Caldwell, Idaho
Edition Nineteen
JUNE 2016
Stefani’s WWII War Pigeon Exhibit goes to D.C.
What’s New at Caldwell Farmers Market?
Paige Hensel Rising Star!
CHS Robotics goes to Nationals!
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Drop off your books in the outside receptacle in front of our Caldwell Perspective Office at 217 South 9th Avenue (near corner of 9th/Blaine). Wondering what to do with those books that your kids have outgrown? Why not donate them to “Book It Forward! Idaho,” a program that collects gently-used books, reconditions them and then gets them into the hands of the kids who have little to no access to books at home. Access to books is a key factor in becoming a proficient reader and becoming a proficient reader can pave the way for a better future for all of our children. Book It Forward! Idaho is a nonprofit organization run by volunteers from the community. They have the support and resources of both Idaho Voices for Children (www.idahovoices.org) and The Cabin (www.thecabinidaho.org). Other casual volunteers help clean and sort the books.
Two Caldwell elementary schools, Wilson and Washington have little libraries installed by Book It Forward! Idaho. Up to eight more little libraries will be donated in the fall of 2016. The group has donated thousands of books to Caldwell and Nampa schools. The program is funding the purchase of dual language books through a grant for early learning programs such as those at Farmway Village, ICL Migrant Head Start, and Caldwell’s P-16 Pre-K program. Many other schools and organizations benefit throughout our valley. Diane Schwarz (left), one of the original founders of the non-profit Book It Forward! Idaho, delivered books to Wilson Elementary’s principal, Tabitha Bruegeman (right), to put into their “Little Library” also donated by the organization. The Little Library is weather resistant and after it is painted, it will be placed outside in front of the school so students can come anytime this summer to pick up a book to take home. The books may be kept or brought back when they are finished. There will be about 225 books in the little library. Washington Elementary will also put their Little Library in front of their school. This grass-roots organization connects with people primarily by word of mouth so “talk it up” and go through your home libraries and then “Pay Reading Forward” by bringing your books downtown to our office!
Twenty TVCC Art Students displayed their art and sold prints for their “Red Nose Day” contribution to benefit Oasis Food Bank. “Annabelle” the cow was the most popular piece of art. Canned food donations were the entrance fee! According to Linda Varnes, TVCC Art Instructor, when all was said and done, a collection of 100 lbs. of canned food (they couldn’t move the box) and $151.00 in art sales was donated to Oasis Food Center managed by Royce Wright, which
helps support families in need. This event was co-sponsored by TVCC Student Services and Campus Christian Fellowship. L to R: Art students Ryne Mee (Freshman-Art Associate Degree), Lesty Nelson (Forensics Art Associate Degree, Next Step-BSU), Elizabeth Fernandez (Art Associate Degree, Next Step-C of I), and Heather Brown (Business Associate Degree) helped with the Art Show held on May 26th at TVCC’s Caldwell Campus in the main lobby.
Canyon County Paramedics Honor Dr. Willis L. Hubler May 15-21st is National EMS (Emergency Medical Service) Week and on May 18th, as a part of that celebration, the Canyon County Paramedics dedicated their auditorium at the Canyon County Ambulance District Administration Building in Caldwell in the name of Dr. Willis L. Hubler. The plaque presented to his daughter, Jennifer, honoring him will reside outside of the building’s auditorium. Dr. Hubler played an integral role in establishing that program in 1975. There was a great deal of mutual respect between the CC Paramedics and they worked together for many years. Dr. Hubler was an Internal
Medicine physician who practiced in Caldwell for nearly 40 years between the years 1952-1991. In addition, a “Dr. Willis Hubler Canyon County Paramedics Memorial Fund” has been established with funds to be utilized by the Canyon County Ambulance District however they so choose, with an emphasis on training and education. Dr. Hubler passed away last fall. Several current and former Canyon County Paramedics were present at the service and funeral cortege honoring him then and now he will continued to be honored through this Memorial Fund that will serve others in his name.
Caldwell’s Ferro Goes to Washington D.C.!
Ferro & Biden (selfie)
Melyssa Ferro, Idaho’s Teacher of the Year, from Caldwell School District (science teacher at Syringa Middle School), recently spent a week in Washington DC with the rest of the nation’s Teachers of the Year, experiencing a busy whirlwind of activities that started out with a reception at the
Biden residence. Vice President Biden, whose wife Dr. Jill Biden is a practicing teacher, commended them for the work that they did every day, as he understood it firsthand through his wife. Her week was busy beginning with visits to the Smithsonian and other museums with a behind the scenes look allowing them to be able to create some lesson plans. The teachers visited the Spark Lab and talked about innovation and maker spaces and later had a policy panel with NorthWest Educational Assessment (NWEA) about the most recent changes to ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) and national board certification.
by Leora Summers, Editor
Photo by Leora Summers
Photo by Leora Summers
by Leora Summers, Editor
TVCC’s Red Nose Art Show Benefits Oasis Food Center
The educators were honored during a final Teacher of the Year ceremony at the White House, meeting the President and posing for pictures with him and Secretary of Education, John King. Ferro also met Jennifer Williams, Idaho’s past Teacher of the Year, who was recently inducted into the National Teacher Hall of Fame. The teachers talked policy with members of the Department of Education and the White House staff and discussed STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) education, ESSA, early childhood education and the need to recruit and retain high quality teachers across the country. They
also spent time with Microsoft as well as ETS (Educational Testing Service) giving feedback about professional leadership and collaboration needs. On ASCD day (Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development) they filmed short video clips about teacher leadership. Ferro said they were treated like movie stars. They even had Leonardo DiCaprio’s hair and makeup artist there to make them look their best! They had long conversations with Scholastic about equity in education to help Scholastic prepare a survey which will be released later this year. Of the experience Ferro said,
by Leora Summers, Editor
Photo by Leora Summers
“Book It Forward! Idaho” benefits our kids!
Chief Robb Hickey, CC Paramedics, presented a plaque naming the auditorium at the CC Ambulance District Administration Building the “Hubler Auditorium,” to Jennifer Tripp, daughter of Dr. Willis Hubler.
by Leora Summers, Editor
“Overall, the week was energizing and empowering. We felt like we were able to help elevate teacher voice in areas that directly impact teaching and learning in our classrooms. We were celebrated and rewarded for our hard work but we were also consulted with and treated like professionals. I hope that I was able to represent Idaho teachers and students to give all of the fantastic educators back home a seat at the table for these crucial conversations.” Our Caldwell Schools are privileged to have teachers of such caliber as Melyssa Ferro and the many others that it has in its system.
Page 2 CALDWELL PERSPECTIVE Senior Center 459-0132 Closed June 13 Kitchen Remodel Every Mon: (ex 6/13) 9 AM Exercise Class Every Mon: (ex 6/13) 10 AM Fit and Fall Class Every Mon: (ex 6/13) 1 PM Line Dancing Every Tue: (ex 6/14) 9 AM Art Group Every Tue: 1 PM pinochle Every Tue: 5 PM Bingo Every Wed: 10:30 AM Crochet & Knitters Every Wed: 7 PM Square Dancing Every Thurs: 9 AM Exercise Class Every Thurs: 10 AM Fit and Fall Class Every Fri: 1 PM Bingo Every Fri: (ex 6/10) 6 PM Friday Night Dance
Calendar of Events
10 AM-3 PM: Lions Blood Drive, Church of Christ (4012 S. 10th Ave, Caldwell), Carole (208) 459-1423 Or online at www.redcrossblood.org (Sponsor code: caldwellid) Walk-ins Welcome! 4 PM: All Ages Crochet, Caldwell Library. 7 PM: Midnight Legs Marathon Lungs, Birdstop, 702 Main St. 7 PM: Jeannie Marie sings at Orphan Annies, 801 Everett St. 8 PM: Chicken Dinner Road, Indian Creek Steakhouse, 711 Main St. June 4 8 AM-4 PM: Community Yard Sale/Car Wash, This event Benefits the Relay for Life. 10 AM: Summer Discovery Day, Come discover Library 459-3242 what makes us. C of I campus Closed Sundays June - August 10 AM-7 PM: Treasure Valley Renaissance FestiEvery Mon: 10:30 AM Baby ‘N me val at Rotary Pond. Fun & Games. Entrance Fees. Every Mon: 4:30 Minecrafternoons FMI: treasurevalleyrenaissancefaire.com Every Tue: 10 AM Read to the Therapy Dog 11 AM: Fourth Annual Spring Fling, Music by Every Tue: 10:30 AM Preschool Storytime Straightaway Matrix Steve Wall Band at the Bird Every Tue: 3 PM Tween Gaming Stop Every Wed: 11 AM & 1 PM Let’s Move 12 PM: Ana Lete, Birdstop, 702 Main St. Every Thurs: 3 PM Teen Makers 1 PM: John Dingeldien & Co., Birdstop. Every Fri: 10 AM Tai Chi 1 PM: Idaho Pocahontas Chapter-Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Meeting, Fit and Fall Class 880-9855 Caldwell Memorial Park, Flag Program by Every Mon, Wed, Fri: 9:30-10:30 AM Nathelle Oates and tour of historical cabins, 461Caldwell Free Methodist Church, 3320 S. 8866 or (juvanne@earthlink.net). Montana. 7 PM: Rod Dyer sings at Orphan Annies, 801 Everett St. Caldwell Farmer’s Market 8 PM: Country Gold, Indian Creek Steakhouse. Every Wed: 3-7 PM Corner Kimball/Arthur June 5 St., appoint@cityofcaldwell.org. 10 AM: MDT Gem State Adventist Academy HS Graduation. June 1 10 AM-5 PM: Treasure Valley Renaissance Fes9 AM-3 PM: Blood Drive at Our Lady of the Val- tival at Rotary Pond. Fun and games, treasurevalley (1122 West Linden St.). For appointment, call leyrenaissancefaire.com Shana: (208) 459-3653, ext. 3013. 4 PM: All Ages Crochet, Caldwell Library Or you can schedule an appointment at redcrossJune 6 blood.org, on the Blood Donor App or call: 1-800- 9 AM: Caldwell Recreation: Basketball Camp, RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767). Grades 1-4 Begins, Sacajawea School. 1 PM: Beginning Strip Quilting Class, KAIC Contact Denise Milburn:dmilburn@cityofShannon Lounge (2nd Floor) C of I. caldwell.org 3 PM-6 PM: Farmers Market. Every Wed 9:30 AM: Spanish Camp for Kids, Hola Amigos, through Sep 21st. KAIC Shannon Lounge (2nd Floor) C of I. East of Indian Creek on Arthur St. 10:45 AM: Caldwell Recreation: Basketball 6 PM: Caldwell Recreation, Karate Begins (ages Camp, Grades 5-8 Begins, Sacajawea School 4-8, 9-13, 14+ & Adult), Caldwell YMCA. ConContact Denise Milburn:dmilburn@cityoftact Denise Milburn:dmilburn@cityofcaldwell.org caldwell.org June 2 June 7 6 PM: Caldwell Public Library Board Meeting 9 AM: CSI: Detective Camp, Attention all crime June 3 fighters, KAIC 107 C of I. 8 AM: 16th Annual Community Service Scholar- 10 AM: Caldwell Recreation: Gymnastics, youth ship Golf Scramble, Purple Sage Golf Course. All class begins, YMCA 455-3060. proceeds benefit the Caldwell & Vallivue High. 6 PM: School House Rock, at C of I Amphitheater.
7 PM: Alumni and Friends Choir Rehearsal, Open to all alumni, faculty, and staff, new members welcome. C of I, Langroise 114. 7 PM: Rod Dyer sings at Orphan Annies, 801 Everett St. June 8 4 PM: Caldwell Recreation, Hip Hop Dance Class at the Recreation Bldg., 455-3060. 5:30 PM: Caldwell Rambler’s RV Club, (Dinner), 6 PM-Meeting, Golden Dragon Restaurant, 211 S. 21st Ave., Ray (208) 697-1357 June 9 2 PM: Thursday Afternoon Read, Caldwell Library. 6 PM: Spinning Windmills Paper Piecing Class, Previous Quilting Experience, C of I, Shannon Lounge (2nd Floor) 7 PM: SIBA presents “Bird-watching in Peru,” at Deer Flat National Wildlife Refuge Visitor’s Center, 13751 Upper Embankment Rd, Nampa (corner of Indiana/Roosevelt, south of Hwy 55). Public Invited. 7 PM: Southwest District Health Workshop, Library. June 10 7 PM: Jeannie Marie sings at Orphan Annies, 801 Everett St. 7 PM: Dale Cavenaugh, Birdstop, 702 Main St. 8 PM: Shot Glass, Indian Creek Steakhouse. June 11 9 AM-12 PM: Caldwell Rose Garden Work Day (by Luby Park). 2 PM: Family Afternoon Movie: Zootopia, Caldwell Library. 7 PM: Sevy Brothers, Birdstop 702 Main St. 7 PM: Dee Hisel sings at Orphan Annies, 801 Everett St. June 13 10 AM: Caldwell Recreation: Soccer Camp, Contact Denise Milburn:dmilburn@cityofcaldwell.org 9 AM: Caldwell Recreation: Volleyball camp 7-8 Grade, 10:45 AM: Caldwell Recreation: Volleyball Camp 4-6 Grade, 9 AM - 12 PM: Hiring Event, Healthcare: CNA’s, Caregivers, MA’s, LPN’s, etc., Idaho Department of Labor Office in Caldwell. June 14 9 AM-12 PM: Hiring Event, Manufacturing: Construction, Trades, etc., the Idaho Department of Labor Office in Caldwell. June 15 9 AM-12 PM: Hiring Event, Clerical: Customer Service, retail, Call Center, etc., the Idaho Department of Labor Office in Caldwell. 7 PM: CPL Writers’ Club, 702 Main St., Caldwell.
