Thursday, August 16, 2018
Caldwell County, North Carolina Rosemary Marlowe Fountain Dedication on the Lenoir Greenway LENOIR, NC (August 9, 2018) -- Family and friends of Rosemary Marlowe gathered on the Lenoir Greenway Thursday morning, Aug. 9, 2018, to remember Rosemary and dedicate a water fountain in her name. Richard Marlowe, Rosemary’s husband, donated the fountain to the City. Rosemary and Richard spent many hours walking and talking on the Lenoir greenway. Rosemary died last year after putting up a courageous and dedicated fight against cancer. “A lot of things attracted me to [Rosemary], but one of the first things was her always-present smile,” Marlowe said. “It was a window into who she was as a person - genuine, caring, and always looking to help someone else if possible.” Throughout her fight against cancer, Rosemary persevered, Marlowe said, and she endured all the trials and struggles of that fight with “that same ever-present smile.” “She never gave up that she was going to be better one day,” Marlowe said. Less than six weeks after her first major surgery, Rosemary wanted to get back out on the greenway. She wanted to do the things she and her husband did before she got sick. “I couldn’t convince her that it was too early,” Marlowe said. “For those couple of hours every day it seemed like we were able to put our worries and fears behind us.” Continued on page 2…
Midsummer Musings by Dan O’ 4 August is Back to School Safety Month: Know the rules of the 5 CCC&TI Announces Fall Caldwell Cuisine 6
Thursday, August 16, 2018
Caldwell Journal Info
“Published each Thursday by the Caldwell Journal” Established October 2, 2014
Rosemary Marlowe Fountain Dedication on the Lenoir Greenway Continued from page 1...
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After Rosemary passed, Marlowe wanted to create something to honor her, perpetuate her memory, and benefit others. He decided that a water fountain on the greenway would be a great way to remember his wife.
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“It’s my hope that this [fountain] stands here for many years, reminding people of Rosemary,” Marlowe said. “And that it will render aid and comfort to whomever stops by. I’m proud of it, and I think she would be.” Parks and Recreation Director Kenny Story said he really appreciated Marlowe’s generosity. The City will maintain the fountain. “I was so excited for [Marlowe], he’s a good man,” Story said. “And he cares about our Parks and Recreation Department. Thank you for this.”
1/12 Page Ad - $30.00 for 4 weeks (1.275” high x 3.225” wide) 1/6 Page Ad - $45.00 for 4 weeks (2.55” high x 3.225” wide) 1/2 Page Ad - $65.00 for 4 weeks (7.65” high x 3.225” wide) Full Page Ad - $95.00 for 4 weeks (7.65” high x 6.45” wide) 828.493.4798 The content of the articles or the advertisements does not necessarily represent the opinions of anyone affiliated with the Caldwell Journal. The Caldwell Journal is a non-discriminatory paper. Our Deadline Is On Friday At 5pm For Next Week's Paper
Caldwell Journal Weather
Mayor Joe Gibbons thanked Marlowe for coming up with such a great way to honor and remember his wife.
High 90 Low 67 Precipitation: 0.00 in. High 87 Low 66 Precipitation: 0.04 in.
“We are so excited to accept this on behalf of the City of Lenoir and its citizens,” Gibbons said. “And on behalf of the City Council, thank you for this wonderful tribute. This will be something that we will take care of and honor, and I hope everyone will enjoy it every day.”
High 83 Low 65 Precipitation: 0.14 in.
The water fountain is located on the greenway at the south end of the Lenoir Rotary Soccer Complex.
A shower & t-storm around High 82 Low 66 Precipitation: 0.25 in. High 81 Low 66 Precipitation: 0.16 in. High 87 Low 61 Precipitation: 0.00 in. T-storms possible High 81 Low 61 Precipitation: 0.00 in.
