TODAY fortes in fide et opere
FROM THE PRINCIPAL OF CAMPION COLLEGE The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned. (Isaiah 9:2)
This beautiful passage of Scripture, which is proclaimed over and over during the Advent Season, provides consolation for me as I contemplate the events of these last months in our national life. I believe every Jamaican heart resonates with the fear and desolation of “people walking in darkness” and “living in the land of the shadow of death”. But those of us who are privileged to serve at Campion College are not disheartened because like the prophet Isaiah, we have seen “a great light”. We experience daily the joy of witnessing the new hope that is dawning on Jamaica through the brilliance, character and compassion of our students. In the darkness of an education system that is dooming so many of Jamaica’s children to failure, Campionites are producing the most staggering academic achievements. In the darkness of the callous indifference that characterizes so many areas of our national life, Campionites are enthusiastically raising funds for earthquake victims, organizing blood drives, giving service at hospices and tutoring children from the Hannah Town and Chambers Lane communities. In the darkness of the mistrust and cynicism which continue to divide us a people, Campionites are forging friendships across barriers of class and ethnicity as they collaborate on learning projects and explore their many talents in our host of co-curricular activities. The Campion experience, with its focus on the development
of future leaders who will be “men and women for others”, is indeed a flame of hope for our nation, but it is also a flame that needs to be carefully tended. The spirit of a Jubilee calls for grand celebrations and memorable events, of which we have had many in these first six months of our anniversary year. But perhaps more importantly, it calls for “coming home”, for tending to the things that matter such as our relationships and our values, and so, I wish to sincerely thank you—parents, alumni, benefactors all—who have been faithful to the spirit of our year of Jubilee by “coming home” to Campion this year. My special thanks though go out to all whose “homecoming” took the form of contributing to our Vision 2020 Campaign. One of the most powerful ways of expressing your appreciation and admiration for the work being done here is your tangible investment in our school’s future. Your participation in this Campaign makes you a tender of the fire that was kindled by the vision of the Jesuit fathers in 1960, fanned into a brilliant flame over these 50 years by the dedication of our remarkable teachers and parents, and with your help, will blaze magnificently into the future. With best wishes and appreciation,
Grace Baston August, 2010
Student Enrollment
1st-5th Form 1172 6th Form 295 Total Students 1467 Percentage of incoming students from primary schools in 1999: 5% • 2010: 35% Average class size 34
Teacher Facts
Full-time teachers Total staff (inclusive of admin & ancillary) Master Teachers on staff
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78 104 5
Campion at a glance Student Costs
Below is a breakdown of the basic cost to educate each Campion student. These figures do not address any of the priority projects of the school’s development plan including: investment in teacher training, sports, information technology, student support and construction and renovation.
For each student, 2009-10:
J$46,000 J$10,500
Basic cost of education Portion paid by Government Subsidy
Annual Auxiliary Fee J$16,000 (Percentage of students who paid: 85%)
St Edmund Trust Donation J$7,000 (Percentage of students who gave this donation: 72%)
Shortfall Total shortfall
Gifts 2009-10 Scholarships & Student Support Teacher Excellence Fund* Other
J$12,500 J$18,000,000 2
J$2,237,455 J$990,000 J$312,413 *Outside of requests for student contribution of J$7,000 each
Vision 2020 as at August 2010
Pledges, receipts & services US$771,124 Balance needed US$278,876
“Parents and alumni need to support schools to ensure their continuity for future generations… If the support is not forthcoming, the school will slide (as has happened to other outstanding schools of the 1960s) and then it will require an even greater effort to bring it back, near, to past glory. If our traditional high schools decline, parents who want the best for their children will then be forced to consider local or overseas private schools which are very, very expensive. We should bear in mind that the fees which a student at Campion is asked to pay for an entire year is significantly less than the fees for one term at one of the local private high schools.” Warrington Williams who, along with his wife Maureen, was one of the first parent donors to the Vision 2020 Campaign. Their son Matthew enters his final year at Campion in September 2010.
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faculty spotlight: Sheila Barrett
I think there are many factors that account for the success of Campion, but one of the major ones has been that the school has been blessed in having a cadre of excellent teachers who have given many years of dedicated service—two of our teachers, who recently retired, gave over 40 years each! These teachers have blazed a path and established a culture of excellence that influences those who come after. The school has also had excellent principals who have proven to be superb administrators. They showed vision in instituting many changes over the years to make the school relevant and meet the needs of changing generations of students. From very early, Campion recognized the importance of using data to chart the way forward and so each department is required to analyse both their internal and external results to identify areas of weakness and strengths and to develop strategies to deal with any weaknesses perceived. This process is also supervised by a Dean of Studies who gives general oversight to the educational programme at Campion. Another important facet of our programme is the consultation sessions after school that our teachers provide to their students. Our teachers are, of course, also motivated by the fact that they have good material to work with and are committed to helping their students succeed throughout their high school experience. Campion’s pass rate in the external examinations has been superb both at the CSEC and CAPE levels. The focus, therefore, has been to improve the spread of the grades and this has met with great success especially at the CSEC level where in 2009 the number of students getting one’s increased between 11-20%. My challenge now is to see the same movement in the CAPE examinations. We have also been expanding our curriculum with the addition of new subjects at both the CSEC level (Economics and Additional Mathematics) and CAPE level (Law and Geometrical and Mechanical Engineering Drawing) but space is proving to be a problem.
With the changing demographics of the student population and fewer students having the required resources to access information, it is imperative that Campion realizes its dream of a library media centre and invests in other facilities and resources that will support the teaching and learning process. This, combined with a strong scholarship programme, will ensure that our most vulnerable students have the same chances as any other student at success. Perhaps the greatest challenge for the future though is for the school to be able to replace those of our teachers who are now reaching the age of retirement with others who are as capable and committed to their profession, in a time when the brightest and best are no longer attracted to the teaching profession. This is an exciting time to be a teacher, though, and I am excited about the technological changes which make it so much easier for students to learn and access information.