June 2016 June 16 9 AM-3 PM: Blood Drive, Our Lady of the Valley, 1122 W. Linden St., Apt. Call Shana: 459-3653 ext 3013 or online at redcrossblood.org select OLV Blood Drive. 9 AM-12 PM: Hiring Event, Transportation: CDL Drivers, Local, OTR, the Idaho Department of Labor Office in Caldwell. 6-9 PM: Alumni, Family and Friends Summer Picnic, Join C of I for this annual event. 7 PM: SCI FI/Fantasy Book Club, Caldwell Library. 7 PM: Jeannie Marie sings at Orphan Annies, 801 Everett St. June 17 8 PM: Gary Braun, Birdstop, 702 Main St. June 18 4 PM: Billy Braun, Birdstop, 702 Main St. 6 PM: Roller Derby, O’Connor Field House, contact Mark Davis 208-455-3004 7 PM: Rod Dyer sings at Orphan Annies, 801 Everett St. June 19 FATHER’S DAY June 21 7 PM: Adult Coloring, Caldwell Library. June 22 7 PM: Southwest District Health Info. Workshop June 24 7 PM: Jeannie Marie sings at Orphan Annies, 801 Everett St. 8 PM: Comedy Night, Birdstop, 702 Main St. June 25 5 PM: Sand Hollow Fire District 1st Annual Dinner & Dance, Overtime Arena, 2250 Sandhollow Rd., contact Christine: 208-573-7877. 1-4 PM: Caldwell Senior Center 40th Anniversary Celebration OPEN HOUSE 7 PM: Dee Hisel sings at Orphan Annies, 801 Everett St. June 27 7:30 PM: Caldwell Centennial Band Concert, Caldwell Memorial Park, Bring Lawn Chairs & Friends, FREE June 30 7 PM: Pop Culture Club, TV Series Supernatural Discussion, Caldwell Library. July 4 9 AM: 4th of July Parade, Caldwell Memorial Park 10 AM: Park Events, Memorial Park 10:30 AM: Opening Ceremonies, Memorial Park 11 AM-3 PM: Live Music, Family Activities, Memorial Park 1 PM: Pie Eating Contest, Memorial Park Dusk: Fireworks,Brothers Park
Advertising question? Call Chantele Hensel, 208-899-6374 to submit a story call or email Leora Summers, editor@caldwellperspective.com, 208-880-8426
Our Community
June 2016
Rose Garden Work Day Needs YOU!
by Leora Summers, Editor
Whittenberger Foundation Accepting Grant Applications The Whittenberger Foundation of Caldwell Idaho is now accepting grant applications for the 2016 grant cycle. Application forms and all relevant information can be found at www.whittenberger.org. All potential applicants are strongly encouraged to visit the website to familiarize themselves with the foundation and its granting
focus. The deadline for receipt of completed applications is August 15th. TheWhittenberger Foundation, a private, independent, charitable grant making foundation was established by the Last Will and Testament of Ethel Bales Whittenberger who died at the age of 76, May 24, 1970, in Caldwell, Idaho. Mrs. Whittenberger, an
by Scott Gipson
elementary school teacher, was deeply interested in the welfare and education of children. She established broad purposes and limitations on distribution and use of Foundation funds in her Will. Since the first distribution in December of 1973, grants totaling more than $8,000,000 have been made to a variety of institutions.
Submitted photo
Wilson Elementary has Summer Library Program
Work Day last month-Still need help!
Caldwell’s Rose Garden still needs your help! There was a work day earlier last month, but more work needs to be done to restore it to its former glory! It was a beautiful place before the “big kill” last fall. On June 11th from 9AM-Noon, you are encouraged and invited to bring roses to plant. About 150 rose bushes are still needed to fill the beds. Any amount you can bring will be appreciated! All the newly planted roses of last month are blooming now. Your help and more roses are still needed to finish the project to bring it back to its former glory of years gone by. Let’s bring that garden back to its former beauty that it was once known for throughout our state.
New Hope Program offers mentoring and more!
by Melissa Dodney, Trasnformational Programs Coordinator
Photo by Hilary Ford
Love INC of Treasure Valley assists people in the community who want to make positive changes in their lives. Although many of our clients have “needs,” debt-to-income ratios vary and there is no “typical” Love INC client— Birthday in a Box every situation is unique and we offer a holistic hand-up to a better life for every person wanting to engage in our programs. Those who enroll in our comprehensive New Hope program are focused on paying off debt and building savings, but they receive so much more than financial mentoring. Our hope is each one finds hope and healing in all areas of their life while participating. This is a free program for those who choose to enroll.
Wilson Elementary School’s Library will be open beginning May 31 through July 28, on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Besides reading, there will be arts &
by Leora Summers, Editor
The American Red Cross is currently experiencing a critical blood shortage. You can help ensure hospital patients receive the blood that they need by making a lifesaving donation. It takes 20 minutes to save a life. There are 2 Blood Drives in Caldwell this month. June 3 10 AM-3 PM: Caldwell Lions Blood Drive at Church of Christ (4012 S. 10th Ave.) For appointment, call Carole: 459-1423. Or you can schedule online at www.redcrossblood.org. Use Sponsor code: caldwellid Walk-ins Welcome!
One of the ways we support and encourage clients in the New Hope program is by providing their children with a “Birthday-In-A-Box.” Our generous and loving volunteers sponsor these children’s birthdays by creating and donating a complete Birthday Box for them. The “BirthdayIn-A-Box” includes everything the child needs to celebrate their special day; decorations, cake mix, frosting, a Bible (if requested), and gifts. Sponsors will receive information about the child and what they hope to get for their birthday from the parent’s request form. A Birthday-In-A-Box is one way to be the hands and feet of Jesus and share in his love for children. If you have questions about enrolling in our programs or how you can volunteer with Love INC of Treasure Valley, please call 208-466-7810.
by Ivy Hunt, Crossfire & Inferno Registrar
June 6-7 BOYS ONLY U10 Boys at 5:45-7 PM U11 and Older Boys 6:45-8 PM
June 8-9 GIRLS ONLY U10 Girls at 5:45-7 PM U11 and Older Girls 6:45-8 PM MORE SOCCER INFO: June 10-12 Coaches E-License Course at Brothers Park & Caldwell
YMCA Information http://www. canyonoptimistsoccer.com/ under the Coaches tab June 13 7 PM, Caldwell YMCA Conference Room Canyon Optimist Board
• Home Decor • Toys • Wreaths • Pin Cushions • Unique Gifts ...and much more!
Dolly’s Kountry Kottage Mon.-Fri. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Sat. 11-4 sale first Sat. of ea. month
June 16 9 AM-3 PM at Our Lady of the Valley (1122 West Linden St.) For appointment, call Shana: 459-3653, ext. 3013. Or you can schedule an appointment at redcrossblood.org, on the Blood Donor App or call: 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767). Be sure to select or ask for Our Lady of the Valley Blood Drive.
704 Dearborn St. Caldwell, ID 83505 7950 Horseshoe Bend Rd. Boise, ID 83714 DWAYNEELLISAGENCY.COM
(208) 424-0864
Veteran’s Corner
Sponsored by the Caldwell Veterans Council
signs will be posted and detours will be clearly marked. Junio 20 hasta Octubre 28 La calle intremedio de Ustick Road ehi la calle Lake Avenida va estar Cerada por contrucion y la Ustick Rd. y la Cleveland Blvd hasta la Florida Avenida tambien la Lake Ehi la Cleveland Blvd. hasta la Homedale Rd. Los Negocios de la comunidad sigiran Abiertos Infomacion seran marcados Claro en cada signo.
Inferno Soccer Tryouts Information June 6-9, 2016 Inferno Soccer Tryouts Brothers Park, Caldwell, ID
the library is open. Students need to sign in and out each time they come in and leave for their safety. Come have some fun during the long hot summers!
Caldwell Blood Drives-June 3rd and June 16th!
Beginning on June 20 until October 28, the intersection of Ustick Road and Lake Avenue will be closed to thru-traffic for the construction of a roundabout. Ustick Road will be closed from Cleveland Boulevard to Florida Avenue. Lake Avenue will be closed from Cleveland Boulevard to Homedale Road. Businesses in the local area will remain open. Project information
by Louise Seeley, Library Media Manager
crafts, games, movies, snacks and lots of other fun stuff! In order to attend, parents need to register each child and can register at the school with their student the first day they come. You can come on any day
524 Cleveland Blvd., Suite 130, Caldwell (Located Inside Avalon Antiques)
This week, we achieved a major milestone. The city building department approved our new underground plumbing system. This has been an especially difficult and time consuming task that involved the excavation of enormous volumes of concrete and soil to bury the plumbing lines and connect them to the city sewer system. The plumbing configuration was complicated and presented a challenge to a star plumber, Larry Ammann. Good Job Larry! Additionally, a team of very energetic volunteers installed insulation furring in the upper level making it possible to install electrical infrastructure and thermal insulation.
Local Veteran’s Organizations
Carrie L French, Chapter 1, Disabled American Veterans. 2nd Tuesday every month at 7 pm, Train Depot, 701 Main Street, Caldwell, Service Officer – Noe Ramirez, (208) 412-5433 Loren M Trotter, Post 35, American Legion. 2nd Monday every month at 7 pm. Social Meeting, 4th Monday every month at 7 pm. 1112 Main Street, Caldwell, Idaho 83605 Service Officer – Gary White, (208) 608-4891. LT Leighton D Patterson, Post 3886, Veterans of Foreign Wars. 2nd Thursday every month at 7 pm. 1112 Main Street, Caldwell, Idaho 83605.
We are currently raising funds to buy an elevator to better serve our disabled and elderly veterans. For more information or to make a donation please visit www.cvmh-vets.org or mail; CVMH, PO Box 1535, Caldwell, Idaho 83605.
Our Community
June 2016
Photos by Leora Summers
Cinco de Mayo! Olé!
The Danza Azeca
Dia de Ninos-Day ofbythe Child Leora Summers, Editor
Photo by Leora Summers
On April 29th, Day of the Child was celebrated at Serenity Park next to the Caldwell Public Library. There was entertainment, food, games, music and prize drawings.
Singing sensation, Monica Salinas & her mom!
by Leora Summers, Editor
Or should we say Uno de Mayo? On May 1st, a Cinco de Mayo celebration was held in Memorial Park in Caldwell with vendors and music galore! Local sensation and recording artist Monica Salinas performed a number with her mother, Dora Salinas. The two were a real crowd pleaser and Monica performed others asking the crowd if they wanted it “in Spanish or English.” Monica was born and raised in this area and has been singing her whole life, first in church and since age 12 in Mariachi. She sang in a trio with her mother
and father and has taken off on her own and has recorded a CD, following in her father’s footsteps now as a recorded artist. She was spectacular The Danza Azeca performed for the crowd in all their glory! On this day, members in this group ranged from ages 2-56 years old. Though I am told they also have a 10 month old that attends with mom and dresses in the traditional garb. They performed traditional Aztec dances and wowed the crowd with their colorful attire and performance.
Heap Herders’ Spring Bling Car Show! by Leora Summers, Editor
April 30th was a busy day at Memorial Park in Caldwell. The Heap Herder “Spring Bling Car Show” was going on in full force! They were all lined up parked in all their glory. Entrants came from all over to show off their shiny mint conditioned cars. Many sponsors, including our Caldwell Perspective, supported the event. Our winning choice went to Navy Vet, John Clark (left photo), of Marsing. This little beauty is a 1937 Plymouth Business Coupe. It has a 383 cubic inch Chrysler motor (for all you car folks).
Photos by Leora Summers
Many services from our area were present during this celebration for parents to explore. The rain clouds gathered right at closing time. Oh lucky day!
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John moved to Marsing about 5 years ago from Lucille, Idaho. He heard about this event while attending an earlier show. He’s been to other car shows at CWI, Givens, Emmett, Adrian and Payette to name a few and thought that this one was really fun. Another pretty cool car was this 1933 Ford owned by Dick Tompkins (right photo), of Boise. There were so many beautifully restored cars to see. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and if you have never been to this event, you should put it on your calendar for next year.
World Tai Chi & Qigong (Chi Kung) Day at the Y “One World, One Breath, in One Day” Photo by Jim Smithers
June 19th is Father’s Day
Luxury Father’s Day Gifts Show Dad just how much he means to you with a heartfelt gift from our handpicked collection of designer timepieces and fine jewelry.
