking a shuttle Questions met the full bus which moved people range of what CAP offers. back and forth between the fair grounds and the Many thanks to the fol-

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