Caldwell Journal 09 22 2016

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Caldwell Serving Caldwell County North Carolina

Volume 2, Issue 51 Free

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Fall arrives officially on Thursday, September 22 at 10:21am Fort Defiance 10th Annual Oyster Roast 4 Lenoir Emergency Outreach Shelter Needs 4 “Googlefest” Returns to Caldwell County, Oct. 7

“Movies with Mike” 18


Thursday, September 22, 2016

Caldwell Journal Info

“Published each Thursday by the Caldwell Journal” Established October 2, 2014 Volume 2, Issue 51

Advertising Rates:

1/12 Page Ad - $30.00 for 4 weeks (1.275” high x 3.225” wide) 1/6 Page Ad - $45.00 for 4 weeks (2.55” high x 3.225” wide) 1/2 Page Ad - $65.00 for 4 weeks (7.65” high x 3.225” wide) Full Page Ad - $95.00 for 4 weeks (7.65” high x 6.45” wide)

Contact Us: 828.493.4798 The content of the articles or the advertisements does not necessarily represent the opinions of anyone affiliated with the Caldwell Journal. The Caldwell Journal is a non-discriminatory paper. Our Deadline Is On Friday At 5pm For Next Week's Paper

Caldwell Journal Weather Periods of sun with a t-storm. High 80 Low 63 Precipitation: 0.57 in. High 84 Low 61 Precipitation: 0.04 in. High 90 Low 61 Precipitation: 0.00 in. Not as warm with a shower High 79 Low 57 Precipitation: 0.05 in. High 75 Low 60 Precipitation: 0.05 in. A t-storm possible. High 77 Low 52 Precipitation: 0.00 in. High 78 Low 56 Precipitation: 0.00 in.

Get Moving Day LENOIR, NC (September 15, 2016)…Caldwell County Health Department is hosting a countywide “Get Moving Day” event on September 29th which promotes setting aside 30 minutes for physical activity and movement amongst all age groups. Movement can be walking, playing a sport, swimming, gymnastics, stretches, weight exercises, and much more. The goal of this day is to raise awareness about the importance of exercise and to encourage community participation. Exercise has a wide range of benefits and is necessary for physical fitness and good health. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends that young people aged 6–17 years participate in at least 60 minutes of physical activity daily. According to the American Heart Association, physical activity helps with: *controlling weight *reducing blood pressure *raising HDL ("good") cholesterol *reducing the risk of diabetes and some kinds of cancer *improved psychological well-being, including gaining more self-confidence and higher selfesteem. Other benefits include increased relaxation, better sleep and mood, strong immune function, stress relief, and more.

We encourage everyone in the community to participate in “Get Moving Day” by doing some type of exercise for at least 30 minutes. Whether it’s a relaxing walk, a yoga class, working out at the gym, doing chores around the house, participating in sports, or another activity, make it your goal to set aside the time on “Getting Moving Day” and try to make it part of your daily routine! If you have any questions regarding Get Moving Day, please contact Anna Martin, Health Promotion Supervisor at 426-8506.

Thursday, September 22, 2016


Caldwell Hospice Seeks Companions for the Journey LENOIR, NC (September 20, 2016)…Are you looking for an opportunity to make a difference? Do you have the compassionate spirit needed to be a companion for someone’s journey? Caldwell Hospice and Palliative Care is hosting a two-day training session in October for adults who are interested in becoming hospice volunteers. This training will be held Tuesday, October 4, and Thursday, October 6, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Meeting Room A at the McCreary Family Professional Center located at the Robbins Center, 526 Pine Mountain Road, Hudson.

Mon thru Sat 10am to 5pm Sun 1pm to 5pm Located just north of McDonalds in Granite Falls & across from the State Employees Credit Union on 321.

4535 Lower Cedar Valley Road • Hudson, NC

An array of topics will be covered to help prepare attendees to become successful volunteers. Participants will learn about the strong community history and commitment of Caldwell Hospice, the physical, spiritual, and psychosocial issues hospice patients face, and much more from Caldwell Hospice’s staff of end-of-life care experts.

Instead of a recipe this week we want to help Yolkfellow of Caldwell Currently, there is a need for volunteers to provide County get the word out about their companionship to patients in the patient’s homes urgent need for their Food Pantry. or long-term-care facilities. Other specific needs include volunteers who can provide transportation to doctors’ appointments and shopping excursions for patients, etc., and those who can edit videotaped Legacy Project interviews with patients using Windows Live Movie Maker® or similar software.

Attendance is required at each session and meals will be provided. For more information or to register for the October 2016 adult volunteer training opportunity, contact Volunteer Coordinator Brittany Bonn at 828.754.0101 or Miller Hill Baptist Church w ill host Nor a Brooks of Nora Brooks Historical Presentations on November 20 at 6pm. She has been presenting historical dramas since 1996 and does an outstanding job weaving history, biography and personal character together into a spellbinding performance. At Miller Hill she will be presenting the recently added character of Lottie Moon. More information will be forthcoming.

Urgent need for Food Pantry: Toiletries - deodorant, toilet tissue, bar soap; and, Thrift Store - pots and sauce pans, cooking utensils and can openers. The toiletries of course are self-explanatory. The Thrift Store list is for our household necessities boxes that we keep packed and ready to give to families who are either in a transition stage, just starting out, or recovering from a disaster and starting all over again! Clean out your kitchen cabinets and drawers!