Fondest Memory Many years ago I was challenged by a student about an issue in history. The point was debatable and it led to an exciting and lively debate. It brought to life my belief that education is not something that you simply receive, but that I should be able to learn from my students, and they from me. Exceptional Students A few stand out—David Brown (Class of 1980) was never afraid to express his opinions and even challenge me; Douglas Robinson (Class of 1999) the only student to whom I gave an Economics essay and in return received a Mathematical solution as the answer; and Jodi Black (Class of 2002) a very astute and brilliant student who came fourth in the world in Advanced Level Economics. My Treasures I treasure each of the letters or cards that my students have sent me and I have kept them all until this day. Recently, a student visited me and he said something that I will never forget: “you were the only teacher who believed in me.” Finally, surprise us… My students would be surprised to learn that I am a fun loving person at heart who loves music and to dance and can be found at every major show where “good” music is played.
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© Yannick Lyn-fatt
In her 36 years at Campion, Sheila Barrett has literally helped thousands of students either as a teacher or in her role as Dean of Discipline, and now as Dean of Studies. Many who used to quake in their shoes after a “talk” with her, now attribute their success to her stewardship and have become her friends as they moved into adulthood. Miss Barrett joined Campion in 1974 to teach History to 3rd to 5th form and Economics to 6th Form. Following the merger of Sts Peter & Paul High and Campion in 1976, she was made Assistant Dean of Discipline and Head of the History Department and, soon after, was promoted to Dean of Discipline. With the opening of the new 6th Form Building in the ’90s, Miss Barrett assumed leadership of the 6th Form Programme and the Business Department and continued to teach Economics. Then, in 2000, she gave up her teaching responsibilities when she was appointed Vice Principal and Dean of Studies, a post she continues to hold today. Unfortunately, Miss Barrett currently suffers from renal failure due to hypertension. Although she goes for dialysis twice per week, this certainly doesn’t slow her down and Campion’s academic results continue to improve every year under her oversight. Recently, Miss Barrett reflected on the success of Campion in a system beset by challenges.
Profile of a Campionite On both the CAPE and CSEC examinations, students of Campion College rank among the top performing students in the Caribbean region and, at the national level, the school has been awarded the Top CSEC and CAPE School trophies in nearly every year since its inception, inclusive of 2009. CSEC 2009 • 98-100% pass rate • 86% received Grade 1 or 2 • Campion students were the 4th and 5th Top Overall CSEC Performers • Campion students received 47% of all top 5 national scores • Scores among the top 3 in the island: 34 CAPE 2009 • 95-100% pass rate • 58% received Grade 1 or 2 • Campion students were the 1st-4th Top Overall CAPE Performers • Campion students received 44% of all top 5 national scores • Scores among the top 3 in the island: 46 Also, Kenny Huang was the Most Outstanding Performer in Information and Communication Technology in the Caribbean.
AWARDS • Campionites have been awarded 13 Jamaican Rhodes Scholarships, more than any other high school in Jamaica in the last 50 years. In addition, for seven consecutive years (2003-09), the scholarship has been awarded to a graduate of Campion College. • Each year our students win many of the coveted scholarships that are offered by the Government of Jamaica and the private sector including four out of seven Government Scholarships in 2009. • Most recently, Campionites won eight out of the ten top awards at UWI’s Faculty of Medical Sciences Class of 2010 Graduation Ceremony. University Placement 98% of Campion graduates matriculate to 4-year colleges or universities and 20-35% of these students choose to pursue tertiary level studies overseas. In 2010, Campionites were accepted to a host of universities, including: In the U.S.: Amherst College, Babson College, Bard College, Bates College, Boston College, Boston University, Colgate University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Duke University, Emory College, Georgetown University, Harvard University, Ithaca College, MIT, Middlebury College, PRATT, Princeton University, SCAD, Stanford University, University of Chicago, University of Pennsylvania, University of Rochester, University of San Francisco, Vassar College, Weslayan University, Yale University In Canada: Macalester University, McGill University, McMaster University, University of Toronto, University of Waterloo, University of Guelph In the UK: University of Edinburgh, University of Strathclyde campion college | 2010
About the Campaign
One on One with Campion’s Vision 2020 Campaign Chairman
A graduate of the Class of 1981 and current Campion parent, Andrew Mahfood is spearheading the largest single investment in his alma mater since the establishment of the high school by the Jesuit Fathers in the 1960s. While fundraising in such a difficult economic year has not been easy, Andrew, who is the Group Finance Director of the Wisynco Group Limited, is not deterred, but rather inspired by the vision to build a better Jamaica one school at a time. Your commitment to Campion began even before the Vision 2020 Campaign as the sponsor of the Sam Mahfood Scholarship in honour of your late father, a graduate of Campion Hall, and former Chairman of the Wisynco Group. Why is giving back to the school important to you? Giving back to the school is extremely important because those teachers and principals who spend their lives teaching these bright children will know that we care. They provide a door to the future for the over 1,400 students enrolled at our school who can succeed through education. Why did you choose Campion for your sons? The name Campion College is synonymous with excellence in secondary education. As a Campionite, I know the immeasurable benefits I received as a student and I knew my sons would gain much from the experience—academically, socially and spiritually. The positive influences are definitely greater than just academics. The Jesuit influence and doctrines encourage compassion and humility. There is a wide range of competitive sports and clubs in which students are encouraged to get involved. There is a diverse student population that reflects our country’s motto, “Out of Many, One People”. Campion creates an environment of not only excellence in academics but excellence in character—wellrounded individuals equipped to be leaders, professionals and good citizens. Your family’s record of service and generosity to the country is well-known. How did Campion and the Jesuits help shape this? I grew up in a household that emphasized giving back and helping people. Campion and the Jesuit teachings reinforced what I learnt at home. From a very young age, I developed a social conscience. How has Campion changed since you graduated? Fortunately, its core mandate remains the same—the attainment of academic excellence, the incorporation of Jesuit principles and the commitment and dedication of the teachers some of whom were there 30 years ago when I was a student—Mr & Mrs Chin, Ms. Barrett and Father McWade to name a few. Physically, however, there have been very few changes and that is why the Vision 2020 Campaign was launched.
➤ The Campaign seeks to provide a sustainable financial base for the school in the period 2010-20. ➤ All donations are welcome in cash or kind, US or J dollars. ➤ Donors of US$1000 and above will be recognised in the entrance of the Library. There are several naming opportunities for areas within the Library for donors starting at US$20,000. ➤ The Campaign recognises that our donors have different interests and welcomes donations earmarked for other projects at the school. We invite donors who pledge at least 50% of the project cost to name that project. ➤ We also offer our Be-a-Champion specially-engraved bricks for a contribution of US$80/J$7000. ➤ Campion is a fully registered educational institution under the Ministry of Education and therefore donations are tax deductible. In addition, US donors can receive their tax deductions through our partner, Food for the Poor Inc. ➤ Donations can be made online at or by cash/cheque to Campion College (Vision 2020 Account).
