Caaasa 2015 Souvenir Book

Page 46

. . . CAAASA 2015 . . .

Harbor Room A

Improving Student Mental Health Practices: A Collaborative Effort Monica Nepomuceno

Education Programs Consultant California Department of Education

David Kopperud

Education Programs Consultant California Department of Education

Recent violent events in schools, coupled with increasing youth suicide rates, have highlighted a critical need for changing the approach in how student mental health is addressed. The California Department of Education (CDE) has established partnerships to increase awareness of student mental health issues and improve access to services. Participants will learn about programs, activities, and services that have resulted from these partnerships. This workshop is for all classified and credentialed school/ district staff, parents, and community partners. Harbor Room B

Preparing for SBAC Testing Ann McLean

Marilyn Reese

Principal (retired) Neal Dow Elementary School

Assistant Principal Neal Dow Elementary School

Incorporating computer adaptive testing into classrooms is imperative as we prepare our students for success on the SBAC. Participants will receive step-by-stepguidance in blended math and ELA lessons that will assist in tracking individual student growth and meet the academic challenges with sub-groups. Find what ignited teachers and students to reach beyond their limits in every classroom. Specific data from students will be shared along with their success stories. Plaza Room A

Winning at All Costs – How to Stay in the CFI Game Diane Marshall-Freeman Partner Fagen Friedman & Fulfrost

When competitive sports trump better judgment and observation of policies, coaches, staff and students stand to lose more than the game. From tryouts and athlete selection to reinforcing academic expectations for student athletes, the range of decisions made by coaches and staff in order to produce star teams and impressive stats can create a myriad of costly legal situations. Not to mention, the bad press can tarnish a reputation for years. Learn about applicable laws and school district regulations affecting athletic participation, along with practical tips to protect your program so you can say in the game from the legal counsel for the California Interscholastic Federation, Diane Marshall-Freeman, partner at Fagen Friedman & Fulfrost. Plaza Room B

One Tweet or Blog Away From A Disaster: Are You Prepared?' Dr. Gerald Dawkins

Senior Vice President Of Superintendent and District Relations k12 Insights

Jesse Leib

k12 Insights

With Social Media constantly changing the landscape, districts must manage their brand and exceed customer expectations more than ever in this hyper competetive environment of school choice. Even the best run schools are only one tweet or blog away from a disaster.Come experience how hundreds of schools across the nation are meeting this challenge.


March 11 - 13, 2015 | San Diego, CA

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