Bethlehem Baptist Hosts Annual Picnic on September 16 BETHLEHEM, NC (August 12, 2018) -- Bethlehem Baptist Church will host an annual picnic on Sunday, September 16, 2018, at Bethlehem Park, 369 Bethlehem Park Lane, Taylorsville, NC. “This is a fun and relaxing time of fellowship that we look forward to each year,” says Bethlehem’s pastor Dr. Wayne Caviness. “We invite our community to join us this year at 4pm, with the meal around 5:30pm.” There will be games, inflatables, great food, and time to ‘just sit and visit’! (Please bring a chair or blanket.) Bethlehem Baptist Church is located at 7500 NC Hwy 127N, Taylorsville, NC. For more information, call 828.495.7250 or visit
Thursday, August 16, 2018
Upcoming Caldwell County Right to Life Events Caldwell County Candlelight Memorial for Aborted Children Saturday, September 8, 2018 7 PM Cornerstone Covenant Church (3015 Heffner Pl. Hudson, NC 28638) "This specific day is set aside to allow the entire community to come together & mourn the loss of children who were unable to experience life on this side of Heaven. The service will include prayer, special music, and personal testimonies from individuals who have experienced abortion and know the importance of healing through God's truth. In closing, at sunset, a candlelight ceremony will take place to celebrate the lives of children, which were taken through means of abortion." Contact: Tarah Tugman (828) 229-7917 or Shelley Haney (828) 302-9295 2018 Lenoir Life Chain Sunday, October 7, 2018 2-3 PM Chick-fil-A corner @ US Hwy 18 at US 321 "LIFE CHAIN is a peaceful and prayerful public witness of pro-life individuals standing for 60-90 minutes praying for our nation and for an end to abortion. It is a visual statement of solidarity by the Christian community that abortion kills children and that the Church supports the sanctity of human life from the moment of conception until natural death." Contact: Tarah Tugman (828) 229-7917
Upcoming Christ United Lutheran Church Event What: Summer Outdoor Series Where: Christ United Lutheran Church When: August 18, 2018 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Details: Music with Johnny Howard and his crew Hamburgers and Hot Dogs available Cost: Donations only for Medical Expenses Address: 4681 Grace Chapel Road, Granite Falls, Contact: 828-320-4694 Website:
Cobb Salad Ingredients
1/3 c. red wine vinegar 1 tbsp. Dijon mustard 2/3 c. olive oil kosher salt Freshly ground black pepper 1 head romaine lettuce, coarsely chopped 4 hard-boiled eggs, peeled and quartered 12 oz. cooked chicken, diced 8 slices bacon, cooked and crumbled 1 avocado, thinly sliced 4 oz. crumbled blue cheese 5 oz. cherry tomatoes, halved 2 tbsp. Chopped chives Instructions
In a jar, shake together vinegar, mustard, and oil and season with salt and pepper. On a large platter, spread out lettuce, then add rows of hardboiled egg, chicken, bacon, avocado, blue cheese, and cherry tomatoes. Season with salt and pepper, drizzle with dressing, and garnish with chives.
Thursday, August 16, 2018
Midsummer Musings by Dan O’Neal Confession is good for the soul, so it has been said. That being said, I take such a moment to do that; confess that I have given much thought to this feature that I intended to have completed back in June but honestly, fatigue has set in from time to time this summer season. With that, my confessional leads me to say I have not been much in the mood for “journalism.” On this particular day, that spirit has been rekindled. Part of what I had planned to write about was to first pass along the kudos to Coach Elliott Bridges, Casey Justice, and Jeff Parham on their outstanding spring sports performances in closing the 2017-18 School calendar year. Both the varsity baseball and soccer advanced past the first round in the NCHSAA playoffs; outstanding as always. However, the Varsity Softball exceeded all expectations by advancing to the NCHSAA Class 4A State Championship. Unfortunately, the Lady Spartans came up short in losing the best of three series to the Jack Britt Lady Buccaneers. Nevertheless, unofficially, the Caldwell Journal has declared Varsity Softball the South Caldwell Spartans “Team of the Year” and Casey Justice as South Caldwell’s Varsity Athletics “Coach of the Year”. All in all, the administrations and athletic directors do an outstanding job with enhancing academic and athletic achievement (certainly you notice the order of priority). My apologies to Trent Black for jinxing (i.e. if you are superstitious), running his perfect game in the conference playoff game at the “Big Deal”. He very much had a perfect game going until the late inning where I asked someone in the stands if it was a perfect game, to which the man replied “shhhhhhhh”. So, what happens when the next Freedom Patriot batter come to the plate? He hits a blooper between the first and second baseman breaking up Black’s perfect game. Yes, the Spartans won but next time I will “shoosh” when a no-hitter is in progress. Congratulations also to Carter Lewis for qualifying in the NCHSAA 4A Track meet and finishing eleventh in the pole vault with a height of 12’6”! Congratulations also to Granite Falls own native son Marty Curtis on his retirement from coaching High School baseball. Enough cannot be said with the way he helped shape many a young person in his fortyseven years of coaching, thirty-five of those at Bunker Hill High School. After 400 plus outstanding coaching victories, thank you so very much for your service. In talking with new Bears head coach Todd Setzer, I could only say to him, “your shoe size is not Marty’s shoe size. Do what you do really well!” Also, Marty and his wife Beverly recently celebrated 50 years of marriage, yet another milestone and extended words of congratulations and Happy Anniversary! Congrats also to Caldwell American Legion Post 29 in making the North Carolina State baseball playoffs. I so wish you guys were playing in Asheboro this weekend for the Southeast Regional Legion baseball tournament.