Share with us your vision for the Campaign. The Chairmanship of the Campaign has been very challenging but also very rewarding. I am overcome with excitement every time we get a donation. We have raised a substantial amount, although it is far from our goal and the objectives we set. But my real dream for the Campaign is not just to get donations—the real objective is to unite the Campion alumni and we have only just begun. Several reunion events have already been held with more to come. Once our alumni base shares the feeling that together we can make a difference, nothing will stop the Campaign. Then, not only will we make a difference to our school, but a difference to our country as education is the foundation of the future. As a business leader, what role does a school like Campion play in terms of the future of Jamaica? We are the school of choice for the top GSAT students and this includes the 35% of entrants from primary schools. The school and wider school family has a fiduciary responsibility to make sure that it motivates and supports all these exceptionally bright children and keeps them on track to pursue higher education and their chosen professions. This includes providing the physical and material resources that they and their teachers need. Some may say that Campion is a rich school and so there is no need to give. We all know that Campion is a public school and as such depends on already stretched Government budgets. We do have prominent alumni and we are grateful to all those who give back to the school. However, as this is only our 50th anniversary year, our alumni are still relatively young. Our parents also need to realise the imbalance in the value they are receiving versus the fees we are allowed to ask of parents of less than US$200 per year—there is simply no way we can reinvest in the school based on the current revenue. I would like to appeal to all parents, alumni and corporate friends to come take a walk around—Campion needs us now.
“Why did we contribute? The short answer is ‘we did the math.’ At Campion, our sons (Adam and Dominic, Class of 2004 and 2007, respectively) learnt well, had great teachers, made good friends and grew up in an environment to become capable individuals whose education at Campion put them in good stead to go sixth form and universities overseas where they have held their own.” Kathy Moss, who along with her husband, David, and Mark (Class of 1971) and Selena Wong made their joint donation to the Campaign in December 2009. campion college | 2010
A Historic Day, A Landmark Gift September 23, 2009 will be remembered as an important day in Campion’s history as it marks the launch of the Vision 2020 Campaign and the announcement of the overwhelming generosity of Campion Hall alumnus, the Hon. Gordon Butch Stewart, O.J., and his family. The Stewarts will provide a challenge grant for US$350,000 for the construction of the Jonathan Stewart Library, in honour of Mr. Stewart’s late son who was an alumnus of Campion College (Class of 1983). “An investment in education always pays off,” said Mr. Stewart at the launch, which was attended by a large group of parents and alumni from across the decades. “What Campion is able to achieve with very limited resources is phenomenal, and I am proud to provide this challenge grant to the school of choice for many of our country’s brightest children from across our society.” In response, Principal of Campion, Mrs. Grace Baston, praised Mr. Stewart for his vision. “Many would say Campion is doing well, why should we invest there? Instead, Mr. Stewart and his family have looked beyond the present, to our school’s future and its potential to prepare a whole new generation of our students to be leaders. This will be a transformative gift for the school.” Chairman of the Vision 2020 Campaign, Andrew Mahfood, also expressed his appreciation to Mr Stewart, while challenging the school family to join together in raising an additional US$700,000 by December 31, 2010 for the library and other pressing projects. “As the top school in the country, Campion and its students need and deserve a modern facility that better supports innovation in their learning environment. We are counting on our family of alumni, parents and past parents, organizations and other friends of the school to take advantage of this incredible opportunity to make a real difference in education in Jamaica.”
Designed by alumnus Bruce Lopez and his partner Louis Girvan, the Jonathan Stewart Library will be Jamaica’s first modern library media centre and will feature several different areas for students to do research, independent study as well as to complete assignments and projects needed for external examinations. The centre will also have a cadre of laptop computers and a wireless network as well as projectors and other presentation tools for students and teachers. Other features include: • A comprehensive collection of textbooks, reference materials and fiction and non-fiction titles • Distance learning and interactive technology classrooms • Small-group study and meeting rooms for collaborative learning • An outside amphitheatre for creative arts performances and student meetings With a construction budget of US$700,000, the Library is expected to break ground in 2011 and be ready for the 2012 academic year.
© Clarence Williams
Clockwise from left: Alum Adam Stewart makes the announcement on behalf of his family; the Hon. Gordon “Butch” Stewart, OJ, Principal Grace Baston, Andrew Mahfood & Archbishop Donald Reece share in the happy moment; alum Dr Pat Yap & her husband Chris Berry were among the parents in attendance; alum and architect for the project Bruce Lopez in a proud moment with his wife Summer (far left) and mother Jenny; the Bunting brothers and Steven Golding (centre) were back on campus to witness the historic day; Brian (left) and Robert Hew catch up with fellow classmate Franny Mahfood.
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Alumni give big to science Campion alumni and founding partners of the groundbreaking investment firm DB&G, Peter Bunting, M.P., Christopher Dehring and Senator Mark Golding, are once more leading the way, this time in the field of education. The trio, represented by Mr. Dehring at Campion’s graduation ceremony held in July, announced that they will donate US$45,000 to their alma mater for the renovation of the Integrated Science Lab as part of the school’s Vision 2020 Campaign. “Campion was at the heart of our educational and professional success and it is here that we developed our lifelong friendship and foundation. We are honoured to be able to make this gift together, so that current and future students will have the support to excel,” said Christopher Dehring, currently the Chairman of LIME Jamaica, in addressing the 400 graduates and 1500 attendees. The lab, which serves some 700 first to third form students, will be named the Bunting, Dehring & Golding Integrated Science Lab in honour of the three young Campionites that founded and built the investment firm DB&G. Mr. Bunting and Mr. Dehring are members of the graduating class of 1977, while Senator Golding attended Campion from 1976-79 before completing his studies overseas. In 2009, the trio was inducted to the Campion College Alumni Association Hall of Fame for their many individual and joint contributions to business and the public sector.
Peter Bunting, M.P.