% All Men’s
WATCHES Offer Expires June 30, 2016
As the world turned on April 30th, Caldwell’s YMCA participated for the first time in the Tai Chi & Qigong Day with the rest of the world
by Leora Summers, Editor
The purpose of the day was to educate the world of the benefits of Tai Chi & Qigong, to thank the Chinese culture for creating and sharing these gifts, and to bring people together across racial, economic, political and cultural boundaries to give a powerful example of how Tai Chi & Qigong could be used to foster global health & healing. According to Murray Weston (retired teacher), this year’s World Tai Chi Qigong Day began in New Zealand at 10:00 a.m. and spread across all time zones, included hundreds of cities in 80 countries on six continents, and thousands of people. Canyon County’s portion of the global “healing wave” celebration, spanning 24 hours worldwide, began at 10:00 am in the Y garden. Twenty participants in the group followed Jáuregui Tamayo’s direction, completing Qigong flows and Tai Chi forms in unison for an hour. Qigong and Tai Chi is said to bring about a state of mental calm and clarity all the while improving physical balance and strength, using a series of slow movements, based on gentleness.
We Cater Authentic Mexican Dishes & American Classics!
June Entree Special
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Buy any regular priced entree and get 50% off second meal of equal or lesser value. Not valid with any other offers.
Advertising question? Call Chantele Hensel, 208-899-6374 to submit a story call or email Leora Summers, editor@caldwellperspective.com, 208-880-8426
June 2016
Our Community
CFEO (Caldwell Foundation for Educational Opportunity), a local nonprofit organization, awarded scholarships in May to graduates of Caldwell and Canyon Springs High Schools. About $35,000 worth of scholarships were awarded to 36 recipients.
Logan Stritzke (St. Lukes Practice Manager-Right) and Matt Kaiserman (Director over Rural Clinics-Left) taught 3rd graders about the importance of math education and how it related to their ability to be able to do the things they want to do or to be what they want to be when they grow up. The students also learned how cities were run and about how a city’s financial structure provided services to their homes. During Recess, fitness activities were set up through St. Lukes FitOne group at 5 different stations in which students participated while they went around the track, earning colored reward sticks which they turned in for a prize upon completion of the exercise. The funding from St. Luke’s was provided through their CHIF (Community Health Improvement Fund). According to a press release, Junior Achievement’s programs – which align with Idaho Core Standards – result in a significant knowledge gain throughout all districts on topics such as global competition, business ethics, and needs and wants, creating a more prosperous future for Idaho. Lewis and Clark Elementary School is a Title 1 school making these financial literacy lessons critically important. During “JA in
CFEO Awards Scholarships Photos by Liz Rowley Photography
The students at Lewis and Clark Elementary had quite a day on May 13th. Four or Five Junior Achievement (JA) of Idaho leaders teamed up with about 40 St. Lukes’ volunteers for a day of activity and financial education for over 500 students in grades K-5 during their “JA in a Day” event. The morning started out with an assembly where kids learned the about doing four things to improve their health one step at a time by instituting the “5-2-1-0” FitOne Daily Pledge: 5-Eat 5 servings of fruit and veggies; 2-Have less than 2 hours of recreational screen time; 1-Exercise for 1 hour; 0-Zero to limited sugary drinks. When they disbanded and went to their classrooms, Kindergartners learned about personal budgeting using stories about helping, working, earning and saving while fifth graders tackled key aspects of the global economy, what makes world trade work and how trade affects students’ daily lives. These lessons went on all day long geared to each grade level. Students learned about budgeting and the difference between “needs” and “wants” and making wise food and money choices.
Leah Maxton, one of the recipients, was awarded the CFEO Academic Scholarship by Betsy Hunsicker, CEO of West Valley Medical Center and a Director of the Foundation.
by Leora Summers, Editor
Photos by Leora Summers
“JA in a Day” at Lewis and Clark Elementary
Nickole Oneida (Children Services Site Manager, St. Lukes -Left) with colored reward sticks with Heather Hill (Director of FitOne, St. Lukes) leading one of the fitness stations around the track.
a Day,” Junior Achievement’s programs are independently tested and proven to make a significant impact on the community. From Junior Achievement of Idaho: Junior Achievement of Idaho (JA) is an innovative partnership between the business community, educators and volunteers all working together to provide hands on experiences to help young people understand the economics of life and compete in entrepreneurial economy. This partnership brings the real world to students K-12 connecting them with relevant learning, preparing them for college and inspiring them to plan for their future and career. JA volunteer mentors help students to develop competitive skills and confidence allowing them to own their own economic success. This success bolsters the local workforce and contributes to economic growth. Visit www.jaidaho.org for more information. by Leora Summers, Editor
Another recipient was Desirae Hernandez, who was awarded the West Valley Medical Staff Scholarship by Dr. Ryan Hardy of West Valley Medical Center. This scholarship is sponsored by the Medical Staff of the hospital. For the complete list of recipients, go to www.cfeo.org.
Our Community
June 2016
O’Connor Field House Holds Red Cross Disaster Shelter Exercise
This lady was said to have had a seizure and is being treated by staff at the Medical Reserve Core. When stabilized, she was sent back to the Red Cross section.
60 Beds set up for non-injured displaced people coming from Oregon and Washington.
On May 11, a disaster exercise was performed at O’Connor Field House using Job Corp residents and students from Medical Arts Charter School in Meridian as incoming displaced and injured citizens from a fake wide-area Catastrophic Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake and tsunami that supposedly impacted western Oregon and Washington. Power outages, loss of homes, potable water and other related destruction were said to cause the people to be evacuated. They came in droves to O’ Connor which has been approved to be a shelter, should such an event happen. This exercise was the first time that the American Red Cross teamed up with the Medical Reserve Corp, an agency through Southwest District Health, to practice should such an event occur. The general population shelter was run by the Red Cross with the medical shelter run by the Medical Reserve Corp to assist and aid the displaced and injured. During the registration first aid, mental health, housing and feeding needs were determined. People determined to have extensive medical issues had been transported to local medical facilities in their areas for further treatment, so were not included in this practice. These people were said to be “selftransported” from the Seattle area in one day. Each person being registered wore a card with an assigned name, sex, age and condition which also told where they came from. They were first processed through the Red Cross, unless they were emergent and needed to immediately go to the Medical Reserve Corp area where they were then stabilized and later returned to the Red Cross side of things. People with minor injuries were sent to the First Aid Station. People showed up without medicine for their chronic conditions and with other minor injuries and conditions.
CAUGHT IN THE ACT! Organizing for “Relay for Life”
by Leora Summers, Editor
There were elderly folks, newborns and pregnant women. Some children were looking for their parents and some elderly couldn’t find their mates. One person had amnesia and one fellow was deaf and dumb. The exercise tried to simulate the many scenarios that happen in real disasters. During this exercise O’ Connor was set up for 60 beds for non-injured displaced people and 25 medical beds. About 80 people came through that day. “In a real emergency, O’ Connor could house up to 200 people,” said Milon McDaniel, Mass Care Manager in charge of all the Red Cross Operation there that day. He said that in a real event, about 80% of the people would be gone the next day as they would be in transit to somewhere else, like a friend’s or relative’s house. After the practice was over, volunteers involved met to have a “hot wash” discussing the event to see what issues came up during the exercise. The “evaluators” that roamed during the exercise also made recommendations for improvement to the group. The following agencies, groups and organizations worked together to make the necessary arrangements and transitions to meet the needs of all of the clients: Central District Health Department, Southwest District Health Department, West Valley Medical Center, Canyon County Emergency Management, Idaho State communications, Center Central District Health Department, Jr. Medical Reserve Corps, SWDH and CDHD Medical Reserve Corps, Idaho Department of Health, City of Caldwell, Idaho Bureau of Homeland, Security Centennial, Job Corps, Weiser Memorial Hospital, American Red Cross, and Southwest Advanced Care Hospital. What an amazing cooperation of agencies!
If you feel like you just can’t vote for any of the current presidential candidates, write in Sam Summers for President!
If your Mom is a P.E.O. We have a HOME for her and your Dad!
Front Row L to R: Christy Burch (Co-Accounting Chair), Jennifer Hubbard (Co-Survivor Chair), Anita Wilson (Team Advisor Chair), Josh Engler (Team Trio), Julie Warwick (Co-Survivor Chair), Lydia Flores (Team Trio), Wendy Fisher ( American Cancer Society Staff Partner), Lori Weller with her two kids-Ceara and Jaycee Renfro (Co-Survivor Chair), Paula Packer (Co-Accounting Chair). Back Row L to R: Fred Betancourt (Team Captain), Eric Ramirez (Team Captain), Mitch Davis (Event Chair), Alicia Packer (Online Chair), Cody Wolf (Mission & Advocacy Chair).
These folks (teachers, parents, students, and concerned citizens) were caught meeting to work out team and organizational details for the upcoming Relay for Life event to be held in Caldwell at the CHS track on June 24th. This team driven event not only raises money for the American Cancer Society, it honors survivors and remembers those who died from cancer. Everyone walks in hope that a cure will be found. A carnival theme was discussed with fun activities to be happening throughout the night, as
the event begins at 7 p.m. and finishes up at 7 a.m. the next morning. If you have never gone to one of these, it is a very healing event for those touched by cancer either personally or through the people in their lives who have been touched in some way by cancer. Anyone can join in on the fun by creating their own team for the event. For more information about this event go to: www.relayforlife.org/caldwellid or contact Mitch Davis at (208) 740-4609.
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The party goes all weekend! Pool Tables • Golf Game DJ Music & Dancing on Friday & Saturday Nights! Watch our for daily specials! Advertising question? Call Chantele Hensel, 208-899-6374 to submit a story call or email Leora Summers, editor@caldwellperspective.com, 208-880-8426
Our Community
June 2016
Mary Crookham-far left (CFO), Terri Kelley-next to Mary (event co-organizer with Lisa Larrocea-Cowger, not pictured), George Crookham-far right (CEO) with the winning teams. The winning teams received additional cash prizes to put towards their favorite of the three non-profits. Robust-Red (1003 pts) donated their 1st Prize’s additional $100 to Oasis Summer Feeding Program. Bodacious-Blue (935 pts) donated their 2nd Prize’s additional $75 also goes to Oasis Summer Feeding Program. Esteem-Green and Avenger-Purple (both 925 pts) donated their additional $50 to the YMCA Strong Kids campaign.
The Crookham Company sure knows how to “think outside the box!” They wanted to promote healthy lifestyles in their employees and came up with a great program that not only helped improve the health of their employees, but also contributed to three of our community’s nonprofits at the same time. Through a team approach, calculating their team’s cumulative weight loss plus activity level, they earned dollars for three special organizations: the Idaho Food Bank, the YMCA Strong Kids Campaign, and the Oasis Summer Meals Program. This is when “losing became
winning,” a great concept! The YMCA partnered with Crookham Company, giving them a special rate for a “corporate membership,” reducing the regular membership price for all Crookham employees. Along with that, the Crookham Company subsidized memberships for all employees, who chose to take advantage of the program. Employees, Terri Kelley and Lisa Larrocea-Cowger, stepped in and changed-up the company’s individual “Wellness Challenge” from the past 3 years, to a team approach this year, to create more support and motivation through a
team effort to meet the challenge. Eight teams formed with 8 or 9 members on each team. They chose team captains and created special team names, tagged with a color: Incredible-Brown (Tom Evans), Trinity-Black (Ernesto Garcia), Robust-Red (Shelma Quick), Esteem-Green (Rene Guzman), Salute-Gray (Juan Delgado), Hardi-Orange (Tasha Crookham), Bodacious-Blue (Nelda Cardona), and Avenger Purple (David Whitwood). As a team, they earned a dollar token per pound lost, and one point for 30 minutes of activity a day with a cap of 90 minutes (3
The Next Step-Indian Creek Plaza Update
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$ 50
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$ 00
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“park maintenance” since it will be a park and might be able to be funded outside of the budget. An estimated $33,000.00 will be needed for “park maintenance” the first operating year and it is estimated to increase to $55,000 by year 5. The budget was devised using information from the numbers from the Rapid City’s expense/income budget through year 5, with numbers being very conservative as to income. Opening costs are predicted to be from as low as $278,000 to possibly $343.000. The predicted net loss could be about $4,458.00. The Pro-forma budget is a “working document” that will be adjusted as it goes along. There are 640,125 people in a 30 mile radius of Caldwell, 146,350 in a 10 mile radius, and 60,156 in a 5 mile radius that this plaza could serve. We have
the number of people necessary to support a plaza if the plaza is professionally managed and has events and activities to bring the folks to town. Senftner told the group that once the plaza in Rapid City was completed, by year 5, the once empty buildings downtown were occupied, and that it is now difficult to find any rentals available. Many shops and restaurants were drawn to area as it became more vibrant. What a good problem to have! Their plaza income far exceeded their expectations and budget income predictions adding to the financial success of their plaza. Assessment income from our BID is expected to be about $189,000. Creating the Business Improvement District and working out assessment charges to businesses in the BID and other budget details will take time.
