2022-2027-2037 Strategic Plan

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Strategic Plan: 2022 – 2027 – 2037/Board of County Commissioners/Camden County, Georgia

SHORT-TERM CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES 1. Actions by federal and State of Georgia impacting County revenues, finances and services, local control 2. Rising costs of conducting County business: materials, contracts, healthcare, pensions, utilities, employee costs, insurance costs 3. Determining the best projects for Federal funding through the American Rescue Program and Infrastructure Program 4. Roads at end or beyond life cycle 5. Tax Digest reliance on residential base (88%) 6. Uncertain national and global economy with increasing inflation and a potential recession 7. Conflicts with the Sheriff’s office 8. Difficulty in finding quality candidates for County employment 9. Growing demands for County services, including an aging population requiring more County services

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LONG-TERM CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES 1. Funding for staffing needs across all County departments 2. Working with other governments to expand shared services 3. SPLOST #8 priorities and project timing with increasing construction costs 4. Preparing for T-SPLOST which will fund road improvements 5. Funding for information technology upgrades and data storage 6. Funding for emergency situations 7. Funding for grant matching dollars 8. Understanding and responding to the impacts of Covid-19 both short term and long term 9. Funding for bridge maintenance, repairs and upgrade

Project 211202


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