CBRLife Vol.23 Front

Page 22

尽管有 Covid-19 疫苗的推广计划,但新病毒变种


准备。从重组业务到重新谈判供应商合同和管理员工, 一个坚实的计划将确保你不会再次措手不及。 检疫和疫苗接种问题 无论是坚持要求所有员工和客户接种疫苗的机构,

还是拒绝接种疫苗的员工,这些问题都会影响到大多 数企业,尤其是那些脆弱的行业,如医护、旅游和酒 店业。

Continuing to be lock-down ready Despite Covid-19 vaccine roll-out plans, the emergence of new virus variants means that we still need to be prepared to go into lock-down at any given time. From restructuring your business to renegotiating supplier contracts and managing employees, a solid plan will ensure that you’re not caught off-guard again. Testing and vaccination issues

Whether its organisations insisting that all staff and clients be vaccinated, or employees who refuse, these issues will affect most businesses, but especially those in vulnerable sectors such as health, aged care, tourism and hospitality. IR Reforms to The Fair Work Act 2009

2009 年公平工作法的 IR 改革 《公平工作修正法案》是针对 COVID-19 大流行


Drafted in response to employment issues that arose due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Fair Work Amendment Bill proposes a number of changes that will affect all businesses including the criminalisation of wage theft and changes to casual employment, modern award flexibilities and greenfield agreements.

所有企业的改革建议,包括将偷窃工资定为刑事犯罪, Connect and Impact in English and Mandarin



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