Chris Dehring
Senator Mark Golding
Pay it Forward: The Vision 2020 Lab Project Are you one of the thousands of nurses, doctors, engineers and other scientists who developed their love and knowledge of the sciences at Campion? Now you too can “pay it forward” by investing in future Jamaican scientists through the renovation of the Integrated Science, Biology, Chemistry and Physics labs which have not been refurbished in 50 years. This project is one of the priorities of the Vision 2020 Campaign, with a total budget (inclusive of renovation and restocking of equipment) of US$300,000. Donors of at least 50% of the cost of each lab will be invited to name the lab. We welcome any donation online or by cheque and have a long list of equipment needs Before should you be able to donate in kind. “These labs provide the foundation for the exploration of the sciences by our students, many of whom will become Jamaica’s future scientists. We are very grateful to Peter, Chris and Mark for their generosity and we hope this will inspire other alumni and parents to also make their contribution,” said Grace Baston, Principal. Campion students consistently receive the top CSEC and CAPE grades in the country and, in 2009, Campionites received four of the top five overall scores in the natural sciences at the CAPE level, and four of the top five national scores in Biology, Chemistry and Physics at the CSEC level. On average, 20 Campion graduates are accepted annually to Medical School at the University of the West Indies. Campionites have also excelled in the sciences overseas, among them Joel Sadler, a member of the team of inventors of the Jaipur Knee, which was named one of the Top 50 inventions of 2009 by Time Magazine. For more information on how you can make a difference, email:
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Honour Roll of Donors The Vision 2020 Campaign We are very grateful to our alumni, parents and friends who have chosen to make gifts and pledges to the school’s Vision 2020 Campaign in the 2009-10 academic year. With these gifts, our donors will leave a legacy of generosity to education made tangible in the construction of our new modern library media centre and the renovation of our junior science labs, among other urgent projects, in coming years. In particular, we thank you, our donors for demonstrating your goodwill and confidence in Campion College during what has been for many, a turbulent financial year. Thank you all. The school would also like to recognise the team involved in this Campaign. Our success to date is due in large part to the enthusiasm and commitment of our volunteers—our Trustees, Campaign Chairman and Cabinet, Home School Association Executive, Anniversary Event Committee and alumni and parent volunteers. We offer sincere thanks for their leadership and dedication.
Cornerstone Donors US$350,000 Hon Gordon “Butch” Stewart, OJ, and his family
Leadership Donors US$20,000-49,999 8
Anonymous Peter Bunting, MP, Christopher Dehring & Senator Mark Golding Christopher and Kimberley Issa
Major Donors - US$10,000-19,999 Anonymous (3) Angel Aloma Campion Home School Association 2009-10
Friends of Campion US$1000-9999 Anonymous (5) Airtime (Jamaica) Ltd Assurance Brokers Michael Brooks Simon & Dawn Browne Ainsworth Campbell Patrick A. Cha-Fong Heverley Chen Class of 2010 Eddie & Kaye Cousins
Dr Howard F. Cooke Food for the Poor, Inc. Andrew Issa
The Jardim Family Andrew & Caroline Mahfood Andrew & Ashley Rousseau
Dr Natalie Renee Dixon Ex-o-Pest Ltd Paul Facey & Robert Facey Dr Elias Feanny Paul & Cynthia Hanworth Peter Hew Mr & Mrs Charlton Hylton David & Jacqui Ingledew Jamaica Broilers Group Ltd Deborah Lanigan
Karen Lanigan Dr Anna Law LIME Jamaica Michael & Adriana Mair Dr & Mrs Mark Minott Pat Moss-Solomon The Neaths PanCaribbean Perez Trading Company The Newnhams
Edward, Arlette & Kathryn Samuda Kevin Scott The Shums Michelle Theobolds Donovan & Ingrid Walker Drs Dwight & Nicola Webster Warrington & Maureen Williams Jessica Katherine Yap
Financial & Advisory Services Dr Michelle Foote Henlin Gibson Henlin Camelot Holdings Mr & Mrs Roy Chapman
Club Expo 2009 Siddiqua Dubrisingh Pankay’s Transport Ltd Mark Roberts Dr & Mrs Dean Soogrim
Diana Stewart Kathryn Wells
Society of Gonzaga US$100-999 Anonymous (3) Dr Guyan Arscott The Art Dept 2009-10 Cameron & Tracy Bisland Hyacinth Campbell
Great care was taken to ensure the accuracy of this list, please alert us to any errors or omissions. List inclusive of donations and pledges to the Vision 2020 Campaign (outside of Be-a-Champion Bricks) from July 1, 2009 to August 31, 2010. campion college | 2010
Alumni Spotlight: Dr Howard F. Cooke
They say you can spot leadership potential from early in a person’s life and one look at the school record of Oral Maxillofacial Surgeon Dr Howard Cooke (Class of 1984) would seem to endorse this. Campion Head Boy (1985-6), House Captain, Vice Captain Debating and an active member of the water polo and swimming teams, Howard distinguished himself at co-curricular activities and academics before winning a full scholarship to pursue dentistry (in Russian!) at the First I.P. Pavlov Medical Institute of Leningrad from where he graduated in 1992 with honours. Since then, Howard has practised at the Kingston Public Hospital and in the US, where he received his Masters degree and currently has his own private practice with three offices in the Houston area. In 2005, the Campion College Alumni Association recognized the contributions in the field of science of Howard and fellow doctor, friend, classmate and Head Student, Natalie Dickson, with their simultaneous induction into the Campion Hall of Fame. Howard has also distinguished himself recently when he became one of the first Major Donors to the Vision 2020 Campaign, donating US$10,000 without even receiving a request letter! Here, Howard shares some insight into what motivated him to make his mark on Campion’s future. This past December you made a very significant donation to the Campaign even though you no longer live in Jamaica. You actually thanked Campion for giving you the opportunity to give, and frankly, we were stunned. Tell us about this. Campion provided me with life-changing values, which I later applied in my personal and professional life. I consider this a major reason for my success. The reward for my contribution is the pleasure of knowing that fellow Jamaicans/Campionites may also have a similar opportunity to develop the same learned values which will carry them forward in achieving their life’s goals. Living in the US, you have seen how much schools depend on their alumni. Why should Campion’s alumni step up also? I truly believe it’s important to pay it forward and remember those who played an important role in molding who I am today. My contribution will hopefully assist in furthering the quality of the education and helping others achieve future success. What role do you think a school like Campion plays in terms of the future of our country? Well, my hope is that Campion will develop and nurture the future
role models, who will represent the strong values Jamaica upholds and who will continue building strategic relationships throughout the world.
