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☯ In our churches, why is it that members are having conflicts sometimes lead to splitting of church? ☯ How about you? Are you wearing the appropriate armor of God in your daily walk with Him? Why?

☯ Out of the seven armor of God, which of them need to be enhanced or developed in order for you to win in any spiritual battle?


☯ Give you scholars a copy of the pledge. Pledge of Loyalty I, _______________ in the Name of my Commander General Jesus Christ, pledge to be always alert, and uphold my co-soldiers in prayer and encouragement. Aiming for victory in every battle, having courage to stand firm against the enemy, wearing the armor of God on all occasions. So, help me God.

Song: “Onward Christian Soldiers” (All stanzas) Closing Prayer: Assignment: As we end this school year, may we always wear the full armor of God on all occasions to stand against the devil’s schemes. Offering:

ONWARD, CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS I Onward Christian soldiers marching as to war With the Cross of Jesus going on before Christ the royal Master, leads against the foe Forward into battle, See His banners go. Chorus: Onward, Christian soldiers marching as to war With the Cross of Jesus going on before. II Like a mighty army moves the Church of God Brothers we are treading where the saints have trod

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