Yokefellow of Caldwell County

1602 Harper Ave SW Lenoir, NC (828) 754-7088

Thursday, September 22, 2016


Fort Defiance 10th Annual Oyster Roast set LENOIR, NC (September 20, 2016)…Saturday, October 8th is the date for the annual Oyster Roast to benefit historic Fort Defiance, the home of General William Lenoir. “This is always a favorite event in the county,” says Matt Underwood, President of the Board of Directors. “There is something magical about dinner on the grounds of the Fort this time of year and the food is always amazing.” Ticket pricing is tiered to just what you want. The $50 Choice ticket is what most people get and it guarantees you will get a fried flounder fish plate with hush puppies, onion rings, French fries and coleslaw. Plus you’ll be served a heaping helping of Brunswick stew from the cast iron pot over the cook fire. You’ll also get a homemade dessert, 2 drink tickets (beer & wine included) and a bucket of perfectly steamed oysters (approx. 2 dozen). Not an oyster fan? Then we have a $25 basic ticket. With this you will get a fried flounder fish plate with hush puppies, onion rings, French fries and coleslaw. Plus you’ll be served a heaping helping of Brunswick stew from the cast iron pot over the cook fire. Also included is a homemade dessert and 1 drink ticket (beer & wine included). No oysters on this one. If you are one of those folks who can eat your weight in oysters consider the $100 VIP ticket which gets you the fried flounder fish plates with all the trimmings, plus the Brunswick stew, dessert, along with unlimited oysters and drinks. You will also have reserved seating in the new VIP section near the stage. If you purchase at least 8 tickets you can reserve a table for an additional $50. This must be purchased in advance. Seating is limited. Matt also shared with us a new event this year. “Something special we are doing this year is our “Virtual Toast”. If you can’t attend the event this year we would still love for you to support us and to join us in spirit. For a donation of any amount we will shout out a toast to the attendees acknowledging your support of the Fort.” Remember all donations are fully tax deductible as allowed by law. Live entertainment again this year is with Holden Bare, a crowd favorite, and a special appearance by our 18th century musicians. Local breweries; Howard’s Brewing, Loes Brewing, Blowing Rock Brewing and Granite Falls Brewing will be providing some great local craft brews again this year. We’ll also have the General’s ale provided by Howard Brewing and brewed from our own General’s 1795 recipe. If you are still concerned about which ticket to get or would rather not order them online let me know and I can help answer any questions. Matt 828-292- 0912 or or you can call the fort at 828-758-1671. You may also purchase tickets on line at

This event is Saturday, October 8th from 6-9 pm. Fort Defiance is located at 1792 Fort Defiance Drive off NC Highway 268 west of Lenoir.

Lenoir Emergency Outreach Shelter Needs Volunteers LENOIR, NC (September 19, 2016)…Caldwell County Yokefellow invites individuals over the age of 18 to attend a LEOS Volunteer Training on Saturday, September 24th from 10:00am until 12:00pm at LEOS on West Avenue in downtown Lenoir. Volunteers will learn about the philosophy and ministry of Yokefellow and Lenoir Emergency Outreach Shelter; the background of LEOS and how it differs from many other emergency shelters; shelter resident dynamics; shelter policies and procedures; and the important role of volunteers at LEOS. LEOS will furnish coffee, juice and snacks. For more information or to register for this training contact Shelter Coordinator Barbara Oswald at (828) 726-3634 or

Thursday, September 22, 2016

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Hydrocephalus in Caldwell County CALDWELL COUNTY, NC (September 19, 2016)…Lucas Garland and Elizabeth Norris pictured at the 4th Annual Greater Charlotte Hydrocephalus Walk. Both Lucas and Elizabeth are residents of Caldwell County and live everyday with the condition Hydrocephalus. 1 in 500 people have this condition that causes an accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles. The only treatment is brain surgery. Combined Lucas and Elizabeth have had 11 brain surgeries. Both have a shunt that was developed in the 1950’s. Families of Lucas and Elizabeth joined with hundreds of people on Saturday, September 17th to walk for a cure and raise awareness for hydrocephalus. Visit to learn more about Hydrocephalus. Info and photo courtesy of Elizabeth Norris. Mountain Grove Baptist Church h as a Food Pantr y and they hand out groceries on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of January – October, and the 2nd and 3rd Tuesdays of November and December. If anyone is interested in helping distribute the food or you have questions about this ministry contact Larry Puett, Facility and Food Pantry Coordinator, at 828-728-9557 or 828-3812329 or email


Thursday, September 22, 2016

We Fill Propane Tanks

ORCA Coolers “Made in the USA”

Sawmills Hardware Customer Appreciation Day October 14

New Life Baptist Church located at 2111 Walt Arney Rd, Lenoir will have revival services October 8-12. For more information, call 728-1473. Saturday, October 8 @7pm – Dr. Steve Parker Sunday, October 9 @ 11am – Shellem Cline (music service) Sunday, October 9 @ 6pm – Dr. Steve Parker Monday, October 10 @ 7pm – Dr. Steve Parker Tuesday & Wednesday, October 11-12 @ 7pm – Rev. Keith Rose

Fox Upholstery Services

“Custom Upholstery At It’s Finest” Re-Upholstery, Custom Upholstery, Furniture Repair, Custom Furniture, Ottomans, Custom Headboards, Throw Pillows Free Estimates Pick Up & Delivery Available 3 Dudley Avenue Granite Falls, NC 28630

(on the corner of Dudley Alley & Dudley Shoals Road)

Bruce Fox 828.320.4196

Thursday, September 22, 2016


“Googlefest” Returns to Caldwell County, Oct. 24-25 LENOIR, NC (September 20, 2016)…Caldwell County’s educators, nonprofits, small businesses, are once again invited to attend Googlefest — a free series of seminars designed to increase their digital literacy and introduce new innovations relevant to their areas of interest. Free Series of Hands-On Seminars for Educators, Nonprofits and Small Businesses Returns to the J.E. Broyhill Civic Center…

In 2014, Googlefest received overwhelming response and welcomed a capacity crowd to the J.E. Broyhill Civic Center. Attendees are encouraged to sign up early in the registration process. On both days, Google experts will demonstrate and answer questions, all in one place and at one time, with an emphasis on hands-on participation.