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Cardona with 935 points. Tying for third place with 925 points each were Esteem-Green, led by Rene Guzman and Avenger -Purple, led by David Whitwood. The teams lost a cumulative total of 432 pounds! This is when “Losers become Winners!” Employees gained better health and made better lifestyle choices and nonprofits benefitted at the same time. Way to go--LOSERS, I mean WINNERS! It’s all a matter of how you look at it! Special thanks goes to co-organizers Terri Kelley and Lisa Larrocea-Cowger!
“Broke Down Bunch” donates to Veterans Hall
by Leora Summers, Editor
On April 29th, the “Broke Down Bunch,” a rowdy bunch of bikers from Middleton made it their business to get donations of lumber and bring it down to the Caldwell Veterans Hall to help with their next step of furring the walls upstairs and downstairs in the remodeling project of the old Carnegie Library so the electricians, HVAC workers and plumbers can begin their next steps towards its completion.
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points a day), needing 10 activity points to earn one token. The first weigh-in was on February 17th of this year, and participants were weighed every two weeks after that. Cumulative weight loss and activity dollars were awarded to the teams every two weeks and they then put them in the pot of their favorite charity. They walked, strength trained, golfed, went swimming and many other activities for the competition. The competition ended on April 13th. Taking first place was RobustRed, lead by Shelma Quick with 1,003 points. Second place went to Bodacious-Blue, lead by Nelda
Coupon Required
$ 50
On April 27th, 2016, Crookham Company presented check awards to: Claudia Suastegui ($192 to YMCA Strong Kids), Mandalyn McKay($664 to Oasis Summer Feeding Program), and Christine Dwello and Michael Shuman ($304 to Idaho Food Bank).
10% Off Total Purchase
Dan Senftner, hired Plaza Advisor from Rapid City, South Dakota, once again presented an overview of the Indian Creek Plaza project during a workshop to Caldwell’s City Council on May 2nd. The POP (Program Operation Plan) along with a funding budget plan was presented. Warren Koba presented a Pro Forma Budget scenario with a pie chart showing the percentages of expenses required to make this plan a reality with the largest expense being salaries and benefits using 54% of the budget the first year and by year 5, 47%. Some expenses might be qualified as
by Leora Summers, Editor
by Leora Summers, Editor
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Our Community
June 2016
Chamber Welcomes Businesses
L to R: Troy Hooper (Chamber), Kyndra Ensley (Tracy’s daughter-in-law), Tracy Warfield (agent/owner), and Carol Howell (Chamber) participate in the ribbon cutting for Warfield Insurance Agency on May 12th.
On May 12th, the Caldwell Chamber welcomed Warfield Insurance and Canyon Clinic to our business community with a ribbon cutting ceremony. Tracy has returned to Caldwell with her insurance agency after having been in another agency in town years ago and when that business dissolved, she became an agent in Fruitland. She has returned to her roots in Caldwell and is so happy to finally be “home.” Commissioner Hansen told the group that it is always good to see businesses grow in Canyon County and that
by Leora Summers, Editor
L to R: Cindy Derrick (Chamber), Tom Bowman (Executive Director), Laura Roher (Administration), Don Schultze (Codirector of Recovery Center), Lori Bowman (Director of Clinic Operation), John Greenlee (Co-director of Recovery Center), Trinity Bailey (Recovery Coach), Rick Tivis (Board Member), Barbara Howard (Board Member), Salvador Salinas (Chamber).
the more they grow, the better off we all are. Councilman Pollard welcomed Tracy back and thanked her for coming back. Her agency fills insurance needs for health, personal, home, auto and commercial lines. The business is located at 524 Cleveland Boulevard, Ste. 150, in Caldwell. For more information, call (208) 453-1444. Also welcomed to the Chamber and business community on that same day with a ribbon cutting was Canyon County Community Clinic, which recently relocated at their new site at 524 Cleveland, Ste. 110, in Caldwell.
Commissioners Tom Dale and Craig Hansen, Councilman Pollard, and Theresa Hardin (Caldwell Chamber) welcomed and thanked them for being here, improving the lives of the people in our community. Canyon County Community Clinic, through the use of volunteer health care professionals provides medical services to low-income, uninsured patients for medications and for the treatment of non-emergent and limited chronic illnesses. They also take referrals for specialty care. To learn more about eligibility and their services, visit their website: www.canyon-clinic.org.
D.L. Evans Bank Presents Scholarships
Cut and Curl Cottage
by Leora Summers, Editor
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including soy candles made by Waxing Moon Candle Co. Local Company
Submitted photo
Full Service Salon
Jim Thomssen (D.L. Evans Bank VP Branch Manager of the Caldwell branch), Cathy Yasuda (TVCC Foundation Executive Director), and Rob Frye (D.L. Evans Bank VP Branch Manager-Fruitland)
On February 25, 2016, D.L. Evans Bank presented a check in the amount of $2,000.00 to the Treasure Valley Community College Foundation for four scholarships. Two $500 scholarships were for students attending the Ontario TVCC Campus and that live in Payette or Washington Counties and the other two $500 scholarships were for Canyon County students attending the downtown Caldwell TVCC Campus.
Photo by Craig Wood, Notus Superintendent
On May 25th during Notus’s Senior Awards Night, Jim Thomssen, Caldwell’s D.L. Evans Bank VP Branch Manager, presented Ines Arredondo and Christina Grubaugh each a $250.00 scholarship. Ines will be attending the College of Idaho next fall and Christina will be attending the College of Southern Idaho. Thomssen remarked that this high school senior class was honored (by US News and World Report) as one of the top 500 best in the country based on total SAT scores for the entire class. That is WAY cool! These D.L. Evans Bank Scholarships were part of the $14,000 in scholarships that the bank donates to students all across Idaho every year.
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702 Main Street, Caldwell Advertising question? Call Chantele Hensel, 208-899-6374 to submit a story call or email Leora Summers, editor@caldwellperspective.com, 208-880-8426
June 2016
Photo by Leora Summers
CHS Student Stefani Chambers goes to National History Competition
Little did she know that her interest in homing pigeons would take her all the way to Washington D.C. to compete at the national competition level for the NHD (National Day) project that she was involved in at Caldwell High School. She and 5 others from our state will be going. The feather in her cap and that of the Caldwell School District’s is that she is the only student from Idaho that is from a PUBLIC SCHOOL to have achieved that honor, with the others all coming from charter or private schools! Her project is on the
“History of War Pigeons.” The NHD project is a required class for all Juniors. She won at the local, regional and state levels of competition in the Exhibit division, taking all her judges suggestions to heart, improving her project every step of the way, and she is now ready to take it to the next level. Stefani Chambers became interested in pigeons through her father’s affiliation with Western Idaho Invitational Pigeon Club. She would attend meeting and bird releases with him. Her history project sparked from a story that her dad told her about his childhood experience in Seattle with a neighbor who was a WWII Vet who had a mobile pigeon loft in the war and he was a “handler.” When the neighbor came home from the war, he raised his own homing pigeons and her dad learned how to take care of them. He said that it kept him grounded and out of the inner city gangs in Seattle and helped shape him into the man he is today. His experience with that WWII Vet and his love of pigeons lead him to serve his country and to choose a field in aviation. Stefani had to retire as a Varsity Cheerleader after a shoulder injury and threw herself into this history project. Now she has to work even harder to earn funds to afford her trip to the National Convention in Washington D.C. between June 12-16th. Her mother will be accompanying her. They stay in economically provided lodging for the finalists, must pay airfare, and registration. It is hard to work out finances in such a short time when
by Leora Summers, Editor
a once in a lifetime event like this occurs that is an out of budget expense on an already tight budget, but her parents know how important something like this is to their daughter and her success in the future. Stefani has never shown this kind of motivation before, and she is on a path to succeed and they want to see this through to the end. Her motivation and drive have inspired donors and through the goodness of organizations and friends, her trip has been made possible. Thanks goes to Stefani, her parents and her donors for working it out making it possible for her to represent Idaho, public schools and the Caldwell School District. Stefani Chambers and her parents thank the following people and organizations for making this possible: Chelsey & Jeremy Ensley, Western Idaho Invitational Pigeon Club, A Very Essence-Nampa, Aurelia Delgado, CFEO, Leora Summers, and the National Racing Pigeon Association. Also thanks to those who donated to her Go Fund Me account! Nicholas Chambers, Jennifer Halverson, Bruce & Sherry Chambers, San Juana Barbosa, Kim Klaudt-Nadon, Georgina Feinauer, Mellissa Hernandez, Rachel Adams, Laura Hester, Terry and Angel Campbell, Erlinda Mendoza, Alex & Anthony Sauceda, Jose Sauceda, Micaela Sauceda, Chris & Lisa Navarro and 3 anonymous donors. Upon completion and her return from the competition, Stefani will receive a $500 scholarship from National History Day’s Nagal Foundation Travel Scholarship. Congratulations Stefani! story & photo by Leora Summers, Editor
The Lube Shop, a family-owned business located at 505 Blaine St., is celebrating 30 years of providing excellent service in Caldwell this June, since first opening in the June of 1986. Congratulations to Matt Patterson, his family, and The Lube Shop! Matt would have combed his hair had he known he was going to have his picture taken!
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Canyon County Sheriff Elect Robert Muse Your Voice For Your Choice
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Our Liberty for the Final Freedom of Choice WHY THERE IS NO LIVING CONSTITUTION BUT A LIVING TESTAMENT Our forefathers left us a will and testament as our inheritance described by the bible as being created as a divine will and testament as freedom for the children of today and tomorrow. The United States Constitution is our “Will” as the Bible’s Old Testament has been described as a historic “Will” of individual inheritance with responsibility and accountability for freedom of choice. The New Testament described the “Bill of Rights” as an individual inheritance for liberty to protect and serve this republic’s civil and private property rights. Your liberty, freedom, and private property right were created from your conception of life which is the living testament of trust through which the Book of Revelation will probate the individual actions that record the sin or falling short of the glory promised for your life and death. Both Constitution and Bible describe this “Will” as a probate to share the living testament of Christ’s sacrifice to preserve our forefathers trust for the conservation of each individual inheritance for all civil and property rights created by the natural law from divine inception. Will you sacrifice blood, sweat, tears and wealth as your will and living testament for our child of liberty and freedom? -Husband, Father, State and Federal Bail and Fugitive Recovery Agent -Idaho Peace Officer, Veteran - U.S. Air Force Security Police (Nuclear WMD) -2 University Graduate degrees in Public Safety Leadership & Criminal Justice -The only Candidate who graduated from an Idaho Post Detention Academy with Jail Experience
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Welcome back to spring again. I had a lot of positive feedback on my last column on sprinklers and watering, and many of you have altered your watering practices, unfortunately the feedback was in person and not in written form to share with the rest of you. So I am asking for feedback as the season goes along so I can answer in this column. Send your questions to: editor@caldwellperspective.com and put “Local Dirt Comment” in the subject area and I will be happy to answer your questions. I lived in Palm Springs, California for 11 years during the 80’s and early 90’s. I was a landscaper down there as well. During the summer months, there is a lower number of visitors, so getting on a golf course is very easy and cheap. During a round of golf in July, it was creeping up to120 degrees and the sprinklers came on. Needless to say I was a bit miffed, (I was having a good round). The ranger just happened to be driving by, so we shouted for him to stop. We asked him why the sprinklers were on. These are big sprinklers throwing 30
by Pat King
to 40 gallons a minute covering 100 feet or so. He told us that they’ll only be on for a few minutes. I asked him about the wasted water due to evaporation. He said, evaporation is exactly what we’re going for, the cool water lowers the temperature of the soil, taking the stress off the grass. By the time the sun raises the temperature of the soil again, the evaporation adds a cooling effect and by the time the turf reaches a stressful temp again, the sun is starting to set and brings on nighttime cooling. The water comes on again just before the course opens for the day for a complete watering cycle. I have put that method of watering into practice ever since and I rarely, if ever, have issues with diseases or stressed or weakened turf. I don’t think you’ll find that in text books. I think that a water using method of nearly 25 years might prove worthy for you to try. Thanks again Scott and Paul for reading my column. Send in your concerns or questions and I’ll answer them in this column for everyone. Until next time, Pat.
Sweetbriar Nursery HURRY IN!
