Katalog LIFFe 2016

Page 40

Predpremiere Avantpremieres

À peine j'ouvre mes yeux As I Open my Eyes Ko odprem o~i Leyla Bouzid

re`ija/directed by Leyla Bouzid scenarij/screenplay Leyla Bouzid, Marie-Sophie Chambon fotografija/cinematography Sébastien Goepfert glasba/music Khyam Allami monta`a/editing Lilian Corbeille producenta/producers Sandra Da Fonseca, Imed Marzouk igrajo/cast Baya Medhaffer (Farah), Ghalia Benali (Hayet), Montassar Ayari (Borhène), Aymen Omrani (Ali), Lassaad Jamoussi (Mahmoud), Deena Abdelwahed (Inès), Youssef Soltana (Ska), Marwen Soltana (Sami) produkcija/production Blue Monday Productions 224 Rue St Denis 75002 Paris, France E bluemonday�bluemonday.fr format/format DCP, barvni/colour dol`ina/running time 102' festivali/festivals Benetke/Venice 2015 – Avtorski dnevi/Venice Days (nagrada Europa Cinemas Label/Europa Cinemas Label Award), Stockholm 2015, Seattle 2016

Prvenec Leyle Bouzid z zgodbo o mladem dekletu, ki sku{a z glasbo spremeniti vsakdan, v katerem `ivi, spregovori o vplivu arabske pomladi na `ivljenje mladih v glavnem mestu Tunizije.

Spotlighting a young girl who seeks to fully enjoy life by finding recourse in music, Leyla Bouzid's film debut examines the influence of the Arab Spring movement on young people in the capital of Tunisia.

Osemnajstletna Farah `ivi v Tunisu. Leta 2010, le nekaj mesecev pred jasminovo revolucijo, uspe{no maturira in njena dru`ina se `e veseli, da bo kmalu postala uspe{na zdravnica. A Farah si je `ivljenje zamislila povsem druga~e: poje v politi~no anga`irani rockovski skupini, nemalokrat popiva s prijatelji in u`iva v no~nem `ivljenju velemesta. To pa ni pogodu njeni materi Hayet, ta se {e predobro zaveda vseh nevarnosti, ki v senci prihajajo~e revolucije pre`ijo na njeno h~er.

Tunis, summer 2010, a few months before the Revolution: Farah, 18 years old, has just graduated and her family already see her as a future doctor. But she doesn't have the same idea. She sings in a political rock band, has a passion for life, gets drunk, discovers her city by night against the wishes of her mother Hayet, who knows Tunisia and its imminent dangers all too well.

"Tisto poletje je zaznamovalo posebno ozra~je, ob~utenje slepe ulice, da bo nekaj navsezadnje eksplodiralo. Mlade je obvladoval nemir, zoperstavljali so se z glasbo, blogi, spletom in lastno eksistenco. Oni so vir energije za poznej{e dogodke, vir energije za ta film. /.../ Farah sodi med te mlade, ki `elijo `ivljenje polno zau`iti navkljub pritisku dru`ine in povsod pri~ujo~e policijske dr`ave. Kot svobodna in impulzivna pevka je glas generacije, ki vsakodnevno nasprotuje." (Leyla Bouzid)

prodaja/world sales Doc & Film International 13, rue Portefoin 75003 Paris, France E sales�docandfilm.com distribucija/distribution Demiurg Lome 3 5274 ^rni Vrh E info�demiurg.si

"There was a special atmosphere that summer, the feeling of being in a dead end, that something would eventually explode. Young people were in turmoil, they resisted through music, blogging, Internet and their very existence. It is they that provided the energy for what happened later, it is from them that the energy of this film has come. /.../ Farah is one of these young people who seek to live life to the full despite family pressure and an omnipresent police state. As a free and impulsive singer, she is the voice of a generation that resists daily." (Leyla Bouzid)

Leyla Bouzid

filmografija (izbor)/filmography (selection)

Rojena v Tunisu leta 1984. Leta 2003 se je preselila v Pariz, kjer je sprva na Sorboni vpisala {tudij francoske knji`evnosti, pozneje pa je na filmski {oli La Fémis {tudirala {e filmsko re`ijo. Doslej je re`irala dva kratka filma, s katerima je po`ela velik uspeh na francoskih in tudi na mednarodnih filmskih festivalih. Ko odprem o~i je njen celove~erni prvenec.

2011 Mkhobbi fi Kobba (Soubresauts) (kratki/short) 2013 Zakaria (kratki/short) 2015 À peine j'ouvre les yeux (As I Open My Eyes/Ko odprem o~i)

Born in Tunis in 1984. Moved to Paris in 2003 to study French literature at the Sorbonne University and then studied directing at La Fémis Film School. Her two short films received a very warm welcome at festivals in France and abroad. As I Open My Eyes is her first feature film.


Tunizija, Francija, Belgija, Zdru`eni arabski emirati Tunisia, France, Belgium, United Arab Emirates 2015

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