Is anyone shocked that LeBron James signed with the Lakers? Do any of you really care? I’m like, “as if this was such a big mystery, please?” In other musings, Tiger Woods, great to have you back on the PGA Tour. He may not be winning any majors but make no mistake about this, Spieth, Garcia, Mickelson, Johnson et al are very thrilled about him being back in the game. If the Boston Red Sox do not make it to and win the World Serious, oops, Series, that is very much on them. The same applies to the Alabama Crimson Tide football squad. Do not ask where I am on the NFL! Sometime next week, I will have my pre-season varsity sports feature. Again, South Caldwell students are blessed to have faculty, staff, band directors, choral directors, and coaches who truly care. As football coach Marc Kirkpatrick states, “while we certainly want wins, it is even more about team building as well as helping to shape these young people”. There, I finally got this done and will try not to delay too long next time, LOL…
Thursday, August 16, 2018
We Fill Propane Tanks
We have a great selection of Traeger Grills & Accessories We have Air Conditioners and Fans to keep you cool! Stop by Granite Hardware for Free Tickets to the Southern Women’s Show! Traeger Grills
August is Back to School Safety Month: Know the rules of the road RALEIGH, NC (August 2, 2018) -- August is Back to School Safety Month, and North Carolina Insurance Commissioner Mike Causey who also serves as the Chair for SafeKids NC, reminds students, parents, and motorists to use extra caution as students walk, drive, or ride the bus to school. Violating the school bus law can cost you!!! “Passing a stopped school bus can result in the motorist adding four insurance points and seeing an 80 percent increase in auto insurance premiums,” Commissioner Causey noted. “More importantly, making such an ill-advised and unsafe move could result in injury or death to one of our precious children.” While students on traditional calendars will go back to school in late August, students at year-round schools have already started boarding buses and have headed back to class. On a typical day, more than 14,000 school buses carrying nearly 800,000 students operate on North Carolina roads. Commissioner Causey encouraged all motorists to watch for children walking to school or waiting by the roadside for a school bus. And he advised motorists to understand the rules of the road when a school bus is stopped picking up passengers. “In most cases, vehicles must stop in either direction if the school bus stop sign is out, red lights are flashing, and the bus is stopped to load or unload passengers,” Commissioner Causey said. “In some cases, where a median or physical barrier divides the traffic going in different directions, or where a center turn lane separates a four-lane road, motorists traveling the opposite direction from the school bus are not required to stop.” Commissioner Causey also offered National Safety Council tips as students and teachers head back to school.
Thursday, August 16, 2018
CCC&TI Announces Fall Caldwell Cuisine Schedule
Granite Drug Center 828.212.1066
HUDSON, NC (August 13, 2018) -- Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute’s Culinary Arts program has announced the dates and menus for its fall semester installment of Caldwell Cuisine. Each of the meals will be served at 6 p.m. at the J.E. Broyhill Civic Center in Lenoir and are priced at $21 plus tax per person. The events are open to the public, but diners are required to purchase tickets prior to the event. In addition to providing an opportunity for the community to enjoy the gourmet Caldwell Cuisine menus at a reasonable price, the events also provide CCC&TI’s Culinary Arts students a chance to apply their classroom knowledge. Following are the dates and menus for the events: Thursday, Sept. 13 - Africa Starter: Sanbuska - Feta, egg and parsley filled pastry served with Labneh (mint and olive yogurt) Entrée Choice: Tanzanian Chicken Stew - stewed chicken with onion, peppers, potatoes, curry and coconut or Moroccan Snapper with Chermoula - grilled snapper with fava beans, tomatoes, cilantro Dessert: Basbousa - semolina almond cake served with citrus crème anglaise and fresh berries Thursday, Oct. 18 - Greece Starter: Tabbouleh - parsley and bulgur wheat salad with lemon, tomato, cucumber, and pita Entrée Choice: Moussaka - lamb, potato, eggplant, tomato, and feta baked casserole Or Chicken Souvlakia - marinated chicken skewered with onion and pepper served with Greek pilaf and tzatziki sauce Dessert: Honey Pie - cheesecake with ricotta, cinnamon, and honey Thursday, Nov. 1 - Spain Starter: Vegetable Soup - saffron broth with chorizo, tomato, turnip, celery, and jasmine rice Entrée Choice: Pork Tenderloin - seared pork tenderloin with orange sherry glaze, served with Spanish rice Or Braised Rabbit - locally raised rabbit, braised with potatoes, peppers, olives, capers and parsley Dessert: Traditional Flan - airy custard baked with caramel For more information or for tickets, visit