Each day is designed for different audiences: • Monday, Oct. 24 – Seminars designed for educators • Tuesday, Oct. 25 – Seminars designed for nonprofits and small businesses

We Buy, Sell & Trade Tues thru Fri 9 to 5 Sat 9 to 1

YESTERYEARS Antiques & Collectibles

538 Central Street, Hudson, NC 28638


Step Back In Time… Come Visit YESTERYEARS!!! 1000’s Of Items

More details on specific speakers and programming will be announced closer to the date. To register and learn more, please visit: The second biannual Googlefest continues Google’s commitment to the Caldwell County community. Google’s data center in Lenoir represents a more than $1.2 billion investment that plays an important role for the company. Googlefest is made available through a collaboration with CCC&TI. DETAILS: • WHAT: Second biannual Googlefest • WHEN: Oct. 24-25, 2016 • WHERE: J.E. Broyhill Civic Center • COST: FREE • REGISTRATION:

First Baptist Church 8 Crestview St, Granite Falls

Open Monday - Friday - 7:00 A.M. - 10:00 A.M. Serving Coffee and Coffee House Beverages Begin the day with a hot or cold beverage and a Word from the Master

Thursday, September 22, 2016


Dr. Herb Says‌.Stay healthy with nature Insomnia It is estimated that over 30% of the population (or 100 million) Americans suffer from insomnia. There are three types of insomnia, 1) sleep onset insomnia or difficulty falling asleep, 2) maintenance insomnia, which is frequent awakening and 3) early-morning-awakening insomnia. Insomnia is a SYMPTOM which could have many causes, such as, anxiety, tension, stress, environmental disruptions, caffeine, depression, hypoglycemia, and lack of production of melatonin. Psychological factors account for 50% of insomnia cases evaluated in sleep labs. CAUSES Intolerance to certain foods, excessive eating, caffeine, drugs or medicines, and alcohol can adversely affect sleep. Even a few cups of coffee in the morning can interfere with the quantity and quality of sleep at night. Over-the-counter medications such as cold and cough preparations that contain caffeine, or caffeine-related substances can also increase sleep disorders. Drugs that can lead to insomnia include thyroid preparations, oral contraceptives, beta-blockers, and marijuana. Heavy drinking can reduce total sleep time. Unsuspected food tolerance or food allergies can play a role in sleep disorders. The most common foods that people are sensitive to are dairy products, wheat, corn and chocolate. Symptoms may include tension, jitteriness, restlessness and inattentiveness by day and insomnia by night. Fatigue is one of the first symptoms of food intolerance. Fatigue is usually most noticeable upon rising in the morning, especially in children. Some people with food intolerance are often irritable in the morning and need a nap in the afternoon and may suffer from insomnia at night.

Although anxiety and depression can cause insomnia, usually this is short-term and the insomnia will disappear when the situation changes. Severe long term cases of insomnia are not due solely to emotional factors. If it is the result of a biochemical problem, it must be addressed. Physiological factors can have a very significant effect on sleep and sleep patterns. High nighttime levels of cortisone, secreted by the adrenal glands can disturb sleep. Stomach and bladder problems and restless leg movement syndrome, and reduced levels of melatonin can interfere with sleep. CONVENTIONAL TREATMENTS Four to six million Americans take prescription sleeping pills. Unfortunately, medications often mask the root cause of insomnia and lead to even more dangerous health risks and dependencies. Sleeping pills may work initially, but generally lose their effectiveness after a few weeks. The common class of Benzodiazepine prescription sleeping pills can cause many side effects. Examples are tolerance, dependence, withdrawal symptoms, a hangover effect, alteration of the memory process, and they can potentiate the effects of alcohol. Most importantly these drugs can lead to rebound insomnia. The insomnia can become worse after discontinuation than it was before taking the drug. ALTERNATIVE TREATMENT Alternative approaches to insomnia are diet alteration, nutritional supplements including herbs and behavioral treatments. Continued on page 10... Sun 7 to 6 M-T 7 to 6

