Opioid REMS Needs Assessment Report

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Electronic Health Record Dissemination of information across all disciplines (ER, pharmacy) 9. Use universal precautions on all patients receiving opioid treatment Not evaluated in workgroups. Not evaluated in workgroups. Not evaluated in workgroups. 10. Revise opioid dosing via titration, rotation (using equianalgesic dosing), or tapering/termination of medication ID patient risk behaviors K – Know how, when, and why to Case studies test Knowledge of various agents Use therapeutically – tell patient that C – How to interpret and Knowledge of addiction, dependence you will randomly drug test communicate results and tolerance Knowledge of tools for determining Knowledge of revising dosing; equianalgesia of agents relationship between dosing and failure of opioid therapy and asking why does treatment fail? 11. Convert treatment from immediate‐release products to extended‐release and long‐acting products Didactic Content could include qquianalgesic Knowledge of equianalgesic Case based dosing, safe medication management, principles, pharmacokinetics, Case studies and vignettes, mentors, and length of treatment. pharmacodynamics. and role‐playing. Refer back to competency #8 Knowledge of indications – when and how to convert, recognized limitations, how to make the transition safely. 12. List adverse effects of opioids (sweating, nausea, low testosterone) Outline drug drug interactions K – Knowledge of adverse effects Didactic for knowledge‐ may be place K – How to effectively List of adverse effects with symptoms Will there be an option to “test out” communicate to patients Likeliness of occurrence Case vignettes, standardized patients, K – What should patient do if they monitor feedback for effectiveness in have reaction communicating. C –Effectively communicate without compromising pts taking drugs 13. Recognize and manage the failure of opioid therapy, including, but not limited to, opioid‐induced hyperalgesia Primary care says this is purview of Patient communication: prepare There is a lack of agreement about specialists, and that appropriate them for this possibility at the the definition of hyperalgesia referral plans are needed. outset. ** Also Discussed by Workgroups: Identify underlying psycho‐social problems that may be associated with chronic non‐malignant pain. Ensuring that you ask the questions Include motivational interviewing Without this information you are and engage the patient to get the most Case vignettes practicing blindly. complete information available Practice based system work

After the work groups presented their reports, the EAPs then again commented on the process and identified where to address educational design issues as we proceed in curriculum development. Summit attendees focused their design on best or “level‐5” education, not simply better care. There was general consensus that curriculum would include self‐assessment that focused on learners’ specific practice, team and system needs. Relevant materials and resources would be presented in an interactive CO*RE Partners Copyright 2011 | Confidential/Not for Distribution


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