Thursday, August 16, 2018
Thursday, August 16, 2018
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We are now featuring work from local Artisans 14th Annual Happy Valley Fiddlers Convention set for Labor Day Weekend LENOIR, NC (August 8, 2018) -- Experience a perfect Labor Day Weekend on the banks of the Yadkin River being surrounded by mountain music, dance, food and beautiful scenery. Festival music begins at 7:00 PM Friday featuring Pam and Brett Riggs, The Sunny Mountain Serenaders, and Jason Cade along with cakewalks and simple mountain dances ($5 adults, 15 & under free). Gates open for primitive camping on Thursday. Saturday is packed with great entertainment! The music competition begins at 10:00 AM and includes 12 separate categories. The Youth Tent offers music performances by some extremely talented youngsters. Non-music and children’s activities include hayrides, storytelling, children’s crafts, and rock stacking in the river. The weekend ends with a Sunday concert starting at 10:00 AM featuring an all-star lineup of folk, blues, gospel, old-time, Cajun and bluegrass musicians including the Kruger Brothers, The Harris Brothers, Strictly Clean and Decent, Irish folk music plus other performances and workshops. This fantastic weekend ends approximately 5:00 PM on Sunday. Friday $5, Saturday $10, Sunday $15, $25 for Weekend Pass, children under 16 free. When was the last time you had the privilege of sitting on the banks of a mountain river with music echoing throughout the hills around you? So, come for a day or camp for the weekend. Check out the details and directions at
Learn about the historic Happy Valley at
Thursday, August 16, 2018
Granite Falls woman found guilty of robbery and kidnapping LENOIR, NC (August 13, 2018) -- Granite Falls woman will spend at least four years in prison after a Caldwell County jury found her guilty of robbery with a dangerous weapon and second-degree kidnapping during Caldwell County Superior Court last week. The jury returned a guilty verdict for 50-year-old Judy Potter Norris on Wednesday, Aug. 8, 2018, and the Honorable Hugh B. Lewis, Superior Court Judge from Mecklenburg County, sentenced her to an active prison term of four to six years. Norris will serve that sentence in custody of the North Carolina Division of Adult Corrections. An employee of a Granite Falls convenience store was in the parking lot on Jan. 19, 2017, when Norris pulled into the parking lot wearing a mask, sweatshirt and camouflage pants. Upon exiting the vehicle, she pointed a .22-caliber handgun at the employee, told him he was being robbed and forced him into the store bathroom, locking him in from the outside. The defendant then walked to the cash register and took money from it along with rolled coins found under the counter. The employee had his cell phone with him and contacted law enforcement. Officers from Granite Falls Police Department arrived and were able to watch video surveillance of the robbery with managers of the store. They were able to help investigators identify Norris as a suspect by her walk, build, blonde hair protruding from the mask and the fact she was not wearing shoes, which she was known to do when coming into the store on other occasions. The vehicle driven to the store by the defendant was found at her residence along with the mask, sweatshirt and items taken from the store. Det. Clint Ferguson investigated the case for the Granite Falls Police Department. Andrew Jennings handled prosecution for the District Attorney’s Office.
Thursday, August 16, 2018
We Buy, Sell & Trade Tues thru Fri 9 to 5 Sat 9 to 1
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538 Central Street, Hudson, NC 28638 828.728.3161
Step Back In Time…Come Visit YESTERYEARS!!! 1000’s Of Items
Shop Local
Shop Local
Vintage Café (Café & Bakery)
540 Central Street Hudson, NC 28638 (828) 728-3043
The Local Bean (Coffee shop)
536 Central Street Hudson, NC 28638 (828) 726-3888
Blanca’s Cakes
534B Central Street Hudson, NC 28638 (828) 640-7701
State Farm Insurance
534A Central Street Suite A Hudson, NC 28638 (828) 728-5581
Just Roll With It (Food, Wine & Beer)
107 Fairway Ave Hudson, NC 28638 (828) 572-5588
Shop in downtown Hudson & support local!!!