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June 2016
Hook, Line & Sinker
Usually, I would take this opportunity to give you a “trickof-the-trade.” However, June offers us a unique opportunity: Free fishing day. This year, free fishing day lands on the second Saturday of June: June 11. When I was younger, I used to sneer at free fishing day due to the large number of people that would show up and interrupt my schedule or my favorite fishing hole. As I get older I have grown to appreciate free fishing day. As my grandfather grew older, we found it much more difficult to get him out to fish. We found it cumbersome to have to purchase a single day fishing license at $11.50 for the one (maybe two) day a year he felt good enough to go fishing. This was even more true as his health varied from one hour to the next. Granted, there was no guarantee he would be good enough to go on free fishing day but it was always something we looked at. Idaho Fish and Game does a good job of ensuring the major fishing locations are stocked prior to free fishing day. This is especially true for the local ponds that are easily accessible for the young, elderly or disabled. Free fishing day is as much about getting outdoors as it is fishing. This day gives those who may not be able to afford a license the opportunity to enjoy the sport. It also gives people the opportunity
by eremy Feucht, Caldwell Perspective
SIBA Presents Bird-Watching in Peru
to fish who feel they would not properly utilize a full season pass. The older I became, the more I realized that the free fishing day was a celebration of the glory of Idaho. People young and old, across this state, know how to and love to fish. This is a wonderful opportunity to pass that love onto someone else; especially someone who may not normally be able to do so. Free fishing day is one where we can cast aside (pun intended) our differences and unite in the joy that fishing brings. Whether you catch a fish or not, the stress melts away when you are fishing. Something about the fresh breeze of late spring, the smell of the water, kids running and playing, seeing others catch a fish, renews everyone’s sense of humanity. The last time my grandfather went fishing was right at 3 and a half years ago. I have not fished as much as I would like in the time since, but I find my connection with him when I do go. This will be my first year without him as he passed at the beginning of the year. I would give just about anything to be able to take him fishing one more time. Since I cannot, I hope to see others taking what could be their last opportunity to go fishing with their dad, mom, grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt or whoever that special someone is in their life. Good luck, have fun and don’t forget to wet that line.
Home to more bird species than any other country in the world, Peru is a bird-watcher’s paradise. Lying astraddle the equator, Peru is like three different countries rolled into one: (1) western Peru, which abuts the Pacific Ocean and includes lowlands and desert; (2) the Andes Mountains, which climb to staggering heights above 20,000 feet in elevation and feature many different types of forest; (3) the vast flat Amazon Basin, warm and tropical year around. Dale has spent time in many of Peru’s different habitats, and will share photographs of many of the bird species he has encountered while also talking briefly about Peru’s many historic and cultural attractions including Lima, the Amazon jungle, and archaeological sites of the Inca in the arid highlands. Dr. Dale Toweill is a professional wildlife biologist with a passion for wildlife and wild places. He has visited nearly 40 countries on five continents. Dr Toweill will present this program to SIBA (Southwestern Birders Association) on June 9 at 7PM in the visitors center of Deer Flat National Wildlife Refuge, 13751 Upper Embankment Rd, Nampa. The refuge entrance is at the corner of Indiana and Roosevelt, south of HWY 55. The public is always welcome to attend these meetings.
Seasonal Allergies
At this time of year many people notice the onset or worsening of allergy symptoms brought on by pollens, grasses and trees. Common symptoms include itchy or runny nose, red or itchy eyes, sneezing, or sore throat. Allergies can cause difficulty sleeping, resulting in daytime fatigue. While for most people who suffer from seasonal allergies these symptoms are simply a nuisance, others may have severe symptoms or experience worsening of their asthma with more frequent exacerbations. There are multiple options for treating seasonal allergy symptoms, many of which are available now without a doctor’s prescription. Those who prefer not to take medications for their allergies may be able to reduce their symptoms by using nasal rinses available at drugstores, which work by flushing allergens out of the nasal passages. Other simple measures that can be taken include showering at night
before bed to rinse allergens out of the hair, and minimizing time outdoors when symptoms are at their worst. If these measures are not enough, a steroid nasal spray will often control the symptoms and they are now available over the counter. Other options include antihistamine medications, decongestants or allergy shots. If your symptoms are severe and difficult to control your doctor may refer you to an allergy specialist for further treatment. While the therapies discussed above are generally well tolerated with few side effects, some people need to discuss their symptoms with their physician before starting any new medications. Young children, the elderly and those who are pregnant or wish to become pregnant need to consult their physician to ensure that their
Custom Framing Matting Limited Edition Prints Photo Documents Shadow Boxes
by Dr. Matt Beal, RTTP-Caldwell
intended treatment will be safe, effective and avoid interactions with other medications. Those who would like to learn more about seasonal allergies and how to control them can find additional information at the websites for the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology ( h t t p : / / a c a a i . o rg / a l l e rg i e s / types/seasonal) or National Jewish Hospital (https://www. nationaljewish.org/healthinfo/ conditions/allergy/). Dr. Matthew Beal is a 2nd year resident in Caldwell’s RTTP (Rural Track Training Program). He grew up in Fort Collins, Colorado and graduated from University of Colorado school of Medicine.
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by Dr. Dale Toweill
Let us help you have the green, healthy and weed-free lawn you want this summer! FREE Spider Barrier & Lawn Analysis Call For Details! www.zingidaho.com
Darrell Dice
208-466-7790 Advertising question? Call Chantele Hensel, 208-899-6374 to submit a story call or email Leora Summers, editor@caldwellperspective.com, 208-880-8426
June 2016
Family Fun Day at Whittenberger Park-Lots of Fun!
Story & photos by Leora Summers, Editor
Left: Matthew Baity earned the prize for “Biggest Fish Caught,” with his fish measuring in at 13 inches long. Little Ryder Gonzalez earned a prize for “Most Fish Caught,” catching 12 little fish! (no photo available).
Charlie Weihe caught the first fish, and went on to catch two more, earning the title of “Best Fisherman.” His fish were 10.5 inches, 11 inches, and 12.5 inches long.
On May 14th, the day started out with a Kids Fishing Derby sponsored by Caldwell Rotary Club with 55 kids participating. These kids were excited and raring to go! Young fishermen, ages up through 12 years old fished the banks of Rotary Pond from 10 AM-12:30 PM. Prizes included fishing poles, tackle boxes and other fishing accessories. After the Derby lunch was available to everyone at the event. The Canyon Bike Project brought bicycles for all the
children that showed up that needed a new bike because they either outgrew the one they had or didn’t have one. The Canyon Bike Project is a cooperative effort through Canyon County Juvenile Probation, local bike shops and the good people of LoveCaldwell. Donated bicycles are refurbished and given to kids that have a need for one. Once the children picked out their new wheels, Officer Snyder told them “The car rules are our rules” and gave them their Bicycle ABCs (to check before taking off on a ride): A-Air! Check the air in your tires; B-Brakes! Make sure your brakes work properly; C-Chain! Make sure your chain has some oil on it and that it is not too loose to avoid having it come off or malfunction. After the ABC lessons for riders, the kids were sent off to practice some riding skills and hand signals with 5 other participating police men and then went on a group bicycle ride following their leading officer to put their skills in action. Other events that day included a Story Walk along
Got Hardpan? Add Gypsum or Not? to have low levels of organic matter and high levels of inorganic chemical additives. They may also be highly compacted and layered, and gypsum does not work to break up clay soils. In addition, many Idaho soils have abundant amounts of calcium, called calcareous soil, which ties up certain nutrients. You can do a simple test at home to determine if you have free lime, or calcareous soil, by taking a small sample of soil, letting it dry and adding a tablespoon of vinegar. If it fizzes, you have free-lime, an indicator of calcareous soil, adding more of the chemical gypsum will make the problem worse. Adding gypsum to non-sodic soils (low in sodium) is a waste of money and natural resources and can have negative impacts on plant, soil and ecosystem health. Excessive soil calcium may release cations like aluminum or tie up nutrients like phosphorus. In our
What’s In Your Water?
The Caldwell Farmers’ Market is open every Wednesday from 4-7 p.m. in downtown Caldwell. Look for it at the corner of Arthur and Kimball. This month you will find beets, kale, carrots, snap peas, green onion, cherries, and strawberries. Plant starts for peppers, tomatoes and both peppermint and spearmint are also available. Check out Larry Gaukel of Larry’s Gourds. He does beautiful artwork on homegrown gourds and specializes in thunder drums. Have him demonstrate their unique sound!
Treasure Valley water has tested positive for chemicals from chlorine to arsenic. A Water Treatment System from Future Techs can eliminate harmful chemicals from the water in your home or business.
the greenbelt and Frisbee Golf in Whittenberger Park. Caldwell Rotary Club and Anglers Habitat originated the Kid’s Fishing Derby several years ago and was originally held on Indian Creek. This year the Kid’s Fishing Derby was moved to Rotary Pond to join the Family Fun Day event which was put on by Caldwell Public, Library, Caldwell Parks and Recreation, Caldwell Police Department, West Valley Medical Center, Let’s Move! Caldwell, Caldwell Rotary Club and Canyon Bike Project.
1st Annual Canyon Military Kid’s Fishing Derby
by Rich Guggenheim, Horticulture Educator
soils, the soil calcium (Ca++) concentration is much higher than the sodium (Na+). A wide variety of products that claim to contain microorganisms are commercially available for garden use. Keep in mind that most soils, including soils that have been fertilized only with synthetic fertilizers, or have suffered years of abuse still contain a great diversity of microbial species. Instead of gypsum or microbial additives, consider adding organic matter such as compost and core aerifying in spring or early fall to reduce the compaction and improve plant health. Aerifying with large halfinch hollow tines and punching on two inch centers will produce good results. Very compacted soil can benefit from a spring and fall aerification. If the soil is compacted, it’s usually the best solution to the stifled growth.
Caldwell Farmers Market-June
by Cathy May, Market Manager
Other vendors include BBQ sauce, Idaho made mustards, honey, fresh tamales from Garcias, a variety of baked goods, and crafts. There is weekly entertainment and a little dinner from the grill. Go shop, have a little dinner and listen to the music.
Kids First Cast Volunteers L to R: Howard Davis (Founder), Dyann Aspiazu, Steve Hart, Marci Cousineau, Larry Raganit, and Sherry Laws helped with the event.
Story & photo by Chantele Hensel
Questions have trickled in recently about gypsum as a soil conditioner for heavy clay soils. Garden centers and lawn care services often advise applying gypsum (calcium sulfate) to “decompact” or break up hard soil. Adding gypsum as an amendment is not necessary, and may be harmful to the soil. Sodium brings soil particles closer together, reducing large pore space and “sealing” soil making water penetration into the soil slow. The calcium in the gypsum replaces sodium, making for more stable soil aggregates, which do not disperse and form a seal. This process is the basis for the misleading claim that gypsum breaks up the soil. Gypsum does not reduce or prevent soil compaction, dissolve hardpan, soften clay soils, or convert clay to loam. Why? Urban soils found in most home landscapes are generally mixtures of subsoils plus native and nonnative topsoil. In home landscapes, it is common
Officer Snyder giving bicycle instruction to the children with their new bicycles supplied by Canyon Bike Project
A fishing derby was held on May 28th at Canyon Springs RV Resort in Caldwell for children of deployed military parents. It was put on by Kids First Cast, an organization that introducing the sport of fishing to children. They gave away tackle boxes, fishing rods and reels as prizes and raffles. It ended with a BBQ. For more information about Kids First Cast, go to: kidsfirstcast.org.
and join us for an old fashion western fair for the whole family
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Market Entertainment June 08- Jim Stewart June 15-Double Image June 22-Spud Man June 29-Single Car Garage
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Brighten Dads Day on Father’s Day Tell Dad how much you love him with fresh flowers! Bring us your idea & we will build you a custom gift basket just for Dad!
Caldwell Floral 103 S. Kimball Ave., Downtown Caldwell
Caldwell On The Move
Horsewoods-3rd Time’s a Charm!
by Steve Fultz, Caldwell Economic Development
Joseph Stiglitz once said “Devel-opment is about transforming the lives of people, not just transforming economies.” Development continues to flourish throughout our City, creating jobs and investment, as well as opportunities for an improved lifestyle. In a recent conversation with Caldwell Planning Director Brian Billingsley, he shared that commercial development is the busiest it has been in
more than a decade. Some of the current activities include: Banking: the new DL Evans Bank building in downtown is under construction and ICCU is preparing to add a second branch, moving into the former Bank of the Cascade building on Blaine. Industrial: American Food Equipment is under construction on E. Linden (Southeast Caldwell); Best Bath Systems is adding a small addition to their existing building on Garber St. (West Caldwell), and Fiberguide expansion is well underway (South-central Caldwell). Services: Horsewood Resturant is now open (with further expansion plans in Downtown), the WalMart Neighborhood Marketplace on 10th & Ustick is under construction (South Caldwell), Caldwell Commons (Ustick and Blvd) is building out the last lots, and additional construction along the Blvd (South Caldwell), continued expansion at West Valley Medical Center, construction continues at the Veteran’s Hall/ Carnagie Library building. The City is also moving ahead with the dog park, with construction to begin later this year, and improvement/ development along the Caldwell Industrial Airport (new hangers and new runway lighting) continues. Caldwell is truly on the move...continue to stay tuned with addtional announcements soon to be made on even more commercial development to Caldwell. Through the efforts and energy of our partners and our citizens, Caldwell development will continue to transfrorm the lives of our citizens as well as our economies.