Campion provides the educational foundation for our future leaders in all walks of life…and a more educated Jamaica is a stronger Jamaica! You have a very successful career, do you attribute any of your success to your Campion experience? Most definitely! I often think about how fortunate I was to have outstanding teachers, friends and classmates. I still am amazed at how much success, so many achieved after graduating from Campion. What life lessons have you carried with you? Nothing is more valuable than your integrity. What stands out in your memory of your time here? I would say what stands out was the fact that education was made both INTERESTING and FUN and I have some wonderful memories, which I carry with me every day. Any specific teachers? There were so many and I would hate to leave anyone out because they all impacted me in one way or another. I certainly remember Helen Chambers, Kippy and Mrs. Chin, Mrs. Menon, and Ruth Minott just to name a few. They were a little hard on me, but now I realize how they were setting the groundwork for success. If you could time travel back to your days at Campion just for one day, what would be on the top of your todo list? To personally thank all my teachers, while I was actually in the classroom learning from them.
“Having spent 17 years of my life as a student in Catholic schools and almost 28 years of my life as a teacher in Catholic schools (including 6 at Campion, where I had the pleasure of teaching alongside so many of my heroes that taught me so much), it is a privilege and honour for me to give back a little for the much that I have received.” Alum & Past Teacher, Angel Aloma, who has made a ten-year pledge to the Campaign.
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Our Campion Champions Our Be-a-Champion specially engraved bricks were a big hit in the 2009-10 academic year with over 350 bricks sold at the end of August 2010. A wonderful way to commemorate your own success as well as contribute to the Vision 2020 Campaign, the Be-a-Champion bricks will still be available for J$7000/US$80 each until December 31, 2010. Thank you to all our “Campion Champions”: STUDENTS Anonymous Keren Alfred Zachary Banbury Lorne Barrett Yekini Binnie Keion Bisland Latana Boodie Dana-Roi Brown Luke Browne Lari Burnett (2) Keva Chang (2) Brittany Chin Joel Clarke Gabrielle Curling Jhane Dawes (3) Joshua Doonquah Shannon Ewers Shanique Farquharson (2) Kameice Francis Alexidene Fraser Juleen Graham Ayana Graham Tashauna Grannum Samantha Grant Jabari Hastings (4) Nicole Henry Kathryn Hoo Roger Irvine Chelsea Jameson Joelle Lawrence Tracey MacLeavy Jake Mahfood Joshua Mahfood Matthew Martin John Matthews Malden Miller Megan Morgan Romona Morgan Shanoya Morris Aliana Morris Vanina Morrison Peter-John Parsard (3) Sewayne Pearson Gereen Powell Skakti Rambarran (3) Nicholas Rance Zachary Reid (2) Caleigh Reid Ava Robertson Mina Robertson Miles Rousseau Rachel Sasso (2) Jenine Shepherd (2) Leah Singh Timothy Skyers Dominic Stephenson Samantha Stultz Kamau Sykes (3) Dania Taylor Chad-OmarTurner Gillian Walcott Damani Walder Daniel Webster
Matthew Williams Jaden Wright
Huntley Higgins Anna Law Deighton & Lisa Levee (4) CLASSES & STUDENT GROUPS Mirah Lim Form 1-1 Saran Hunter & Karin Hay Form 1-2 Xesus Johnston (2) Form 1-3 AnnaKay Lazarus Form 1-5 Phillip Lee (2) Form 1-6 Johanna Lewin Form 2-3 (6) Kenneth Loshusan Form 2-4 Bruce Lyn Form 3-1 Dr Akshai Mansingh Form 3-2 Stilian Morrison Form 3-6 (26) Vaughn & Leslie Morris (2) Form 4-1 Sarah Moss-Solomon Form 4-5 Tina Myers-Matalon Form 4-6 L’Jai Dominique Perry Form 5-2 Stephen Quinton Form 5-5 (3) Robert Quinton Form 5-6 Norman Rainford (2) Form 5-7 Paul Reid Form 6A Stephen Robertson Form 6B James Robertson 4//B History Class Kevin Scott 6th Form Association Sanjay Sujanani Campion College Key Club Corah-Ann Sylvester Cindy’s Stars Alexander Tavares-Finson Computer Club Trevor Tenn The Debating Society Leighton Tenn ISCF Michelle Theobolds Jamaica Civil Service Quiz Team Rebecca Tortello Ministry Outreach David Wong Ken (2) The Modern Language Club Andrew Woods The Music Club Dalton Yap The Prefect Body Gregory Yap-Chung (4) Student Council Octagon Club PARENTS & PAST PARENTS Young Entrepreneurial Society (3) Marcia Allen Dr Otto Beck (2) ALUMNI Norma Brown Tara Abrahams-Clivio Mr & Mrs Carby (2) Jeannie Beck Judy Chin Phillip Beck Dr Ladi Doonquah (2) Lisa Beck Edmund Edwards Craig Bodurtha (2) Tony & Linda Gambrill Anthony Chang (2) Marie Hitchins (2) Vincent J Chang (3) Damian & Karen Hoo (4) Shelly Chang Carolyn Ho-On (2) Vandana Char Eleanor Hussey Thomas Chin (3) Irene Hyslop Howard Chin (4) Patsy Lewis-Meeks Nadani Chung Chris Lowe Dr Aubrey Chung, Jnr (9) Jacqueline Minnott (4) Raymond Clough Young Ki Moon Faith Daway Meena Motiani (5) Dr Simone Dundas (2) Sonja-Gai Rogers Andrew Fletcher Mr Simpson Dr Andre Foote Errol Stewart Friends of Damian Omar Newman Helen Trotman-Edwards Manin Garg Cindy Tsang (4) Patrick Gould Ingrid Walker Ashley Hastings-Robinson Shaun & Michelle Wynter Laura Henzell The Thomas Family Wayne Hewitt
FRIENDS & FAMILY Anonymous (10 bricks) Carol Barrow Anna Bethune Maxine Brown Charmaine Brown Elaine Chang David Chang Damian Chin Authur Clennon Collection & Bailiff Service of BNS John and Kirk Dacosta (2) Eckler Consultants & Actuaries (2) First Caribbean Bank First Global Bank Glopaca BV (3) Ernest Hoo (4) Kenneth Hugh Enid Hugh Margaret Mahfood (2) JUTC Service Planning & Audit 2010 Chris Kerr Louis Knight Noel Lyn (4) Donna Nam Novelty Gimmick Limited Pat & Hester Rousseau Paul Rousseau Ryan Strachan Edward Tenn Lyn Rosemary Thwaites The Ursuline Sisters Vaz Preparatory School West Ridge School (5) Michael Woon Dennis Young (3) Michelle Young Chin
Great care was taken to ensure the accuracy of this list, please alert us to any errors or omissions. List inclusive of buyers of bricks between September 1, 2009 to August 31, 2010. In the Easter Term 2010, Campaign volunteers organized a “Buy-a-Brick Student Challenge” with prizes awarded to the student who sold the most bricks and to a random draw winner, as well as weekly “sweet treats” to the class that sold the most bricks in that week. The random draw winner was 1st Form student Jabari Hastings who took home an iPod Touch, while topping the charts was 3rd Form student Kathryn Hoo who sold a record 115 bricks (J$805,000) by seeking out alumni and past parents in addition to her own circle of family and friends. Kathryn won a pizza party for her class compliments of Domino’s and a Blackberry Javelin for herself compliments of Digicel. LEFT: Kathryn receives her prize from Renee Morrison-May (right), Senior Business Account Manager of Digicel while her mother, Karen Hoo, looks on.