Thursday, August 16, 2018
Virtual Dementia Tour®: An Experience that Can Change Your Outlook HUDSON, NC (August 15, 2018) -- “I had no idea.” “Everyone on the planet needs to experience this!” “You are an active learner…you walk in the shoes of someone with dementia.” “My mom struggled with dementia for 12 years, but it wasn’t until I experienced the Virtual Dementia Tour® that I truly understood what her world was like.” These are just some of the quotes we’ve heard about the Virtual Dementia Tour® (VDT), the original, ground-breaking, evidence-based, and scientifically proven method of building a greater understanding of dementia. The truth is that when dementia strikes, it strikes the whole community, not just the individual. Thanks to the VDT, health care professionals, family caregivers, business leaders, consumer advocates, first responders and educators are experiencing for themselves the physical and mental challenges facing people with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.
The VDT uses patented sensory tools and instruction based on research conducted by P.K. Beville, MS, a specialist in geriatrics and the founder of Second Wind Dreams®. During a VDT experience, trained facilitators guide participants outfitted with patented devices that alter their senses while they try to complete common everyday tasks. The VDT enables caregivers to experience for themselves the physical and mental challenges those with dementia face and use the experience to provide better personcentered care. “The solution to Alzheimer’s disease today and in the foreseeable future is in developing a better and more personal understanding of the day-to-day challenges facing those with the disease,” says Beville. “The VDT program is the tool that makes that understanding possible.” Caldwell Hospice recognized the need and created its dementia care program in 2011 to better serve patients with dementia and their families. “Dementia affects an increasing number of Caldwell Hospice patients and their families, not to mention others in our community,” says Martha Livingston, CSW, one of only four VDT Certified Trainers in North Carolina and 67 in the world. “It is important that we educate and encourage caregivers, families, and friends so they don’t give up in frustration and desperation.” Caldwell Hospice is excited to offer the following Virtual Dementia Tour® opportunities to our community: • Tuesday, August 28, 2018, from 9 to 11 a.m. • Wednesday, October 10, 2018, from 1 to 3 p.m. Each event will be held at Caldwell Hospice’s McCreary Family Professional Center, 526 Pine Mountain Road, Hudson, NC. Participants are led through the 45-minute experience in 10-minute intervals and only need to be present for their appointment time. Appointments are required, and space is limited. To reserve your space or learn more about the Virtual Dementia Tour®, please call 828.754.0101 or email
Hudson's Hot Summer Nights Cruise-In Central Street in downtown Hudson Saturday August 18th 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM Hosted by Hudson Rotary Club Custom and Classic Cruise In. All Makes and Models welcome. The purpose is to promote the classic and custom car and motorcycle culture in the area and to display these beautiful cars, trucks and motorcycles for the public. Food, Ice-Cream, Drinks, Coffee available from our local vendors. Come out and display your shiny rides, or if you don't have one, come out appreciate those that do come.
Thursday, August 16, 2018
Bethlehem Baptist Resumes Mid-Week Fellowship Meals BETHLEHEM, NC (August 12, 2018) -- Following a summer break, Bethlehem Baptist Church will resume Mid-Week Fellowship Meals on Wednesday, September 5, 2018. Join us for a delicious dinner between 5:30 and 6:30pm each Wednesday. Cost is $5 for adults and $3 for children under 13 with a $15 family max. After the meal, there are opportunities for all ages at 6:30pm: BBC KIDS (infants through grade five) enjoy ageappropriate crafts, music and lesson time‌all biblically designed to teach the Gospel and growth their faith. ROCK 127 STUDENTS (grades six through twelve) enjoy Bible study and fellowship. A typical Wednesday night includes games, music, praise and worship, snacks, and an interactive discussion -based lesson from God’s word. BIBLE STUDY for all ages also incorporates a time of prayer and fellowship. Getting into the building may look a little confusing due to construction, but just follow the signs to park behind the building. Entrances from the parking area are to the far left and far right. Guest parking is available near the building, and greeters will welcome you just inside the door. Bethlehem Baptist Church is located at 7500 NC Hwy 127N, Taylorsville, NC. For more information, call 828.495.7250 or visit
Central Baptist Church will be celebrating their 80th Homecoming Anniversary on Sunday, September 9. Rev. Clyde Buckner will lead the worship service with special music by Tommy and Tracy Wilson Smith and family. This celebration service will begin at 10:30am with a covered dish lunch to follow in the Family Life Center. Everyone is invited to attend. Visit our Facebook page at Central Baptist Lenoir for updates. First Baptist Church of Whitnel is in need of a pianist. If interested contact Donna Kaylor at 828308-5516.
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