Natural Food Store

(828) 322-5316 1920 Highway 70 Southwest Hickory, North Carolina 28602

Fri 7 to 5 Sat closed


Thursday, September 22, 2016

Dr. Herb Says….stay healthy with nature Insomnia It is essential to rule out food intolerance as the cause. Allergy rotation diets are one way to detect this. In one study on infants, removing cow’s milk from their diets eliminated sleeplessness. When milk was reintroduced, the sleeplessness recurred. Avoid consuming alcohol, caffeine, sugar, tobacco, cheese, chocolate, sauerkraut, wine, pork products, eggplant, potatoes, spinach, and tomatoes at bedtime. These contain tyramine, which increases the release of norepinephrine, a brain chemical stimulant. Foods that contain tryptophan promote sleep. These are ideal to eat at bedtime, turkey, bananas, figs, dates, yogurt, wholegrain crackers, grapefruit and nut butters. A protein rich snack at bedtime may help. NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS Perhaps the most exciting and most publicized supplement to affect insomnia is melatonin. It is a hormone secreted by the pineal gland. The pineal gland is located in the mid-brain directly behind the eyes. It resembles the shape of a pine cone and is about 5 to 8 millimeters long, which is about the size of a pea. The physiology of the pineal gland is still somewhat obscure. It is an endocrine gland, which is a system of glands that affect the body’s activities by releasing chemical messengers called hormones, into the blood stream. One of the hormones released by the pineal gland is melatonin. Melatonin’s function is to play a role in the circadian rhythm of the body. Circadian rhythm is simply the day/night cycle or sleep/wake pattern of our body. The pineal bland regulates the circadian rhythm of sleep/wake cycle by producing melatonin at night in response to dark and serotonin during the day in response to daylight. Melatonin levels usually peak about 2 a.m. and decreases until daylight. At daybreak the melatonin drops off and serotonin increases. Melatonin governs about 100 other natural rhythms of the body, including body temperature, stress response and hormone levels. It is during sleep that the body renews and repairs itself, preparing us for our wakeful, more productive hours. Lack of sleep, or lack of deep sleep, can cascade us into a myriad of health disorders. If our melatonin peak is disrupted by aging, stress, jet-lag, or other reasons, many mental and physiological functions are adversely affected. The ability to think clearly, remember key facts, and make sound decisions can be hampered by these upsets in the biological clock. Unfortunately at one time or another, most individuals experience a poor night’s sleep. The problem is that as we grow older we produce less melatonin. In fact, elderly people may only produce ½ the amount of melatonin as young adults produce. Supplemental melatonin pills are under investigation as treatment for many conditions including jetlag, Seasonal Affective Disorder (which is depression in the winter), depression, cancer and insomnia. Supplemental melatonin has been shown in studies to lessen the amount of time it takes people to fall asleep and decrease the amount of times the test subjects woke up during the night. It appears to improve every aspect of sleep. Subjects on melatonin slept longer. Melatonin appears to work by resetting the body’s circadian rhythm or sleep/wake cycle. Most importantly test subjects woke up feeling refreshed not groggy. There appears to be no side effects since melatonin is a substance natural to the body. Continued on page 11... Sun 7 to 6 M-T 7 to 6

Natural Food Store

(828) 322-5316 1920 Highway 70 Southwest Hickory, North Carolina 28602

Fri 7 to 5 Sat closed

Thursday, September 22, 2016


Dr. Herb Says….stay healthy with nature Insomnia In all cases, research suggests that melatonin should be taken at night before midnight. Timing is crucial for the most effective use of melatonin. Timing and dosages may vary widely from person to person. Most people start by taking 3mg at bedtime and adjusting their dose from there. If you sleep well but are drowsy in the morning you may want to cut back the dose. If 3mg has little or no effect many people increase the dose by 3mg under your health care professional’s suggestion. Some researchers say that it may take time for the melatonin to build up in the system. Some people find they do best by taking melatonin right before bed. Others find they must take melatonin 1 or even 2 hours before retiring. Each person will have to find out what works best for them. Do not take it in the morning or during the day unless you must sleep during the day. Dr. Lee Cowden, M.D., of Dallas, TX has had excellent success using melatonin in treating insomnia. He suggests taking melatonin nightly, between 10:00 pm and midnight, for one to two weeks to reset the biological clock, then every other night for several months to normalize sleep habits. Dr. Cowden reports that one of his patients suffered from insomnia for 10 years, only sleeping three hours a night. He had been to many sleep disorders centers, dozens of sleep specialists, and had used practically every prescription drug for insomnia, without any results. Dr. Cowden took the man off sugar, caffeine, told him to sleep in a totally dark room, and to remove all electrical devices such as clocks, radios, and televisions from his night stands. He used melatonin as suggested by Dr. Cowden along with vitamin C and omega 3 oils. After a few days, he was sleeping seven to eight hours a night, and after two months he said he was sleeping like he had slept as a child. People on rotating shifts should take melatonin before they want to go to sleep. It has been found to regulate the biological clock and get the sleep cycle back to normal. You should not feel out of sorts for days as you try to get adjusted to the shift change because melatonin should help alleviate the trouble people normally have adjusting. Taking melatonin may eliminate jet-lag by readjusting the circadian rhythm or sleep/wake cycle. Changing time zones desynchronizes your cycle. Anyone who is planning on traveling especially from east to west may want to take melatonin for several days after arrival to regulate the body’s clock. Melatonin also appears to eliminate the fatigue and other symptoms of jet-lag. The reason scientists are looking at using melatonin for depression is because tests show that one symptom of severe depression and Seasonal Affective Disorder is low melatonin levels in the body and abnormal sleep/wake cycles. Melatonin appears to inhibit tumor growth. Many studies have shown that melatonin enhances the ability of experimental animals to withstand stress by enhancing and maintaining immune function. The immune system is our defense mechanism for fighting off diseases. Recent studies have shown that Alzheimer’s patients have reduced levels of melatonin. Sleep/wake cycles of these people are often disrupted. It will be interesting to see if restoring melatonin levels will offer any other quality of life improvement as well as helping them sleep. Continued on page 11... Sun 7 to 6 M-T 7 to 6

