BIC July 2014

Page 113

T Ce im 40 le e T Ye br o ar aT s e

T Ca Ha N F Pa or lGa Ks rT be rY oF iNG The Calgary Telus Convention Centre (CTCC) turns 40 this year and plans to share this milestone with all Calgarians. To celebrate the CTCC’s 40 years and to highlight its role in the growth of the city and the lives of many Calgarians, there will be a range of outdoor activities in central Calgary throughout the summer bringing Calgarians and visitors together. HigHligHTs of THe ConvenTion CenTre’s 40 year HisTory inClude: Bringing 200,876 TeaCHers TogeTHer Helping 233,999 sTudenTs CeleBraTe THeir graduaTion WelComing THe THousands of ouT-ofToWn visiTors THaT visiT THe CenTre every Week

generaTing over $50 million spenT By meeTing and ConferenCe delegaTes every year faCiliTaTing THe gaTHering of Hundreds of Canadian Companies aT THe CTCC every year To meeT, To CeleBraTe, and To CommuniCaTe

reCeiving over 350,000 visiTors per year To THe CenTre CreaTing over $105 million in annual eConomiC impaCT on THe CiTy of Calgary HosTing THe Calgary arT markeT sinCe 1986

The Centre was the first full service convention facility built in Canada and was, and remains, a showpiece for the dynamic city of Calgary. The city’s population has increased by approximately one million people in the 40 years since the Centre opened, and the facility has expanded twice since its original construction in 1974 to meet the needs of a rapidly growing city and an ever expanding population. former premier the late ralph klein used a laser to cut the ribbon at the grand opening of the new addition in 2000. The CTCC is a hub of activity for Calgarians and continues to bring people together to share ideas, build new relationships, and to celebrate all that our city has to offer. The Centre has both preserved and created history over the last 40 years. for example, the gargoyles from the original Calgary Herald Building were saved and incorporated into the new facility’s construction. The celebrations planned for this summer feature many of Calgary’s landmarks and will celebrate the city’s past, present, and bright future. Watch for activities this summer and join the Calgary Telus Convention Centre in celebrating 40 years of creating history. | BUSINESS IN CALGARY July 2014 • 113

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