“Although the school still achieves academic excellence and continues to attract and retain great teachers, we all need do our part as alumni and current parents, however small, to sustain the excellence and improve upon what is currently Campion College.” Paul Facey (Class of 1981) who along with his brother, Robert (Class of 1977) made a joint contribution to the Campaign early in 2010.
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Ensuring that all Campionites Succeed: The Vision 2020 Student Support Programme Launched in 2009, the Vision 2020 Student Support Programme provided scholarships and financial assistance for books, uniforms and examination fees in the amount of J$2million to some 50 students in the 2009-10 academic year. In addition, the school and parent donors supported a wider group of students throughout the year with lunch and transportation as well as through “The Breakfast Club,” which is run by the Guidance Department and open to all students. The Vision 2020 Student Support Programme is an ongoing initiative of the school developed in response to the changing demographic of the student population. For many of our very bright students, the school community’s ability to provide financial support is integral not only to their daily attendance, but to their success throughout high school. The overall Programme is administered by the Principal in conjunction with the Guidance Department and scholarships are both merit and need based. At least 50 scholarships will be needed in the 2010-11 academic year and interested persons are encouraged to contact The Office of Development & Alumni Affairs. Ways You Can Make a Difference... • Sponsor a scholarship—named scholarships start at J$50,000 • Volunteer as a mentor • Donate food items or volunteer to assist with The Breakfast Club • Make a donation of any amount to the programme, or towards: Annual Auxiliary Fee 2010
J$16,500 (1-5th)
Purchase of non-rental books
J$45,500 (6th) J$20-40,000
Annual cost of bus transportation
Annual cost of lunch
In November 2009, Campion hosted “Spin 50: Scholarship Spinathon” at Gym Liguanea to kick off the Vision 2020 Student Support Programme. Sponsored by Wisynco, Caribbean Passions, Cari-Med, LIME and Island Ice, the allday event attracted over 100 students, teachers, alumni, parents and fitness fanatics who were guided by volunteer instructors from Gym Liguanea, Shakti and Body by Selena through 50-minute sessions of “Spinning” on stationary bikes in a bid to raise money for scholarships for the 2009-10 academic year. The event raised over J$500,000 including the donation of two scholarships by Avis and the NCB Foundation (ABOVE), while patrons like alum Karen Chang (RIGHT) had a blast while burning lots of calories! Go Campionites!
A big thank you to all our donors 2009-10! Scholarship Donors
Anonymous (6) AVIS Earl Chinn, Billy Shagoury & Louis Williams Class of 2009 Asher & Grace-Ann Cooper Keith & Wendy Duncan Friends of Leo Henry Damian & Karen Hoo Friends of Jamie Lue Errol & Andrea McHayle Georgia Moonah NCB Foundation Dr & Mrs Potluri The Shums Leighton Tenn Valda Sinclair Education Fund The Wisynco Group Warrington & Maureen Williams Dr. Pat Yap
Other Contributors:
Anonymous (10) Bellarmine House 08-09 Sekani Boxhill 1-4 CCAA-US Chapter Simone Champagnie Definitions Ltd Donquiemarie Richard Grant Henlin Gibson Henlin, Attorneys-at-Law Percy & Eleanor Hussey Errol & Marcia Moo-Young David & Kathy Moss David & Gillian Smith
“I will be the first doctor in my family and I hope to make my family and friends proud, especially my mother, as she was unable to complete her high school education because of lack of funds. I continue to work hard to be the best that I can be and so I can also contribute to my community and country.” Campion scholarship winner and UWI Medical student.
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Student Spotlight: Damon McLean 6A student and winner of the Jamie Lue Memorial Scholarship for 2008-10, Damon McLean is the true definition of an “all-rounder”. Deputy Head Boy, Captain of the Track & Field Team and ViceCaptain of the Manning Cup Team as well as founder of the Teens for Change organisation, Damon is heading off to Princeton University this September on a full-scholarship to study chemistry and geosciences with the intention of becoming a research chemist. In 2010, Damon made his mark in the school’s history books by being the first Campionite to be awarded a medal at the prestigious Penn Relays (silver at the triple jump) following on his two medals at the 2010 ISSA/Grace Boys Champs (bronze in the long jump, gold in the triple jump), which put Campion in its best position ever at 16th place overall. On the eve of Damon’s graduation in June, we sat down with him to take a look back at the last seven years. What are some of the highlights of your experience at Campion? Some of my highlights include meeting Mr. Blackwood and Mr. Chin, (two of the greatest math and chemistry teachers), interacting with them and learning valuable lessons. They have challenged me intellectually while Mr. Simpson and Coach Phillpotts-Brown have taught me many life lessons. Other highlights include meeting lifelong friends throughout and representing Campion in sports. Campion is not known necessarily as a “sports school”. As an all-round sportsman, why did you choose to come here? I doubt anyone comes to Campion for sports. Academics have always come first. However, with the love of sports that I have, I started to participate in various sports. It was then I realized what great facilities and coaches Campion has. Your performance at Champs and Penn this year was outstanding and historic for Campion. What did it feel like when you received your medals? It was a tremendous feeling, mainly because I defied the odds and achieved what many people said I could not do. Tell us about your Teens for Change homework tutoring programme, which pairs Campionites with students from St Anne’s High School in Denham Town. Being at Campion has taught me a whole lot about giving back. With this in mind, I have sought to help as many as I could using the means available to me. I started an organization called Teens for Change, which first helped students at the Alpha Boys’ Home and now St Anne’s. We try to talk to them and really get to know them as individuals, while helping them with their schoolwork.