Natural Food Store

(828) 322-5316 1920 Highway 70 Southwest Hickory, North Carolina 28602

Fri 7 to 5 Sat closed

Thursday, September 22, 2016


Dr. Herb Says….stay healthy with nature Insomnia A POW reported that melatonin relieved his night flashbacks of Vietnam. He had tried everything for the flashbacks. He had even become addicted to Valium. The man would wake up several times at night with the flashbacks. After using melatonin he reported that he did not have the flashbacks. Even when he did wake up during the night, he was without flashbacks. Melatonin extended the life span of lab animals. Swedish researchers found that melatonin not only prolonged the life span but exerted an extraordinarily positive action on their performance and reversed or delayed the symptoms of age-related debility, disease, and cosmetic decline in a dramatic fashion. Melatonin should not be used by children or premenopausal women with PMS related depression. Women in childbearing years should not take it continuously. It appears to be safe for those 40 and older on an ongoing basis for insomnia, improved immune function and to slow the aging process. Other supplements know to aid in sleep are: Niacin amide (Vitam in B3) Taking o ne gr am (1000 m illigram s) at bedtim e m ay be h elpful fo r th o se w h o w ake up and are unable to get back to sleep. Spirulina, Chlorella, Blue or Green algae. Th ese o r oth er sim ilar pro ducts ar e a natur al so ur ce of trypto ph an. Calcium and Magnesium. Taking th ese supplem ents can also h ave a r elaxing, sedative effect. Th e bo dy tends to lose calcium at night so it would be wise to take it at night even if insomnia is not a problem. Some experts believe that a deficiency of calcium and magnesium may cause people to wake up during the night and not be able to go back to sleep. B Vitamins. Th e B ’s are known to have a sedative effect on the nerves, and taking 50- 100 milligrams daily can help prevent insomnia. Chromium. Supplem ental chr o m ium is effective fo r inso m nia caused by low bloo d sugar. Natural Hormone Therapy. M any w o m en w ith sleep distur bances r elated to PM S and m eno pausal sym ptom s can be helped with natural progesterone. Natural progesterone restores hormonal balance and has a calming effect. Estrogen on the other hand causes brain cells to swell leading to irritability and sleep disturbances. Herbs. Cer tain h er bs h ave lo ng been know n to induce a peaceful and r estful sleep such as ch am o m ile, skullcap, passionflower, hops, and valerian. The herb Valerian Root, has been used for hundreds of years as a sleep aid. Studies have shown Valerian to be as effective as small doses of barbiturate or benzodiazepines without the groggy feeling the next day. Studies have found valerian to be very beneficial for irregular or poor sleepers and for people with difficulty falling asleep. Herbs should be taken about forty-five minutes before bedtime. An herb bath can also be effective. Fill a muslin bag with chamomile, linden flowers, or lavender and hang it from the faucet so the hot water can run through it. Exercise, except at bedtime, has been shown to improve sleep quality.

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Sun 7 to 6 M-T 7 to 6

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(828) 322-5316 1920 Highway 70 Southwest Hickory, North Carolina 28602

Fri 7 to 5 Sat closed


Thursday, September 22, 2016

The Good Word from the Bible

Let’s help the Caldwell Pregnancy Care Center…

The Caldwell Pregnancy Care Center is very low on diapers (all sizes). Moms are coming in ...a weekly each week for lessons to earn diapers and othInspirational Message er items they are in need of for their babies. for today’s life-styles... The Caldwell Pregnancy Care Center is praying the Lord will provide. Can you help? Matthew 26:45 “Behold, the hour is at Thank you so much! hand, and the Son of Man is betrayed into the Larry Huffman, owner of the Granite Drug hands of sinners.” Center, has graciously offered to be a drop off location for those of you that would like to doJesus had opportunity to escape, but He re- nate diapers to the Caldwell Pregnancy Care mained calm and self-possessed. The mob Center. We will try to find other drop off locastarted up. The Roman soldiers, the priests tions in Hudson and Lenoir that will be more and Judas gathered about Jesus. Jesus asked convenient for those of you living in those arethem, “Whom seek ye?” They answered, as. “Jesus of Nazareth!” Jesus replied, “I am He.” About the Caldwell Pregnancy Care A divine light illuminated from Jesus and the Center...The center opened in Nov em murderous mom staggered back. Priests, el- ber 1990. All of their services are free of ders, soldiers, and even Judas fell as dead charge. They use the Earn While You Learn men to the ground. They were afraid that Je- parenting curriculum and their clients earn sus would escape. Jesus came to give His life vouchers to exchange for baby items in their a ransom for our sins: He was not going to Hope's Closet. Clients may elect to do Bible run away from it. He had already told the Fa- studies to earn vouchers. They have limited ther, “Nevertheless, not my will, but your will opportunities for ultrasound off-site. They are concerned about every aspect for their clients' be done.” They tied the hands of Jesus and lives - emotional, physical and spiritual. They secured Him so He would not escape. Peter conduct all appointments on a one-on-one badrew a sword and cut one of the servant’s ears sis. On the first Thursday of the month our off. Jesus slipped His hand out of the tight, clients are invited to attend a large group strong cords that they had Him bound with: meeting where experts in the community preTouched the man’s ear, healed it, and put His sent programs of interest to their moms. Fahand back into the tight cords. You would thers of their babies can be invited by their think that after they fell to the ground from clients to attend parenting appointments and the brightness; and after He removed His they can earn "Daddy Bucks" to be used for hand from the cords, and healed the man’s baby items. They also have a selection of maternity clothes for our clients. ear, that they would conclude, “Jesus is not just an ordinary human, maybe we had better Caldwell Pregnancy Care Center 301 Connelly Springs Road leave Him alone.” PO Box 1561 By Dr. Herb Cole Lenoir, NC 28645 Of The Natural Food Store 828-757-9555

Thursday, September 22, 2016



Thursday, September 22, 2016

AG Cooper demands answers from gas station, wholesaler on price gouging RALEIGH, NC (September 19, 2016)…Attorney General Roy Cooper issued subpoenas Monday to a gas station and a gas wholesaler that allegedly price gouged consumers. Cooper’s office subpoenas wholesaler and gas station in Guilford County… “A crisis is the wrong time to try to make a fast buck off of consumers,” Cooper said. “Families and businesses across our state are being squeezed by this sudden gas crunch and they deserve fair prices.” Cooper’s Consumer Protection Division issued the subpoenas today after getting approximately 600 reports of possible price gouging from consumers across North Carolina since Friday.