June 2016
….and so it changes again! During the May 3rd Caldwell City Council meeting, a 3rd new proposal was brought to the floor for the patio request by Jessie and Aaron Horsewood, who have just had a grand opening for their new downtown restaurant, Horsewood’s Kitchen, at 212 So. Kimball, Caldwell this May. Since the building space they are renting and renovating belongs to Bob and Kelli Jenkins, they both met with city attorney Mark Hilty and came up with a plan that provided for a better proposition for Public/Private partnership with the city for the earlier proposed patio rendering. The city would lease the property to the Jenkins, owners of the building from whom the Horsewoods are renting for their restaurant, with the ultimate goal to complete the proposed patio project, but to do it in phases. For phase one, the Jenkins and Horsewoods could do something with the discussed property to be able to create a temporary area to be used for outdoor dining for a period not to exceed 24 months before the permanent project can be completed with any improvements to the property must receive prior approval by the city. The city can now begin the process of removing the vineyard, with the grape vines to be replanted at the Idaho Veterans Garden in Caldwell. Phase 2 would begin this summer. The Jenkins would lease the property for $1,000 a year on a 30 year lease and upon the end of that lease, the Jenkins would be given 1st right of refusal, before opening it up to others. Safeguards would be put into the lease should new owners and/or businesses take over the building prior to that time. When the lease is up, if no one rents the
property, it goes back to the city with all upgrades, etc. Jenkins will pay 80% towards the
Submitted patio rendering
cost of the project with the City putting up 20%, since 80% of the space would be used for the patio seating on the upper tier, and 20% for the public for that space on the lower tier. The Jenkins would put in approximately $110,000, with the city putting in about $27,500 to complete the project. The city will pay approximately $4,010 to remove the vineyard and install sprinklers as planned. The area will be maintained so as not to fall in disrepair. During the meeting many attendees took turns speaking overwhelmingly in favor of allowing this proposal so Horsewoods could have patio seating for their new restaurant. The Horsewoods’ generous contributions and involvement in Caldwell’s community and schools came up time and time again. Matt Strong, Vice Principal of Canyon
by Leora Summers
Springs High School in Caldwell, said, “The investment of the community will be payed forward many fold by the Horsewoods in their dedication to this community.” Horsewoods have donated their talents and labor, time and time again to the schools in our community and most recently to the dinner for the Go Purple event at O’ Connor cooking 650 lbs. of beef and 850 spuds with all the extras needed to make that dinner a huge success. Horsewoods already has an established reputation in the catering industry that would bring business to Caldwell. The question was posed, “Does it fit a need?” The answer by the attendees in the room was an overwhelming “Yes!” Aaron Horsewood spoke emotionally of his love of this community saying, “I believe in the American Dream. Mine started out because I love food, love my family and I love this place. This is where I want my restaurant. I never asked for a handout and we’re in a unique situation here.” After a recommendation from Legal Counsel Mark Hilty, Councilman Pollard moved that the Council move forward on the project and allow the vineyard to be removed ASAP to be transplanted in the Idaho Veterans Garden so the process can begin. He told the group that government moves slow and the Public/Private partnership needs to be worked on to develop checks and balances and will take some time to do it right the first time so patience is requested, but the project now has the “green light” to begin!
June is Idaho Wine Month In May of 2009 Governer Butch Otter declared June Idaho Wine Month to encourage consumers to drink local! Look to local restaurants, retail stores, and wine shops to offer specials during the month of June. Don’t miss some of the great wine events and specials offered by wineries. But most importantly make sure you celebrate Idaho Wine Month by toasting to life with a delicious glass of Idaho wine!
Tasting Room Hours
Wednesday-Sunday 12-5 PM
15343 Plum Rd., Caldwell, Idaho HatRanchwinery.com
Downtown Caldwell at the Train Depot. Food, wine, entertainment & artists. $30 ticket price if you buy your tickets in June. Tickets will return to the price of $35 pre-sale and will be $40 at the gate. Don’t miss this fantastic day!
12-5:00 p.m. Mon.-Thurs. Call 455-1870
uston Vineyards Wine Release Party
Saturday, June 4th, 12-5 p.m.
June 4th Live Acoustic Guitar with Wayne Worthern June 5th Live Delta Blues Music with Mississippi Marshall June 18th Live Acoustic Guitar with Wayne Worthern June 19th Live Music with the James Gang June 22nd Bees, Bugs & Cab Shiraz (22 tickets available!)
Join as we release our 2014 Huston Merlot and 2014 Huston Malbec
16645 Plum Rd., Caldwell • 208-455-1870
Wine Tasting at Albertsons
Bringing joy to people through wonderful wine, fabulous food and an amazing view
Wednesday June 8th, 4:30-6:30 p.m. in Caldwell on Blaine
FARM to TABLE Dinner Saturday, June 25th, 6:30 p.m.
Now open until 9 p.m. on Friday! Hours: Friday 12-9 p.m. Saturday 12-5 p.m. & Sunday 11 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Tickets Available By Visiting: brownpapertickets.com/event/2559935
Tasting Room Hours: Friday-Monday 12-5 PM or by special appointment 16473 Chicken Dinner Rd., Caldwell • 208-455-7975 www.hustonvineyards.com • www.facebook.com/hustonvineyards
JUNE 17th 1-5 PM
First of Harvest Party Growing into Grapes
JUNE 25, 12-5 PM
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U-Pick Cherries
Approximately 2nd Week of June
We are excited to offer U-Pick cherries again this year! Weekday picking by apt. For more info go to willorch.com
Open Friday-Sunday 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. Weekdays by Appointment
Advertising question? Call Chantele Hensel, 208-899-6374 to submit a story call or email Leora Summers, editor@caldwellperspective.com, 208-880-8426
June 2016
Trolley Square-Days gone by...
photo by Leora Summers
by Chuck Randolph
THEN: Photo from a 1953 issue of the Caldwell News Tribune
NOW: Trolley Square, cleared ready for new construction
Before they were renamed Trolley Square, a pair of recently demolished downtown buildings housed an auto dealership and a farm equipment company. Burns Chevrolet, located at 9th and Arthur, offered a new car showroom, mechanic and body shop, an “OK Used Cars” lot and truck sales. Burns also provided a towing service (wrecked vehicles were stored on the banks of Indian Creek) and a gas station. B&M Equipment Company operated from an Art Deco-style building adjacent to the S. 10th Ave. overpass. The founder, Byrle Morse, as his legacy to the community, endowed a scholarship which is awarded annually to help a Caldwell High School graduate attend the College of Idaho. Last month we looked into the future and saw a world changing before our eyes. I briefly discussed the inevitable change from a human labor workforce to a model wherein robots and computers did most of the work and we humans were going to have fewer opportunities. That may
not be a bad thing for you or your family provided you and they are prepared for this gradual change to our society. That’s the tricky part, how exactly will that impact us and how do we prepare for the future. The not so tricky part is that nothing about this changes my advice when it comes to your money. Live within your means, save the rest and invest in a diversified portfolio that includes
Destination Caldwell-BID Committee Report
On May 10, the Downtown Caldwell Business Improvement District (BID) Committee met with local property owners to re-introduce the Indian Creek Plaza project and discuss the establishment of a BID to support it. 55 local property owners attended the meeting at which the property owners were able to determine their assessment amounts. The BID is needed in order for local businesses to provide funds to be used as operating capital for the Plaza--specifically its promotion and programming. This includes an advertising budget to help promote and drive visitors to Downtown Caldwell. The BID will provide partial funding and other operating revenue will be secured through corporate contributions, strategic partnerships and event sponsorships. The plaza will also require personnel to assist with promotion,
Chamber’s New Member
by Leora Summers, Editor
advertising, programming and maintenance of the Indian Creek Plaza on behalf of the property owners of the BID. The BID committee is now working to secure the signatures of at least 51% of the downtown property owners in order to present a petition to the Caldwell City Council to establish a BID in the downtown core. Several property owners signed the petition at the meeting and many have previously committed to the effort. Scott Gipson, President of locally-owned Caxton Printers, made the presentation to the property owners. Mr. Gipson announced that the proposed assessments had come in substantially lower that was originally projected—saving property owners thousands of dollars. An architectural design firm has been chosen and preliminary
Recently the Trolley Square buildings that occupied this space have been demolished and the lot has been prepared for Caldwell’s next step-An entertainment complex that will house a movie theater that will run 1st run movies. This is a part of the downtown revitalization project. The next building to be leveled will be the Sundowner Motel readying that area for an extention of the Caldwell park system. This will create a beautiful gateway into downtown Caldwell and allow for an extention of the greenbelt to the College of Idaho campus.
Nickels and Dimes
stocks, bonds, real estate, precious metals, and commodities are all available to the average investor through exchange traded funds. Don’t look upon your house as an investment but do treat it like one and make sure it’s properly maintained. Build wealth that can be passed down to the next generation and educate your children to follow the same investment/lifestyle path. Don’t expect to get rich
photo by Leora Summers
by Michael Hensel, CPA
of well-qualified investment advisors and personal financial advisors that will ethically share their expertise to help you build your nest egg. Ask your accountant, attorney, your doctor, your friends, even your children for a recommendation. Interview several and choose the one that best fits your ambitions and personal style – most importantly start today!
by John McGee, Destination Caldwell
designs of the Plaza, which includes planning for multiple uses through all 12 months of the year. The firm will be meeting with a “Plaza Steering Committee” before finalizing the design and characteristics of Indian Creek Plaza. The Indian Creek Plaza project is the development of an urban square in the core area of the downtown retail district strategically located adjacent to the recently restored Indian Creek. The development of the project will provide an iconic landmark for the downtown area and the activities in the plaza will have a positive economic impact for the entire community. Designation of the site location was ratified by the City Council with the plaza to be built at the corner of Kimball and Arthur Streets, at the site of the former King’s location.
Come Enjoy Our Beautiful Patio!
2805 Blaine St., Caldwell l 208-459-3308
Kelly Gibbons of “Wish Granters” was recognized as a new member of the Chamber this past month. She is the development coordinator of the organization. According to the Idaho Business Review, Wish Granters grants wishes to adults 18 and older who live in Canyon and Ada counties who have terminal illnesses.
quickly and don’t chase the highs and lows of the markets. The chances of selling at the top and buying at the bottom are incredibly small. By investing a set amount through all the highs and lows and ups and downs you will build a portfolio that has an advantageous dollar cost average and the best chance to meet your long term goals. Finally, don’t try and go it alone. There are a number
17250 Elmcrest Drive, Caldwell
Rick Sweaney 208-880-2395
3 Bdrm, 2 bath, 2 car garage, country community of established homes and acreages in Middleton School District. Open ranch style plan with split bedrooms. Large yard with a 24x36 Shop Building, OH Door is 15’ 9 1/2” wide and x10’ high...........................$184,500
June 2016
“Not Important...but possibly of interest”
Chicken Pot Pie Soup
recipe & photo by Debbie Warfield Makes enough for 6-8 people 1 lb. red diced potatoes (or 4 medium sized red potatoes) 3 cups chopped cooked chicken 1 quart chicken stock 2 cups milk 1 medium onion 1 cup frozen corn 1 cup frozen peas 1 cup diced carrots 1 cup diced celery 3/4 cup diced mushrooms 1/3 cup flour 1/4 cup butter 2 tbsp garlic 1 or 1/2 tsp Italian seasoning 1/2 tsp red pepper flakes or 1/8-1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
In a large pot, melt butter. Add onions, celery, and carrots. Sauté until semi soft. Stir in mushrooms and garlic. Wisk flour into the milk and then stir into pot. Add chicken broth to pot, stir well. Add the chicken, frozen veggies, potatoes, and Italian seasoning. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer until the potatoes are done and broth thickens a little. Stir often, so not to scorch. Editor’s note: This was delicious! You can add salt to taste, but taste it first. The chicken broth has salt in it already. It has a nice little “kick” with the red pepper flakes or cayenne. You can add the pepper “to taste” also, the same with the Italian seasoning. Serve with rolls and a salad and you have a meal!
BOOK REVIEW by Amy Perry, Rubaiyat Such a Pretty Face by Cathy Lamb
Such A Pretty Face has really stuck with me. Orphaned at ten, Stevie Barrett develops an eating disorder that causes an obesity induced heart attack at 35. Stevie chooses gastric bypass surgery as a method to help remove the weight that is killing her, as well as surgery to remove the sagging skin left behind. The story is set around the protagonist’s need to learn to live in her new, slim body. Such a Pretty Face explores the different treatment obese people receive and the role of childhood trauma in the development of eating disorders. In addition, it explores the nature of family and friendship and the roles they play in wounding, healing or holding us in place, for good or ill. I feel that the author successfully weaves the story around multiple problems, with realistic results. This story is not a light read, but it was not hard to read. I would recommend it for most adult and older teen readers. Cathy Lamb, formerly a freelance writer for The Oregonian, is married, has three children and lives in Oregon.