Alum and guest speaker, Damien King, was only too happy to present the Sports Award of the Year to new alum Damon McLean at Graduation 2010.
Now that you are heading off to university, what will you take from your high school years? Campion has been my main influence over the years. One of the lessons learnt is time management. This, I am sure, will no doubt help me in the future. Campion has also taught me how to relate to persons from various social levels, how to give and demand respect, how to sacrifice for a purpose, showing integrity in all that I do. Finally, what advice would you give to an incoming first former? Be calm and don’t feel overwhelmed by the surroundings. You are among the smartest students in the island—just find what works for you and work hard at this and being yourself while building integrity. And, listen to your teachers. The Jamie Lue Memorial Scholarship was established in 2008 by friends of this Campionite of the Class of 1996 to provide financial support to a student who displays excellent leadership qualities, has a strong academic record and is an active member of the football team. To find out how you can create your own scholarship, email
Special thanks to the Campion College Alumni Association and alumni PJ Asher, Stephen Botek, Michael Dawson, Larry Crighton, Julian Robinson and Vivian Sailsman as well as past parents Dr Guyan Arscott and Dr Williams among others who contributed towards Damon and the Campion Relay Team’s Penn Relay trip.
Campion Snapshots, 2009-10 • • • • • • • • •
Winners of the Boy’s LIME National Tennis Competition Winners of the Mayberry National Swim Meet Trophy for Girls Boys’ and Girls’ Teams won the National Table Tennis Competition Winners of the Jamaica Association of French Teachers’ Vocabulary Contest Winners of the UWI Science, Math & IT Problem Solving Competition A Campionite won the UWI Jamaican Math Olympiad Campion had 9 teams participating in the JCS Relay for Life Students contributed J$100,000 to the Haiti relief effort Winners of 5 Gold and 2 Silver Medals at JCDC Parish Dance Competition campion college | 2010
Happy Anniversary Campion! Campion turned 50 on January 5, 2010 kicking off a long list of events. Take a look at how we celebrated in fine style…
Reconnect Event September 2009
Anniversary Mass at Sts Peter & Paul Church, January 2010
To kick off the anniversary, over 100 alumni such as Matthew Lyn (LEFT) and a strong showing from the Class of 1994 (TOP) gathered at Cannonball Café.
Our “Cindy” play at the Philip Sherlock Centre for the Arts, January 2010
Held at Sts Peter & Paul Church, the Mass brought together loyal teachers, alumni and parents of the school from across the generations. TOP (L-R) Former Headmaster Radley Reid and Principal Grace Baston gather with alumni Carl Sweeney, Billy Shagoury, Thomas Chin, Joseph Liu and Raymond Clough. ABOVE RIGHT: Alum Kimberley Issa with her son and new Campionite, Thomas.
RIGHT: Director and alum, Cathi Levy (left), and Musical Director and teacher, Karen Armstrong, worked closely together on putting on an amazing production of Bobb Kerr’s “Cindy” which featured a cast and crew of over 70 alumni, teachers, parents and students. TOP: Gala night saw many old boys coming out to support the “guest appearances” on stage of VP Sheila Barrett and Former Headmaster Radley Reid (third from right), including (L-R): Damien King, Colin Steele, David Ingledew and Anup Chandiram.
Olympian tri-athlete Iona Wynter-Parkes (seen here with alum Alex Chin) was among those honoured by the CCAA at the elegant 2009 ceremony. Other alumni inducted to the Hall of Fame were: Ingrid Mangatal-Munroe (Public Service); Patrick Casserly (Business); Peter Bunting, Chris Dehring & Senator Mark Golding (Business & Public Service); Dr Michael Taylor (Science); Christine McDonald-Nevers (Arts); and Ricardo Jenez (Technology).
Many thanks to our hardworking Anniversary Committee headed by Robert Richards: Sheila Barrett, Grace Baston, Alex Chin, Jean Chin, Jerry Davy, Nigel Gooden, Melanie Green, Lisa Levee, John Mackay, Franny Mahfood, Ingrid Mangatal, Father Peter McIsaac, Victoria Meeks, Vaughn Morris, Pat Moss-Solomon, Gregory Pullen, Radley Reid, Ashley Gambrill-Rousseau and Kathryn Stewart. campion college | 2010
Campion College Alumni Association Hall of Fame, November 2009
Soca Fete, March 2010 Rachael McDonald (far left) and friends live it up to the hottest tunes from fellow alum Kamal Bankay’s crew at the Fete held in Campion’s own “ring road” at the Hopefield entrance.
Unwind Vybz II: Alumni Sports Day, March 2010
Open Day, February 2010 Leader of the Opposition, Mrs Portia Simpson-Miller, toured the exhibits and met with students on Open Day. Also visiting the school were numerous alumni who shared their experiences with students and took a walk back in time to have a patty and coco bread lunch in the canteen.
The Alumni Play Straight Team (ABOVE) beat the current cricketers by over 100 runs but suffered a defeat at the hands of the footballers. The event raised over J$1million for the Campaign. TOP: Coach Phillpotts-Brown (far left) presented the trophy named in his honour to the student team represented by Damon McLean (second from left) while alumni Jerry Davy (centre) and Nick Roper congratulate them. RIGHT: Anniversary Committee Chairman and alum Robert Richards (left) and legendary coach Mr Wilbert Parkes enjoy the game.
LEFT: Chairperson of the Organising Team and alum, Jodi Munn-Barrow, and Top Male Golfer of the Year, Campion student Jonathan Newnham, were only too happy to “raise” the Campaign thermometer as a result of the J$800,000 contribution from the Tournament. BELOW: On hand at the event to make the presentation to winning golfers Paul Chin (far left) and alum Sheldon Barnes were alum Tara Nunes (second from left), VP Private Client Services of title sponsor PanCaribbean, and Principal Grace Baston.