The subpoenas went to one gas station in Guilford County and one gas wholesaler, also in Guilford County. The gas station allegedly charged consumers as much as $4.50 a gallon for gas. The subpoenas require the recipients to provide documentation to the Attorney General’s Office including information on their costs. Cooper expects to subpoena more gas stations later this week. Report possible gas price gouging to the Attorney General’s Office by filing a consumer complaint at or calling 1-877-5-NO-SCAM toll-free within North Carolina. “My office will take swift legal action if our investigation shows that any retailer, distributor or wholesaler has broken the law by price gouging,” Cooper said. Price gouging—or charging unreasonably excessive prices in times of crisis—violates North Carolina General Statute 75-38, when a disaster, an emergency or an abnormal market disruption for critical goods and services is declared or proclaimed by the Governor. Continued on page 15...

Thursday, September 22, 2016

AG Cooper demands answers from gas station, wholesaler on price gouging Continued from page 14…

On Friday, September 16, North Carolina’s law against price gouging was triggered by the declaration of an abnormal market disruption due to a gas pipeline leak in Alabama. Under the law, there is no set price or percentage increase that must be charged to be considered price gouging. The law applies to all levels of the supply chain from the manufacturer to the distributor to the retailer. Learn more about the price gouging law, what to report, and how the Attorney General investigates allegations at “People are letting us know about unreasonable gas prices and we’re following up on their reports,” Cooper said. “I encourage consumers to conserve gas when possible and shop around for the best price when they need to fill up.”

Caldwell Hospice Good Grief Meal To Be Held October 6 LENOIR, NC (September 20, 2016)...Caldwell Hospice and Palliative Care will hold its next monthly Good Grief Meal at 3 pm, Thursday, October 6, at Captain’s Galley Seafood, 4345 Hickory Blvd., Granite Falls, NC. The informal time of food and fellowship is open to anyone who is experiencing grief and loss. The meal is dutch treat. The Good Grief Meal is sponsored through Ashewood Grief and Counseling Services, bereavement care of Caldwell Hospice, and is one of many opportunities offered to help individuals of all ages and families cope with the loss of people they love. Because of the generous support of our community and the belief that bereavement services improve quality of life, Caldwell Hospice offers community bereavement services to anyone who needs our help in coping with grief. For more information about the upcoming Good Grief Meal or other bereavement services, call 828.754.0101, or visit or facebook.



Thursday, September 22, 2016

Music at

Your Fingertips!


Leap of Faith Christian Book Store

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No need to order and wait for accompaniment tracks. Use the My Media Burn Bar kiosk to select, listen and burn the track in the store while you shop.

Customize your own CD by selecting songs from different soundtracks. Visit the store or call 828-758-0777 for more information. Leap of Faith Christian Books and Gifts 2025-A3 Morganton Blvd. Lenoir, NC 28645 828-758-0777

Thursday, September 22, 2016


Upcoming Revival At Clover Baptist Church

If you see us, don’t think about insurance. But if you think about insurance, see us!

GRANITE FALLS, NC (September 20, 2016)…The pastor and congregation of Clover Baptist Church are praying, planning, and preparing for revival. Jeff Spry, Senior Pastor of Western Avenue Baptist Church in Statesville, N.C. will be bringing the messages from God’s Word for the revival meeting. Service times will be Sunday, morning October 2, at 11 AM and Sunday through Wednesday evenings, October 2 – 5 at 7 PM. The church choir will be featured along with special music throughout the week. The need for revival is great and the pastor shares the belief that returning to God is the only hope for our nation to survive. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to support this revival effort both in prayer and in attending the meeting. Clover Baptist Church is located at 100 Pinewood Road in Granite Falls, just one mile off of Highway 321 between Hickory and Lenoir. For additional information, please contact the church office at 828 396 2417 between 8 AM and 2:30 PM Monday – Thursday or visit the church website at

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Caldwell Hospice Good Grief Meal To Be Held October 6th LENOIR, NC (September 20, 2016)…Caldwell Hospice and Palliative Care will hold its next monthly Good Grief Meal at 3 pm, Thursday, October 6, at Captain’s Galley Seafood, 4345 Hickory Blvd., Granite Falls, NC. The informal time of food and fellowship is open to anyone who is experiencing grief and loss. The meal is dutch treat. The Good Grief Meal is sponsored through Ashewood Grief and Counseling Services, bereavement care of Caldwell Hospice, and is one of many opportunities offered to help individuals of all ages and families cope with the loss of people they love. Because of the generous support of our community and the belief that bereavement services improve quality of life, Caldwell Hospice offers community bereavement services to anyone who needs our help in coping with grief. For more information about the upcoming Good Grief Meal or other bereavement services, call 828.754.0101, or visit or facebook.