When I was a teenager, I already knew what I wanted to do with my life. I wanted to be either a Formula I racing driver or a folk singer. But I decided I had to be practical. Only a select few ever broke into Formula I racing. On the other hand, just about anybody could be a folk singer. I had an edge when it came to folk singing. My buddy, Butch, had the same dream. More importantly, I didn’t have a guitar and Butch had access to two guitars and a ukulele. So we got together at Butch’s house after school to fine tune our skills. The first obstacle we had to overcome was that neither one of us could play a guitar, but we acquired a Kingston Trio Songbook that included diagrams of where to put your fingers on the strings to produce the required chords. We struggled through renditions of “Tom Dooley” and “Tijuana Jail.” We were somewhat limited because we only knew about four chords and neither of us could sing. Eventually, we decided that
being folk singers would require more work and time than we were willing to invest. Butch changed his focus to girls and I changed mine to trying to get girls to quit telling me they thought of me as a brother. High school ended. I acquired a cheap guitar and used it with the four chords I knew to participate in jam sessions in a shower room at my college dorm. The shower room had interesting acoustics and it was easy to hose away the spilled beer and vomit and at the end of the night, I learned that with enough beer, some people thought I could play a guitar. The beer, the guitar and Pinochle were the major reasons I never finished college. I dropped out of guitar playing about the same time. One day, a half century later, I found myself at a memorial service for Butch. They played a recording he had made for his family. He accompanied himself on a guitar and it was obvious he had learned more than four chords since our folk singing days. Matter of fact he was pretty
Review by Michelle Ross (www.insearchoftheendofthesidewalk.com) Can a house’s history determine his wife dead, an axe lodged in as a literarythe future of its inhabitants? When her head, and their three year old leaning “whoa family-owned dairy is sold off, daughter wandering the house done-it.” piece by piece, leaving a family alone. Of course, Mr. Clare is “Inness with no work and feeling like they the presumed murderer by the painted from have no future, an abusive and small town community, but his m e m o r y , struggling father decides to leave tight alibi keeps the local police which is to say it all behind, forcing his wife to from perusing that line of inquiry. that he didn’t end her life alongside him, leaving Backtracking through Mr. and paint what he saw, but what he three young boys as orphans with Mrs. Clare’s relationship, his work remembered. There’s a difference. a bank-owned farm. Skip ahead history and her devoted religious He believed memory was a lens a bit and a young art history upbringing raises more questions to the soul. It’s not the details that professor, his art-restoration wife for the reader than it answers, but matter - the veins on a leaf, say- so and their little girl buy the farm creates a narrative that is hard to much as the implied detail, such as for a pittance. Mr. Clare is aware put down. the changing light, the wind, the of the house’s history, but his wife Fans of the hugely popular lone peasant in the distance the isn’t, although she suspects it is Gone Girl and The Girl on the sense that something else is going haunted from the beginning and Train will dive into Brundage’s on, some deeper possibility ....” never feels fully at home within its most recent publication, All Things -Elizabeth Brundage, All walls. Cease to Appear. Just released in Things Cease to Appear One late afternoon, Mr. Clare March, this book is topping charts comes home from his position at Make this the local private college to find
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darn good. Shortly after Butch’s p a s s i n g , I started practicing on my guitar several times each week. I have finally reached the point where I have calluses on my finger tips – a very necessary part of playing a guitar. In the past few months my guitar work has gotten better (even my mate says so). I now can play songs that some listeners can often identify – like “The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald,” “Long Black Veil,” and “Take It Easy.” I’m to the point where if I think of a song, I usually can find chords that will work to play it. I’m still just a strummer, not a picker, and there are a lot of chords I haven’t mastered. But it’s good exercise for the mind. Now if I just had a voice compatible with the chords. . . . .any chords.
All Things Cease to Appear by Elizabeth Brundage
summer a chapter to remember!
by Wayne Cornell
Buy One...Get One
1/2 OFF
With purchase of drink. 18% Gratuity will be added to pre-sale price. Not valid with any other offer. Expires 6-30-16
June 1: 7:30 PM Country Swing Lessons June 3: 8 PM, Chicken Dinner Road June 4: 8 PM, Country Gold June 8: 7:30 PM Country Swing Lessons June 10: 8 PM, Shot Glass June 15: 7:30 PM Country Swing Lessons June 22: 7:30 PM Country Swing Lessons June 29: 7:30 PM Country Swing Lessons
“Call today for a FREE estimate!” 208.353.3771 (Call or Text)
Visit our website or facebook for more events!
Advertising question? Call Chantele Hensel, 208-899-6374 to submit a story call or email Leora Summers, editor@caldwellperspective.com, 208-880-8426
June 2016
Keeping Kids Cybersafe! “An Officer’s Letter to Parents”
Thank you, Officer Tony Snider Tony Snider is School Resource Officer #102/ at Lincoln Elementary. Caldwell Police Department cybersafety@caldwellpolice.org
Photo by Leora Summers
I am proud to say that with the Cyber-Safety classes, and because of our combined efforts, the incidents of online harassment by school-aged children in Caldwell have dramatically decreased. I appreciate your continued support as we move forward. Please follow us on the link below for updates and to schedule your presentation. At the Caldwell Police department, we have a presentation for both teens and adults which covers the dangers of social media. We want parent input and participation with this presentation and encourage you to see this presentation WITH your child.
“Oh What a Night!” Go PURPLE!
Oh my, what a night indeed! A crowd of about 800 went to dinner to support C of I athletics held at O’Connor Fieldhouse on April 30th! The price was right and the fever was high! It only helped that Horsewoods and their good reputation provided the dinner. $5,000 of the proceeds will go towards the “Go Purple” movement supporting Yote athletics. The night was designed to enthuse the community and it exceeded all expectations. Mitch Kelly along with his parents (owners of The Bird Stop), made one of his first outings since his successful brain surgery not too long ago. He addressed the crowd thanking them for all their support and prayers during his critical time and for all their help with the fundraiser held in his honor at the Bird Stop on March
Paige Hensel–Super Star! by Leora Summers, Editor
bullying in its definition. Any infraction of this code can cause your child to be cited – with a fine of $72.50.
by Leora Summers, Editor
24th to help with his expenses. There was also rousing entertainment to spice up the night. The Yote men came out in all their glory, pulling out no stops to entertain the crowd. Silent and live auctions occurred pulling in those community dollars. Desserts were sold. This event really brought the community together in a fun way to show their support of our College athletic department for all sports. There was a sea of Go Purple, as purple was the attire of the evening and Talie Elordi (pictured right) wore it well! On May 2nd, during the city council meeting, Mayor Garret Nancolas recognized Matt Strong, Go Purple organizer, and proclaimed April 30th to be “Go Purple Day.”
These finalists were selected from 70 previous contestants who auditioned. Paige (pictured 6th from left) with the other 8 finalists waiting for the verdict!
Little Girl-Big Voice! That’s our Paige! You may have heard her at a C of I football game last fall belting out the Star Spangled Banner for a crowd of 5,000 or at the God and Country Festival doing the same last summer for a crowd of 13,000. She is only 11 years old and she is amazing. On May 13th, Paige competed in “The Valley’s Got Talent” contest on the TVCC campus in Ontario in the Junior division for ages 16 years old and younger against 8 other finalists. She took home the trophy for 1st place. She impressed the judges with her flawless vocal performance of the song Hallelujah. She was told that her voice and performance was mature beyond her years. She won a trip with a parent to Portland to record in a studio there. She is an amazing talent for any vocalist at any age. Good luck Paige and congratulations! She’s on her way now!
Paige can be followed by visting www.paigehensel.com.
We give you a reason to... visit us at collinsdmd.com Photo by Leora Summers
Dear Parents, With summer around the corner, we at the Caldwell Police Department would like for your children to be safe while playing outside and while inside as well. A concern we share with you is the potential for problems while online. We have had several instances of inappropriate online behaviors come to light this school year. Although this is mainly coming from older students, it is a timely reminder that our role as parents is to guide our children in the use of this technology when at home. The majority of issues we see come from the comments and pictures that students post on Facebook. No child under the age of 13 can legally have their own Facebook account. Know the apps your child has access to. Any application, website or game that allows students to converse with others through the computer, or other online device, is one that needs to be carefully monitored. Make sure you know what your children are being exposed to (language, conversation, content and conversation intent), while they are on-line. Your child should NEVER be allowed to have personal technology devices in their rooms at night. This is the time they need to unplug and get the rest they need. We will continue to work to educate and advise all students on the moral and ethical use of technology, but, it takes a team effort to ensure that our children are safe. This lesson must be reinforced continually by all parents to ensure the message is being heard and understood. With “bullying” being a huge problem around the United States, Idaho has a passed a law for student harassment. Code 18-917(a) includes cyber
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June 2016
Caldwell Fire Fighters “Fill the Boot” and more!
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one special family under their wings. They have taken a special interest in Skyers Ruplinger, a Caldwell 8th grade boy with SMA type II (Spinal Muscular Atrophy), and have helped make some adjustments in his home to adapt to his special needs. Skyers, Takoda (his sister), Ladette (his mother) and Stacy Kilbury (his caregiver of 5 years) were treated to a special BBQ at Fire Station #2 on Ustick on May 17th with his Fire Fighter Family. A little about Skyers....Skyers gets sick less often than his mother or his sister which is very uncommon for kids with his SMA type II. Hospitalizations due to inability to recover from colds and other viruses are very common for kids with muscle diseases. When Skyers was about 4 years old, they developed a muscle building program for him. Through his nightly 2 hour workout, he has been able to regain certain levels of strength that he has lost. During this workout, he does 45 minutes of walking in a harness and a suspension device. This is to help keep all of his systemic body functions working well. He still swims independently and this helps keep his lungs healthy. By increasing certain areas in his workouts he has had only one hospitalization at the age of three. Skyers will soon be getting a new wheelchair (through Medicaid and his disability fund) that will assist him into a standing position, which will help him continue with some strengthening exercises during the school day. Skyers’ mother says that he is
Photo by Leora Summers
collected donations of $1.00 at a time through their “Fill the Boot” program annually during 2 days in May. May is Muscular Dystrophy Awareness Month. Their efforts benefit more than 600 families in our area, empowering families with services. The Caldwell Fire Fighters have gone above and beyond the “call of duty” not only with helping raise awareness and funds for MDA, but have taken
Fire Fighters showing their muscles for MDA and Skyers! Front Row L to R: Jose Martinez, Shane Arak, Skyers Ruplinger, Takoda (Skyers’ sister), Corey Worwood, Jamison Nippers, KC Zachary, and Stacy Kilbury (Skyers’ caregiver) Back Row L to R: Joe Toney, Will Gigray, Autumn Hume (MDA Representative), Bud Bryson, and Rustin Hood.
very optimistic and looks at what he can do, instead of what he cannot. He is inspiring to many and that she is very proud of him. The MDA has given essential support and helped her feel like they are not alone on this quest and that there is hope with future research. MDA helped Ladette connect with the firefighters and some of the other sponsors who helped reconstruct Skyers’ adaptive room at home. They also connected her to other very important services. “We just have to keep Skyers healthy until something lifeprolonging, life-sustaining, and maybe even a curative comes along,” said mom Ladette. This a story that gives us insight as to what MDA is all about. Thank you Ladette for telling Skyers’ story and thank you Caldwell Fire Fighters
for supporting Skyers and this worthwhile cause.
Photo by Nikki Zachary
When Caldwell Fire Fighters pick a project they go all out! They put their heart and soul into it and that’s what they have done for the MDA (Muscular Dystrophy Association). During the May 16th City Council Meeting, Autumn Hume of MDA presented Fire Chief Mark Wendelsdorf with a plaque honoring Caldwell Fire Fighters for their continued support for MDA through their “Fill the Boot” efforts. They have
by Leora Summers, Editor
Firefighter Kolby Kerbs thanking those who were filling the boot on May 20th in downtown Caldwell. This year the Fill the Boot campaign raised almost $15,000 in 2 days in Caldwell!
A Letter to my Father
by Julie, Larry Gaukel’s daughter
Dear Dad,
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As we approach another Father’s Day, I wanted to take a few moments to let you know what you mean to me and the impact you have made on my life I have so many happy memories of being with you. So many firsts! I remember the camping trips, going to Porterville with the youth group and jumping off that rock with you, going with you to Exeter to pick up burl wood for those amazing clocks you used to make, giving you rubdowns after work (I think we had to take turns, us kids!) and watching you roll a quarter over just using your belly! I remember that you taught me how to play Frisbee golf at Veterans Park and you taught me how to fish, going up to the Sequoias in that camper and catching all those sunfish in Sonora. I even remember you picking me up from nursery school on a motorcycle, if you can believe that and you picking me up from the train station that one year I came down from Oregon all by myself. And then you took me in as part of the family and made a bedroom out of your den for me. You gave me a home when I didn’t have one. You taught me to work hard for what I wanted, and that is exactly what I did. I am who I am today because of you, because of your guidance and because of your love. You have always made me feel special and a part of your life, even when we are far away from one another. I love you Dad! Dude! Happy Father’s Day (this is the card by the way). Love, Julie
Father Larry’s Note: This is for all the Dads that think that they might not have done the best job ever. They did better than they thought!
WE WANT YOUR NEWS! editor@caldwellperspective.com or call Leora Summers at
CHS VEX Robotics Team Competes in World Competition
Submitted photo
by Nico Yensen, CHS Caldwell Robotics Team Member
CHS Robotics Team, Ares Ballistics, L to R: Sabrina Mooers, Zack Schirado, Chris Lile, Matthew John Murphy Sweet, Dennis Zattiero (Teacher/Advisor), Brylee Spencer and Nico Yensen with their robot, Ares.