PanCaribbean Golf Tournament, April 2010
Don’t miss the final events for 2010... November 6, 2010—Celebration for Jesuits All are invited to our Eucharistic Celebration of Thanksgiving in honour of the Jesuit priests who have contributed to our school community at the Campion Hall Chapel starting at 5pm. Reception follows at the Knutsford Court Hotel at 6:30pm. Tickets for the reception are J$5000. December 1, 2010—Honouring our Teachers Join us as we recognise our teachers for their dedication and long service to our school at a reception to be held on St Edmund Campion Day. Knutsford Court Hotel at 6pm, contribution J$2,000 For more information, email: or contact the Office of Development & Alumni Affairs.
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Thank you! Donor support of Campion College makes learning happen. We would like to thank the following alumni, parents and corporate sponsors and donors to our anniversary events and other school activities and programmes held in the 2009-10 academic year. Your generosity is appreciated. Class of 2009 Coldfield Manufacturing Cool Corporation Coppershot Country Traders Courtleigh Hotel Courts Jamaica Craft Cottage Don & Richard Creary Creative Options Michael Daley Nicholeen DeGrasse-Johnson DeliWorks Diageo Digicel DJ Bambino Domino’s Dorraine Duncan EdgeChem Events by KOSH Events R Us Fiction First Caribbean Michael Fisher Flow G4S Security Ghilene Ayoub Global Media Services Peter Goldson Dr Richard Gomes Sean Gonzales Andre Gordon GraceKennedy John Greaves Grizzly’s Entertainment Gym Liguanea Gymkhana Ltd Haagen-Dazs Andreas & Denise Haiduk Half Moon Golf Club Michael Hall Norman & Constance Hall Hardware & Lumber Hart Hill Hi-Lo Supermarket Hilton Kingston Hotel Matthew Hogarth Karen Hoo Julette HoSang Hi-Lyte Sport Mixx Dr Anissa Holmes
Dr Pierre-John Holmes Hot off the Press Percy & Eleanor Hussey Innovative Systems Intcomex Intek Lighting Island Art Island Ice Island Smiles Christopher & Kimberley Issa Jablum Jakes Jamaica Broilers JMTC Jamaica Observer Jamaica Scuba Divers Margot Jameson Peter Jervis JL Golf Giselle Johnson Jus Foods Just Kids Ltd Kamalame Cay Resort Bobb Kerr Keiran King King Alarm Kingston Bookshop KLAS Sports Radio Kadeem Knight Dr Nigel Knight Lascelles Wines & Spirits AnnaKay Lazarus Michelle Lee Raymond & Jennifer Lee Deighton & Lisa Levee Catherine Levy Jahsen Levy Johanna Lewin LIME Jamaica Ltd Lions Club Liquid Light Digital Longville Park Farms Melissa Lowe Lumber Depot Donald & Janine Lyew Yannick Lyn-Fatt Cheryl Mais Andrew & Caroline Mahfood William & Franny Mahfood Main Event Entertainment Adriana Mair
Jodi Mair Oliver Mair Frances Mais Dr Akshai Mansingh Mapco Printers Paul Maragh Norman Marks Mayberry Foundation Sheldon McDonald Lyndsay McDonnough McMasters Craig McNally David McNulty Victoria Meeks Raymond & Eva Miles Kayla Mills Rosina Moder Dario Morgan Vaughn & Leslie Morris Kathy & David Moss Pat & Sarah Moss-Solomon Jodi Munn-Barrow Myers, Fletcher & Gordon Andrea Nam National Bakery Company National Commercial Bank National Meats Henry Nelson Mia Nikolajev NOA Novelty Trading Lisa Palmer PanCaribbean Pepsi Jamaica Carl Philadelphia Ping’s Fabrics Nevada Powe Richard Powell Pure/Plush Lounge Kathy Pyke Quest Security Ramsons Yvonne Ray Raymond Chang Foundation Regency Doors and Blinds James & Charlene Robertson Winston & Joan Roman Arlette Samuda Sandals Resorts International Hubert Schroeter Shakti
Sharda Spence Paula Shaw Sherwin Williams Shields & Shields Singer Jamaica Source Cellular Spaces Limited Spanish Court Hotel Spanish Grain Sportsmax SSL Strawberry Hill Subway Sun Island SuperClubs Resorts Systems Administrators Tac Printers Tankweld TARA Couriers Rose Tavares-Finson Suzanne Taylor Tent City Rentals Terra Nova Hotel Greg Thames The Fisherman The Gleaner The Guardsman Group The Play Straight Sunlight Team Sharon Thomas Marion Thwaites Tingrinners Club Jamaica Top Shelf TruJuice Janille Vidal Virginia Dare Jamaica Ltd Ingrid Walker Anushca-Mai Walton WB Trophies Clarence Williams Mr & Mrs Warrington Williams Wisynco Group Max Woodham World Brands Wray and Nephew Xpresst Concepts Jessica Yap Youngs Supermarket Yummy Bakery Eddie & Rusti Zacca Zip Technologies
Great care was taken to ensure the accuracy of this list, please alert us to any errors or omissions. List inclusive of sponsorship and donations of cash and kind to Campion events and general activities held between July 1, 2009 to July 30, 2010.
Office of Development & Alumni Affairs Campion College 105 Hope Road, Kingston 6, Jamaica (876) 927-9555/822-6696 Email:
© Cover photos: Clarence Williams, Warrington Williams
128 Home Gallerie Anonymous Patria-Kaye Aarons ABC Electrical Peter Abrikian Absolute Entertainment Advertising & Marketing Alliance Investments Allied Insurance Brokers Alpha Security Amazing PC American Airlines An Affair to Remember Karen Armstrong Associated Manufacturers Atlantic Hardware Auto Traders Joel Bain Kamal Bankay Bar Code Stacey Barbar Suzanne Barton Robin Baston Lisa Bell Bell Communication Bellindo Sheila Benjamin-McNeil Berger Paints Chris Berry & Dr Pat Yap-Berry Chris & Anita Bicknell Bill’s Gas and Appliances Body by Selena Brooklyn Supermarket Camerarts/Jacqueline Gannie CCAA Executive Members Campion HSA Executive Cannonball Café Caribbean Broilers (JA) Ltd Caribbean Passions Cari-Med Caymanas Golf Club CCI Jamaica Ltd CGR Communications Wayne Chai-Chong Challenger Transport Class of 2009 Cleopatra Charles Howard Chin Jean Chin Chin’s Construction Chukka Caribbean