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Mackie Funeral Home “Where our focus is on Serving Families, not Selling Funerals ” Family Owned & Operated 35 Duke Street Granite Falls, NC



Thursday, September 22, 2016

“Movies with Mike” Home, Hearth, and Film…by Mike Holsclaw I went to see the mater and pater during the holiday weekend. When I walked into their house, Mom was halfway through "True Grit" on INSP, (the John Wayne version, not the Coen brothers). I sat down and joined her and, a few minutes later, so did Dad. In media res, I came into the picture at the point where Rooster and La Boeuf have taken Quincy and Moon prisoner in the dugout cabin and Rooster is trying to interrogate Moon about "Lucky" Ned Pepper. I started to tense up because I knew we were coming to the point where Quincy, angry that Moon is about to give Ned up, slams the knife down on the table and cuts off Moon's fingers. It's a personal quirk of mine, but I intensely dislike witnessing unexpected amputations or decapitations onscreen; for that reason, I squirm with dread during "Hush, Hush Sweet Charlotte", the original "Omen", and Tim Burton's "Sleepy Hollow" - I can still enjoy those films but I know I'm going to flinch. At any rate, I was spared; INSP, with an admirable degree of finesse, deftly edited that sequence out of the film. I'm usually no fan of censorship but I had to admit I was relieved. It was deeply satisfying to watch a film again with Mom and Dad; it bought back memories of times past, but it also allowed me to recapture a bit of the undiluted pleasure of watching something without a lot of extraneous detail; I enjoy my magpie-like habit of collecting a multitude of superfluous data regarding a favorite film, but there are moments where it really is beside the point. Still, in a way, it was the best of both worlds: I could experience the visceral satisfaction of seeing a great John Wayne performance in real time, sharing comments about what we were seeing (I was especially amused by how much Mom didn't like Kim Darby), while, in my head, the dual-track was providing a running commentary. In no particular order, while it's still fresh in my mind, here are some of the things that occurred to me while watching, some of which I voiced and some I let slide: I appreciated the overlap of Classic and "New" Hollywood; it was a lot of fun to see the comparatively young Dennis Hopper and Robert Duvall, pre- "Easy Rider" and "The Godfather", respectively, sharing the screen with John Wayne. It was a reminder that there really is more continuity in American film history than we sometimes remember. Later on, I found it surprising to discover that Wayne, Duvall and director Henry Hathaway had some violent clashes on set at several points during the course of production - that's quite the contrast as, now, Duvall seems to have mellowed considerably; today he’s viewed as one of the grand old men of contemporary film. Hopper, on the other hand, had made a film with Hathaway shortly after appearing in "Rebel without a Cause" and, because of his new found celebrity, had behaved quite badly; he later regretted his brattiness, apologized to Hathaway, and was on his best behavior during "True Grit.” Speaking of Henry Hathaway, I always get a kick out of watching the work of one of the tough old war horses who were able to persist in the studio system for decades; by the time he made "True Grit" in 1969, Hathaway had been working as a director since 1932! During his career he specialized in Westerns and Film Noir, although he frequently worked in other genres as well; he was essentially a journeyman director, not renowned for his personal style or signature, although he did make the classic noir "Kiss of Death" in 1947, Continued on page 20...

Thursday, September 22, 2016



Thursday, September 22, 2016

Home, Hearth, and Film…by Mike Holsclaw Continued from page 18…

with Victor Mature and Richard Widmark, and was also responsible for "The Sons of Katie Elder" (not one of my favorites but I know I'm in the minority on this one...). Although he and Wayne had a good working relationship, it's not all that surprising that he and Duvall knocked heads; Hathaway had a reputation for being "difficult" and, as a matter of fact, this is the main reason Kim Darby was cast instead of Mia Farrow; Farrow had wanted the part of Mattie Ross but had been warned away by the horror stories of veterans who had worked with Hathaway in the past. As to Kim Darby, my mother's low opinion of her acting abilities aside, I thought she did a good job of capturing the delicate balance of puritanical moralism and steely, almost ruthless, determination to find her father's murderer that is the essence of Mattie. This, too, was ironic because Wayne thought she had been something of a prima donna on set; disrespectful and self-involved, he wondered if she had been miscast. As you may have already guessed, the production history of "True Grit" was not a happy one; there was tension between the older members of the cast and crew and the younger and Wayne wondered whether, despite a fine adaptation of Charles Portis' novel by screenwriter Marguerite Roberts, that mood of dissension would carry over to the finished film. In a sense, it did, but that actually worked to the movie's benefit; Rooster Cogburn seems like a relic from a different, more dangerous age and, though he's more of an antihero than Wayne usually played, he still has an almost legendary quality about him. Not entirely by design, this makes some members of the younger generation on screen seem smaller and, sometimes, shabbier by contrast. Yet, regardless of any conflicts that may have transpired behind the scenes, the core relationship between Mattie, Rooster and La Boeuf is solid and the quarrelsome respect the three had for one another carries through. Despite any reservations Wayne may have had, the film was an enormous critical and commercial success and, of course, he ultimately won an academy award for his performance. At the Oscars, he said, "... if I'd known that's what it takes, I would have worn an eye patch a long time ago!". It's a strange fact but, not infrequently, film sets where everything is harmony and light can result in movies that ultimately sink without a trace, but sets with a somewhat more tangy, if not toxic, atmosphere can lead to something outstanding. Of course this is hardly an ironclad rule; Clint Eastwood's productions are run like well-tooled timepieces and disagreements are so rare as to be almost nonexistent, yet he often creates amazing works. As the screenwriter William Goldman once said, when it comes to a formula for turning out successful films in Hollywood, "Nobody knows anything!” How many of these ruminations did I share with mom and dad? Not too many; we were enjoying the movie too much for me to keep interrupting with such discursive commentary. Still, I admit that, after the fact, knowing these little tidbits does add to my appreciation of the film. That's the great part about loving movies; you can obsess as much or as little as you like and the pleasure you take in the end will be approximately the same. That's what makes cinema one of the great democratic art forms. It's also why I think, despite every new, refined delivery method that technology comes up with, it will continue to be something best appreciated in a group. You can spend hours fixating on the mechanics of the craft in isolation, but you need the commonality of an audience to give all that rapt attention the spark of life. This weekend, watch a movie (or two) with someone you love; you'll be glad you did! To comment, reach me at Learn more about classic films and enjoy the magic of movies at Movies with Mike. Held the 1st Thursday of each month at 6:00pm downstairs at the Lenoir Library. This program is free and popcorn is provided! For more information, please call 828-728-4207. Caldwell County Public Library website:

Thursday, September 22, 2016



Thursday, September 22, 2016

Job Openings Construction Foreman...W ell established building construction company seeking a foreman with at least 5 yrs experience to be part of our team. Must have very good customer service skills along with great leadership skills. Able to manage more than one job from the ground up & Multi. task, would prefer some computer skills. Also must have own transportation. IF this is you we would love to have you as part of our team. Please contact us 828-963-7000 or email us at Finished Carpenter...W ell established building construction company seeking a finished carpenter with at least 2 yrs experience of finish work to be part of our team. Must have high standards of quality, production & creativity. Also must have all small hand tools and have own transportation. IF this is you we would love to have you as part of our team. Please contact us 828-963-7000 or email us at Carpenter Helper...W ell established building construction company seeking a carpenter helper with at least 1 yrs experience to be part of our team. Must be able to multi task. Would prefer someone who has some knowledge of all areas of construction. Also must have good customer service skills & people skills. Also must have own transportation. IF this is you we would love to have you as part of our team. Please contact us 828-9637000 or email us at

Davenport A+ Elementary School Annual Carnival set LENOIR, NC (September 20, 2016)‌Davenport A+ Elementary School will host their annual Carnival on October 15, 2016. The event will be held from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Wristbands will be sold before the event for $12.00 or purchase them at the door for $17.00. Unlimited games, inflatables, prizes, and a hayride. Also enjoy food from Perks Cafe, El Tacorriendo, TCBY, Blue Moose and many more. There will be a Haunted Trail taking place right after the Carnival at 7:15 p.m. Tickets for the Haunted Trail are $5.00.


Thursday, September 22, 2016

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Thursday, September 22, 2016


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Jewell Harris Fowler Jewell Harris Fowler, age 74, of Granite Falls passed away September 17, 2016. She was born in Burke County on March 16, 1942. Mrs. Fowler was the daughter of the late Orlene Spann Barnes and Paul Granville Harris. She was a member of Granite Falls Church of God which is now known as Abundant Life Church of God. Jewell worked for Kincaid Furniture, Shuford Mills and later became an In-Home Caregiver.

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In addition to her parents, she is preceded in death by her loving husband Roy Fowler Sr. and infant twin daughters.

Job Opening Growing pavement marking company is looking for a pavement marking foreman and installers. Requirements include: high school diploma or GED, valid driver’s license, passing NCDOT physical and drug test, some travel and weekend work. Prior experience and CDL preferred. Reporting location for workers is in Valdese, NC. For applications, email: or fax resume: 828-963-9796. Contact 828-448-1122 with questions. Blue Ridge Striping, LLC is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

the Salon at Park Square “An Upscale Salon Without Upscale Prices!” We now offer massage therapy by Megan Arndt Facials, Pedicures, Manicures, Shellacs, Brisa Gel & Electrolysis 10 Park Square Granite Falls, NC 28630 828.396.7878 We are located in downtown Granite Falls next to Sherrill’s Jewelry

Mrs. Fowler is survived by her sons Kenneth Shinn and wife Patricia of Lenoir and Darren Shinn of Charlotte and daughters, Cathy Shinn Lail and husband Todd of Baton and Deborah Shinn of Hickory as well as sons, Roy Fowler Jr. “Ed” and Peggy McGarity of Sawmills and Jake Fowler and wife Lynn of Grace Chapel. Also surviving is one brother Leonard Harris of Sawmills. Mrs. Fowler is survived by ten Grand Children; Crystal Wilson and husband Ronnie, Joshua Shinn, William Street, Amanda Duty and husband Brad, Tiffany Church, Jason Ward, Bryan Ward and Brittany Fowler. Also left to cherish her memory are nine Great Grand Children; Talan Wilson, River Wilson, Cory Street, Dylan Street, Zachery Stacy, Ayden Gilbert, Adasyn Dula, Megan Ward and Braxton Ward. A lifelong friend since the third grade Elizabeth Icenhour from Taylorsville also survives. The family will receive friends on Wednesday September, 21 at 12:00 at Abundant Life Church of God, Hudson and the funeral service will follow at 1:00 PM with Rev. Dennis Pitts and Rev. Mike Vanderburg officiating. Burial will be at Promised Land Ministry Church Cemetery in Bethlehem following the service. Mackie Funeral Home o f Gran ite Fa lls, NC is serving the family. You may view the obituary online at

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