C40 Climate Action in Megacities

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2.7 F uture Climate Actions This section seeks to understand which actions cities intend to initiate or expand upon in the future. Buildings is the sector with the most action planned for expansion across all cities, with 1,013 actions reported for future developments. Cities plan 682 and 694 future actions in the Adaptation and Community-scale Development sectors, respectively.

Figure 2.19: With the exception of Africa and South & West Asia, regions share similar priorities for future expansion of action Proportion of actions planned for future introduction or expansion, by sector and region. 100%


Proportion of action planned for further expansion


Mass Transit has a comparable level of action planned by cities in all regions, comprising approximately 10% of actions in each region.

70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10%

The Buildings sector represents 42% of future climate actions in South & West Asian cities – the largest focus area of any region.



0% Africa

East Asia


Latin America

North South & Southeast America West Asia Asia & Oceania

Mass Transit

Private Transport


Outdoor Lighting

Energy Supply




Community-scale Development

Food & Agriculture

Finance & Economic Development ICT

Based on responses from 51 cities.

African cities also have the highest focus of future action on Water, demonstrating solid future progress from current levels of action.

Cities in Europe have the highest proportion of actions planned for Private Transport, which forms 17% of the region’s future focus. This is the second highest priority for future action in Europe, following behind the Buildings sector (19% of future actions).

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