Our CHS VEX robotics team recently returned from VEX Worlds (the 2016 Robotics World Championship that is) in Louisville, KY. Our team name is Ares Ballistics and the robot’s name is Ares. Ares was designed to perform in the Vex Robotics Competition. This is an annual challenge that all teams design their robots for to compete against other teams. There are strict rules and constraints on the specifications of the robots, but there is still enough flexibility to have a unique design. The objective of this year’s game was to score more points than the opponent by launching balls into a net. Ares has quite a few spots on the field that he can launch from with high accuracy. He has a few features that are superior to almost every team in the world, including how quickly he can fire the balls, accuracy from across the field, and ball delivery into the ball-launching mechanism. To brag a little bit, Ares is one of 20 or 30 teams in the world that has a
fire rate of 2 balls-a-second from across of the field. On top of that incredible firing rate, our accuracy is around 95%. Ares is also capable of moving around the field and picking balls up efficiently and scoring from one of the spots that he is tuned to shoot from. Back Row L to R: Zack Schirado, Brylee Spencer Ares was built to participate and excel in the World Championship, after winning the Excellence Award at the state championship. Only three of 50 teams in Idaho qualified to go compete at this event. This is a worldwide event (31 countries participate, including 8 from the G20). Worldwide, there are approximately 10,000 teams and only the top 5% of teams (1,000 teams) in the world qualify to go to this. At the championship, my team ended up 44th out of 100. There were 5 divisions at the event. The High School division world champion crown went to a 3-team alliance from Texas, Canada, and China. The event set a new Guinness world record for the largest robot competition of all time. Though we were unable to go on to the playoff bracket, we did better than any Idaho team has done before us. Overall, the experience was one of learning, problem-solving, teamwork, persistence, and most of all, fun. For more fun information, check out the following website: http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/ robotics-students-from-canada-china-puertorico-and-the-united-states-of-america-crownedchampions-at-vex-worlds-2016-300256460.html. Also check out this one: http://www. guinnessworldrecords.com/news/2016/4/roboticstournament-vex-worlds-is-named-largest-in-theworld-after-1-075-teams-ta-426576.
Rotary Awards Scholarships
Photos by Leora Summers
Caldwell Rotary Club awarded 2 Rotary Academic Scholarships of $1,000 each to Nicholas “ N i c o ” Yensen (left) from Caldwell High School and to home-schooled student Jacob Winters (right). Nico plans to attend the U of I and to major in engineering with further plans to specialize that to bio-medical engineering and then to see where that takes him in the future. He is the son of Eric and Teresa Yensen. He is also very involved in the Robotics class at CHS which has recently competed
in the world robotics competition. Jacob plans to attend NNU and to major in computer science with plans to participate in a variety of internships to help him decide which direction he wants to take upon completion of his degree. He is the son of Jamie and Debbie Winters. Jacob has been making small “working” computer programs since the age of 9. He is self-taught and is now ready to
Hayden Fuller, Tech-Trade Scholarship
by Leora Summers, Editor
really dig in and collaborate with classmates at the next level. Hayden Fuller was awarded Rotary’s Technical/Trade Scholarship of $1,000. He is a senior at Parma High School and plans to attend a welding program at ISU in Pocatello. His is the son of Annette Fuller. He is a student leader and a scholar and has been active in FFA activities. His ultimate goal is to get his associate goal is to get his Welder-Filler Advanced Technical Certificate and then to purchase his own service truck and to work as his own boss for multiple companies.
Vision Charter School Competes in World Competition
by Sammy Sameulson
Submitted photo
June 2016
In front of the Gateway Arch in St. Louis, Missouri: Paul Riebe, Patrick Millar, Owen Newton, Jeff Olson, David Snow, Steven Schofield, Ty Collins, Hannah Samuelson and Michael Samuelson.
The First Tech Challenge World Championship was held in St. Louis, Missouri from April 27- 30, 2016. Our team finished 61st in the competition. They were incredibly honored to have the opportunity to be among the best robotics teams in the world! They met teams from Israel, Mexico, Taiwan and Australia just to name a few, not to mention teams from just about every state in the U.S. We not only participated in the World Championship but competed in the FedEx challenge for a chance at big cash prizes! Though we didn’t win any of the prizes, we applied a lot of complicated math to some tricky real-world situations! The team had the opportunity to hear Charlie Bolden, Administrator of NASA, Lt. Gen. Michelle D. Johnson, Superintendent of the Air Force Academy, as well as speakers from the White House and even Will.I.Am from the pop group, the Black Eyed Peas! Our team visited the Innovation Faire where they met with representatives from colleges around the country and businesses like IBM, NASA, FedEx, Rockwell Collins and PTC. They learned a lot and hope to share everything with their community in the coming summer and fall, starting with a robotics camp for kids going into 4th-6th grade. We will begin planning our outreach for the summer and hope to visit community events! For more information about the camp, email: sammy.samuelson@ visioncsd.org.
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“We measure our success by our students’ accomplishments.” – TVCC
June 2016 by Rose Rettig, Washington Principal
Submitted photos
Washington’s Kindness Club & Choir Give Back to Community
On Thursday, May 12th, students from Washington Elementary School’s Kindness Club and Choir shared their joy and giving spirit with residents at Kindred Care Center. Under the direction of Washington Elementary music teacher Debby Wynkoop, students performed several songs for the audience while Kindness Club members gave out handmade Popsicle stick butterflies. It was a simple gesture that brought genuine delight to the residents.
In addition, Kindness Club students planted flowers in a flower box outside of the cafeteria window so that residents could see them as they ate their meals. Kindness Club advisors Heather Mueller and Jalene Gilbert have worked with students in 4th and 5th grades who were nominated by their teachers for participation in this unique club. The goal of Washington’s Kindness Club is to actively involve students in performing good deeds and honoring respect by serving as models for those
behaviors. Students have also taken the time to leave uplifting notes and thank you cards to random students who are demonstrating kindness and respect. The hope is to start a movement among the students to become more aware of how one kind act leads to many, many more. This year’s students have gone above and beyond to create a culture of kindness at Washington Elementary School and in the community of Caldwell!
CHS WELDING-A Different Work of Art! in welding. He says the thing he likes most about welding is “that you’re so focused on what you’re doing that it feels like the world stops spinning for a little bit.” Another thing he likes is that every time you weld, you are learning something new. He’s not sure if he wants to do more schooling for welding after graduating or if he just wants to start working, but he does want to weld. Cody Miyake took welding because he always watched his dad out in the shop and wanted to learn how to do it. He has been in the welding program for 3 years now. He has made 3 custom headache racks, benches and smokers and has worked with many different types of metals through the program. He has entered the SkillsUSA contest and the Rock Mountain Shootout. In Skills his group finished in the top 7. In Rocky Mountain, he took 1st in TIG (Tungsten Inert Gas) welding and top 10 for SMAW (Shielded Metal Arc Welding, commonly referred to as stick welding) and GMAW (Gas Metal Arc Welding, commonly referred to as wire feed welding). He said, “I like taking a bunch of ordinary straight metal and turning it into something that is
Photo by Leora Summers
They look like some really tough guys, but really they are a group of guys from CHS’s Welding Program. Far right photo L to R: Jarrod McIntyre, Cody Miyake, Ilijah Velasquez, Preston Baker, and Ivak Cooper (CHS Welding Instructor) in front of the welding booths where all welding students start out learning the simple type of welds to get the feeling of “stick welding.” Their instructor is Ivak Cooper, who is a Certified Welding Inspector and Certified Welding Educator and CHS is lucky to have him. Technical Trade classes are so important at the high school level, giving kids options to go on to trade occupations and further certifications beyond their high school diploma. Jarrod McIntyre wanted to learn to weld and make a career out of it. He has taken this class since the beginning of his junior year and so far has made a rose and a dustpan, but has helped his dad with many projects around the house such as fenders for a trailer, a stand for their boat motor, a jack for the tongue of the trailer and a fire pit for their back yard. He plans to find a welding job after graduation and to pursue a career
by Leora Summers, Editor
amazing and satisfying. Welding is like an art, working the molten metal puddle into a beautiful bead is an awesome feeling for me. When I am welding, I can’t see what the rest of my weld looks like, but I get into a groove and know that it looks good and I lift my helmet and look and surprise myself on how good it looks. That is what I love about welding.” After graduating, he plans to go to a welding program at either CWI or ISU. Currently he has a gob at MGM Targets running a plasma table. Ilijah Velasques took welding because his older brother was in the program and told him that it was amazing and that he knew that it was a good skill to learn. He has been in the welding program for 2 years. He has made multiple small projects and recently remade 7 benches for the Caldwell
Athletic Department. He recently certified in “spray transfer.” He likes welding because he gets to be “hands on” and take something that is just a drawing on a piece of paper and make it real! He said, “I am constantly learning something new every day and I can constantly push myself to be better and do better.” After high school, he plans to go into one of the services for welding and to pursue a job in welding. Preston Baker is a freshman and has been in welding for one year. He has made a dust pan, a coat rack, and has cut out a silhouette. He plans to continue the program and pursue a career in welding. He likes Mr. Cooper and the “hands on” physical labor of welding. Mr. Cooper teaches three periods of beginning welding, and two, two-period classes of welding
II, III, and IV. The beginning classes have 22-26 students each, and the others have 12 and 15 students, a total of 99 students. According to Mr. Cooper, the equipment ranges from basic to very advanced. Some students come into the beginning classes having never used a hammer, grinder or drill and some come in who have worked and welded with parents or grandparents. Some don’t know how many inches are in a foot, and some are taking geometry or calculus. Through welding, many skills are learned and advanced because they are required to be able to complete a welding project. Kudos to Mr. Ivak Cooper and Caldwell School District for giving students an opportunity to explore a technical trade and to prepare them for a possible occupation for their futures.
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Advertising question? Call Chantele Hensel, 208-899-6374 to submit a story call or email Leora Summers, editor@caldwellperspective.com, 208-880-8426
To place a classified ad please call 208-899-6374 or email chantele.hensel@caldwellperspective.com
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ESTATE SALE Time Capsule Estate Sale!
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June 2016
Caldwell Fine Arts 2016-2017 Season Inspiring Audiences Through Live Performances
For tickets: caldwellfinearts.org or 459-5275, 2112 Cleveland Blvd., Caldwell, Idaho 83605
Order online! www.caldwellfinearts.org
September 30, 2016 Mystical Arts of Tibet Experience the beauty of a Mandala Sand Painting and enjoy a concert with dance and music from Tibet during this week-long residency of 11 Buddhist monks in Caldwell.
October 14-15, 2016 Molly in the Mineshaft Bluegrass group Molly in the Mineshaft will wow audiences with their upbeat take on traditional favorites from around the world. They’ll also present a special-need/sensory-friendly concert.
November 3, 2016 Horszowski Trio This piano, violin, and cello trio will allow audiences to experience the beauty of world-reowned classics through the ages as well as new compositions.
December 6-7, 2016 Nutcracker Ballet & Nutcracker Jr.
January 27-28, 2017 Missoula Children’s Theatre: Treasure Island Local children shine in this classic adaptation of a fairy tale. Kids audition on Monday and are ready to perform by Friday!
February 14, 2017 Dinner and a Movie: Roman Holiday Come experience a “Night in Italy” with a catered dinner and Audrey Hepburn classic film, Roman Holiday. Perfect for Valentines Day!
March 4, 2017 Rachel Barton Pine with Boise Baroque Chamber Orchestra Internationally-acclaimed violinist will showcase the enthusiastic style she is famous for, backpacked by Boise Baroque Chamber Orchestra.
March 31, 2017 The Young Irelanders
A family favorite! This heart-warming tale of friendship and adventure is standard holiday fare for many area families. The Nutcracker Jr. has all the wonder of the Nutcracker...in smaller shell.
This young, vibrant group of musicians and dancers will showcase the arts of Ireland in a fast, vibrant show the entire family will love!
December 6-7, 2016 Clara’s Tea Party
April 28, 2017 Women of the World
Grab your tiaras and tutus! This is the party of the year with a red-carpet entrance, treats, crafts and visits by the dancers!
January 14, 2017 An Evening with C.S. Lewis This one-act play explores the life of C.S. Lewis as he reflects on his books, his philosophy, his friendships, and the love that found him in his golden years.
Mentored by Bobbie McFerrin, these four women from Italy, Japan, Haiti, and India blend their voices in over 29 languages in a cappella arrangements from across the globe.
May 12, 2017 Four Jazz rules with these four stellar saxophone players. They’ll play jazz favorites along with custom compositions, perfect for this unique sax ensemble.
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Concert Connections
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Order tickets on Need a ride? Call 459-0063 your smart phone! CCOA will provide transportation to our events. A wheelchair-accessible van will pick you up and return you safely home after the concert. No fares are charged, but contributions are welcome. Call 3 days prior to any event.