Business Chief APAC - February 2021

Page 73

best optimise that space to support the

business objectives are met. As such,

return to work – and real-time data from

they are likely to work closely with HR

occupancy based sensors is fuelling

and risk departments as organisations

and enabling that creative approach to

tackle the challenges of infection control

space optimisation.

along with the health and wellbeing of

However, some organisations are now accepting that the home office

their people. What technology and/or approaches

environment will be a permanent exten-

have you seen emerge in the industry

sion of their corporate estate portfolios

due to COVID-19, and how do these

and have been taking steps to ensure

compare to before the outbreak?

their staff are supported, comfortable

JL: Remote access has been the most

and productive for the long-term. One

prevalent technological shift as a result

of the key challenges for CRE heads

of the pandemic. Corporate real estate

entering 2021 will be to balance blended

has evolved, such as through the adop-

‘home and office work’ in such a way that

tion of online management platforms, to

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